60 yrs and up



  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Just wondering---what is the CSIRO food plan?
  • pippo_11
    pippo_11 Posts: 42 Member
    edited January 2020
    Can't wait to hear how it goes! I essentially follow the CSIRO food plan and you eat lots BUT only of the most beneficial foods. Hope it is a success for you.
    Maybe you could create another thread dedicated to the CSIRO diet? That would be interesting.
  • Timberlan127
    Timberlan127 Posts: 237 Member
    The same thing happens to me when I eat all the goodies that are present when you get together with friends or family. I never feel good the next day. You would think that would make me think next time and not indulge. But it never seems to work that way. LOL The good news is I am still trying to work on it. Maybe some day it will make the difference.
  • getthebabeback
    getthebabeback Posts: 45 Member
    Good morning all!
    Good news about that knee, they can sure be temperamental, I take glucosamine and collagen for my joints, I think it works wonders...for me.
    About the CSIRO diet. Last year I followed this to the letter. I lost weight and was never hungry. I reached my goal in the 12 weeks and then I fell off the wagon. I couldn't get my mojo back. But the core principles stayed with me. I am back to following it but with my own recipes and a few adaptions.

    Today's poster is how I feel when I head to the nut jar (because I have eaten all the other goodies and won't buy any more but still have nuts! Sound familiar?) The dog represents my conscience...which I ignore!

  • Trixie568
    Trixie568 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone !! I am 72 and trying once again to get this weight off. I have thyroid problems and it just increased and so did my medication !! A couple years ago I had lost 47 pounds and then went on vacation with no holds barred...well you know what happened., I gained that back plus quite a few more pounds !! I started this go round on January 1st, 2020, So far I have lost 12 pounds !! I must for health reasons loose this now !! Good luck to all of you on this journey !
  • grace2glory
    grace2glory Posts: 1 Member
    You can do it!! I'm starting over too!
  • getthebabeback
    getthebabeback Posts: 45 Member
    Welcome ladies! Probably many of us are starting over and isn't is great that we are still working on our health and not defeated. I would love to be saying I had lost 12 lbs, well done!


  • getthebabeback
    getthebabeback Posts: 45 Member
    Wow, that is FANTASTIC!!! Congratulations, you deserve every gain. Do you think the exercise is your main weight ridding ace? Do you plan your own meals or do you follow a set plan? I am sure these are a couple of questions those in this group would ask you. What an inspiration you are.
  • ruthtriley394
    ruthtriley394 Posts: 1 Member
    Second time around... I’m 65 now and recently retired so I can concentrate on my health for a change. Logging has previously been a challenge because eating out with clients was part of my job. Now I make logging a priority. The rest of my healthy life begins today!
  • getthebabeback
    getthebabeback Posts: 45 Member
    Sounds like second time around will be the last time time around! Go you!

    Ahhh, I think my weight is stuck in a lift (elevator)! It just keeps going up and down between the same two floors. So frustrating, so demoralising. :(


  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,395 Member
    Second time around... I’m 65 now and recently retired so I can concentrate on my health for a change. Logging has previously been a challenge because eating out with clients was part of my job. Now I make logging a priority. The rest of my healthy life begins today!

    Good luck, with such positivity you are sure yo do well!
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Sounds like second time around will be the last time time around! Go you!

    Ahhh, I think my weight is stuck in a lift (elevator)! It just keeps going up and down between the same two floors. So frustrating, so demoralising. :(


    Mine had been doing that for about a month, then a couple mornings back, I stepped on the scale and it was 1 1/2 lbs. less. Not getting all excited just yet over that because next time I step on, it'll probably go back up. :/ It can be frustrating but the scale is only one thing. It's more important not to let it get you down or give up. Stay patient!!
  • paradise920
    paradise920 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there, just started Keto life style Jan. 1st. Not a NY resolution, I was just ready to feel good. Was told I have hypothyroidism & I have more than enf inflammation in my body. I had been watching dr ken berry on YouTube and it all sounded good. So here I am. I’ve been trying to lose weight for many years. This time it’s for my health. I’ve lost 12 lbs and am not looking back.
  • getthebabeback
    getthebabeback Posts: 45 Member
    Good morning everyone. Thank you for your supportive replies and hi to our new face!
    It seems that in our age bracket, the weight reduction journey is so compounded by other physical issues brought on by ageing bodies and general wear and tear. Some days it seems as though we are really pushing it uphill and this group is really important as we understand each other's struggles as they are often our own as well. 12 lbs is wonderful, well done and wishing you the strength to keep it going!
    Have a strong and productive day, everyone.

  • Timberlan127
    Timberlan127 Posts: 237 Member
    You are all very inspiring. You have wonderful attitudes. If we're all their for each other we can succeed at this battle to get healthy. At our ages we can't afford to put it off any longer. Let's all have a healthy day tomorrow. 😊
  • getthebabeback
    getthebabeback Posts: 45 Member