Less Alcohol - JANUARY 2020- One Day at a Time



  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,626 Member
    As usual, I am going to try for 16-20 AF days for the month.
    I just made it to 16 for December.

    Wednesday January 01 - 3 drinks
    Thursday January 02 - 3 drinks
    Friday January 03 - AF
    Saturday January 04 - AF - Had to delay and delay and delay today, really wanted to have drinks...but I didn't.
    Sunday January 05 - 3 drinks
    Monday January 06 - AF
    Tuesday January 07 - 3 drinks. Although I have skipped some Tuesdays in the past, it is my designated drink day. I felt off the rails today and know that I need to make some changes with jobs, because the Tuesdays are increasingly just too much for me. Tough to find another job at 59, but the stress is ridiculous. That first sip of alcohol was nicely numbing. I know intellectually that it is not the best way to decompress, but it certainly is surefire and quick.
    Wednesday January 08 - AF
    Thursday January 09 - 3 drinks - worked early morning until 8pm today, started thinking by 7pm of having a drink when I got home after a grueling day...and I did. I sure am not racking up many AF days this month so far! I know that I won't get rid of that 5 pound gain over the holidays (which took me 7 months to lose!) unless I stop the alcohol. Work in progress.
    Friday January 10 - AF. Planned wine tomorrow evening with a friend.
    Saturday January 11 - Wine and Brandy. The conversation flowed so easily as those of you who have imbibed in alcohol know how that goes. I was pretty good about having a water in between each drink, that made me feel as if I was "drinking less". Ready to get serious about racking up some AF days soon.
    Sunday January 12 - AF
    Monday January 13 - AF
    Tuesday January 14 - 3 drinks. Pretty much 1 for 1. Going to try to do a little better. No regrets for having drinks tonight. I am never going to be an abstainer, but definitely want to drink less.
    Wednesday January 15 - AF - halfway to the lower end of my goal for the month.
    Thursday January 16 - 3 drinks - wanted the 4th, but knew that it would make me throw up, so didn't. I want to get back to trying to get 2 AF days in a row each time in between.
    Friday January 17 - AF
    Saturday January 18 - AF - It was touch and go there for a couple of hours, I really felt like having a couple of drinks. I am sure that I will be happy about it in the morning that I managed to resist.
    Sunday January 19 - 3 drinks. Definitely will be AF tomorrow, Tuesdays are usually a very busy day for me.
    Monday January 20 - AF
    Tuesday January 21 - AF - Very busy day tomorrow working out of town. No booze today!
    Wednesday January 22 - 3 drinks. Helluva long day. I realize that I reward myself with drinks for working ridiculously long, or the opposite, having a good relaxing day. Thinking about that.
    Thursday January 23 - AF. Dinner and the Ballet tomorrow night where we usually have wine. We'll see, really trying to get back to 2 AF days in a row between drinks days.
    Friday January 24 - AF - The Ballet was great, "Anne of Green Gables", a Canadian Classic Story set in PEI re-imagined as a Ballet. Usually my girlfriends and I have drinks with dinner and wine at the Ballet, but nobody did since everyone was driving, so it was very easy to be AF tonight.
    Saturday January 25 - 3 drinks
    Sunday January 26 - AF - I am battling a flu/cold, so a glass of red wine or a Brandy would have been nice, but shouldn't do 2 days in a row with drinks.
    Monday January 27 - AF - Made the lower point of my monthly goal, tomorrow is Tuesday, we'll see how that goes. Can't believe that there is only 4 days left of the month, that seemed to go so fast, but I guess that I was just very busy with work and it flew by.
    Tuesday January 28 - 3 drinks. I enjoyed them, and it temporarily made my cold/flu feel better.
    Wednesday January 29 - AF

    Running tally: 17AF days out of 29 days so far.
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,814 Member
    edited January 2020
    January accountability ~ 29
    No Alcohol: 20 days
    Alcohol: 9 days (16 drinks)
    Goal: AF days 3 per week / 12 per month
    DH went DRY for January which is a real challenge for him as well … and I’m trying to be supportive.

    You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine. - John C. Maxwell

    Including December in my weekly view.
    Dec 30 - 2 glasses wine
    Dec 31 - AF 😊
    Jan 1 - AF
    Jan 2 - AF
    Jan 3 - AF
    Jan 4 - AF
    Jan 5 - AF
    6 AF days out of 7 this week!!!

    Jan 6 - AF
    Jan 7 - AF
    Jan 8 - AF
    Jan 9 - AF Virgin Bloody Mary & water at happy hour. Water 😊 at Bunco!
    Jan 10 - 2 glasses wine
    Jan 11 - AF
    Jan 12 - 3 glasses wine … DH & I visiting my sister
    5 AF days out of 7 this week!

    Jan 13 - AF LSU National Champions GEAUX Tigers! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’œπŸ˜ŠπŸ’œπŸ˜Š
    Jan 14 - AF
    Jan 15 - AF 😊 Book Club usually split a bottle of wine with DD but she is doing Dry January so it worked this month
    Jan 16 - AF
    Jan 17 - 2 drinks @ fishing camp
    Jan 18 - 2 glasses of wine @ fishing camp
    Jan 19 - AF 😊 @ fishing camp ... Amazed!
    5 AF days out of 7 this week!

    Jan 20 - 1 glass wine celebrate with DH he passed a required certification test; AF 😊 at Book Club
    Jan 21 - AF
    Jan 22 - AF
    Jan 23 - 1 glass of wine @ Alumnae Meeting - Make It, Bake It, Fake It fundraiser
    Jan 24 - 2 glasses of wine … date night out with DH
    Jan 25 - 2 mimosas @ daughter’s bridal shower brunch
    Jan 26 - AF @ Cast live theater with my sister & mom; sister wanted to grab wine at BR Vino before the show but I passed and held strong to get my 3rd AF day in for the week!
    3 AF days out of 7 this week. Some weeks are tougher than others … squeaked through meeting my weekly goal.

    Jan 27 - AF
    Jan 28 - AF
    Jan 29 - 1 Torchy’s Tini

    DH & I went out to Torchy's Taco and enjoyed guac & chips, a single taco (if you've been there you know one is all you need) and a single drink each. Amazed that we stopped at one. More amazed that we did not come home and drink more. This is starting to work for both of us ... reducing the evening boredom drinking.
    DH is still having withdrawal symptoms with headaches in the morning when he doesn't have a drink the night before but they are getting better.
    Planning to keep up this goal of reduced alcohol in the evenings and see where it takes us. Life has definitely more balanced and less frustrating.

    Possibly heading to the fishing camp this weekend ... so more challenges ahead for the beginning of February!
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,560 Member
    edited January 2020
    Here is a quick link to next months continued thread. YOU are only a "click" away.
    See you over there Saturday Feb 1st.

  • brittgreenlikethecolor88
    brittgreenlikethecolor88 Posts: 1,080 Member
    edited January 2020
    Old habit: 1-4 drinks/evening.
    Goal: Ease into only drinking on weekends! Consistantly be AF 5 days a week.

    Jan 5- 2 drinks
    Jan 6- 1 drink
    Jan 7- AF 😁
    Jan 8- AF 😁
    Jan 9- AF 😁
    Jan 10- None work night. 2 drinks
    Jan 11- AF :D
    Jan 12- 1 drink
    Jan 13- AF :D
    Jan 14- 3.5 drinks
    Jan 15- 1 drink.
    Jan 16- AF 😁
    Jan 17- 1 drink
    Jan 18- 3 drinks
    Jan 19- 3 drinks
    Jan 20- 2 drinks
    Jan 21- AF :D
    Jan 22- AF :D
    Jan 23- AF 😁
    Jan 24- 2 drinks
    Jan 25- 2 drinks
    Jan 26- AF :D
    Jan 27- AF :D
    Jan 28- AF :smiley:
    Jan 29- AF :D

    13 AF / 25 Days