Are you over 200pds, let's diet together



  • eppen5
    eppen5 Posts: 32 Member
    So I'm back to report on my weekend with the in-laws. Thanks everybody for your suggestions. I think I did pretty well given there was food everywhere at every hour! I wasn't perfect but I think I made reasonable choices. I had the birthday cake but I skipped the bagels, pies and blintzes. It was fun and I didn't make an issue of food--just tried to "do nothing stupid". I guess I'll know when I weigh in on Friday.

    Welcome to everyone just joining in. The more the merrier.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    eppen5, whatever the scale says, that was a victory. Because once you've handled the situation with a degree of moderation and sensibility, it becomes easier next time, and the following time, and so on out.
  • stella7x7
    stella7x7 Posts: 2,654 Member
  • VeggieMeg71
    VeggieMeg71 Posts: 205 Member
    Anyone have ideas for healthy vegetarian Super Bowl snacks? We're having a few friends over, and we're kind of known for having good party food, so I'd like to serve something really good, but as nutritious and low-cal as possible!
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    Anyone have ideas for healthy vegetarian Super Bowl snacks? We're having a few friends over, and we're kind of known for having good party food, so I'd like to serve something really good, but as nutritious and low-cal as possible!

    There's always ye old cut vegetable tray. Despise him not, for he is tasty and reliable. I would also add a plate of various pickles; sweet, dill, hot, various pickled veggies...that may just be a family thing but where I come from that's always on the buffet.

    There's also things like cutting up sweet potatoes and turnips and treating them like oven fries, which is even better if you shake them with a bit of olive oil and some herbs before roasting. Of course you can do that with potatoes, but the other are lower glycemic if that's a factor. People who aren't watching calories would have the option of cheese sauce for their fries if you wanted to offer it. (And if you're sensible otherwise, a cup of hot cheese won't break you.)

    Hummus, baba ghanoush, guacamole, tomato salsa, and tapenade make good dips. Tapenade is saltier, though. As far as bread-style dippers go, the more things you get that are baked and the fewer fried, the lower the calories are.

    A vegetarian chili would make a good centerpiece. Add shredded cheese and chopped onions to garnish. I suspect even the most unrepentant gourmand would not miss meat or calories if he put the chili on the oven fries and garnished it.

    Some of this you can also manipulate in service. Buy smaller paper plates, and buy small two ounce cups for the dips. If it's right there people will use them, and it's easier to control calories that way.

  • thenewkayla
    thenewkayla Posts: 313 Member
    SW: 240
    CW 1-29: 223
    Febuary goals💖💖💖💖
    1. Lose 4 lbs (219)
    2. Increase the length of my workouts from 20 to 30 mins
    3. Walk/jog on the trail 1x a week
  • jockette18
    jockette18 Posts: 26 Member
    jockette18 wrote: »
    Starting weight
    1/1/20 211.4 pounds

    today weight
    8/1/20 =209 pounds = 2.4 loss
    15/1/20 = 205.6 pounds = 3.4 loss
    23/1/20 = 207 pounds = 1.4 gain
    29/1/20 = 205.4 pounds = 1.6 loss

    So my total weight loss for January was 6 pounds.
    Happy with this as this was mainly diet only.
    Plan for February is to add an exercise program and fingers crossed to loose 4 pounds.

    Congratulations to all who have lost weight or dress sizes this month.
    For those that have not lost please keep going..
  • AlexandraMBT
    AlexandraMBT Posts: 21 Member
    Weigh in day:

    Jan. 1: 247.5
    Jan. 9: 245.0
    Jan. 16: 243.5
    Jan. 23: 245.0
    Jan. 30: 244.0

    Lower than last week happy about that.
  • celticck77
    celticck77 Posts: 113 Member
    @canofworms - welcome to the group. you can usually find plenty of encouragement here. Do you work out? What is your eating plan? I use this site and track my calories. That seems to be working for me.
  • celticck77
    celticck77 Posts: 113 Member
    stella7x7 wrote: »

    Hey there. How is it going? Looks like you took a little hit there. How are you feeling?
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    Well, I did the weekly shop. Normally this leaves me on the verge of tears with the pain in my lower back and feet and ankles, and I have to bring things in, put away the cold things, and then sit down for a few hours before I can put away the dry goods. Often I've skipped lunch because it hurt too much to stand up to put it together.

    Today: I did the shopping, put away all the groceries, made lunch, served it to the other members of my family, and finally sat down, wincing slightly, to eat my lunch. This is a LOT better than it used to be. The scale isn't moving, but clearly I'm carrying less weight on my feet and lower back.
  • VeggieMeg71
    VeggieMeg71 Posts: 205 Member
    Weighed in this morning.
    Jan 02: 239
    Jan 09: 235
    Jan 16: 232.5
    Jan 23: 229.7
    Jan 30: 228.5