Guns baby... More specifically ladies shooting guns.



  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Q: You're on :)
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    I've gone target shooting with my husband and I enjoy it. Even have considered taking a concealed weapons course for self defense
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Let me shoot your guns and I'll love you forever.

    P.S. you can't even really SEE the gun in your avatar.
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    It is a free contry and we are protected under our Amendment rights. Which I choose to exercise! I have a concealed weapons permit. I carry every time I leave my house. I am actally thinking about purchasing a new pistol this week end!
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    I have hunted since 1993. I shoot all of the time and have various guns. I even have my concealed weapon permit. We had a convict escape from a nearby prison last year and they could not find him for weeks. Guess why. He knew that the people in this county and state generally have self protection!
  • jeffsgal105
    jeffsgal105 Posts: 195 Member
    Personally, I would think it inappropriate if you were aiming the gun at a baby. Nothing wrong with your picture as far as I can see! I wonder what their real issue is?
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I don't like spanking or S&M either
    Then it's can't come to the orgy
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Um, what kind of gun? Personally, I like .22 pistols, but my mom's .38 revolver just feels kind of bad *kitten*, but nothing, I mean NOTHING, is as fun as laying in the grass at my family farm shooting a rifle across the "crick" and watching gallons of water explode...except when it's pumpkins.

    9mm, 22 rifle and a 40cal is what we shot that day (few months ago). It was so much fun!! I don't own one, nor do I feel it would do me any good to own one for self defense. But as a new thing to do it was awesome!
  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    I love it! I have my own Walther p22 and have spent numerous hours at the shooting range. My husband travels a lot and I like the security it gives me, should I ever need it. Before that, I was an expert marksman for the 2 years I was in the U. S. Air Force & I just started hunting with my husband 2 years ago and love it!

    Some girls just don't get it. No big deal, just don't tell me what I'm doing is inappropriate because it's not something you're into.
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    Totally offensive. What kind of targets were you shooting at? You might also be racist.
  • I HATE guns. I hate violence. Never let my children have toy guns or play violent video games. I can't even watch violent movies or tv shows - it's actually too upsetting for me and plays over & over in my mind.
    But I'd never tell another person not to have a gun (tho some ppl shouldn't)
    Violence is like sex - it's a personal choice
    (I don't like spanking or S&M either)

    Hahahaha!!! LOVE this!!! ^^^^^^
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    Im a girl....i can shoot and enjoy shooting guns....

    Nothing wrong with it by me....

    Course Im from the South and for some reason....its expected down here LOL j/k dont everybody get their panties in a bunch cos I said something about southern women
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    I have a picture of my wife taken in a studio- she is holding her silenced AR-15 with the two point tactical sling wearing her shorts and sandals. SOmeone else who saw that pic said "That's a scary sight- a nice middle aged woman who looks like the worse thing she ever did was burn some muffins holding a suppressed AR" - and they meant that as a compliment.

    My thoughts? More women need to learn to shoot and carry- and they need to teach their children. Shooting is fun and shooting is a great equalizer when a 110 pound woman is attacked by a 230 pound piece of slime. I personally have turned 3 "anti-gun" woman around who now carry regularly (one of them has even taken advanced tactical classes to better survive a lethal encounter). My wife carries a Sig P220, one friend has an XDm and my other carries an HK USPc.

    I shoot monthly and train twice a year. Got my wife shooting 20 years ago and my son was shooting by the time he was 8 (though he was trained in gun safety before he could crawl).

    And I cannot tell you how many women have left a range where I am at with HUGE smiles when I invite them to shoot my weapons. These are the weapons with the moronic b/f or husband who denigrate them, etc. when they cant handle shooting a 44 mag or other big bore weapon as their introduction to shooting. My wife and I will entice these poor dears who are almost in tears back to the firing line and make sure they have a good time.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    **rolls eyes**

    There is always someone who thinks they should tell someone something is inappropriate or appalling...

    Now if you were holding up a kitten with a blind fold on with the gun pointed to it's head....THAT would be inappropriate.

    But shooting at someplace meant for just that...all while (I'm assuming) being supervised on gun safety, is not inappropriate.

    BTW...I'm all for guns...and smart people...and safety courses.


  • Guns are no more dangerous than the person using it. A gun is a tool, just like a hammer, a saw, or a screwdriver- they all have their specific purpose, but also have the ability to be misused, usually by an untrained, uneducated person. THAT'S where the fear and appalling comments come from.. I commend you for having that as your pic- I like it! I carry a firearm everyday for both work and self defense. You should definitely go shooting some more!! It's a good skill to have..
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I like letting ladies shoot my gun for a small fee, I call that the money shot.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Um, what kind of gun? Personally, I like .22 pistols, but my mom's .38 revolver just feels kind of bad *kitten*, but nothing, I mean NOTHING, is as fun as laying in the grass at my family farm shooting a rifle across the "crick" and watching gallons of water explode...except when it's pumpkins.

    9mm, 22 rifle and a 40cal is what we shot that day (few months ago). It was so much fun!! I don't own one, nor do I feel it would do me any good to own one for self defense. But as a new thing to do it was awesome!

    Isn't it awesome?! I love shooting. *sigh* I'm going to have to bust out some targets when I visit my parents and shoot this weekend.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    But, I've gotten some interesting PMs with people that find it inappropriate or even appalling.

    I'm intrigued... What are your thoughts?
    Depends who you're shooting... :bigsmile:

    I'm not in favour of them being commonplace, nor should they be banned or seen as necessarily being a problem. In an ideal world they'd only be owned by licence holders who have a genuine interest in hunting or shooting, and I have no issue with that at all.

    People who buy them for personal protection? Get real. Unless you're one of the very few who are well practiced, you'd be useless with a handgun in a real life threatening situation.
  • glockster972
    glockster972 Posts: 704 Member
    Well, I find it quite sexy when a woman shoots a gun. And to the gun haters......if it weren't for guns you'd have no freedom to speak on how you hate guns!
  • skbruewer
    skbruewer Posts: 144 Member
    We have what my friends have deemed, an "arsenal", at my house. I don't care for hunting like my husband, but I love going to the range and shooting at paper men!