Less Alcohol - FEBRUARY 2020 - One Day at a Time



  • helen_goldthorpe
    helen_goldthorpe Posts: 340 Member
    1 - 330ml beer, 250ml wine
    2 - AF
    3 - AF
    4 - AF
    5 - AF
    6 - AF
    7 - AF
    8 - 330ml Belgian beer (11%)
    9 - AF
    10 - AF
    11 - AF
    12 - AF
    13 - AF
    14 - AF
    15 - AF
    16 - AF
    17 - AF
    18 - AF
    19 - AF
    20 - AF
    21 - 3 glasses of wine
    22 - AF
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,814 Member
    Feb accountability ~ 22
    No Alcohol: 9 days
    Alcohol: 13 days (38 drinks)
    Goal: AF days 3 per week / 12 per month

    You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine. - John C. Maxwell
    Including January in my weekly view.
    Jan 27 - AF
    Jan 28 - AF
    Jan 29 - 1 Torchy’s Tini
    Jan 30 - AF
    Jan 31 - AF
    Feb 1 - 2 beers @ fishing camp
    Feb 2 - 1 beer, 2 Ice @ fishing camp
    4 AF days out of 7 this week!

    Feb 3 - AF
    Feb 4 - 4 glasses of wine (split 2 bottles wine)
    Feb 5 - AF
    Feb 6 - AF @ Bunco 2nd time this year!
    Feb 7 - 4 glasses of wine (split 2 bottles of wine)
    Feb 8 - AF
    Feb 9 - 2 glasses of wine
    4 AF days this week!

    Challenging couple of weeks ahead
    Feb 10 - AF
    Feb 11 - AF
    Feb 12 - 1 glass wine
    Feb 13 - 3 glasses wine
    This weekend will be even more challenging at the fishing camp. My sister is bringing cosmos, my son & his wife are bringing drinks, my aunt & uncle are always heavily supplied from bloody marys in the morning to stiffer drinks in the afternoon & evening, and then the perpetual big 5pm cocktail hour looking out over the water.
    Feb 14 - AF @ fishing camp. When we arrived late that evening everyone had a drink in hand. I stuck with water and lo and behold I was the only one that spilled my drink!
    Feb 15 - 1 bloody mary, 1 cosmos, 2 wine, 2 prosecco @ fishing camp Celebrating my Mom’s 84 birthday with her 2 sisters (1 visiting from Florida) that also have February birthdays. Dinner party for 14.
    Feb 16 - 3 wine @ fishing camp
    3 AF days this week but not sure it makes up for all the drinks!
    Feb 17 - AF Book Club
    Feb 18 - AF
    Feb 19 - 2 glasses wine AF Book Club
    Feb 20 - 3 glasses wine Alumnae Meeting at my home. 7 bottles of wine were passed to me via the Wine Kitty OH NO
    Feb 21 - 3 glasses wine
    Feb 22 - 2 glasses wine
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,633 Member
    As usual, I am going to try for 16-20 AF days for the month.
    Short month, so this might be challenging.
    I had 18AF days for January

    Saturday February 1 - AF - Superbowl party tomorrow (yes, we Canadians love it too) so not planning to be AF. I am planning to intersperse glasses of water between drinks, and I have 1 cold no-alcohol beer to take with me to the party.
    Sunday February 2 - Drinks and too much fattening food, but very fun. Shakira and JLo were great!
    Monday February 3 - AF - Felt a bit rough this morning until I had my lemon water.
    Tuesday February 4 - AF - It is my designated drinks day, but I also am trying to have 2AF days in a row in between, so abstained.
    Wednesday February 5 - 3 drinks
    Thursday February 6 - AF
    Friday Feb 7 - AF - The weight is finally coming down after Superbowl. We have a big event here in town next weekend, Winter Blitzville, the second annual. They close off the downtown and snowmobiles flip in the air over ramps, there are live bands, bbqs on the main street, fireworks etc. Many people will come back and forth from my house over the course of the day and night (I live right downtown) and I will put a giant pot of mulled wine on the stove for people coming and going to use the washroom and warm up a bit. I am going to try for only 2 drink days before then, because I will for sure want to indulge in some Mulled Wine. Guess that I will need to clean my house a bit lol.
    Saturday Feb 08 - AF - It was a planned day for drinks, but I wasn't feeling that well, so wanted to give my body a fighting chance.
    Sunday Feb 09 - AF - I was going to have Champagne to watch the Oscars, but didn't. OMG, 4 AF days in a row!! Second time ever
    Monday Feb 10 - AF - My first time to 5 AF days in a row. Planned drinks day tomorrow.
    Tuesday Feb 11 - 3 drinks - I thought that they might hit me after 5 AF days, but surprisingly they didn't. Hmm. Big dinner I guess.
    Wednesday Feb 12 - AF - Even though I didn't feel "buzzed" last night, I still felt a bit rough today. Planning on AF until Mulled Wine on Saturday.
    Thursday Feb 13 - AF - Still didn't feel well today, but got through the work day and wasn't up to having drinks.
    Friday Feb 14 - AF - I did have very small 1/2 teaspoon tastes of the mulled wine to adjust the sugar, cloves etc. while the vat was simmering - possibly an ounce altogether, but I am not counting that. Tomorrow I will be having some with guests.
    Saturday Feb 15 - Mulled Wine, a bunch of small servings.
    Sunday Feb 16 - AF - planning on AF tomorrow also.
    Monday Feb 17 = AF
    Tuesday Feb 18 - 3 drinks.
    Wednesday Feb 19 - AF - Planning on AF tomorrow also.
    Thursday Feb 20 - AF - I am still feeling the after effects of that cold/flu that I had, still sniffling and coughing. I have so much mulled wine left from the weekend and it might have served as an antihistamine, but I am on a new path to make sure that I have at least 2AF days in between, so didn't have any. Nyquil or Neo Citran will suffice before bed so that I can lay down without being stuffed up.
    Friday Feb 21 - AF - Sitting at 750 calories for the day, so I need to find a way to consume some more. This never happens when I have alcohol of course (think a vat of pistachio nuts to accompany the booze). Stuffed up, so not too interested in food. Happy to have hit the lower portion of my monthly goal with so many days left!! I am likely going to have some mulled wine tomorrow.
    Saturday Feb 22 - 1 glass of mulled wine in the afternoon. It felt really nice for my cold that returned this week, temporary antihistamine, delicious, and warm.

    Running tally - 16AF days out of 22 days so far
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,192 Member
    Day 16 AF done! And starting week 5 of no restaurant-no takeout challenge. For the first 2 weeks of not drinking or going out, I saved $404 (food and wine) and a conservative 5760 alcohol calories alone. Money and calorie savings are huge motivators for me. I'd love to put that money towards booking more hiking/trekking trips abroad.

    Congrats on day 16 or 18 by now! I also like your no restaurant/no takeout challenge. And it can be meditative to shop and cook for yourself.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,192 Member
    MissMay wrote: »
    Friday night was my planned - wild -crazed - out of control - drink night out....🤣 consumed one craft beer over a 2.5 hour period and home by 8:30pm.
    Enjoy the weekend less alcohol warriors!

    I'm so happy for you. You kept it simple, enjoyed the beer, and saved yourself a hangover. xo
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,633 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    AF tonight even with some spring like temps - went for a hike, a family walk to the park, and grilled burgers for dinner and am still under cals for the week. All that would normally have me reaching for the Rose but I decided I needed to squeeze in an extra weekend AF day because I have tickets to two hockey games and book club this week before the end of the month!!!

    Right now 11/23 days AF.

    Kind of jelly that you get to go to all of those hockey games!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    AF tonight even with some spring like temps - went for a hike, a family walk to the park, and grilled burgers for dinner and am still under cals for the week. All that would normally have me reaching for the Rose but I decided I needed to squeeze in an extra weekend AF day because I have tickets to two hockey games and book club this week before the end of the month!!!

    Right now 11/23 days AF.

    Kind of jelly that you get to go to all of those hockey games!

    We bought into a partial season pack with some friends who have been long time season ticket holders but with the Blues winning the Stanley Cup (woot!) last year the prices were too high for them to keep the whole set for themselves. We ended up with 13 games but 5 of them are in February! Blackhawks Tuesday that should be awesome!
  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,522 Member
    Day 19 AF done! In the Feb. home stretch -only 4 more AF days for me and then I fly out to visit the in-laws for a three day family group event. I've been told there will be no cooking permitted and we're all eating out. Feels like a kidnapping event already....kidding...but I am trying not to imagine stress that hasn't happened. Let me visualize that all will go wonderfully, that I will have 1 drink with meals and not buy any bottles except for Pellegrino. And a chocolate candy stash in my handbag for emergencies! Preparation is key :)
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,814 Member
    Feb accountability ~ 23
    No Alcohol: 10 days
    Alcohol: 13 days (38 drinks)
    Goal: AF days 3 per week / 12 per month

    You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine. - John C. Maxwell
    Including January in my weekly view.
    Jan 27 - AF
    Jan 28 - AF
    Jan 29 - 1 Torchy’s Tini
    Jan 30 - AF
    Jan 31 - AF
    Feb 1 - 2 beers @ fishing camp
    Feb 2 - 1 beer, 2 Ice @ fishing camp
    4 AF days out of 7 this week!

    Feb 3 - AF
    Feb 4 - 4 glasses of wine (split 2 bottles wine)
    Feb 5 - AF
    Feb 6 - AF @ Bunco 2nd time this year!
    Feb 7 - 4 glasses of wine (split 2 bottles of wine)
    Feb 8 - AF
    Feb 9 - 2 glasses of wine
    4 AF days this week!

    Challenging couple of weeks ahead
    Feb 10 - AF
    Feb 11 - AF
    Feb 12 - 1 glass wine
    Feb 13 - 3 glasses wine
    This weekend will be even more challenging at the fishing camp. My sister is bringing cosmos, my son & his wife are bringing drinks, my aunt & uncle are always heavily supplied from bloody marys in the morning to stiffer drinks in the afternoon & evening, and then the perpetual big 5pm cocktail hour looking out over the water.
    Feb 14 - AF @ fishing camp. When we arrived late that evening everyone had a drink in hand. I stuck with water and lo and behold I was the only one that spilled my drink!
    Feb 15 - 1 bloody mary, 1 cosmos, 2 wine, 2 prosecco @ fishing camp Celebrating my Mom’s 84 birthday with her 2 sisters (1 visiting from Florida) that also have February birthdays. Dinner party for 14.
    Feb 16 - 3 wine @ fishing camp
    3 AF days this week but not sure it makes up for all the drinks!
    Feb 17 - AF Book Club
    Feb 18 - AF
    Feb 19 - 2 glasses wine AF Book Club
    Feb 20 - 3 glasses wine Alumnae Meeting at my home. 7 bottles of wine were passed to me via the Wine Kitty OH NO
    Feb 21 - 3 glasses wine
    Feb 22 - 2 glasses wine
    Feb 23 - AF
    b]3 AF days this week[/b]

    No challenging days foreseen in the rest of the month.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,633 Member
    As usual, I am going to try for 16-20 AF days for the month.
    Short month, so this might be challenging.
    I had 18AF days for January

    Saturday February 1 - AF - Superbowl party tomorrow (yes, we Canadians love it too) so not planning to be AF. I am planning to intersperse glasses of water between drinks, and I have 1 cold no-alcohol beer to take with me to the party.
    Sunday February 2 - Drinks and too much fattening food, but very fun. Shakira and JLo were great!
    Monday February 3 - AF - Felt a bit rough this morning until I had my lemon water.
    Tuesday February 4 - AF - It is my designated drinks day, but I also am trying to have 2AF days in a row in between, so abstained.
    Wednesday February 5 - 3 drinks
    Thursday February 6 - AF
    Friday Feb 7 - AF - The weight is finally coming down after Superbowl. We have a big event here in town next weekend, Winter Blitzville, the second annual. They close off the downtown and snowmobiles flip in the air over ramps, there are live bands, bbqs on the main street, fireworks etc. Many people will come back and forth from my house over the course of the day and night (I live right downtown) and I will put a giant pot of mulled wine on the stove for people coming and going to use the washroom and warm up a bit. I am going to try for only 2 drink days before then, because I will for sure want to indulge in some Mulled Wine. Guess that I will need to clean my house a bit lol.
    Saturday Feb 08 - AF - It was a planned day for drinks, but I wasn't feeling that well, so wanted to give my body a fighting chance.
    Sunday Feb 09 - AF - I was going to have Champagne to watch the Oscars, but didn't. OMG, 4 AF days in a row!! Second time ever
    Monday Feb 10 - AF - My first time to 5 AF days in a row. Planned drinks day tomorrow.
    Tuesday Feb 11 - 3 drinks - I thought that they might hit me after 5 AF days, but surprisingly they didn't. Hmm. Big dinner I guess.
    Wednesday Feb 12 - AF - Even though I didn't feel "buzzed" last night, I still felt a bit rough today. Planning on AF until Mulled Wine on Saturday.
    Thursday Feb 13 - AF - Still didn't feel well today, but got through the work day and wasn't up to having drinks.
    Friday Feb 14 - AF - I did have very small 1/2 teaspoon tastes of the mulled wine to adjust the sugar, cloves etc. while the vat was simmering - possibly an ounce altogether, but I am not counting that. Tomorrow I will be having some with guests.
    Saturday Feb 15 - Mulled Wine, a bunch of small servings.
    Sunday Feb 16 - AF - planning on AF tomorrow also.
    Monday Feb 17 = AF
    Tuesday Feb 18 - 3 drinks.
    Wednesday Feb 19 - AF - Planning on AF tomorrow also.
    Thursday Feb 20 - AF - I am still feeling the after effects of that cold/flu that I had, still sniffling and coughing. I have so much mulled wine left from the weekend and it might have served as an antihistamine, but I am on a new path to make sure that I have at least 2AF days in between, so didn't have any. Nyquil or Neo Citran will suffice before bed so that I can lay down without being stuffed up.
    Friday Feb 21 - AF - Sitting at 750 calories for the day, so I need to find a way to consume some more. This never happens when I have alcohol of course (think a vat of pistachio nuts to accompany the booze). Stuffed up, so not too interested in food. Happy to have hit the lower portion of my monthly goal with so many days left!! I am likely going to have some mulled wine tomorrow.
    Saturday Feb 22 - 1 glass of mulled wine in the afternoon. It felt really nice for my cold that returned this week, temporary antihistamine, delicious, and warm.
    Sunday Feb 23 - AF
    Monday Feb 24 - AF

    Running tally - 18AF days out of 24 days so far
  • helen_goldthorpe
    helen_goldthorpe Posts: 340 Member
    1 - 330ml beer, 250ml wine
    2 - AF
    3 - AF
    4 - AF
    5 - AF
    6 - AF
    7 - AF
    8 - 330ml Belgian beer (11%)
    9 - AF
    10 - AF
    11 - AF
    12 - AF
    13 - AF
    14 - AF
    15 - AF
    16 - AF
    17 - AF
    18 - AF
    19 - AF
    20 - AF
    21 - 3 glasses of wine
    22 - AF
    23 - AF
    24 - AF

    I'm only expecting one more drinking day this month (friday) which will make this my best month since October when I didn't drink at all. Quite pleased with that.