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  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »'re not trying to lose or're trying a bulk/cut cycle?

    I mean, your posts are all over the place in this thread from losing to maintaining to bulk. I think you could pick a direction and stick with that direction for 4-6 weeks, just like when you were losing. Get off the fence. :lol:

    You know your calorie needs, right? You have the spreadsheet. Trust the process a little.

    How about just getting comfortable at a goal range of five pounds and then lifting some heavy stuff and putting it back down.

    I do not feel like I am on the fence. Just trying to adjust. I am trying to recomp and practice maintenance while I do it. I don't recall saying anything remotely about trying to bulk, in fact, I thought I was quite clear that I probably would likely not be comfortable doing anything like that for several years after I reach some sort of goal.

    I probably did lose a little this last week which is not my goal but, again, trying to adjust. That is why I gave my first week an unsatisfactory grade.

    I don’t think this sounds ‘unsatisfactory’. You are an analytical person and are well on top of your data. Go easy on yourself. It’s not unsatisfactory, you are still learning how to do maintenance.

    I am not really being hard on myself. I have my permission to flail about a bit while I adjust. The week could have gone better which is true.

    You might also be right. Maybe leaving 1k+ deficit some weeks will be normal and another week will balance it out. I don't normally think in terms of balancing calories over a month or more. Maybe that is a normal thing and I am being unfair. I will figure it out in time.

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,660 Member
    @NovusDies , you know that I advocate experimenting. And sometimes re-framing. I know you want to practice maintenance. But honestly, losing a bit of weight from your current position while practicing maintenance? I would call that more of a win than a loss. i.e. so what if your "maintenance practice" contains periods of loss? In the end, most of us know that we can eat more / more calorically dense food and stop any loss in its tracks! :smiley: And, of course, at maintenance there will always be weeks where we trend up a bit, right?

    For me, my biggest "revelation" re: maintenance, was to try to convince myself to avoid "abrupt" adjustments.

    I've seen a lot of people regain a few lbs and then go full on "diet mode" to remove them. Or, even worse, promise themselves they would; but, postponing the start date, etc--which feeds into my make it easy viewpoint!

    So far what has worked for me has been "smaller" adjustments, usually done by trying to increase my consistency re: hitting my caloric goals. As you know I am set on a deficit and keep eating in the red... so I try to reduce the red when I want to go down!:smiley:
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    @NovusDies , you know that I advocate experimenting. And sometimes re-framing. I know you want to practice maintenance. But honestly, losing a bit of weight from your current position while practicing maintenance? I would call that more of a win than a loss. i.e. so what if your "maintenance practice" contains periods of loss? In the end, most of us know that we can eat more / more calorically dense food and stop any loss in its tracks! :smiley: And, of course, at maintenance there will always be weeks where we trend up a bit, right?

    For me, my biggest "revelation" re: maintenance, was to try to convince myself to avoid "abrupt" adjustments.

    I've seen a lot of people regain a few lbs and then go full on "diet mode" to remove them. Or, even worse, promise themselves they would; but, postponing the start date, etc--which feeds into my make it easy viewpoint!

    So far what has worked for me has been "smaller" adjustments, usually done by trying to increase my consistency re: hitting my caloric goals. As you know I am set on a deficit and keep eating in the red... so I try to reduce the red when I want to go down!:smiley:

    Except that I want to be as close to maintenance as possible when my recomp gets more serious. Right now I am still in the beginning stages so none of my strength exercises are efficient and it is no big deal.

    I very much let my pre-surgery situation become an excuse not to do as much as I probably could have if I had pushed harder. I understand this will not be as good as bulking but I really need this to go decently.

    The maintenance eating is not really that abrupt since it has only been half a minute since I was eating what I believed to be maintenance during my recovery. The abrupt change is all the new exercise since I have strength and a staggering number of physio therapy exercises... seriously there are 11 of them and 2 of them require multiple positions and movements.

    The new food element is all the calories. You warned me that I was very active and I was sure you had to be mistaken... you weren't. My spreadsheet and a few really low energy days proved you right.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    NovusDies wrote: »

    And people were mocking me because I said I would garner wisdom from the maintenance crowd...

    If you're referring to me, that was far from mocking. If I were mocking, everyone would know it. That was bemusement, and a tip of the hat to the idea that you're a smart guy.

    Now I"m going to go all weird and abstract, so I dunno if you wanna even keep reading.

    You have current goals, to do things that reach certain observable, objective (but quite gradual) outcomes in the real world. ("Recomposition", right? So, the objective parts are stable weight and increased muscle mass, presumably.)

    In how you're writing about that, I feel like there's a little bit of getting hung up on words, in a way that I think happens here kinda often when people "start maintenance" and talk about it as if it were some special set-apart objective thing separate from any other part of health/weight management . . . maybe even feeling a bit of anxiety about doing this "new thing".

    Do people eat above maintenance calories in maintenance? Yes, for a day or a few, and it's still "maintenance". Do people eat below maintenance calories in maintenance? Ditto. Just like in your "weight loss phase(s)", sometimes you ate above goal, sometimes below. The difference in "maintenance" is that you want your multi-week trend running horizontal-ish, that's all. The scale goes up a little, it goes down a little, just against a horizontal trend instead of a dropping trend. It's not that different. Variances, within reason, are no reason to give yourself substandard grades, feel bad or anxious, etc. It's still just food.

    By now, you know enough about your water-weight and disgestive-contents fluctuations to recognize those when you see them. They'll be a little different against a background of stable weight, but not much. You have a decent handle on your TDEE/NEAT. You've trusted the process during loss. Keep trusting it now.

    What's the worst that can happen? A tiny gain? You know how to handle that. A tiny slip in strength-training progress? You know how to eat a little more, and ask questions on the exercise front about whether it's time to deload, switch programs, whatever, whatever. At worst, there'll be some minor detours of a block or few, in the midst of your trip to the other side of the country. Doesn't learning usually involve that? :)

    And eat the pizza. Enjoy the pizza. Because people "in maintenance" eat pizza sometimes. ;):flowerforyou:

    And if I had thought you actually mocked me everyone would know that too...

    The progression of events was that I knew I was in a deficit and I intended to lessen it over the weekend and didn't because I felt uncomfortable. That is why I was unhappy with the week. I understand there is a larger picture or I will once I get my head back above the waves.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I think the second week was overall a good A-. I did create a 642 calorie deficit but it happened more organically. No mental baggage involved.

    Recomp is still in the early stages but I felt a progression in experience. I have decided to go ahead and start tracking it so I made up cards to use to make manual notes. I need to take pictures. I am not sure if measurements will be of a benefit since I still have fat to lose and loose skin that will need to be removed.

    I do not seem to mind yet that I am not losing. The scale has been high and hovering 9-10 pounds above my lowest weight potential. I have felt for some time now that I am beyond needing the scale for anything other than data however that is when it was still going down and "paying off". This is a more interesting test of that theory. Too soon to call.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Last week was more like an A. I finished the week with only a 324 calorie deficit which is easily within the margin of error for 7 days.

    My original plan was to bank calories for the weekend like I have done all along. Then I wondered if I really needed to do that since I am getting 3000-3400 calories per day and I could still designate one weekend day as more of a treat food day. However, in practice I am finding that there is more to it than just having treat food and that I want one day to be above the rest. This week I am back to banking so that Saturday or Sunday I can try to recreate the experience I had when I was losing. I imagine when I go into maintenance permanently this may fade away but right now it is still fresh.