

  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Welcome March.

    Can everyone feel spring is right around the corner? It is the time for renewal and growth. I sure miss seeing the crocuses, daffodils, and other signs of warmer days to come.

    Barbie – Many thanks to you for keeping us together and starting the March thread. Your motivational posts are thoroughly appreciated.

    Barbara – Happiest of birthdays to you!

    Margaret – Thank you for the idea of the lemon essential oil mix. I also am concerned about the economy and the amount of panic the media is creating. This is not the first outbreak, nor will it be the last. It seems the creation of panic is the new norm. It saddens me.

    Allie – Sending positive thoughts. There is something out there for you. And, maybe it is not in a dental office so do not limit yourself.

    Karen – I have been checking the CDC site. It contains world maps and a lot of updates. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/summary.html I will be gleaning this coming Saturday. I am not sure what we will be picking. Peppers and tomatoes are still in season. The work restructuring is not for sissies. I was on a call Thursday where a corporate VP actually said, “This will come together and we take over more departments.”. Talk about sensitivity! I know I picked the losing side when I did not accept the offer to supervise the catalog admin team (I would be reporting to the corporate folks), but I am glad I made that decision. I enjoy my job and am fortunate the division will keep me as long as they are able to do so. With things progressing the way they are I am not sure if the promotion will actually go through – we shall see. I am still hopeful and do feel the title will benefit me in the future when I have to hit the pavement and start a job search. My current plan is to stick with it until the end of the year so I can clean up my finances. I am currently updating my resume and starting to regularly log in to LinkedIn so I can start working on my network.

    Katla – Sounds like a perfect me day. Cozying up with a good read. I had forgotten about the mothball trick – thank you for the reminder. Believe it or not when I had a nail fungus 100 years ago the podiatrist told me to put my shoes in a closed plastic bag with mothballs for a week to ten days to kill the fungus. My shoes did not smell great until the smell dissipated but it did save me a ton of money.

    RV Rita – Good to see you are doing well and keeping busy.

    Rebecca – Sorry to hear you are not feeling well.

    February Wrap Up – I am 3.4 pounds lighter and should hit my initial goal of 40 pounds down this month. I averaged a little more than 6,000 steps per day so I hit goal there. Personal to-do list isn’t progressing as planned.

    March Goals – Keep on keeping on. Hit initial weight-loss goal, average 6,000 steps per day, attempt to make half of those steps healthy ones (100 steps+ per minute), complete three to-do items on the list.

    Hugs to all and prayers for those in need.
    SuziQ – SFL
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,774 Member
    Question ... I generally do not take vitamin supplements, but am interested in magnesium citrate as recommending by the intermittent fasting community for a variety of reasons (sleep, gut health, depression). I have no idea what brand of vitamins to use. What should I be looking for to guarantee as best I can that I'm actually getting the vitamin I desire?

    Beth near Buffalo who needs more than sunshine
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Barbara SOC- Lol omg that commercial is hilarious lol 😂.Buy my heart attack in a box next to swan lake lol .

    Happy Birthday to All March y April Birthday’s. Getting JRs ready we’re waiting in one last relatives box in the mail.

    Amber Tx
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,797 Member
    Barbara - happy Birthday

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Amber: Good news that your cousin gave you an old fashioned pot steamer. We have one that has been in use for many, many years and recently bought a new one. They are so useful! :star:

    Barbara Happy 70th Birthday!!! :flowerforyou:

    We have a foggy morning so far. It feels cozy to be warm inside! Today was bonde density day for me. I’ve had my med and sat upright for half an hour. NOW I can finally have a cup of coffee! :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,402 Member
    Happy Birthday Barbara!

    And thank you Barbie for the March group!

    Foggy & Chilly SW WA State
  • stltrimom1015
    stltrimom1015 Posts: 56 Member
    Barbara - Happy Birthday!

    March goals-
    1. I joined the UAC that some of you ladies have been talking about. Hopefully it will help me with more regular logging of my meals and getting my workouts in. Being accountable to just myself wasn't working.
    2. Make doctor's appointments - one for my yearly physical and one to try to find out what's up with my knee.
    3. I need to be better about meal planning/prepping. It's so much easier to make dinner after a stressful day at work if I already have it planned out and ready to go.

    If I can make those 3 things work this month, I'll be a happy camper :) .
    JanetO - eastern MO
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,666 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :)Heather Gretchen Rubin says, "Work is the most dangerous form of procrastination."