Proper attire at the gym



  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    I need steel toe boots for walking around the house. I keep bashing the same toe on our kitchen island. The poor thing already makes me have to get wider shoes from when I broke it in April and now I did it again but luckily it doesn't seem any more deformed. Stupid toes but I'm in for boot advice. :)
  • stephmph16
    stephmph16 Posts: 114 Member
    For me, I'm comfortable in black workout pants and a black workout shirt. I sweat and move a lot and the material breathes better. I like feeling 'covered' because I know people look at other people. I don't really care what other people are wearing, but I'm not gonna kid you, I check everyone out. What else are you doing when you're taking a quick break after a set? It's nothing negative, it's just boredom slash people watching. Heavy, skinny, fit, whatever, people shouldn't take it personally when they're looked at. Everyone looks at everyone.
  • Gimsteinn
    Gimsteinn Posts: 7,678 Member
    I'm a simple woman.. I think everyone should just mind their own business and worry about them self at the gym and stop wondering what the fat chick is wearing or how revealing the fit girls clothes are.

    I wear short shorts and a sportbra when I know I'm gonna be so *kitten* hot during the work out that when it ends I lie down on the floor to cool down. Yes, some of my workouts are that intense.
    I wear a long sleeve and leggings when I'm just lifting so I won't freeze to death
    and these days, when I go running I have to wear layers, many of them.

    And honestly, if someone's wondering why I'm hardly wearing anything one day and show up fully clothed the next one they really need to mind their own business and think about their own fitness instead of my wardrobe.
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    I don't go to the gym but I hate baggy clothing and I find it makes me feel more constricted than tight clothes do. I also hate feeling hot.

    So when I run it's sorts that my husband thinks are too short and tank tops cause I like minimal but I won't go down to a sports bra. if I'm doing sports like when go curling I prefer leggings and a form fitting top. Skating I might end up I'm leggings and a t shirt.

    I don't see anything wrong with peole wearing minimal clothing for workouts. If I see peole in baggy clothing I wonder how they do it.
  • Gimsteinn
    Gimsteinn Posts: 7,678 Member
    synchkat wrote: »
    If I see peole in baggy clothing I wonder how they do it.

    This! I couldn't wear baggy clothing wile working out. They get in the way and doing a handstand walk in a baggy t-shirt means I'm not gonna see anything...
  • rugratz2015
    rugratz2015 Posts: 593 Member

    I do focus on myself and everyday is a struggle but I am not blind. I have to make it to the elliptical machine.

    I can honestly say I don't look good when working out, but I don't give a hoot what other people think.

    However, I would suggest that you get a TV/movie app on your phone to watch when working out so you can keep your eyes occupied instead of looking at everyone else.

  • demoman805
    demoman805 Posts: 169 Member
    I love yoga pants
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    demoman805 wrote: »
    I love yoga pants

    You wear yoga pants at the gym?
  • demoman805
    demoman805 Posts: 169 Member
    synchkat wrote: »
    demoman805 wrote: »
    I love yoga pants

    You wear yoga pants at the gym?

    Yea, lol
  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member
    People should wear whatever they feel comfortable wearing to work out in. We are all shapes and sizes. We are there to work out and get into shape. We are not there for A fashion show.
  • souljahblack
    souljahblack Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all!! Just workout. If you are worrying about what someone is wearing, you're not there to workout yourself. Get off the machine and let another person get it in while you judging.
  • Racouol
    Racouol Posts: 53 Member
    I usually will wear a speedo
  • mskimee
    mskimee Posts: 228 Member
    I don't mind people wearing tight/ill fitting clothes regardless of their size as long as they are comfortable, but I hate seeing young girls in my gym wearing the most revealing outfit they can, bending waaaaaaaay to far over the machines so everyone gets a full on butt/cleavage view and trying to get the guys to notice them with the porn noise routine (uh uh uh uh UH UHHH UHHHHHHH UHHHHHHHH). Anyone in street clothes like jeans etc is asked to change or to leave and there are signs everywhere that say everyone must wear proper shoes, no flats/boots/sandals etc as they would cause injury.

    I have a skort, I wore it once to a gym and was pretty much laughed out of the place by the "proper" gym goers. It was pointed out to me that maybe I shouldn't have worn so much pink to the gym if I wanted to be taken "seriously"....I never went back.
  • mskimee
    mskimee Posts: 228 Member
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    mskimee wrote: »
    I don't mind people wearing tight/ill fitting clothes regardless of their size as long as they are comfortable, but I hate seeing young girls in my gym wearing the most revealing outfit they can, bending waaaaaaaay to far over the machines so everyone gets a full on butt/cleavage view and trying to get the guys to notice them with the porn noise routine (uh uh uh uh UH UHHH UHHHHHHH UHHHHHHHH). Anyone in street clothes like jeans etc is asked to change or to leave and there are signs everywhere that say everyone must wear proper shoes, no flats/boots/sandals etc as they would cause injury.

    I have a skort, I wore it once to a gym and was pretty much laughed out of the place by the "proper" gym goers. It was pointed out to me that maybe I shouldn't have worn so much pink to the gym if I wanted to be taken "seriously"....I never went back.

    I agree with this. I like people watching but don't give a hoot what people are wearing - their size is doesn't matter. Nothing wrong with a bit of pink mate :)

    Lol, I was like "my pinkness offended the big strong men?? Oh horror" and promptly swooned on the floor like the nice little fair lady they expected. :D
  • jesspyre
    jesspyre Posts: 8 Member
    edited March 2020

    You know we've all seen all types of people of all different shapes and sizes but there has to be some sort of rule or gym etiquette on clothing. For example, today I saw two different types. The first was an older lady wearing jeans and what looked to be a sweater. The jeans were too long and I actually worried she would trip. She had casual non supportive shoes which again I worried for her. (I know it's none of my business.). The second, was a heavy girl which I am guessing she had just begun hitting the gym scene. She was wearing the tightest warm ups with a shirt that was a little to small. Her friend who was fit was in a spaghetti tank top and mini workout pants which is fine for her bc she really was fit. I just do not understand why she would put on such discomfortable clothing to workout. It's bad enough the gym is a torture chamber! I bet if she would bend down to reach for a weight she would of shown someone her *kitten* crack. Anyway I was just curious to see what y'all think ...

    As far as the older lady, safety always first. Hopefully she is well.
    I think you are being judgemental about the larger girl and what is comfortable to her. Especially to follow up with what you say about her friend, “...but it was fine for her because she really was fit” comes off as extremely rude to me.
  • jesspyre
    jesspyre Posts: 8 Member
    HMD7703 wrote: »
    I laugh hysterically when I see girls in a full set of makeup at the gym! LOL

    I have gone to the gym during lunch in full make up.
    I wasn't there to look pretty.. but I have limited time and needed my burn!!!
    Yes, some women do go to pick up guys and look cute, but that doesn't mean all of us in make up are there for that.

    Same. I don’t understand why people judge makeup either! What is so wrong wearing makeup? Just because you are going to work your buns off doesn’t mean you can’t do your daily routine beforehand. I wore makeup because I had a meeting afterward. The make up was part of the day. The gym was part of the day. That equals makeup at the gym.
    And even if ladies do their makeup for the sole purpose of looking good, more power to them! I always encourage confidence in people.
    Stop judging. Seriously. Focus on yourself. You don’t know their circumstances and preferences, and it isn’t your business. You are wasting your own life.