

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    A couple good things are developing from this coronavirus situation.

    1) Increased emphasis on hygiene and cleanliness.

    2) Increased emphasis on personal space with limited physical contact.

    I'm delighted with those developments! The university has already started cleaning the place ... really cleaning not just a quick vacuum once in a while. And I hope the metro will do the same.

    Winter flus here have been getting worse and worse. Maybe cleaning and letting us maintain personal space will help!

    M in Oz
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited March 2020
    Heather U.K.- rescheduling sounds smart since they quarantine you to the ship for God knows how long then a Airforce base in your country another few weeks on top of that . Waiting at least by then maybe they’ll stop quarantine on ships it would be no quarantine or a few weeks at home or base only. So far their not learning that staying in ship is a bad idea.

    Heard our City (San Antonio Tx 🏥) let a guy go he returned by ambulance 🚑 infected).When asked where did you go? “Everywhere!” He has cabin fever from the long quarantine well went site seeing to ate out etc. so our area is now thousands possibly infected walking around everyone unknowingly.So our city is doomed to be the next huge numbers.


    Well done San Antonio claps well done. Tips hat 🎩 off to their incompetence. Good news is everyone from hour away shops in our town y goes to our hospital 🏥 (Their towns don’t have their needs) .So my Dads town that’s here a lot could bring it back to them too. (Were where babies who need the NICU to heart attack patients are life flighted to).

    Amber Tx

    All this in time for JRs birthday 🍰 🎁 🎂 so our plans may be stay at home with my Dad hope we’re not infecting him if we unknowingly have it from simply gassing up at a gas station to going to the grocery store at the wrong time.

    Video on it
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :)Allie, One of my happiness commandments is "Come from a place of love". Nothing can be gained by spending your time at work angry and resentful. You owe it to the clients at your work to be the kindest person you can be.

    :)Heather, my line dance friend and her husband are considering cancelling their cruise in April. They have until March 15 to make their decision. <3

    :)Lisa, your weaving is awesome. All the knitting I do is someone else's pattern but I claim credit for my hard work and so should you.

    :)Barbara, when Jake asks me what I want for my birthday, I tell him I want nothing and the day turns out great. I'm glad you and Joe found something to do for your birthday that you could both agree to.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Lisa I love the dynamic 3D feel of the weaving project. Well done.
  • LuciBThinner
    LuciBThinner Posts: 207 Member
    OOPS! I posted this in the February feed...re-posting for those who may have missed it:

    Welcome Newbies!! This is such a great group of women. Keep coming back!

    Allie Wonderful pictures from your trip! Looks like a super time!

    Karen Thinking of you after the passing of your friend. Hope the memorial and all goes smoothly.

    Janetr Glad your daughter is working and doing the best she can. Hope things continue to improve for her!

    Katla I agree with everyone on the alcohol, however, I enjoy a drink occasionally. I feel deprived often enough that I get upset at having to stop everything! A glass of wine or a beer to relax feels good to me. My Dr. and I wish they would legalize marijuana here. I could really use the pain relief and anxiety reduction! I hope I am not cutting years off my life with occasional drinks (I mostly worry about its effect on the brain), but I also think it is when we over-indulge with anything that we find the real problems.

    Rori The violence from Alzheimer’s was probably the hardest part for me while watching my father’s decline. My petite French neighbor ended up as his roommate at one point and my father slugged him. I was horrified! During his lifetime, I don’t think he had ever been in a fight with another man (he liked hitting my Momma and us kids, but no outside fighting). I really feel for you and all the struggles that caregivers go through! I also used to work with profoundly mentally disabled, and we would often have to deal with combative behaviors. Unfortunately, the allowed response did not protect the caregiver, only the patient.

    Kelly I love your mindful eating practice!

    Pip Ahhh…the puppy trio! Great pic of you and DH, too!

    Heather Prayers that DH is not Dx’d with anything serious. Just read that the RBC is off…hope it is not a difficult fix. There are so many things that can cause that.

    Terri I’m with Ginny. Don’t think I’d like surgery without anesthetic and just breathing. I know it is doable…just not by me!!

    Karen Hard to be a musician with wrist trouble!! I’ve had two left shoulder surgeries which played havoc on holding my violin!

    Karen So happy for Josephine! Continued prayers as she completes her chemo tx!

    Lisa The monster truck picture is the BEST! I love the little ear protectors and the adorable expression!

    Still on p. 78. It takes a long time to catch up. <3 Luci in (warmer again) WNC
  • LuciBThinner
    LuciBThinner Posts: 207 Member
    Today's post. Still need to catch up with the past 5 pages! Thank you Barbie for getting us going for March!

    I have made it a point to not accept any male friends on MFP. I have no desire to make any friends on here other than women. Not only do I avoid men online, I especially want female friends with my weight loss journey since men have such different results and experiences. Also, if (God forbid) something ever happens to DH, I don’t want another man in my life. I’ve had the love of my life and don’t want to go there again!

    Kylia Glad Aubrey’s heart cath went well! Hope the one in 6 months looks good!

    Allie Any job that requires antidepressants and antianxiety meds is not a good one! Sure hope you find something better soon!!! I am so very glad you put in your notice. I hope you are already feeling better with your decision!

    Machka So impressed by your stairs in February!!! You are amazing!

    JanetO Hope they can get to the root of your knee trouble and get it feeling 100% again!

    Pip Hope you feel better quickly!!

    Sue Our basement is only half finished and we have had issues with mice coming in…I hate mice!! DH has been planning to seal the basement (we also get water with all the flooding in the area). Hope he can make it a priority soon!

    Michele I like how you sneak in the healthy stuff for DH. I will have to try to do the same for mine! He will eat most things, but it will work better if I feed him things he likes and then tell him what I put in it! Sorry you aren’t looking forward to coming back to NC. It’s been nice here!

    Ginny Sorry work is rough at the moment! Sounds like you have a good handle on it. Retirement is wonderful in my opinion!

    Lisa Your comments on your son make me so happy that all of our children are hardworking and self-sufficient. I would be happy to help them any time (and have at times), but only because they have shown their ability to be responsible and thrifty. Our youngest is trying desperately to sell his vehicle because they have two car payments and with baby, he would like to avoid his wife having to work full time which I completely support! I am hopeful I can talk DH into letting him have one of our vehicles for a very discounted price to avoid having to make payments.

    NYKaren We lived in Rochester when I was 2, and I will never forget the time our house had drifts that went to the roof. Daddy had to dig a tunnel out of the house. It was so wild having the view out the windows be completely white from the snow! We had so much fun playing in the tunnels once we were able to get out!

    Rita Glad to see things seem a little better for you!

    <3 to All from Luci in WNC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,667 Member
    auntiebk did i miss your bday??? late happy bday if i did. sorry...

    actually happy bday to all that i missed.. sorry...
  • mcbf42
    mcbf42 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm new and just found the thread. Am 50 in August so hope that's OK. Just learning how to use the app and community. My aim for March is for all the looging to become second nature as it's been very strange this week. Have been with SW for about 5 years and had lost 5 stone but after 2 operations, I have gained half back. Seems much harder to shift now so am learning about my food and it's benefits to my body. Anyone who wants to add me as a friend is welcome. I haven't worked out how to do that yet but I will lol. Good luck everyone for March!
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Told my friend in Wuhan that the government speeches sounded familiar must be me. He answered back with a video showing lol 😂 China y USA have the same script writers . He says it’s not me it’s the same incompetence y slow reactions with the exact same speeches. Shared a food recipe with him he’s tired of the same old meals in quarantine world of Wuhan. Feel free to leave him some easy recipes too he shares with his Mom also in quarantine.


    Amber Tx
  • bettyann55
    bettyann55 Posts: 87 Member
    I have been away from MFP for some time. Need help getting myself back on track for better health and fitness. Encouraging friends needed.
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
