How Has the Coronavirus Affected You?



  • nels5850
    nels5850 Posts: 76 Member
    Ive been pretty lucky. It hasn't really effected me much... Yet.
    My gym just closed down today. But other than that... Not much has changed
  • geraldaltman
    geraldaltman Posts: 1,739 Member
    Well, so far I've managed to avoid it. I guess that's a good thing. It's effect on me? Well:
    I never realized paper had as value as gold. If I want to treat myself to dinner, I have to learn to like "take out". If I want to continue my fitness, I have to use my treadmill or walk outside (which I have done) as my fitness center has closed until the end of the month or longer. If I want to enjoy libations I have to have it at home (I do that anyway). If I want to watch a movie I have to use my "on demand". I bought tickets to eight Phillies baseball games this season including the spectacle that is the home opener (which I have never seen live). Today I am clueless when or if any of those games will be played. At the end of the month, it will be five years since I have retired from a job that carried along with it's duties, an "essential employee designation". Today I do not miss that ONE. SINGLE. BIT!!!!!
    Stay safe everybody; wash hands and try to keep your smiles😊
  • Abs_magee89
    Abs_magee89 Posts: 127 Member
    my grocery store was cleaned out :(

    had to settle for gluten free spaghetti-o's, imitation la croix, and instant rice (but its some weird coconut jasmine flavor)

    its funny how no one touches the meat alternative stuff even during a pandemic. so I bought some boca sausages as well.

    this is gonna be me in 2 weeks

    I wish that were true here! I couldn’t find tofu anywhere. Finally snagged the last tofu at Walmart. The boca was almost gone except for the very tallest shelf in the far back. For once my height got me food instead of whacked in the head by a cupboard door.

  • MelG7777
    MelG7777 Posts: 14,185 Member
    Just minor inconveniences so far. Or schedule changes. My oldest had off this week anyway. Now they are putting a virtual learning plan in place. Which is kinda funny cuz this is his first year in an actual school since he was home schooled through 9th grade. Poor kids gonna have flashbacks. 🤣
    Then every kid activity being canceled. Now my gym closed too, which we knew was coming. All very minor compared to what some are going through. We’ll see if it remains calm or not. Too early to say I guess.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    Took a little time off from work. I went to a live standup comedy show for the first time, followed by a club with a live band where I danced my *kitten* off. I've been going to bars, the gym, restaurants, casinos. I'm living and enjoying life. Haven't purchased a single roll of toilet paper or bottle of sanitizer. I am appalled at how ridiculous humanity can be, though.

    I know right?? How dare people prepare for an emergency?!?! :gasp:
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Not much, yet.

    We have supplies, although soon we'll be dipping into them instead of eating the fresh stuff I bought last weekend, which is going to require some fortitude.

    My kid has discovered how much she likes riding her bike outside, which is great news, as most every weekend we usually take her to a museum or play park inside.

    My other kid is good to go, she's not old enough to know what she's missing.

    I'm still at work. Daycare is under the same rules as work, so they're still at daycare during the day.

    But I wish work would get us the stuff to telework, already. They're preparing. I just wish they'd pull the trigger before everyone gets sick, here.
  • mullanphylane
    mullanphylane Posts: 172 Member
    Been keeping an eye on things since first reports from China. Not surprised at the global scope of it.

    Just since/during the weekend, groups to which I belong have all remaining March meetings canceled . April meetings are in in limbo. Lent fish fries canceled. Monday night Dungeons & Dragons at local game shop canceled.

    At almost 70, I've never before seen grocery shelves empty of necessary items in the US, so my concerns there are not so much that some shelves are temporarily empty, but that so many people decided to hoard instead of buying what they need so others can do the same. Seriously, how many rolls of TP does one person need to weather a 2 or 3 week emergency?

    A big concern for me, at the moment, is my pension and investments. With the stock markets' free falls, large chunks of my future income have, basically, already disappeared. How much it will affect me is not known, but I foresee some financially tight months in the future.

  • MelG7777
    MelG7777 Posts: 14,185 Member
    Been keeping an eye on things since first reports from China. Not surprised at the global scope of it.

    Just since/during the weekend, groups to which I belong have all remaining March meetings canceled . April meetings are in in limbo. Lent fish fries canceled. Monday night Dungeons & Dragons at local game shop canceled.

    At almost 70, I've never before seen grocery shelves empty of necessary items in the US, so my concerns there are not so much that some shelves are temporarily empty, but that so many people decided to hoard instead of buying what they need so others can do the same. Seriously, how many rolls of TP does one person need to weather a 2 or 3 week emergency?

    A big concern for me, at the moment, is my pension and investments. With the stock markets' free falls, large chunks of my future income have, basically, already disappeared. How much it will affect me is not known, but I foresee some financially tight months in the future.

    I met with my accountant yesterday and that was SO reassuring. She explained it so well to me and as far as the stock market goes at least, she talked very sensibly. Hopeful here for all of those that have their pensions and huge chunks of savings invested. ❤️

    I agree with you on the hoarding. I keep wondering if those same people are going to keep panicking so that the people who aren’t panicking (or only mildly so) still can’t get what they actually need.
  • nels5850
    nels5850 Posts: 76 Member
    Took a little time off from work. I went to a live standup comedy show for the first time, followed by a club with a live band where I danced my *kitten* off. I've been going to bars, the gym, restaurants, casinos. I'm living and enjoying life. Haven't purchased a single roll of toilet paper or bottle of sanitizer. I am appalled at how ridiculous humanity can be, though.

    I know right?? How dare people prepare for an emergency?!?! :gasp:

    It's more about how people are "preparing" you don't need 500 rolls of TP, all the hand sanitizer (which does nothing btw) and all the disinfect wipes. Most people are healthy and will be able to get though this relatively easily. But you have the people who are actually at risk who can't get out and get the things they need because of people panicking and clearing the shelves. My dad is going though intensive chemotherapy. On a good day with out this virus we need disinfect wipes, now we cant get any because an over anxious Karen decided that she needs them all.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    nels5850 wrote: »
    Took a little time off from work. I went to a live standup comedy show for the first time, followed by a club with a live band where I danced my *kitten* off. I've been going to bars, the gym, restaurants, casinos. I'm living and enjoying life. Haven't purchased a single roll of toilet paper or bottle of sanitizer. I am appalled at how ridiculous humanity can be, though.

    I know right?? How dare people prepare for an emergency?!?! :gasp:

    It's more about how people are "preparing" you don't need 500 rolls of TP, all the hand sanitizer (which does nothing btw) and all the disinfect wipes. Most people are healthy and will be able to get though this relatively easily. But you have the people who are actually at risk who can't get out and get the things they need because of people panicking and clearing the shelves. My dad is going though intensive chemotherapy. On a good day with out this virus we need disinfect wipes, now we cant get any because an over anxious Karen decided that she needs them all.

    Not sure why you quoted me because that's not what I said. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I never said hoard like a doomsday prepper. Huge difference between being prepared for a few weeks of quarantine and doing absolutely nothing. As well as not social distancing, like person I quoted.
  • GettinLean19
    GettinLean19 Posts: 452 Member
    nels5850 wrote: »
    Took a little time off from work. I went to a live standup comedy show for the first time, followed by a club with a live band where I danced my *kitten* off. I've been going to bars, the gym, restaurants, casinos. I'm living and enjoying life. Haven't purchased a single roll of toilet paper or bottle of sanitizer. I am appalled at how ridiculous humanity can be, though.

    I know right?? How dare people prepare for an emergency?!?! :gasp:

    It's more about how people are "preparing" you don't need 500 rolls of TP, all the hand sanitizer (which does nothing btw) and all the disinfect wipes. Most people are healthy and will be able to get though this relatively easily. But you have the people who are actually at risk who can't get out and get the things they need because of people panicking and clearing the shelves. My dad is going though intensive chemotherapy. On a good day with out this virus we need disinfect wipes, now we cant get any because an over anxious Karen decided that she needs them all.

    Wait. Hand sanitizer does nothing?
  • kq1981
    kq1981 Posts: 1,098 Member
    edited March 2020
    Affected me a bit. I’m a registered nurse in Australia working at a large drs surgery. Every day recommendations change, availability for testing is only for high risk people so we don’t really know how fast it’s being transmitted in the community and may be missing people who are transmitting unknowingly, so managing the spread, which is one of the the biggest concerns the health department has advised us, is so difficult. So many people are coming in, particularly younger adults, who are panicking and suffering with worse mental health issues. People aren’t honest with symptoms and travel history/contacts on presentation to reception because they feel like they’ll be treated as a leper. My daughter and I have been unwell with the flu so my mind automatically goes to COVID. It’s not even winter here and we have another peak flu season coming so that’s a bit worrisome. PLUS I’ve had to hide the spare rolls of toilet paper at work in bathrooms because patients have been “loading up”, I’m not paid enough for that lol
  • kq1981
    kq1981 Posts: 1,098 Member
    nels5850 wrote: »
    Took a little time off from work. I went to a live standup comedy show for the first time, followed by a club with a live band where I danced my *kitten* off. I've been going to bars, the gym, restaurants, casinos. I'm living and enjoying life. Haven't purchased a single roll of toilet paper or bottle of sanitizer. I am appalled at how ridiculous humanity can be, though.

    I know right?? How dare people prepare for an emergency?!?! :gasp:

    It's more about how people are "preparing" you don't need 500 rolls of TP, all the hand sanitizer (which does nothing btw) and all the disinfect wipes. Most people are healthy and will be able to get though this relatively easily. But you have the people who are actually at risk who can't get out and get the things they need because of people panicking and clearing the shelves. My dad is going though intensive chemotherapy. On a good day with out this virus we need disinfect wipes, now we cant get any because an over anxious Karen decided that she needs them all.

    Wait. Hand sanitizer does nothing?

    Washing hands with soap and water for 30 seconds (or singing two rounds of happy birthday) is what is recommend, hand sanitizer isn’t a real protector so we have been advised.
  • Abs_magee89
    Abs_magee89 Posts: 127 Member
    Every single person I’ve talked in the 25-40 age range state the same run down feeling for the past 2 to 3 weeks I’ve been feeling. How is every one feeling?
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    kq1981 wrote: »
    nels5850 wrote: »
    Took a little time off from work. I went to a live standup comedy show for the first time, followed by a club with a live band where I danced my *kitten* off. I've been going to bars, the gym, restaurants, casinos. I'm living and enjoying life. Haven't purchased a single roll of toilet paper or bottle of sanitizer. I am appalled at how ridiculous humanity can be, though.

    I know right?? How dare people prepare for an emergency?!?! :gasp:

    It's more about how people are "preparing" you don't need 500 rolls of TP, all the hand sanitizer (which does nothing btw) and all the disinfect wipes. Most people are healthy and will be able to get though this relatively easily. But you have the people who are actually at risk who can't get out and get the things they need because of people panicking and clearing the shelves. My dad is going though intensive chemotherapy. On a good day with out this virus we need disinfect wipes, now we cant get any because an over anxious Karen decided that she needs them all.

    Wait. Hand sanitizer does nothing?

    Washing hands with soap and water for 30 seconds (or singing two rounds of happy birthday) is what is recommend, hand sanitizer isn’t a real protector so we have been advised.

    Soap is generally better... and cheaper. Just not as convenient to carry around as hand sanitizer.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    Every single person I’ve talked in the 25-40 age range state the same run down feeling for the past 2 to 3 weeks I’ve been feeling. How is every one feeling?

    Yes run down is definitely a good description