

  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    Panic buying has set in here in rural north Nottinghamshire, even though covid-19 hasn't and schools are still open. I already had a stash due to my Brexit fears so haven't been to a shop in a week, but rather dreading tomorrow as we're starting to need some fresh stuff and nappies (diapers). It's not so much finding stuff, we'll manage, it's more dealing with PEOPLE!
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    I went to Walmart at 6 am. I was able to get everything on my list except chicken breast. Had to settle for thighs. The store was VERY picked over.

    This is Kevin in the TP aisle lq4sok11ifrf.jpeg
  • melissafeagins
    melissafeagins Posts: 1,421 Member
    They just cancelled Payton’s lacrosse season, but nothing about school yet.

    It's as if they think kids arw aren't carriers. Although I get that it's hard to tell working parents of elementary age kids that you have to stay home with them for two weeks.
  • melissafeagins
    melissafeagins Posts: 1,421 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    All of my kids are home until the end of the month, meaning 6 of us are here and I only have 22, Becky. Good grief.

    I buy in bulk...

    I don't have room to keep a ton of paper goods in my house. And that's okay with me.
  • melissafeagins
    melissafeagins Posts: 1,421 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Panic buying has set in here in rural north Nottinghamshire, even though covid-19 hasn't and schools are still open. I already had a stash due to my Brexit fears so haven't been to a shop in a week, but rather dreading tomorrow as we're starting to need some fresh stuff and nappies (diapers). It's not so much finding stuff, we'll manage, it's more dealing with PEOPLE!

    God bless you, Spam. People are getting awful, at least on this side of the pond.
  • melissafeagins
    melissafeagins Posts: 1,421 Member
    We are now limiting entry points at our hospitals so that all visitors can be screened for symptoms. No visitors under 18 will be allowed and only one visitor will be allowed per patient.

    And as I was typing this, I got the call that my kid is going to be out of school until Match 30.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    He's adorable. I'm checking in safe from the corona mania. Lucy for me, I tend to over order from Amazon, so when the deliver time came for stuff that is sold out, I have plenty on hand. About two weeks before all this stuff happened, my daughter had a fever of 103 and was pretty punky for about a week. Can't really remember if she had a cough with it, but she tested negative for strep, flu and mono. Who knows?
  • melissafeagins
    melissafeagins Posts: 1,421 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    A vent...
    My dad is in ICU with flu and pneumonia worsened by significant emphysema. Has been there since the 11th. This hospital is 1:30 from my house. My mother is a total hypochondriac. My aunt and I had a bet as to how long it would be before she was in the ER. We missed our bet by 16 hours. She was on her way with chest pains then burped really big x3 and her chest pains miraculously ended immediately. Go figure. I can’t even make this stuff up.

    This on top of the corona madness has about done me in.

    Also - I picked March to quit drinking. Been dry for going on 15 days.

    Ugh!!! Thanks for listening.

    But.... here are a couple adorable baby pics. Silver lining, right???🥰🥰🥰🥰


    Adorable baby is better than a sliver lining. :)
    Keeps ending pics.
  • melissafeagins
    melissafeagins Posts: 1,421 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    He's adorable. I'm checking in safe from the corona mania. Lucy for me, I tend to over order from Amazon, so when the deliver time came for stuff that is sold out, I have plenty on hand. About two weeks before all this stuff happened, my daughter had a fever of 103 and was pretty punky for about a week. Can't really remember if she had a cough with it, but she tested negative for strep, flu and mono. Who knows?

    That happened here in late December/early January. Our nurses and lab techs thought we had a bad lot of flu tests. Maybe not?
  • melissafeagins
    melissafeagins Posts: 1,421 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    We got nappies!!

  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    I hope everyone is keeping safe.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited March 2020
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    I went to Walmart at 6 am. I was able to get everything on my list except chicken breast. Had to settle for thighs. The store was VERY picked over.

    This is Kevin in the TP aisle lq4sok11ifrf.jpeg

    I see your photo and raise you an entire store!


    Ready/microwave meals


    The whole country has gone insane!
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    Thankfully I've never seen it quite that crazy up north @Lois_1988 however basics are getting hard to come by. Luck of the draw when you get to the supermarket. My online shop (which I booked three weeks ago) is due tonight. I don't reckon I'm going to get everything I asked for. 😬
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    Officially "telecommuting" starting today. We'll see how it goes. Too much access to food, I'm not excited about that part.

    I feel ya on that. I think I have been stress eating, due to the unknown here. I think Things will start normalizing somewhat. I am still going in to work each day. Daycare is still open for now, so things seem to be good. Every one is healthy.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    My mom FINALLY understands how important it is to stay home... or at least she seems to.
    I am working from home MWF and solo in my office Tu and TH. I am liking this arrangement so far.

    I took my dad for a follow up at his pulmonologist yesterday. This doc said he felt like we had just started the first quarter of this game. This does scare me a bit. I am a numbers nerd and have watched the numbers go up daily and in rapid fashion. Just wondering what the next couple weeks will look like.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    I was meant to be working from home today while looking after a two year old and four year old. We had a power cut from 9am-4pm so we spent the rather sunny day playing in the garden instead. I've got a lot of hours to somehow make up but I regret NOTHING!