Daily Commitment Thread for 2020 -- JUST FOR TODAY



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,089 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    Ive been quietly checking in. Especially when i need some grounding in these crazy times. So thank you all for being a constant in my life! I'm thinking of everyone and doing my best to stay positive and hopeful for the future.

    As a little distraction, I figured its about time to introduce Ray!

    Oh. My. God. How did I miss this!?!?!?!?
    CONGRATULATIONS AND HE IS SOOOOOO CUTE!!! Even Ash said he looks adorable :)
    And perfect name it suits him so well!!!

    How are YOU finding everything :)

    MISS YOU!!
  • beachwalker99
    beachwalker99 Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning all! Thinking of you all and hoping you are safe and well. Take care of yourselves <3

    I was very unfocused and unproductive this weekend. I'm trying to approach today with a plan so I don't fritter away my time. We'll see...

    Monday, March 30, 2020
    7-8: Wake up, check in with DH, coffee, shower
    8-9: Check supplies, plan meals, make grocery list, email
    9-10: Empty dishwasher, clean and disinfect, water plants
    10-12: Prep for class, grading
    12-1: Lunch, check in with Mom
    1-2:30: Class
    2:30-4:30: Relax, outside time, walk?
    5-7: Fix dinner, check in with family
    7-10: Prep for Research class, grading, call tutoring student
    10-11:30: Journal, unwind
    12: Lights out
  • beachwalker99
    beachwalker99 Posts: 960 Member
    @Snowflake1968 - Awww...I'm sure you miss your sweet girl! My heart goes out to these little ones who have had their lives upended and to their parents and grandparents who can't fix it. My grandsons are struggling too, and I hate that I can't be with them to give them hugs and some TLC. I think that picture captures how a lot of us feel right now. Take care <3
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    Name: Joan
    69 yrs old
    My weight history:
    SW Year 2017: 217
    SW Year 2018: 195.5
    SW Year 2019 : 206
    SW Year 2020: 182.6
    1st GW: 185.4 :) Met this goal
    2nd GW: 175 - and learn to maintain
    Ultimate goal: 165-170, and maintain
    Goals for 2020:
    These are the healthy habits I would like to do in 2020:
    1. Lose 15 pounds to get to my ultimate goal of 165, and then learn how to maintain it.
    2. To be better with planning my meals each week
    3. to get up in the morning, and have a rough idea of what I plan to eat the rest of the day.
    4. To stop mindless eating. To learn how to eat to live, not live to eat.
    5. To make drinking water a regular habit.. and drink 8+ glasses of water a day
    SW: Jan 3: 185.4
    SW Feb 1: 178 (-7.4 lbs)
    SW March: 183.6 (I was down to 176.6. Then, spent 2 weeks emotionally eating, just not caring. Time to get serious, and remember how I lost weight, but more importantly, remember how I can easily gain weight!.
    2020 - March
    March 8: 183.6
    Mar 10: 180.6
    March 15: 183.0 - my own fault .. 2 days of stress eating. Time to get serious
    March 17: 181
    Mar 20: 179.6 - work to maintain that this week, or lose another .5 pound
    March 24: 178.4 (Helps that I am not going to the grocery store LOL!
    March 25: 177.9
    March 30: 180.0
    I set my goals while we are "shelter in place" and stuck at home:
    1. sew as many face masks as I can
    2. learn to play the keyboard
    3. work on charity quilt
    4. exercise at least 30-45 minutes, 4 days a week minimum
    5. keep house tidy
    6. work in the yard

    JFT, Monday
    1. log all food -- I have not been doing this
    2. concentrate on water
    3. go for a walk ... need to get away from sewing machine!
    4. but ... sew more masks. I have 75 almost finished and ready to deliver!
    5. work in the yard
    6. mindful eating

    We can only control our actions ... we have so little control over what happens. Make the best of this time.

    🐰Let’s get Hop! Hop! Hopping!🐰
    🐰Hit your Daily Challenge Goal🐰
    🐰Earn an Easter Bunny🐰

    Joan: Joan6630
    Daily Goal: 45 minutes of planned exercise (walking, etc) a day
    Mar: 19,20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28

  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    JFT Goals for Monday, March 30, 2020

    Log everything today
    Be mindful of everything I eat or drink

    plan to stay with baby steps for the next few days ... way too much "junk" in my kitchen and since I have limited will power my main focus will be to eat it, log it, get rid of what I can. I am starting to do the Leslie Sansone beginner walking video; I can barely get through 10 minutes. So, that's also being incorporated into my baby steps. I'd like to be able to walk outside in warmer weather. I do need to do at least one load of laundry which means going downstairs. Still need to be careful on stairs with the bit of virtigo I have. OK ... time to get busy!
  • osier5
    osier5 Posts: 429 Member
    1) Log food
    2) Yoga
    3) Walk
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Monday March 30

    Sorry, my lack of routine is distracting me. I will catch up tomorrow but I do have a 🐰 for today 😊
  • Kuhl50
    Kuhl50 Posts: 416 Member
    Daily habits: track, 😀exercise, 😀journal😀

    Monday Action Plan
    1. Wake at 0615, pill, pill😀
    2. Put Apple in fridge and water bottle at desk😀
    3. On computer, video ready at 0650😀
    4. Bike for 30+ minutes👿
    5. squats + dumbbell row, +abs, yoga😀
    6. Healthy breakfast at desk: yogurt + GoLean😀
    7. Lunch= Chicken, cauliflower, apple😀
    8. Bike session 1:30👿
    9. Walk outside 30 minutes😀
    10. Dinner = salad + family food😀
    11. Get my plants from office?!?👿
    12. Plan bike sessions for next day🤨—no good biking time tomorrow
    13. Shower 👿ha! What a day...
    14. Upstairs by 9, journal, lights out 9:30👿

    Bunny Goal: 30 minutes of exercise or else 10k steps each day
    Mar 19,20,21,22,23,24,26,27,28,29,30

    Peak frustration day. The kind of day that would send me to food though seriously I had no time to pig out if I wanted to! Tomorrow will be another, hoping for relief on Wednesday. It’s just a job. And I have to be very happy I have one as others are losing theirs. Perspective, need to maintain perspective! At least I snatched a walk while I could, and did some strength training. Not much, but a little. On to better days (I hope!)

    Daily habits: track, exercise, journal
    Tuesday Action Plan
    1. Wake at 0530, pill, pets, run, yoga, abs, pill
    2. Put Apple in fridge and water bottle at desk
    3. On computer, video ready at 0755
    4. Healthy breakfast at desk: yogurt+almond crunch
    5. Lunch: pork chop left overs
    6. Dinner = salad + family food
    7. Prep salads for next 2 lunches
    8. Go get plants??
    9. Meditate!
    10. Upstairs by 9, journal, lights out 9:30
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    I saw this and I felt it was very appropriate for the times - hope it helps others as well. x
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Tuesday 31 March

    Log today and yesterday
    Stay in the green
    Fruit and veg
    Fitbit exercise goals

    Bunny Goal:
    Mar 19,20,21,22,23,24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
    🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰 🐰🐰🐰🐰

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,089 Member
    @Bex953172 - this is so hard for the littles, they just don’t understand. Each province here is doing different things, I’ve only kept up with Alberta. K-3 will be doing 5 hours a week of online classes. I’m not sure how that looks or the details because Jonah told me tonight they haven’t received their email package yet. Michaela was in preschool, and they aren’t doing anything. They actually are being refunded their money.

    Today was just a rough day, home (car problems again), work (everyone was miserable, residents and staff alike), then home again because Michaela was having a rough day again. I pray tomorrow is better. I wish that Alberta and Canada would just institute Stay at Home orders so we could get this done and over with! People are too selfish and won’t stay home.

    I’m not even pretending to have goals or anything right now, I don’t have the energy for it. It was so bad today that I had Wendy’s for lunch and McDonalds for supper.


    Them pics are epic!!

    It's so sad that preschool aren't able to anything! If you'd like I can see what resources or websites have been posted on Marleys class page for activities and you could forward it on for her! If that's something she'd like to do? Maybe keep her occupied to stop her feeling sad x
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,089 Member
    The last two days have been awful. I didn't realise the clocks went back and yesterday and the day before everything was just so out of time!

    Breakfast was so late it was nearly lunch, then it was like okay so we have lunch now? And then Out of no where it was time for the kids to go bed and we hadn't even done dinner yet?
    So we made something super quick and got them to bed but then I felt super awake like it was morning!!

    And then me and ash didn't get to sleep til 3am!! But I set my alarm for 9 but didn't have to get up til 10 because the kids slept in too! So they must of had a weird day too lol!

    It was like having 12 jet lag .. because of one hour lmao!!

    Hope everyone is well!!
  • SERmom3
    SERmom3 Posts: 568 Member
    @PackerFanInGB - glad your mom’s moving is done. You must be exhausted!

    @teigansdad -“gateway food” is a good term. I’m going to start using it. 😆

    - Grocery store (haven’t been in weeks...I’m nervous) 🟢
    - Log food🟢
    - No snacking🟢
    - Homeschool🔴
    - Laundry🟢
    - Dishes🟢
    - Exercise🟢
    - Reach out for yearbook pictures🟢
    - Practice music🔴

    Yesterday was a weird day. I went to the grocery store at 7:30 and by the time everything was cleaned and stored away it was 12:00! I was paranoid about everything that came into the house. I disinfected everything that had to go in the fridge. Any pantry item, I took to the basement to sit for the next 3 days. I’ve read that the virus can last that long on cardboard. I immediately put my clothes in the wash and took a shower. Is anyone else taking these precautions or am I just paranoid?? At least I have everything I need for a while and won’t be leaving the house again anytime soon.

    - Log food
    - Stay green
    - Homeschool
    - Laundry
    - Dishes
    - Finish my yearbook page
    - Exercise
    - Set up zoom dance class for E

    Bunny challenge: 10k steps in nice weather or an indoor workout when I can’t get outside
    March 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,089 Member
    teigansdad wrote: »
    Giving myself an F for monday.
    Monday goals
    400-500 calories in green. No more than that❌
    Drink more water❌
    No beer or booze tonight.. even though I’m planning on grilling chicken tonight and y’all know thoughts about grilling and beer
    (Gotta get some good sleep)✅
    Easy sufferfest.. push back the hard efforts need to recover legs✅❌

    Went over calories (darn my wife’s potato salad)... I probably could have at least come out in green but I got 1/2 hr into a easy workout and I just had to stop. Felt dizzy...weak and just didn’t have it... dissecting this I’ve seen it coming. Last weekend I had to stop on the trainer as well.. but still went out after and rode outdoors. I think the biggest part is sleep but also think work stress and over training an issue. I think it’s time to back off the trainer for a few days and focus on recovery so I don’t dig myself into a hole. Already last night after I got upstairs from my “failed” training episode I went right for my wife’s homemade banana bread... had two servings... then two butterfinger minis. Luckily Sara was there and kinda kindly pointed out I was being self destructive.

    Sorry for rambling.

    Tuesday goals
    Stay green even if just one calorie
    No banana bread I think it might be a gate-way food 🤔
    No beer or booze
    No trainer today
    P90 workout

    You're lucky she pointed out you were being self destructive lol my partner joins in on the snacks!!

    I think the other day in bed we managed to both scoff down a big bag of share crisps, a big bar of mint aero, a bag of chocolate pretzels and a bag of sweets lol!!!

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,089 Member
    SERmom3 wrote: »
    @PackerFanInGB - glad your mom’s moving is done. You must be exhausted!

    @teigansdad -“gateway food” is a good term. I’m going to start using it. 😆

    - Grocery store (haven’t been in weeks...I’m nervous) 🟢
    - Log food🟢
    - No snacking🟢
    - Homeschool🔴
    - Laundry🟢
    - Dishes🟢
    - Exercise🟢
    - Reach out for yearbook pictures🟢
    - Practice music🔴

    Yesterday was a weird day. I went to the grocery store at 7:30 and by the time everything was cleaned and stored away it was 12:00! I was paranoid about everything that came into the house. I disinfected everything that had to go in the fridge. Any pantry item, I took to the basement to sit for the next 3 days. I’ve read that the virus can last that long on cardboard. I immediately put my clothes in the wash and took a shower. Is anyone else taking these precautions or am I just paranoid?? At least I have everything I need for a while and won’t be leaving the house again anytime soon.

    - Log food
    - Stay green
    - Homeschool
    - Laundry
    - Dishes
    - Finish my yearbook page
    - Exercise
    - Set up zoom dance class for E

    Bunny challenge: 10k steps in nice weather or an indoor workout when I can’t get outside
    March 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30

    Lmfao! I love your totally OTT shopping/cleaning trip! And I will admit, yes, it does sound crazy.

    However, have you seen them people who have bought massive bunkers that are like fully equipped in case of apocalypses or WW3? Like they've had them for years. Well I used to think they were crazy.
    But guess who's not getting coronavirus lmao!!

    So I bet they're the ones laughing at the world now lol!!
    So crazy cleaning or not, you're keeping safe! So don't worry

    If it's makes you feel at ease, then it's worth doing :)