What made you fat?



  • Gaygirl2120
    Gaygirl2120 Posts: 541 Member
    I ate like a pig and didn't exercise at all.

    Exact same. I had to change my entire lifestyle to lose weight.
  • BradOWGolf
    BradOWGolf Posts: 13 Member
    Baseball and softball parents know this truism--- with multiple kids in multiple sports from March through August and nightly practices, weekend games, road trip tournaments where the adults drink in the Holiday Inn Express parking lot until 2 AM, baseball and softball season also known as Fast Food Season. You drive home at 8:30 after a long day of work and baseball, ain't nobody cooking broccoli when the Taco Bell is ringing right in front of you. Pretty much that's how I got fat.
  • nighthawk584
    nighthawk584 Posts: 2,005 Member
    I ate too many calories
  • saynow111
    saynow111 Posts: 125 Member
    Eating too much over days will make you weight more
    Not all of us are conscious eaters
  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    Hitting my mid-40s. It went all downhill.
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 629 Member
    I was active and fit in my 30s, but my first pregnancy resulted in a pre-term birth and a lot of anxiety that I didn't recognize or resolve at the time. I lost the weight easily at 31 with breastfeeding. But when I become pregnant with my 2nd child at 38, I was panic-stricken that the baby would be born early and I needed to feed it as much as possible while it was inside me. I ate really healthy but way too much, and then the previous pregnancy troubles I had started to kick in--preterm labor, retaining fluids, swelling (I gained 13 lbs in my last week--week 35--while on bedrest and barely eating), etc. I had my 2nd child and then just didn't care how much I weighed. I love junk food; I'd eat it exclusively if I could sustain weight loss on it, but I get too hungry eating my calorie budget in junk food. My ex was also very punitive toward me once I became obese, and our relationship was not good. So I ended up divorced--happily--and managing my life and kids and being pretty darn happy but still not fit and healthy. I'd probably be content to stay my current size except that I know it will affect my mobility in the long run, and I cannot imagine my life without jogging and walking. It's getting harder to do as I age, and my knees are starting to give me trouble. So, this is it. Time to make the change.
  • vggb
    vggb Posts: 132 Member
    I think my mouth made me fat :D
  • mjbnj0001
    mjbnj0001 Posts: 1,092 Member
    Always a big guy, but scholastic athletics controlled things. As an adult, I had a basically sedentary job (computer programming) counterbalanced by good cardio and energetic activity (scuba instructor) plus bicycle touring. As I raised a family, the scuba disappeared, except occasional recreation, as did the long distance cycling; a few pounds came on, plus overall fitness declined a bit ("dad body" time). For me, the critical point was being at the WTC on 9-11, followed by a lot of anxiety eating. Then, my job changed, and I was on nearly 100% travel engagements for work - the sort where I got on a plane in NJ on Monday morning, to Boise, then home Friday. The pounds came on more. Upon retirement, I've taken up cycling again, done other cardio, modified my diet, and have been able to take off about 70 lbs to date. Could easily go another 50.
  • cbenno97
    cbenno97 Posts: 130 Member
    Dedicated gluttony while at work for most of the day--I just ate without regard and kind of gave up in the process, assuming that I would start being healthy 'tomorrow'. I basically stopped working out and was not intentional about being healthy. Coronavirus has been a nice restart in this respect--it's been nice to have work temptations removed and an overall mindfulness about getting healthy again!
  • Carmen_TX
    Carmen_TX Posts: 39 Member
  • SLL1803
    SLL1803 Posts: 49 Member
  • MeganD1704
    MeganD1704 Posts: 733 Member
    Emotional eating- Went through a really bad depression stage and food made me feel better. Working on using workouts to improve mood instead.
  • miz_ppyn
    miz_ppyn Posts: 118 Member
    emotional eating contributed to me being fat
  • FitterFifteen
    FitterFifteen Posts: 75 Member
    The only way I guess, I ate more than I burned. I think I had undiagnosed depression during my teen years which led me to eat excessively and move less.