Welcome New Members!



  • rnbecak94
    rnbecak94 Posts: 1 Member
    Have done this before many years ago thought I'd give it another whirl. Actually doing WW and want an enhancement to keep me motivated.
  • cjatta02
    cjatta02 Posts: 2 Member
  • tehgrl1
    tehgrl1 Posts: 4 Member
    hi everybody! I am a longtime user of MFP (over 3 years) but first time poster to the community!
    A bit about myself, I recently dropped 30lbs over a year, with 30 more to go before hitting the maintenance stage. My favorite color is pink, I absolutely LOVE lifting weights, and want to get more into lifting heavy, I am also intrigued by running again, and I have a lazy american pitbull who is featured in my profile pic.
    I would love to meet virtually with new people, exchange notes on workout routines, tips, and tricks, and sometimes just commiserate!
    I would love to hear from yall.
  • chelseasgoals
    chelseasgoals Posts: 14 Member
    4’10”. I’m headed down a slippery slope so I’m here again to lose 10 lbs I gained in March through overeating. I downloaded this app in 2013(old username chelseascounter) to lose 20lbs with success. MFP helped me again when I started overeating again in 2015. I stopped counting calories in 2018 and maintained a healthy weight for about 2 years.

    I started doing barre in 2017, but with my studio closed now because of the pandemic it’s a little harder to stay motivated. Livestream classes don’t feel as effective as the studio.

    Anyone who is petite like me feel free to add me!
  • adurga90
    adurga90 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone, new here and new to using my Garmin been out walking a lot lately with this Quarantine thing. cant go to work but I can walk the woods :smiley: i'll usually walk about 4-5 hours then job about an hour give or take with a 50lb Backpack on. I usually do that a couple times a week and other days light jogs around the Stuttgart area or upper body workouts.

    I am a person that can not sit still and can not stay indoors,
  • theworkoutbruh
    theworkoutbruh Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I am trying to gain weight and have a good body for summer.

    Hope everyone is doing good, much love to you all and God bless.
  • Wanderlust_Soul
    Wanderlust_Soul Posts: 2 Member
    edited March 2020
    Hi...I'm not new here, but I followed WW for a little while and can't get motivated with their new programs. I am a lifetime member with WW, but I looked forward to this journey on MFP counting calories. If you follow WW or have in the past and now counting calories, I would love to be your friend. Add me if you would like. :)
  • _Southern_Kev
    _Southern_Kev Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, I'm back after a long hiatus on MFP. I work quite a few hours at a desk and trying to track what I eat and my exercise. I hope to find some great accountability partners on here. Please feel free to add me if you are doing the same.
  • twiggy1100
    twiggy1100 Posts: 5 Member
    hello my name is Iris and i had bariatric surgery on 12-13-2018 i have heard very good things about this app so i decided to try it out and see if it will help me get past those last few pounds i need to loose.

  • 10in30fitness
    10in30fitness Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all. Kind of new to the forums. Here to make like minded friends. so friend me :)
  • jytete
    jytete Posts: 2 Member
  • StinGray768
    StinGray768 Posts: 5 Member
    Been doing this for a while just never got around to introducing myself. I’m Gray. Nice to meet you.
  • ginafranklin2
    ginafranklin2 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! I'm not new to MFP but new to the forums. I've started a journey towards fitness and a better lifestyle. I have a long way to go, but taking it in small goals. :)
  • _pagba_
    _pagba_ Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, like everyone else in this group, am fairly new to mfp. Taking my fitness seriously now after years of yoyo diets, quick fixes and fads. Looking for motivation as i continue the journey and this time, get to where planned to go . Cheers 👍
  • Faith74
    Faith74 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I'm new here
  • jmaya1997
    jmaya1997 Posts: 2 Member
    What's up everyone! My name is Mina. I just joined today, April 6, 2020. I've been on and off with my fitness goals, but because of new motivations, I decided to give this app a try in hopes of achieving my goals sooner than later! I'm looking to have a few buddies to connect with and mutually share inspiration/motivation/accountability with. If anyone's interested, please like this comment, send a message, or contact me any way. Best of luck! B)<3
  • Brettly79
    Brettly79 Posts: 172 Member
    Getting back to it. Trying to lose 30 lbs
  • pinkcarpet
    pinkcarpet Posts: 1 Member
    I'm also back after a long hiatus. I'm excited to be part of MFP community again. I find you all so inspirational! I am trying to lose 15 pounds fat and maintain my muscle. I lift 3 days/week but I am finding cardio harder as I get older. Any tips for good cardio workouts without jarring joints (like running) would be appreciated!
  • jaceb3874
    jaceb3874 Posts: 2 Member
  • brierspaua
    brierspaua Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone I am new to getting fit have spent 47 years not worrying about what I eat and how much exercise I get but over the last year my weight has increased by a stone and I am feeling lots of aches and pains so thought I best take back control of my health. Am taking baby steps changed my diet given up sugar and bad things and replaced with healthy eating and started exercise routines in the last couple of weeks next week I start cutting down on smoking and well hopefully manage to quit that too.