Are you over 200pds, let's diet together



  • VeggieMeg71
    VeggieMeg71 Posts: 205 Member
    To everyone who is struggling right now because life is crazy and this situation is so challenging, just do what you can. The biggest trap is not extending yourself some grace when you just can't find it within yourself to make a healthy choice. And don't give up on healthy choices altogether just because you don't always make the healthiest choice. Any healthy choice you do make is better than none. We'll come out of this ok. <3

  • VeggieMeg71
    VeggieMeg71 Posts: 205 Member
    @SweetRollz Look at you go! Keep it up!
  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    Weigh in

    OSW - 257.7 lbs
    CSW - 211.8 lbs
    02/04/2020 211.8 lbs
    09/04/2020 209.2 lbs

    current goal : stay in this decade!
    May goal - 20x.x lbs

    Ultimate goal weight - under 150 lbs
  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    @AlexandraFindsHerself, We know stress affects people in different wways. Added to that, people are stuck at home with fewer distractions and tough news everywhere. Staying focused on a healthy lifestyle has given the hubs and me something to focus on other than the steady stream of disconcerting news, and I am determined to keep my intake low and get out when I can. Now with weather warning up, my yard will give me plenty of reason to burn calories raking, shoveling, weeding, digging, planting... Many don't have that option, so I get that maintenance is a good goal for now. I

    I have a similar challenge regarding distractions while working from home. The hubs is a chatty person, too. I am lucky to have an office door I can close but it doesn't completely solve the problem. While it is frustrating at times, I try to remind myself how lucky I am to be working from home and we are all still healthy.

    You are showing your house ... for sale? I am curious about how people are seeing homes now and assume this pandemic has changed the process. Good luck.

    I am with you on the point of focusing on a healthy lifestyle. I am also trying to turn the news off and have 24 and 48 hour periods without social media. The news is creating a lot of the stress. And I find turning it off and focusing on my health and well-being, one day at a time, is a very pro-active way of coping. And yes, those with a garden or an outdoor space are VERY LUCKY. Here in Malaysia, most people live in high rise condos. The common areas are all closed down. Walking and jogging is prohibited. Even walking dogs is not allowed. So for me - I am developing a new love of workout videos! :smiley:

    A positive for me is that all restaurants are closed. As eating out is a big nemesis for me. I am baking - but logging the recipes through MFP - which means I can control sweets and treats a lot more. So - for me - I am pushing to get as many positives out of all the "me time" I've been given.

    Stay safe everyone.

  • stella7x7
    stella7x7 Posts: 2,664 Member
  • ladycopnh1
    ladycopnh1 Posts: 287 Member
    First and foremost, WELCOME SweetRollz, It's a pleasure to meet you.

    eminater - you are sooo correct when you stated that the media is blowing this thing waaaay out of proportion.
    If you look at the statistics, more people have died from the flu than they have from the 19 virus. enough said.

    I have never been retired more than 2mths before. When I retired from working at the state prison after 25yrs, I had two months to paint the inside of my house before news came that my dad had pancreatic cancer ( my dad survived), my mom was battling non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, so I became my parent's caregiver for the next 9yrs. I was traveling back and forth from my home to theirs ( 60mls one way ), every other day from 8-12hrs a day. My mom passed away 7yrs ago, my dad passed away last Sept. Now I'm just down to caregiving for my husband. so, being home 24/7 is actually driving me NUTS. I have changed, fixed, painted and washed everything we own outside and ready for planting summer flowers, which I can't do till Memorial day. I'm actually planning to put a fresh coat of paint on our house ( I haven't told my husband yet ).

    During rainy days, I catch up on reading, postings and puzzles. I am working myself up to cleaning the garage and downsizing all my belongings in the storage room up over the garage. I'm waiting for warmer days, there's no heat over there. I can NOT sit idol, it's just not me.

    For everyone who have reached the droopy drawer club, CONGRADULATIONS !! :p It's a wonderful feeling isn't it ?
    I hope to loose another 10pds before we open our church again. I have noticed I don't have such a hard time getting myself up out of bed in the morning ( literally ), but my knees are not getting any better :/ .
  • eppen5
    eppen5 Posts: 32 Member
    2020 start Jan 1: 245.2

    -12.4 pounds in Jan
    -8.6 pounds in Feb / Weight=224.2 on 2/28/20
    -6.8 pounds in March

    3/27/20: 217.4

    4/03/20: 216.2
    4/10/20: 216.2

    No gain, no loss this week. I'm a little disappointed because although I wasn't perfect I logged every bite this week and never went over my allotment. We did have two "virtual" Passover seders with extended family and friends which included more carbs than I'm used to but nothing terribly extravagent. Oh well, I guess I'll just put one foot in front of the other and look to the next week. We should have no dietary pitfalls in the next seven days so maybe I can feel a little more in control.

    The one thing I've been doing very consistently is getting out for an hour or so of walking every evening when our city streets are quite deserted. But I sprained my ankle on Thurs and now I'm totally on the sidelines until it is healed enough to allow me to get back outside. Of course I can't get it x-rayed at the moment but I did get a teledoc appointment and she assured me that ice, elevation, and rest will be the best course of action in lieu of a definitive diagnosis. Needless to say I'm feeling pretty frustrated today but I'm working hard on my attitude adjustment because obviously things could be much much worse.

    Onward to slay another week.

  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    @eppen5: That totally sucks! At least you can play with menu planning, right?

    May I recommend the ASO ankle stabilizer brace? I have permanently loose ankle ligaments and wear them when I know I'm going to be on my feet a lot. The NBA and a lot of college teams now are wearing these instead of taping their ankles for stability. I find it very comfortable, and it will support the strained ligaments so you can get back to walking without worrying about tripping and doing worse to it.
  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    ladycopnh1 wrote: »
    First and foremost, WELCOME SweetRollz, It's a pleasure to meet you.

    eminater - you are sooo correct when you stated that the media is blowing this thing waaaay out of proportion.
    If you look at the statistics, more people have died from the flu than they have from the 19 virus. enough said.

    That's totally NOT what I said.
  • KJR865
    KJR865 Posts: 31 Member
    Haven't posted in a while but wanted to catch up for a minute. I'm seeing posts with some great losses - congratulations!! Keep going, it's inspires the rest of us. I started the year at 261 and have been hovering at 245 for the past few weeks. I'm breaking my goal down into quarters of the year. 15 lbs per quarter so looking to be at 230 by end of June. That gets me to 200 or less by end of the year. Hope you all have a Happy Easter!
  • ladycopnh1
    ladycopnh1 Posts: 287 Member
    Starting Weight: 271
    Total January loss: -9
    Total February loss: -10
    Total March - 8

    Apr. 07: 243
    Apr. 14: 241
    Apr. 21:
    Apr. 28:

    eminater Posts: I am also trying to turn the news off and have 24 and 48 hour periods without social media. The news is creating a lot of the stress. And I find turning it off and focusing on my health and well-being, one day at a time, is a very pro-active way of coping.

    Please forgive me for misinterpreting what exactly you said. My fault. I intended to agree with you about the media hype. With God's loving Grace, this will be over before we know and back to a normal life again.
  • celticck77
    celticck77 Posts: 113 Member
    Total March loss: 11 lbs (March finished weight 235)

    Apr. 7: 233
    Apr. 13: 232
    Apr. 21:
    Apr. 28:

    self sabotage is starting to play. I want to keep on track but I keep eating crap. I am still working out which is helping me but I would be doing a lot better if I could stop eating the crap.
    I know we keep saying - with the what is going on in the world we are in maintaining should be okay - but I know I will back slide if I keep thinking that way. I don't want to back slide. I am tired of being this heavy!
    I know I have used my weight to hide from the world, for so many reasons which would probably require a therapist. Don't get me wrong I am good with who I am in life now, but I would like the outside to match the person inside. Who is flawed and a little damaged but still okay.
  • takera16
    takera16 Posts: 23 Member
    Ok so I had to move my scale from work to home, so the weights are likely waaaay off. So even though this looks like a loss it likely is not. Will see next week.

    Jan 6 - 279.8
    Jan 13 - 284.2
    Jan 21 - 277
    Jan 27 - 280.4
    Feb 10 - 278.6
    Feb 18 - 272.2
    Feb 23 - 271.0
    March 2 - 272.8
    March 9 - 274.4
    <stress attack break> 😵
    April 13 - 256.0
  • celticck77
    celticck77 Posts: 113 Member
    So I did something crazy yesterday... I booked myself a trip to Hawaii. My mom always wanted to go and because of her I have always wanted to see it. Plus I have a 'bucket list' goal to hike it all 50 states. This is big for me because I am not one to do something like this and certainly not alone. But I did it. Now I have ten months (booked for next February) to get into a better place physically.
  • SweetRollz
    SweetRollz Posts: 35 Member
    Just a small vent: I feel fatter lol or just as fat! Ive worked out everyday since March 28th! Most days twice! Ive included Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and it has worn me out the past couple of days where i could only work out once a day! Ive been going to bed early and sleeping Goood! Lol

    Even though the exercise is more intense, i dont think its producing results! Imma stick it out for the full 30 days, and structure my days so i can do a light workout at night..

    Vent over! Weigh in May 10.. I hope to be in the 260s realistically! 250s would be better though 😁🙂
  • gwhatagirl
    gwhatagirl Posts: 1 Member
    I would love to join this group! I have struggled with my weight since having my first kiddo eight years ago. I just turned 40 and am not where I want to be. Since this COVID-19 business, I have gained another 5 pounds, so now I am at 219 lbs. I am a pediatric ICU nurse and now I am having to home school the kiddos also. Stress eating is a bad habit of mine and I need to turn this around! I am hoping this group will help me with accountability and support. Thanks!