Welcome New Members!



  • AquaMeow
    AquaMeow Posts: 296 Member
    Heyyy I could use some new friends add me !!!cze0ibntc0nz.jpg
  • Coleenreyes271971
    Coleenreyes271971 Posts: 3 Member
    Just trying to get back into being healthy. 1 week in and I’m down 2.5 lbs!!

    That is good to hear as I just joined.
  • Batson456
    Batson456 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been doing this for a while now, but down 54 pounds since I started mid last year. I still have a bit more work to do but I am excited for the journey!
  • tennismuscle87
    tennismuscle87 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Guys!. Hope you're all are ok given the circumstances we're all in! I am brand new to the forums. Apologies i haven't figured out how to the profile pic yet lol. I am a former tennis player, personal trainer, and now a tennis coach. please free to ask me any questions regarding dieting, training, and of course tennis. I am here to help in any way I can!
  • 3cansup
    3cansup Posts: 2 Member
    Hello. I have been using MFP inconsistently for a month or so. My fitness and food choices are about as consistent. Unfortunately rather than using this time to my benefit, I have used it to consume nutrient sparse food, lots of diet mountain dew and sitting. I'm need to vow to myself that I will take a step a day going forward to get back to the lifestyle I enjoy most and makes me feel my best.

    I hope everyone else is staying safe, sane and healthy!
  • issaiahjordan
    issaiahjordan Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there. Firstly hello everyone trying to achieve their absolute best! I am new to this app, trying to use it to help me with caloric intake. I started insanity yesterday to go with it, just reminded me how unhealthy I have been for a while working in a recruitment job. I am 5'10, 200lbs wanting to drop to 170lbs. I'm hoping to connect with a few people on here with similar goals, just so I can get some extra motivation also. Good luck to everyone starting out!!!
  • Anahita4444
    Anahita4444 Posts: 81 Member
    Hey everyone! So I am completely new to this! My name is Andy! I am 32 from Galway Ireland! Recently joined the gym to lose weight as I have 2 amazing daughters and want to be healthy for them! Also need all the help I can get!

    Hey there, Andy. I'm also in Galway. Just wondering how you're getting on now that the gyms are closed here? Struggling myself!

  • pastelunicornxanaxskittlevirus
    edited April 2020
    Hi everyone (:
    I'm joining again at a time where the gym isn't an option...fun stuff. Gotta get creative I guess in times like these. I've used mfp before but got lazy, depressed, etc. Starting fresh now. Been dieting on and off for a while (if you could call it dieting) not the healthiest eater which is something to work on. I've been more about counting calories and paying attention to how much I'm actually eating. I've been stress eating like 2500-3000cals/day lately and just not giving a f**k. I just feel gross :/ And my hunger cues are all kinds of messed up. I've never been a large person, but I'm at the higher end of what seems to be kinda like my body's set weight range right now and feeling insecure. It's not the body I feel comfortable in. Wanna drop 12-20lbs to get to a point in my range I feel most comfortable and confident at & start making healthier food choices. Just get everything in order again. Have some positive control. Could use some suppprt (: Found this app very helpful in the past.
    Good luck to everyone (: hope your fitness journey is going well, or off to a good start (:
  • belzavalap
    belzavalap Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone. I am a few weeks in. I am excited and motivated and trying to stay positive.
  • SonOfGod1981
    SonOfGod1981 Posts: 50 Member
    Let’s try this app 1 last time
  • gberin
    gberin Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, I'm just getting started on a new fitness regime. I have a 'very high' BMI and I'm trying to get to 'normal'. My first goal is to lose 15lbs and I am doing that by watching calories, planning healthy meals ahead of time, and working out 3x a week. Here goes!
  • Beerandsunshine
    Beerandsunshine Posts: 11 Member
    Here for motivation and maybe one day be a motivator. Eating healthy and working out 6x a week. Anxiously awaiting some good new changes soon!
  • Maggiesanvicto
    Maggiesanvicto Posts: 70 Member
    Hey everyone! Maggie here from 🇨🇦
  • Roxianna13
    Roxianna13 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey I could use some friends for motivation
  • 26Adimea
    26Adimea Posts: 1 Member
  • kalinkufrompl
    kalinkufrompl Posts: 1 Member
    hello, feel free to add me:)
  • Willwatchaddict
    Willwatchaddict Posts: 2 Member
    Umm Hey, my name is Will,
    I’m 40 and 382 pounds. On a mission to get healthy so I’m around longer for my daughter.( turns 15 next week)
    Life is funny. I was a crystal meth, cocaine addict for over ten yrs. I’ve had 9 overdoses.
    At one point I was 120 pounds soaking wet. Got clean when I found out I was going to be a dad. Wasn’t easy took almost 4 yrs of struggling and relapses. Then a lot of rebuilding and fighting to get her back in my life.
    I’m closing in on my ten yrs clean date.
    Seems I replaced getting high with food.

    And enough is enough!!!
    I can do this !!!
    On day 3 of taking this seriously and being below my calorie limit.

    Add me , I could use some friends.
  • Bigchungus2k
    Bigchungus2k Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone! This is Ali. I am from Pakistan where we have lots of desi food and curry :D
    I have decided to adopt a healthier lifestyle and loose my belly and big butt during this wretched Quarantine.
    Hoping to make friends.
    Oh and if there is any Pakistani here who can aid me with calculating calories of our desi home made foods then i would appreciate that!
  • NilsaSanfi
    NilsaSanfi Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. Hope you all are staying safe! I am looking to be healthier, lose baby weight and become more motivated and disciplined. I could use some friends for motivation.

    About me: I am a mom of (2) very active boys. We love being out doors but I am an avid eater. I love food. I love to cook and bake and eat. I really need some self control and discipline. I could use the motivation to get up and do actual exercises. I tried Yoga and really loved it. I really need to find some good cardio.

    Send me a friend request if you want to be friends! Have a great day