60 yrs and up



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :) Chilly here this morning but I wore the right clothes and took the dogs for a 40 minute walk before breakfast. It is so great to see some light in the sky this early. I plan to have a great day.

    <3 Barbie
  • lynnchristy
    lynnchristy Posts: 75 Member
    Good afternoon 60 & uppers :) I got on the scale this morning and didn't like what I saw :o I am up a few pounds, nothing drastic... this too shall pass. I want to get outside so badly, but the wind has been crazy here lately.

    Hello marie19781, I don't believe we've met. Nice to meet you here :smiley: Life will be back to something more like normal before we know it, I hope.

    Have a blessed day everyone :D

    Shout out to my friends <3
  • lindagalbreath577
    lindagalbreath577 Posts: 75 Member
    Good day everyone!! We have sunshine today!! Yeah!!!! ☀️ went for my walk had lunch now going outside to play in my yard all afternoon!! Have a great day 🤓🌹🦋🌷
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :) I went for a walk this afternoon while hubby was playing his tank shooting computer game wearing noise canceling headphones. I was gone 35 minutes and I don't think he noticed me leave or come back.
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    Good morning, all! Looking like a gorgeous spring day in Idaho. Seems likely that the first phase of reopening businesses will start here on May 1. 🤞One can hope.
  • bethe
    bethe Posts: 79 Member
    Evamutt - I'm thinking about you and Susie. Hugs.
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,451 Member
    Evamutt wrote: »
    thought I'd check in also, It rained some during the night & this morning. It's supposed to clear up. by the end of the week it's supposed to be 95 temp wise, I so dread the summer every year. 100+ temperatures & we have window air conditioners, not central so it's not ideal inside. My gym has a nice year round pool & hope they will open before the summers over, our youngest son has a pool also & lives 15 min away. Now is a good time to roast some veggies in the oven, it being cool I plan to walk dogs later on. I have appt to put down our susie dog on thursday, I'm dreading it but don't want to wait until she can't get up at all

    Oh my thought will be with you for Thursday.
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    @Evamutt - My condolences. Always a difficult decision, but usually the best thing to do for our beloved pets. Be strong.
  • njag6393
    njag6393 Posts: 27 Member
    Evamutt my condolences also. They are such a blessing but I think that when our pets pass that will be it for us, it’s too sad and hard to say goodbye to them. Hang in there.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    <3:'(Evamutt sending many hugs to you on this very sad day
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
  • lindagalbreath577
    lindagalbreath577 Posts: 75 Member
    Good morning everyone. Hope all are doing well. Evamutt so sorry about your precious Susie dog. Well I have been playing in my yard I got my bird area cleaned up and put edging around it. My yard is coming together. I also started playing in my neighbors yards. My next door neighbor said I could do what I wanted in her yard so I am fixing it up. I put a hydrangea in and planted flower seeds. People give me plants they don’t want so I find spots for them they live out their plant lives in my yard. Everyone have a good day. Prayers for you Evamutt.
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    Checking in. Just another day at work. Tomorrow I must venture out for provisions. That should be exciting. Or something. ;)

    I did finally find the motivation to do a home workout. The dog had to take a time out in the crate. She thinks it's playtime when she sees me down on the floor. Otherwise it went well. Now to make that a habit - the gyms will not be open for another month or so.

    Have an awesome day, y'all! :)
  • schneezle
    schneezle Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there - I am a newbie but I have been following MFP since March 7th. Good to see lots of people here sharing their stories.
    I used to do Weight Watchers but I am finding this plan easy to follow. For exercise I've been using my recumbent stationary bicycle a lot.
    Quick question - does this site ever go down for maintenance? I'm doing quite well and enjoying tracking my calories (My hairdresser recommended MFP to me!)
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,451 Member
    Evamutt wrote: »
    good morning, I have good news. We took our Susie dog to vet yesterday to be put down & vet said she's doing ok so we brought her home!! Her growths aren't cancer but fatty tissue, she does have copd so pants all the time but doing ok. I give her pain pills & glucosamine , turmeric for her arthritis. I also brought our GSD with us in hopes the vet can see her too & she did. She's been panting & feeling tired. She had bad pneumonia 8 months ago so I was afraid she was getting it again but she has allergies & probably some scaring on her lungs from the pneumonia so she's on steroids for a few days. I'm still planing to take her to our regular vet next Wednesday for a thorough check up. She LOVES to be off leash & the dog parks are closed so we're getting ready to take her to a large ponding basin we used to go to a long time ago. We took her there last week & she loved it. I'm so apprehensive because I have a fear of wide open spaces, yup, also I'm afraid of loose dogs that I'm not familiar with because a long time ago I had a very aggressive dog but that's a long story. Hope all goes well there today. Other than that we're doing ok. though I'm an introvert, this isolation is getting to me. I really wanted to visit our son & his family for a bit, stay in the back yard, not get close & wear mask but I read an article that visiting one person can cause harm. The hardest thing has been I kept waiting for something to change & it's not changing. I really couldn't do anything for weeks due to my pinched nerve in my right arm but I'm so much better now so I need to make a schedule of things I can do at home, what I can clean, also I want to start exercising again since walking the dogs isn't exercise anymore since Eleanor dog hasn't been walking very fast. How are you all doing?

    Oh that's such good news about Susie, glad your feeling better.