Nishi Warriors ~ Finding Strength From Within



  • megsaroo
    megsaroo Posts: 162 Member
    Did water and stayed under cals today too. But boy and I am sore - lucky tomorrow is a rest day!
  • cmpettey
    cmpettey Posts: 221 Member
    Did day 2 and 3 exercises. :bigsmile:
  • laurielou04
    laurielou04 Posts: 231 Member
    hey team...if you haven't already...please message me sometime today your new weight and if you did the daily/weekly challenges/and if you did the bear walk.

  • megsaroo
    megsaroo Posts: 162 Member
    I thought we were weighing in on Mondays? I can do Sundays, I was just curious.
  • laurielou04
    laurielou04 Posts: 231 Member
    I thought we were weighing in on Mondays? I can do Sundays, I was just curious.

    it was changed to follow what gary suggested (goes along better with exercise schedule)
  • luckyduck768
    luckyduck768 Posts: 40 Member
    Oh, ok. I was a bit behind as I thought we were weighing in on Mondays also. I finished up day 3 exercises today also as I was too busy yesterday to finish up. I will weigh myself before I go to bed, but I usually weigh myself first thing in the morning so it might be off a little bit.....

    For this coming week, are we then doing week 2 exercises?
  • laurielou04
    laurielou04 Posts: 231 Member
    Oh, ok. I was a bit behind as I thought we were weighing in on Mondays also. I finished up day 3 exercises today also as I was too busy yesterday to finish up. I will weigh myself before I go to bed, but I usually weigh myself first thing in the morning so it might be off a little bit.....

    For this coming week, are we then doing week 2 exercises?

    yes we are doing week 2 exercises that can be found on gary's blog (with links to videos for the exercises)

    great job on week 1 team!!! super proud of us!
  • cmpettey
    cmpettey Posts: 221 Member
    Week 2 day 1 exercises done. Ran an extra mile. I'm tired. Now to feed the kids lunch. :smile:
  • laurielou04
    laurielou04 Posts: 231 Member
    Week 2 day 1 exercises done. Ran an extra mile. I'm tired. Now to feed the kids lunch. :smile:

    great job!
  • LoveLiveLift
    LoveLiveLift Posts: 459 Member
    Great job everyone! We rocked week one!! I'm ready for week 2 now.

    Finished up week 2 day 1 exercises. The burpees killed me. I had to split them into 2 sets of 25. But I did it! Also, did the 3.1 miles of walking for the bonus point today. :smile:
  • laurielou04
    laurielou04 Posts: 231 Member
    week 2 day 1 done..yay :)
  • megsaroo
    megsaroo Posts: 162 Member
    Week 2, day 1 bushmen done. Those burpeess are KILLER! I had to split up into 5 sets of 10. But I did feel pretty accomplished afterward. I also ran/walked the 3.1 miles for a team bonus. My goal is to do that every day this week, but I have a feeling my body will be aching tomorrow...

    Great job team! It sounds like we are all struggling a bit, but we are still staying on track. Keep it up and find your strength from within Nishi!!!
  • christmre
    christmre Posts: 109 Member
    did my week 2 day one pygmy challenges, but am sooo beat!
  • hi team! i'm so sorry i've been missing in action lately. i was in chicago on vacation but now i'm back! this week i will be catching up on all of week 1's exercises as well as completing week 2's exercises. i am going to get everything done because i don't want to let everyone down! this is going to be a tough week.
  • where do i find the week 2 exercises?
  • laurielou04
    laurielou04 Posts: 231 Member
    From Gary

    GOING TRIBAL All the exercises, all the videos! IN one spot! I hope this helps!
  • hi team,

    i am so sorry to have to do this, but i'm going to have to drop out of this challenge. in looking at the program, it doesn't align with my training program and my goals in weight loss. i am in the process of training for a 10k, and much of the losing weight process for me is focused on arms and losing overall mass in my legs. too much of this challenge program has to do with adding additional miles to runs, squats, etc--stuff that just cannot be done within my training plan. i also have a very extensive lifting plan, so adding onto that lifting with these additional challenges just isn't feasible for me.

    i hope that you can find someone to take my place that will be able to catch up and give the team the points it deserves. i hope that you all will try to understand where i am coming from and that you won't be upset with me. again, i feel terrible for doing this. it's my fault for not looking deeper into what the program entailed before i committed. i really wish you ladies all the best and i will definitely support you as much as i can, i just can't partake in the challenges as they are set forth.


  • christmre
    christmre Posts: 109 Member
    Finished day two of week two pygmy challenge, easier today, which is good because i need a less intense day today :)
  • megsaroo
    megsaroo Posts: 162 Member
    hi team,

    i am so sorry to have to do this, but i'm going to have to drop out of this challenge. in looking at the program, it doesn't align with my training program and my goals in weight loss. i am in the process of training for a 10k, and much of the losing weight process for me is focused on arms and losing overall mass in my legs. too much of this challenge program has to do with adding additional miles to runs, squats, etc--stuff that just cannot be done within my training plan. i also have a very extensive lifting plan, so adding onto that lifting with these additional challenges just isn't feasible for me.

    i hope that you can find someone to take my place that will be able to catch up and give the team the points it deserves. i hope that you all will try to understand where i am coming from and that you won't be upset with me. again, i feel terrible for doing this. it's my fault for not looking deeper into what the program entailed before i committed. i really wish you ladies all the best and i will definitely support you as much as i can, i just can't partake in the challenges as they are set forth.



    So sorry to see you go Lauren! In the end, its our own fitness goals we need to stay true to - so I understand where you are coming from. Good luck training and let's continue to encourage each other on our fitness goals!
  • laurielou04
    laurielou04 Posts: 231 Member
    hi team,

    i am so sorry to have to do this, but i'm going to have to drop out of this challenge. in looking at the program, it doesn't align with my training program and my goals in weight loss. i am in the process of training for a 10k, and much of the losing weight process for me is focused on arms and losing overall mass in my legs. too much of this challenge program has to do with adding additional miles to runs, squats, etc--stuff that just cannot be done within my training plan. i also have a very extensive lifting plan, so adding onto that lifting with these additional challenges just isn't feasible for me.

    i hope that you can find someone to take my place that will be able to catch up and give the team the points it deserves. i hope that you all will try to understand where i am coming from and that you won't be upset with me. again, i feel terrible for doing this. it's my fault for not looking deeper into what the program entailed before i committed. i really wish you ladies all the best and i will definitely support you as much as i can, i just can't partake in the challenges as they are set forth.



    So sorry to see you go Lauren! In the end, its our own fitness goals we need to stay true to - so I understand where you are coming from. Good luck training and let's continue to encourage each other on our fitness goals!

    ditto :)