Lose 40lbs by Christmas



  • I would love to join the group. My starting weight is 197. I am going to start running and being active to loose the weight. Currently, I am on an Atkins style diet. I am pre-diabetic so monitoring my blood sugar while eating lean meats and veggies has been successful. Here we go - I will weigh in on Friday!
  • add me add me....so excited!

    CW 178
    GW 138
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    I would like to join. My current weight is 190 and my goal for christmas is 150. This would put me very close (if not at) my final goal weight.

    My plan is to work out 6 days a week for at least 1 hour or more, stay at or below calorie goal and drink 100oz of water a day. I just gave up my Dr Pepper habit a few days ago and do not plan to drink them again.
  • Count me in!
    sw 219.0
    gw 179

    this would be so great to loose this much then i would only have 35 more to go to hit my goal.

    I plan on working out at least three times a week. Eating healthier staying within in my calories. I have an awesome support system i just need to be a better support for her! ( Rachel Ann) love ya)
  • Brooke1585
    Brooke1585 Posts: 80 Member
    Count me in!! I'm currently at 218.2 and would LOVE to lose 40lbs by Christmas. I plan to lose the weight by exercising before work about 20mins, drinking 8 or more glasses or water a day, sticking to my 1200 cals a day and also exercising about 1hr at night. Like some of you, I'm already in another Christmas challenge but this will give me even more motivation. I usually weigh in on Mondays but I will try my hardest to remember to log it for this challenge on Fridays. Good luck everyone and I hope everyone has a great Labor Day today!! :-)
  • debdene
    debdene Posts: 40 Member
    Count me in! I need to step up my game and get my motivation back so joining a group will be good for me...Ive got my eye on a nice dress for xmas and they dont do it in my current size!!

    My current weight is 205 and my goal weight is somewhere around 126 (im 5ft 3in)

    I have just brought the polar FT7 hrm, I plan to do more walking, and start the 30ds again as I didnt get too far last time (knees)
    I need to drink more water!!! and snack on fruit/nuts rather than reaching for naughty treats that make me feel bloated and guilty anyway!

    Feel free to add me ...good luck everyone x
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    woohoo.... we can do it!!!!

    i did an hour of cardio last night, first time in about 2 months.... it nearly killed me!! but i got through it!

    just have to keep it up!!

    hope your all doing well


  • I will be closing this group tomorrow afternoon. Please post your progress through out the week and I will keep track of everyones weight loss.
  • razzyjazz
    razzyjazz Posts: 119 Member
    I am new to this board and I seen this changelle and wanted to join.

    I plan on working out 6 days a week. Walk in the morning for 30-40 mins Tuesday- Sunday. Zumba, Latin Cardio, belly dancing- tuesaday , Friday , Saturday and Sunday.

    Drink my water, try not to drink alcohol on the weekends and watch my carbs.

    Im up for the changelle.
  • I overate yesterday but i completed W1D2 of Couch to 5K and this morning when I did my weigh-in I was 190.8 so I am now exactly 20lbs lighter than I was when I started in July !!
  • Laquaya
    Laquaya Posts: 44 Member
    Im in anyone feel free to add me
  • farberry
    farberry Posts: 71 Member
    Perfect for me! My goal was originally to lose around 25-30lbs but if I lose 40 then I have some leeway for the inevitable Christmas time chub :)
    Starting: 148
    Goal: 108

    Going to cycle an hour a day, 2 litres of water a day, alternating lower and higher calorie days, not binging on the weekend!

    Good luck everyone!
  • alice0711
    alice0711 Posts: 99 Member
    I would like to lose least than 30 lbs by dec

    starting weight - 252lbs

    currently weight - 228

    Goal weight -140 by summer 2012

    plan - excrise on 3 times per day, eat more heathly and drink more waters
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    day 2 isnt going too badly!!! the rain is chucking it down outside so i cannot wait to get my cardio on later, work up a little heat in this house!!! x

    hope your all doing yourselves proud..... <3
  • This group is now closed!!
  • How did everyones day go?

    PS I'm working on making a chart
  • reignjonas
    reignjonas Posts: 26 Member
    Good day today. I did cave and have one chocolate chip cookie, but I took a good walk with Evelyn (baby) & Bosco (dog) this afternoon, and am still well below my allotted calories. :)

    I hope everyone else had a great day, too!
  • I love this!
  • I've done great today so far, still have plenty of calories left for a snack and dinner. and I've done my hour of zumba!
  • I need to join!!! I always gain weight during the holidays but I am changing that this year!
    My current weight is 208.
    Goal weight 165 by January 11th (My anniversary, I told my husband that for our two year anniversary his gift is gonna be my rockin' body :) So If I weighed 168 by Christmas that would be amazing!!!!!!!
    Add me!!!!
    I plan on losing this weight by walking on the beach 3x a week for an hour, doing Zumba every Saturday for an Hour, watching my diet, drinking 6 water bottles everyday and just getting off the couch!!!