count down to christmas challenge...



  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    cherrypop1 I think it might be a good idea if we all try and come up with a meal for the carb free day and that way people might find it easier to follow on the day they wanna do theres. I think that an omlette is a great carb free meal 2 eggs some bacon some low fat cheese and some onions and mushrooms you can have this with a nice salad

    if we all add an idea it will make it easier for everyone

    My day is going to me breakfast- Omlette, Lunch- Fruit Salad and dinner Chicken salad :)

  • andreaie
    andreaie Posts: 369 Member
    Hi guys, know it's a little late, but I'd love to join this challenge - I'm going back to uni, and I will be away from my mother for just under 4 months - I want her to be really proud of the weight loss she can see by the time I come back, so this would be a great way to do it. I'll send you my starting weight now, if that's OK?


    YEP THATS NO PROBLEM SELLY WELCOME ABOARD ..we weigh in every friday
  • andreaie
    andreaie Posts: 369 Member
    OOOoooo i wonder what todays challenge is going to be.

    Have to say a big thank you to andreaie for putting in so much time and effort and helping each and everyone of us through this challange its a big commitment and i hail ya for it



    here here!!!!

    Yes thank you very much :)

    ah thank you :blushing: :blushing:
  • cherrypop1 I think it might be a good idea if we all try and come up with a meal for the carb free day and that way people might find it easier to follow on the day they wanna do theres. I think that an omlette is a great carb free meal 2 eggs some bacon some low fat cheese and some onions and mushrooms you can have this with a nice salad

    if we all add an idea it will make it easier for everyone

    My day is going to me breakfast- Omlette, Lunch- Fruit Salad and dinner Chicken salad :)


    I've only had 2 pieces of fruit so far, then having ham salad for lunch then chicken and peppers for dinner! Omlette sounds yummy :)
  • ok challengers just something i forgot to write earlier... you MUST log your diary every day and if people could make there diarys public we can all have a look and give advice... of course this is optional but i think its harder to cheat if you know people will be having a peek :)

    and dont cheat because your only fooling yourself... remember if you bite it write it (i heard that somewhere before as im sure most of you have also )
    mine is public but mine is usually all "quick cals" because of the fact some of the stuff i eat on here isnt listed and some of it thats listed isnt even correct to the actual package.
  • SCVirginia
    SCVirginia Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm not new to MFP, but I am new to chatting. I need help. I tried to do this by myself. I need motivation. I would like to join your countdown to Christmas. What are your rules, what do I have to do?
  • Have to say a big thank you to andreaie for putting in so much time and effort and helping each and everyone of us through this challange its a big commitment and i hail ya for it



    This is my thoughts completely..although I'm not keeping up with the exercise challenge, the carb and water challenge has started me watching that and doing much better overall.
    Thanks so much for starting this.
  • yay 17 weeks!
    I'd soo love to lose 7kg! that would mean 0,4 kg a week. Is that ok or is it too fast?
    For that, I will continue my 1400-1650kcal a day, do a bit more weight-situps and increase a bit my workout!

    Like that I could fit in again in a dress from 2 years ago, I really liked.
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Just checking in. I completed my lunges yesterday and drank my water. Today is an official day off from work for me, but I am in the office anyway. I will work on my water while I am here, and definitely do the brisk walk later, although the weather is pretty crappy here right now. (60's & rainy).

    I'll add my thanks to Andreaie for her efforts. I ran a challenge last year, and it was disappointing how everyone was gung ho at first, but then very quickly, people disappeared, despite my best efforts. :cry: So here's to the continued success of this challenge, and everyone who is participating! :flowerforyou:
  • Actually enjoyed my walk today, but my legs are so sore from yesterday's lunges :(

    Good Luck everyone....
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Actually enjoyed my walk today, but my legs are so sore from yesterday's lunges :(

    Good Luck everyone....

    Great job though!!!

  • andreaie
    andreaie Posts: 369 Member
    Actually enjoyed my walk today, but my legs are so sore from yesterday's lunges :(

    Good Luck everyone....

    that just means its working:) thats a good thing .. keep up the good work guys your all doing great
  • andreaie
    andreaie Posts: 369 Member
    Just checking in. I completed my lunges yesterday and drank my water. Today is an official day off from work for me, but I am in the office anyway. I will work on my water while I am here, and definitely do the brisk walk later, although the weather is pretty crappy here right now. (60's & rainy).

    I'll add my thanks to Andreaie for her efforts. I ran a challenge last year, and it was disappointing how everyone was gung ho at first, but then very quickly, people disappeared, despite my best efforts. :cry: So here's to the continued success of this challenge, and everyone who is participating! :flowerforyou:

    your all to nice you dont have to thank me your the ones doing all the hard work im :)

    lets just stick at this and keep going :heart: :heart:
  • andreaie
    andreaie Posts: 369 Member
    Have to say a big thank you to andreaie for putting in so much time and effort and helping each and everyone of us through this challange its a big commitment and i hail ya for it



    This is my thoughts completely..although I'm not keeping up with the exercise challenge, the carb and water challenge has started me watching that and doing much better overall.
    Thanks so much for starting this.

    your more than welcome :)
  • I don't know if there's anything special we have to do weekly or daily.. today I have to skip my exercises since I'm having an exam and are studying all day long, instead, I'll catch up in the other days for this 'lost' day. At least, I'm inside my kcal. :)

    I know drinking is essential, but.. does it really help us to lose weight? o.O
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Walk is done. Still working on my water. I am going to go ride my stationary bike for awhile. Bye for now! :bigsmile:
  • Got the walk in today...thanks for the challenge! now for someone to push me in a wagon tomorrow....I am pooped! ;) j/k
  • Ambeltz2016
    Ambeltz2016 Posts: 36 Member
    NSV the other day, my boyfriend said that he can fit his arms around me better. :) It made my day!!!
  • fitnowandforever
    fitnowandforever Posts: 128 Member
    Ran 3 miles straight, and my legs felt like jell-o! Loving this group, and the inspiring :) Let's stick to it and wow everyone with our amazing bodies on Christmas morning ;) Can't wait for the jaws to drop. That's the only thing keeping me from eating the caramel ice cream in my freezer.
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    did the walk yesterday (inbetween the rain lol) cant wait to see what todays challenge is :) xxxx