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*CLOSED* September Challenge (AggieCass & Friends)



  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Ok here is probably the oddest 15 minute challenge workout.... Loaded twenty 50# bags of wheat seed into a pickup truck-drove to the field and had to unload and climb up on the back of the wheat drill to dump them in...so weight lifting and a bit of stairmaster....

    What did you guys do this week????

    Monday: Took a lap around the parking lot every time I re-parked.
    Tuesday: walked 1 mile after running 3
    Wednesday: Ran 1.5 miles (was supposed to be a rest day)
    Thursday: added an extra 1.2 miles after run completed
    Friday: took the stairs all day

  • Ok here is probably the oddest 15 minute challenge workout.... Loaded twenty 50# bags of wheat seed into a pickup truck-drove to the field and had to unload and climb up on the back of the wheat drill to dump them in...so weight lifting and a bit of stairmaster....

    What did you guys do this week????

    Monday: Took a lap around the parking lot every time I re-parked.
    Tuesday: walked 1 mile after running 3
    Wednesday: Ran 1.5 miles (was supposed to be a rest day)
    Thursday: added an extra 1.2 miles after run completed
    Friday: took the stairs all day


    GREAT JOB!!!!
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    Woops forgot to answer the third question:))

    3. Something no one on MFP knows about me....I drank gasoline out of a 7 up can when I eas 3. My mom says I picked up a can while she was pumping gas and started drinking....she ran over to me and realized I had just drank gasoline...took me to the ER...obviously I lived:)) Welp I couldn't think of anything else to write.
  • jcm214
    jcm214 Posts: 157
    Hey all. I've been awful this week. Life stuff, work stuff, all of the above stuff. So, this week was pretty much a fail for me. I haven't been logging, I exercised twice (crossfit) and couldn't get in the 3rd time b/c of work and dr appointments. And I don't wear my HRM to crossfit so I have no idea what I'm burning. Maybe I will start wearing it there. I've been totally off my game.

    I gave up the scale last weekend and now I use the tape measure but I might have to give that up too. All I'm seeing are the numbers increasing. I'm trying really hard not to let this upset me, but I'm struggling to see where the success in weight loss and inches lost. I've heard that starting a new routine and adding in weight lifting can cause gain for a bit, but this is frustrating. I want to see change.

    Anyway, I'm hoping next week will be better because this week was hard.

    Have a great weekend everyone. Message me or add me if you want. And... I'm blogging about my challenges and struggles and workouts over at www.healthyhappypeace.blogspot.com Thanks!
  • candykay89
    candykay89 Posts: 110 Member
    Hey all, this is a very interactive and dedicated group. I believe with hard work we can achieve our goals. Let's go and get this done.
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    I've been MIA for the last 2 days. Missed my workouts last night but I got a ton of walking in shopping for my fancies wedding band and some wedding jewelry for me ;)

    We did have diner food so ill have to work a little harder tomorrow.

    I also splurged on rebock easy tone sneakers for work :)
  • ecmcnamee
    ecmcnamee Posts: 317 Member
    Hey everybody!! Happy Sunday ... it's a hot humid sticky day here in the Mid-Atlantic ... my workout for the day is done and I'm trying to convince the kiddos they would much rather go to a movie then play outside ...I'm losing the battle btw. Anywho ... I've done great this week with calories, water and exercising ... haven't done so great with the extra 15 minutes. Kids back to school ... I was back to work after a week off ... not a lot of time to run out at lunch and grab that walk. I'm not gonna beat myself up about it ... one morning I had to be at work super early because of the Grand Prix here in Baltimore ... so I got up at 4 a.m. to get my workout in because I knew I couldn't do it that night. Odd thing is, I really WANTED to get it in ... the old me would have just rolled over and said oh well. I'm pretty proud of that ...

    Can't wait to measure, weigh tomorrow ... I've been playing with 4 pounds for the past week so any weight loss, while awesome, I'm not going to get too excited about until I see it going down for a couple weeks in a row. That said, one of the things I've tried to change this week is really watching my sugar and carbohydrate intake and I've increased my fiber and protein. We'll see what happens over the next couple of weeks/months.

    I will admit to being seriously jealous of a lot of people on my FL who seem to drop weight so easy and I've had the thought that maybe this is the weight I'm supposed to be ... thing is .. this isn't the weight I WANT to be. It's completely mental ... I know that .. I look the best I've ever looked in my life ... but my brain wants to see a 1 staring my weight not a 2 ... I'm not giving up .. no effing way!!
  • Ok tomorrow is the first big day.... when I started this...I thought "piece of cake" now that this crazy week has passed I am a bit more humble.....I seriously dont have all my check marks in all my boxes....:cry: we will see how the tape measure adds up for me....the scale was NOT my friend this week.... ( my weigh in is on Friday)

    Best Wishes for all of you guys tomorrow
  • I just uploaded my info for the week. I lost a pound (yay!) and lost inches in some places (yay!) and gained inches in other places (boo)... resulting in a "0" inches lost. As for the challenge, I stayed within calories and drank my water and did the activity 6 out of 7 days. Not a bad week.

    I'm at my parents' house this week, and they are definitely not healthy eaters. Luckily I'll be at home by myself most of the day, so I'll be able to exercise and control what I eat most of the time. Good luck this week -- I can't wait to see who the winners are!
  • jcm214
    jcm214 Posts: 157
    ok... I suck. I gained 1.6 pounds (probably from pizza hut and other crap food... but I wish it were from the weight training) and I lost 1 inch. I still have chocolate in the house, time to break it all up and stick it in the freezer for special moments instead of scarfing the rest of the bar... although, that is mighty tempting.

    Ugh... I only did 1 challenge, and I didn't log. I fail this week.
  • sailorsbabydoll
    sailorsbabydoll Posts: 74 Member
    Hey all!!! SO.....I lost 1 pound this week!!!!! Woo-hoo!!! Go me!!!! I will measure in a bit and update the chart - met my goals most days and I am ready to have an even better week this week!!!! Happy Labor Day to all!!!! I know I am sure enjoying my extra day off!
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    I am getting REALLY frustrated with my computer and trying to upload my information for this challenge. I have an old computer and it is not allowing me to download the document, on some days I can't open my hotmail messages and on other days I can't open my gmail messages. I'm not going to let that stop me or allow it to frustrate me enough to drop out of this group....sooooo....I'm just going to list them on here for now so I can be held accountable by all of you.

    1.) Weight/Inches: Last Monday 148/ forgot last week's inches
    Today 143.2/133.5 inches

    * I was on my period last Monday. My weight before I started my period was 145----so I would only count for myself a 1.8 loss (YEY!!!)--- rather than nearly 5 pounds.

    2.) Exercise: 5/6 days CHECK

    3.) Water: CHECK

    4.) Calories: NO

    * I did not eat much last week (TOM) so I didn't come close to eating all that I should have. Before my period I tend to want to eat everything. When I am on my period, I usually have a hard time eating at all---weird. Most days I did not eat back ALL my exercise cals. I ate some of them. I simply wasn't hungry. I usually do eat them back.

    5.) Extra Challenge: 2 days---sorry...I really forgot...oops:tongue: I'll be on it this week!!!

    I think that is everything!! Have a great week everyone!!!! Let's go get em ladies!!!!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I am getting REALLY frustrated with my computer and trying to upload my information for this challenge. I have an old computer and it is not allowing me to download the document, on some days I can't open my hotmail messages and on other days I can't open my gmail messages. I'm not going to let that stop me or allow it to frustrate me enough to drop out of this group....sooooo....I'm just going to list them on here for now so I can be held accountable by all of you.

    1.) Weight/Inches: Last Monday 148/ forgot last week's inches
    Today 143.2/133.5 inches

    * I was on my period last Monday. My weight before I started my period was 145----so I would only count for myself a 1.8 loss (YEY!!!)--- rather than nearly 5 pounds.

    2.) Exercise: 5/6 days CHECK

    3.) Water: CHECK

    4.) Calories: NO

    * I did not eat much last week (TOM) so I didn't come close to eating all that I should have. Before my period I tend to want to eat everything. When I am on my period, I usually have a hard time eating at all---weird. Most days I did not eat back ALL my exercise cals. I ate some of them. I simply wasn't hungry. I usually do eat them back.

    5.) Extra Challenge: 2 days---sorry...I really forgot...oops:tongue: I'll be on it this week!!!

    I think that is everything!! Have a great week everyone!!!! Let's go get em ladies!!!!

    Wow great job ... I also cannot figure out how to get stuff posted on the document so I will list it here ...

    Weight: 238.8 (down 1.2 pounds but still up from my best weight)
    Inches: ummm still havent done them yet

    Calories: 5/7
    Exercise 5/7
    Water: 7/7
    15 min challenge:6/7

    I probably would have had a better loss... but this weekend I have really been horrible food wise. Not clean at all.. very processed and alot of junk food. After today whatever is left is getting thrown out. I have a habit of doing this when the hubby goes away for the weekend... at least I still got my run in yesterday!
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    Hey everyone- just checking in to say I won't be able to weigh in until late this evening since I'm travelling. I'll post later!
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Hello friends!

    I lost 2 lbs this week and will take inches in the morning (i already ate and forgot to measure first :/ )

    i did awful on my goals this week did the challenge one day and didn't reach all three of my goals any days :-(...between feeling crummy and thinking i was pregnant it was NOT a good week. Starting today i WILL do better this week!

    I'm so excited to see everyone's progress.

    Also, due to the holiday and some people having technical difficulties, we will postpone the award recognition until tomorrow morning. Get your info in tonight!

  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    The challenge for this week is Push Ups! The goal is to do as many push ups as you can with good form (not girl push ups). If you can't do them on hands and feet, elevate your body. The easiest form is against a wall with your feet several feet away from the wall. The next modification is with your body at a 45 degree angle (like with your hands on a bench or a coffee table). The next variation is using stairs or a low step so that your body is at a 30 degree angle. The next level is "standard" push ups with hands and feet on the floor. If this is too easy, you can put your feet on a stair or bench (or swiss ball) to make things more challenging. Pick a level that is challenging but where you can still maintain good form (straight line from your shoulders to your toes).

    After your find your appropriate level (no knee's push ups...this isnt good for your back and doesn't incorporate your core!) here is what you will do:

    Monday- do as many push ups as you can
    Tuesday- wall squats...two sets for a minute each (or as long as you can hold it with your legs making a 90 degree angle)
    Wednesday- do five more push ups than you did on monday
    Thursday- wall squats...two sets adding 15 seconds longer than you did on tuesday
    Friday- Rest Day
    Saturday- do five to ten more push ups than you did on wednesday
    Sunday- wall squats...two sets adding 15 seconds to what you did on thursday

    for the challenge we will just be recording the number of days you completed the challenge, but you probably want to record your own progress to know what to do for the next day.
  • candykay89
    candykay89 Posts: 110 Member
    I lost 1 pound this week. It may be more but because of TOM i cannot tell. I also lost 1 inch. Looking forward to this weeks' challenge. The first thing i noticed was push-ups, are you kidding me? I cannot seem to keep my behind from sticking up in the air despite training from my husband and army son. However, i will put my butt into it and go for it. It must happen. Push-ups it is! Lets go team, we can do this!
  • ecmcnamee
    ecmcnamee Posts: 317 Member
    Hi all ... I did my weigh in and measurements and can't complain too much about the past week. I didn't hit my calories every day nor did I hit the challenge every day. Crazy week with school and being back to work after vacation. BUT I did drop 2.2 pounds (I've been at a plateau gaining and losing the same 4 pounds for 8 weeks now ... so hopefully I will show a loss again next week .. that would be sweet!!). Anywho, I also lost .5 inches and I did my measurements for last month and I lost a total of 1.75 inches from when I measured in the beginning of August. Everyone is doing an awesome job and hope you all are off to a great start to this week :)
  • jalysons
    jalysons Posts: 73 Member
    Hi all,

    I met 2 0ut of the 3 challenges. I drank my water and exercised. I did not eat all my calories but I did better.

    QUESTION: DO YOU subtract your BMR from your exervise. So if you burn 600 calories an hour do you subtract BMR/24 = hour BMR?

    I am just curious

  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    ~~~~~~Week One Challenge Winners~~~~~~

    Congrats to the following ladies for their awesome work this week!

    Ladies who met all three goals (calories, exercise, water) the most days (seven was the most):

    Dawn (runningaggie)
    Claudia (claudiav05)
    Joanne (soccermum75)
    Jessie (ashkay2)
    Kayon (candykay89)
    Apryl (aprylcross)

    Ladies who participated in the challenge the most days (seven was the most):

    Dawn (runningaggie)
    Joanne (soccermum75)
    Jenn (jalysons)
    Kayon (candykay89)
    Christine (sailorsbabydoll)
    Kara (kiwikara)

    Person who lost the most weight: Apryl (aprylcross) Lost three pounds or 1.93% of her starting weight
    Person who lost the most inches: Dawn (runningaggie) Lost 5.5 inches of 2.96% of starting inches

    Congrats again to all of our week one challenge winners!

    All new awards will be awarded next Monday so really push yourself to do your best this week!
    One last thing, please make sure your email is correct on the google doc, that is what I am using to send the emails to the group.

    "Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment." ~Oprah Winfrey