

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Did an ultimate Weight Training and Cardio DVD. I didn’t realize there was so much yoga on this DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Warrior Workout. I’m THINKING this is yoga because it says “Warrior” but who knows?

    Tracey – I don’t think I like Christmas as much as Vince does. But I do like doing things to make others happy and this makes him happy so I’ll do it. Good luck to your daughter. I hope she gets the home she truly wants.

    Sue WA – I hope you get to SD

    Kate UK – (((HUGS))) about your BIL. How old are the children? Please don’t ask me to explain this but UNC has said that because of the coronavirus, they’re going to start classes in August. I would think they’d want to start later.

    Denise told us that DE is still in lockdown. She’s not sure if the police are ticketing out-of-staters who go to the beaches.

    Read an article in the paper that when churches open, they’ll no longer have the wine, which I don’t have a problem with since I never took it anyway. Evidently, the priest is going to be wearing a mask and gloves when he gives out communion. I guess we shall see if they do this or not. Got an email yesterday saying that they’re going to have mass. I wonder how many people can be in the church? If it’s only 10 or so, I really don’t want to go if there’s a good chance I won’t get in. Plus…I’m not wearing any makeup since it’s still tender on my eyelid. Guess I’ll need to go to count the collection money, but maybe every other week as I suspect the collection money will be down

    Made a key lime pie this morning for Vince.

    Strung some popcorn then Vince wanted to cut the grass so did that. Then I started to clean out around these trees, you know, take out twigs, vines, etc. Vince got real upset saying that the trees are our neighbors. No, some of them are on our property. Besides, I really don’t think they’d get upset that I was cleaning out. Now if I was cutting down trees, that I can understand they may get upset about. But cleaning out between them? Sometimes I can’t figure that guy out. He wanted me to put down weed killer on the weeds between the road and our driveway. Then he proceeded to use the weedwacker on them. How can I put down weed killer if there aren’t any weeds for me to see?

    Before we cut the grass I went and bought gas for the lawn mowers. Unfortunately, I kind-of overfilled one can and it came out. Fortunately, I had a sanitizing wipe in the car so I wiped the can off with that. Still, I don’t think I got it all.

    Katla – I just hope we don’t have to constantly wear face masks after this pandemic. I honestly forget to wear mine sometimes.

    Tonya and Karen VA – Heather suggested using the shirataki noodles in soup. I always had a hard time getting all of the water out of them, so having them in soup works. Thank you Heather.

    Cyn IL – welcome!

    Rebecca – I love that “nature’s Skittles” especially since Vince worked for Mars.

    Margaret – I didn’t know that the oxygen reader couldn’t read thru nail polish. Don’t they use them all the time in the hosp? Wonder how they get around this? Maybe there’s a certain type that does.

    Michele NC
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Michele y Margret- I never had issues with nail polish y a hospital oxygen reader. Perhaps it’s the older models or acrylic nails (never had those). But I regularly since childhood wear Horse hoof strengthened clear nail polish super thickly in my nails always got a correct reading. Not sure about darker nail polishes like them Blk to green ones I see now. Perhaps it’s certain types of nail polish only.
    Found this troubleshooting medical equipment says it’s certain colors so I figure that effects certain models but not all. Having fun looking into this. Very interesting 🧐

    Amber Tx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,104 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Margaret – I didn’t know that the oxygen reader couldn’t read thru nail polish. Don’t they use them all the time in the hosp? Wonder how they get around this? Maybe there’s a certain type that does.

    Michele NC

    I'm pretty sure hospitals do things differently now, but a number of years ago, people were not allowed to go to hospital with nail polish on, and if you did, they'd remove it on at least one nail ... finger or toe.

    When I cycled the really long distances, I used to leave at least a toe or two without nail polish in case I had an accident ... just to make it easier on the medical personnel.

    M in Oz
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited May 2020
    Spent a little time gardening, went grocery shopping and had a nice walk in the neighborhood. I’ve heard from horsey friends and hope to join them for a work party in one of our county parks week after next. B)
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,519 Member
    I'm so glad y'all take my brand of humor with a grain of salt.💖. Its not for the faint of heart, and its not often proper. I'm sure when I told my older sister about our nudist way of life, she started a prayer group for me, and (in her words), ,"to subJECT your boys to that". Awe well. To paint you another funny picture, my son's invented a new way of playing tennis at the resort back then. Just my two youngest son's now, eldest was already in the Navy. So what you had to do was hit the ball and sit down. Then the person on the other side of the net would hit it and sit down. It was a lot of laughing, scrambling up into their feet and sprinting! I did not do this kind of tennis. My job was to clap, and try not to choke on my water! And yes they were nude too. With gallons of sun lotion on.👍
    I like the Natures Skittles too. This next shopping run I want to buy strawberries and a package of Pectin.👍
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,104 Member


  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,875 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,104 Member
    I've finished the "misinformation in digital media" paper.

    Now doing quantitative analysis paper. I use the word "doing" loosely. I'm not sure what I'm doing. 🤨😳🤪🧐

    Machka in Oz
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hello everyone.

    Time will not allow for me to reply to every topic posted. It is 2:30 am here and I do need to log in and get quite a few tasks done in order to make next week a little easier.

    Kim – I know you will do your best to get as much funding as you are able. What really makes me upset is I do recall you stating you were trying to get the “board” to allow the front-line workers to rent the cabins there but the “board” wanted to charge them for meals too which the front-liners did not need. I am sure they are a good group of people with good intentions, but ignoring the obvious will never make it go away. Sending positive thoughts and prayers. And, also helping you can steer them in the right direction so they can start doing the work they are supposed to be doing.

    Amber – I have just about stopped watching TV. I am so over it! I did start watching HBO's “Of This I Know is True”. It’s very good.

    Machka – I love the picture of your grandmother. Thank you for noticing I dropped out of sight – work is kicking my b-tt!

    Katla – Like you very excited the salons are open! Even with having to wear a face mask during the process was OK. Hope DH likes his new cut.

    Barbara – Oh, that internet hole! I had to start practicing loading a cart and then just deleting it. It sounds like you were in need of refreshing your favorite items. I will attest to the official study. I feel so much better after 15-30 minutes in the garden. It is good for my soul. I am so glad you got out to the pub. It’s amazing to be out again, isn’t it!?

    Lisa – Congratulations on making your decision. With all of your skills and talents there are probably many open doors out there for you. Just up to you on which ones you want to walk through. Scooby Do – LOL!!!!!! And, DH, “happy” – so wonderful for both of you.

    Luci – Oh, my you are a talent. And, do not be embarrassed! So sorry to hear about your back.

    Heather – Ros looked like a beautiful person inside and out. Big hug to you.

    Barbie – One of my favorite Chinese dishes is Broccoli with Garlic sauce. I always ask them to make it spicy. How thoughtful of your dance group.

    Rita – Love the hat.

    Kate – I am so sorry to hear about BIL. Prayers to you and yours.

    Allie – It seems you are getting in to a routine. It sounds like you are happy and it’s so much better than the dental office!

    Lanette – I never really have any success with the Mandevilla. They do well for a year or two and then just fade out. They are beautiful. I think it may do well inside. You will have to keep us posted. Sorry about Mr. Trumpet. They do extremely well here and can been grown in to a tree (almost).

    I wish I had more time to spend with all of you, but time waits for no one.

    Hugs to all,
    SuziQ – SFL
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,314 Member
    edited May 2020
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Worked around the house, not traditional exercise

    I think our grandmothers would totally disagree with this, Pip. I don't think many of them needed to go to the gym 😂 Gym is what replaces all the traditional activities that our labour saving appliances do for us!

    SuziQ: It's good to see you back after your hectic work schedule. I'm sure you're glad to get it over with. Sorry to hear about the salary freeze, though at least your promotion should come through eventually. I like you new hairdo, which doesn't look that different colour wise to the first picture. A little R&R in your garden will do you good after your intense week. We're working on changing our spring planters for summer colour this next few weeks, but will have to be prepared for any late cold spells in the next month.

    Did 25 mins walk/jog, and 15 mins weights armology first thing. Did gluteus/thighs yesterday. Planning a relatively relaxed rest of the day. It's been changeable over the last few days, so I've been mostly exercising indoors. We will Skype with the family this afternoon, and then probably watch a little telly after dinner.

    Take care! Stay safe!

    ☘️ Terri

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,104 Member
    edited May 2020
    Right now? I would stay right here in the house, in my pyjamas, listening to ABC Classic FM, with my husband and Rhody.
    Like I am. :)


    I've spent much of my life beyond my comfort zone.
    But sometimes it is nice when the world shuts down and I can be in my comfort zone for a while.


    Machka in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,323 Member
    edited May 2020
    I too am very happy at home, with my DH, doing my exercises and my writing. Nothing makes me happier. I love a run along the seafront after lunch too. Marvellous!

    I'm not a gardener any more. I don't even like going out in the garden, but I love looking at it. I must go up to the wildflower patch we sowed to see how it's coming on. I can see white and tiny purple flowers from the window. I think I am slightly agoraphobic. Can't wait to scurry back indoors.
    In our old house I grew vegetables in the front garden in raised beds. Only a few things were a success because the insects and slugs etc were rampant. I decided to give up that battle and, apart from herbs, have no interest in growing anything when I can buy lovely, fresh, local, organic stuff around the corner. Let someone else deal with the heartbreak and the watering. B) For me it was just a constant worry. I hate being responsible for things. That's why I have no houseplants or pets. I brought my children up on the principle of benign neglect. They seem to have survived. <3

    Music is a difficult issue. A lot of people I know are under the impression that I don't like music. Nothing could be further from the truth. I love it so much I am very careful with it. I hate music as background. A piece of music needs to be chosen with care. I avoid shops, restaurants etc that have music on. I find it insulting that anyone should think their choice of loop tape should be what I want to listen to. All my friends know that I can't stand having anything on in the background when I visit them. If they forget I remind them to turn it off. >:) Otherwise I have a panic attack and cry. I'm not joking.
    This means that DH and I have to be very careful around each other with music. We do not agree on a lot of our tastes. Negotiations are required before music is played. The only time we listen together is for the singing class, and on Sunday mornings when we retune the radio to Classic FM to avoid the religious service on our beloved Radio 4.
    He sometimes goes into his study to listen to a CD, or puts his ipod on. I listen while I am running if he isn't with me, or if he goes out. On goes my bangra.
    My choices are very wide, but I love church choral music, world music, jazz, swing, and even the odd pop tune if it's good. I also like 'silly' music and keep threatening to have a silly disco one day, much to DH's disgust.
    However, by choice, I listen much more to spoken word radio from the BBC.

    I never learnt to play an instrument, though I did have a term on a borrowed clarinet. I love to sing. I was sometimes picked to sing solo when I was younger. I never joined a choir because am not a joiner. We have both gained unexpected pleasure from the singing group we joined last year and it is the first time in years I have been able to let my voice really free. It's a very loose affair with no commitment.

    I love to dance. I started when I was 3 years old doing tap and ballet. Did lots of shows. Learnt ballroom and Old Time when I was 9 for six months. Did some dancing as a teenager and carried on with modern ballet and jazz dance in my 30s. Did dancing for mental health classes. Took modern ballet up again in my late 40s. Then the dreaded bad knee put paid to almost any dancing. I had suffered from it all my life, with many investigations, but no answers. As I got older it got worse. Eventually, in my 60s, I paid to see a sports physio and she diagnosed the problem immediately. My patella was misaligned. She gave me exercises and hope. It took a while, but I have a grumpy, but functioning knee again. I do the exercises and more every day and I am (was) dancing again with the swing dancing classes and the ballroom and line dancing on the cruises. Plus bopping about. I LOVE to dance.

    That's more than enough I think!!!

    Much love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,104 Member
    I too am very happy at home, with my DH, doing my exercises and my writing. Nothing makes me happier. I love a run along the seafront after lunch too. Marvellous!

    I'm not a gardener any more. I don't even like going out in the garden, but I love looking at it. I must go up to the wildflower patch we sowed to see how it's coming on. I can see white and tiny purple flowers from the window. I think I am slightly agoraphobic. Can't wait to scurry back indoors.

    Much love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    What is it about being in the garden that bothers you? You run outside, so you don't mind being outside. Is it just the garden? Insects? Allergies?

    One day, in my dream house (which may or may not ever happen), I'd love to have a conservatory and deck on the back which would allow me to sit under shelter but with big windows if the weather wasn't good or move out onto the deck if it was ... and that's where I would work.

    I'm not fond of being cooped up inside. It's one of a list of things that bothers me about working. Fortunately, working from home I've got big windows on three sides of the "tree house" that is home. That helps.

    This was taken just as we were moving in ... there's a fourth window on the wall on the left, that you can't see.

    I sit in this corner at a table now ...

    M in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,314 Member
    edited May 2020

    Take off right now? Go out on our boat. Restrictions in the marina have been eased, but it’s rather too stormy to go out at the moment. But I’m content to chill with my honey right here.

    After many decades of meditation practices, I carry my comfort zone around with me. I can enter it any time I choose. I think I was always able to switch off. A useful tool in my youth.

    However, I like a challenge, so this weekend I’m working on decluttering my diet.
    Choosing fruit, and protein/fibre rich alternatives instead of my usual chocolate 🍪 snacks. I have already pre-logged for the day.
    herbal tea/grapefruit/blueberries/milled flax/yoghurt
    Mid morning: coffee
    Lunch: salmon salad, houmous, goats cheese, granary bread, coffee
    Mid afternoon: coffee, banana, probiotic drink, pre-dinner 50ml sherry (during family Skype)
    Dinner: 100g roast chicken, 6/7 veg, our own strawberries/yoghurt, 125ml West Coast Cooler
    Supper: 20g dark chocolate (daily indulgence) clementine, apple

    Wish me luck!!!

    ☘️ Terri
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,104 Member
    Regarding my "comfort zone" ...

    For some reason, my mother protected me when I was growing up and indicated that I wasn't strong enough to do certain things. I don't recall a lot of details but I remember that I was pulled out of gym class for at least one year maybe more when I was quite young because I was deemed not healthy enough to do gym stuff, and I was pulled out of it many times over the years. And then, of course, because I missed so much of it, I was the kid chosen last for everything because I was uncoordinated and didn't know what I was doing.

    I also remember being told that I might not be strong enough to put in the effort required to go to university and get degrees etc. I was smart enough, but health was the issue.

    One day I should ask about it because I'm not sure why my health was considered such an issue. I know I had rheumatic fever as a child and ended up with a heart murmur and two damaged valves. And I had a long bout with mono which my nurse mother unfortunately brought home from the hospital where she worked as a nurse ... kind of like these days when hospital staff risk bringing home a virus to their families.

    And I remember some weeks where I wasn't allowed to do much and ended up going for some sort of brain scan to see if I had a tumour. I gather they didn't discover anything but I must have been struggling with headaches and dizziness. Interestingly, I always have headaches. Not a day goes by without a headache. I don't remember ever not having headaches. And recently, on a scan for something else, it was discovered I have a large cyst on the left side of my brain. So perhaps that started growing back when I was a child, and maybe between that and my deviated septum, I have headaches. I don't know.

    But when I was in my late teens and my mother was trying to reinforce all these restrictions, I thought "screw that"! And I plunged into the world of education and exercise ... pushing myself beyond my comfort zone.

    I have a massive list of courses I've taken and qualifications I've received ... and of course, I'm working on one now.

    At first, in my late teens, I got into running. Then I got into bodybuilding and trained with a coach for a couple years. And then I settled into cycling ... riding recreationally, then racing, then into the ultradistance stuff, commuting, touring, and now I'm just riding recreationally for the moment again. I've also got back into running and am set up to do some limited bodybuilding if I want.

    After my divorce, I started travelling far and wide ... and I don't travel with much of a plan. My plan usually consists of flights in and out of a country, and maybe the first and last night's accommodation but that's about it. So I've ended up wild camping, sleeping in airports and other odd places, and so on.

    Then immediately after finishing another degree, marrying an Australian and zipping off to Australia to live in an off-the-grid cabin out in the middle of nowhere ...

    Some situations have been unintentional, like my husband's injury.

    But at some point most days I think to myself, "I really don't want to be doing this!" ... yet I push on and do it anyway.

    And I do try to have a comfort moment at some point each day as well.

    When I finish this course I'm currently in, I am hoping to have a few more comfort moments ... imagine taking an entire evening to do ... nothing!! Inconceivable!

    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,780 Member
    Morning Ladies~ I am on my second cup of tea, Faith still sleeping. she is sleeping alot...
    filled all the bird feeders and just catching up will get dressed in a few and get the day started..