60 yrs and up



  • n2gardens56
    n2gardens56 Posts: 74 Member
    Checking in, miss you friends! It has rained here for 5 + days but clear today. I spent a couple of days with the blues, but happy today, did my yoga, meditation and weight workout. Need to do more of that when I am blue, but find sometimes it is almost impossible.... Hope to do some hiking later. Getting hot today, up in 80's. I have been working on building a brick sidewalk the last couple of weeks, finished it yesterday, gave me some good exercise and let me be creative, which is important. Last summer I built a fence and enclosed a small section of garden so I could plant special plants and have a sanctuary. That is where I made the brick path, a curvy walk with a giant circle in the middle. It turned out beautiful. Loved the hard work of digging, carrying bricks and hauling sand. I have also cleaned my wrap around porch, all the furniture and rugs and made a hideaway on the north-cool side in a corner where I have L-shaped furniture and space for my new outdoor yoga area. I bring out my computer and do my classes out here now. Listening to all the bird and nature sounds really helps me feel like I have escaped to a spa or something. Everyone stay safe and positive (better than "me", guess I am talking to me too! lol) Have a Happy Memorial Day weekend.
  • trekkie123
    trekkie123 Posts: 251 Member
    Sounds like you’ve been doing a lot to keep busy during this quarantine. Glad you are feeling better🙌
  • Lynne4RH
    Lynne4RH Posts: 13 Member
    Good morning, MFPers! It is supposed to be cloudy and 60s today in Southern MD. However, I get to see this lil ray of sunshine a bit later this afternoon. I call her "Happy" because normally she is all smiles and chatter...but this photo cracked me up when I saw it because she looks either totally annoyed or very opinionated about something...I think she's going to have a lot of personality, lol. Our church is still closed for services and will reopen in June, I believe. So, we'll join up with them "virtually." Tomorrow, we'll be going back over to my daughter's home to celebrate her oldest son Noah Lee's 5th birthday. He was expecting his friends whom he misses dearly from pre-school to show up and his parents were having a hard time explaining this whole social distancing thing. Hopefully, between all the grandparents showing up it will take away a bit of his disappointment. Hope everyone has a great week! My mini-goals for the week, chair exercise or something moderate that won't hurt my foot, plan my meals, drink H20 (I slacked off last week) and do my bible study for support. Hope everyone has a blessed week! nfhxsdlcj0bn.jpg
  • kmurray347
    kmurray347 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm 73, still working and happy to find a group of older women to lose weight with. Although I just came back to MFP from WW, I actually lost weight during COVID-19. I think I am eating better since I am at home. Before COVID, I ate out a lot! I think that caused my weight gain. I gained 18 lbs between Nov. 2019 and Jan. 2020. However, I am now down 18 lbs. since the beginning of the year. I am hoping to find good recipes and eating suggestions to continue weight loss. Feel free to reach out and say hello. I'm Kathie.
  • trekkie123
    trekkie123 Posts: 251 Member
    She is adorable! Looks like she is thinking... let me see what I can get into today,, lol
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,966 Member
    :)Kathie, Welcome to our friendly community. I have been retired for a long time so I already have a stay at home routine in place. I found it good for me to log food and exercise every day, seek every opportunity to be active, and participate with like minded people on this thread. I hope you will keep coming back. I eat the same foods over and over and it helps me stay less emotionally involved with food. I love having a routine and familiar meals at regular times works for me. My exercise is walking my dogs, walking with a friend, dancing, riding my exercise bike.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • n2gardens56
    n2gardens56 Posts: 74 Member
    Got up early to enjoy the sunrise, which is a blessing. Outside Yoga complete with sounds of chirping birds, off to a short run on a secluded country road. Going to be a great day
  • trekkie123
    trekkie123 Posts: 251 Member
    I did yoga today too🧘🏼‍♀️. It’s been a lifesaver during this quarantine. Enjoy your day!
  • lindagalbreath577
    lindagalbreath577 Posts: 75 Member
    Hey everyone! n2garden52 your areas you created sound very peaceful! I joined this group on Facebook called garden junk some really good ideas!! Wish I had a bigger yard! Any ways. Lynne4RH oh my she is a cutie she looks like she is up to mischief! Watch out! lol welcome kmurray347 this is a really good group! We were in ER last night! Husband had a allergic reaction to a medication he’s on. Much better today. Everyone have a good evening take care🌹💖🦋🤓🌷
  • trekkie123
    trekkie123 Posts: 251 Member
    Glad to hear he is doing better! Speedy recovery!
  • j29t
    j29t Posts: 228 Member
    Beach view31lwayyv6up4.jpg
  • j29t
    j29t Posts: 228 Member
    Ocean viewhrm1s4l32iih.jpg
  • trekkie123
    trekkie123 Posts: 251 Member
    Beautiful! Nothing like the view of the ocean.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,966 Member
    :) Last week Bernie, the cat, threw up on my blanket and after I washed it and put it back on the bed, I realized how old and shabby it was. Thinking back, I remembered that we bought the blanket with money we got for our wedding in 1989. It was an electric blanket until Sasha, the poodle, started chewing on the wires when she was a puppy in 2007. We decided it was OK to throw the blanket away and buy a new one. I was crazed looking at all the choices so I turned the job over to my sweet husband who found the perfect blanket, perfect weight, and pleased me by choosing red and black plaid because he knows I like bright colors. It arrived yesterday and after washing it, I put it on the bed and am delighted with it.

    :)j29t What fun to be at the beach. Great pictures.

    <3 Barbie
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    @j29t - where is the beach? The fishermen reminded me - I have done several types of fishing, but never fishing in the surf. Better add that to the bucket list.

    Hope you all are well. Got a mild back injury a couple of weeks ago and it is stubbornly slow to heal. I'm doing some light lifting and walking with the dog as much as possible. I've noticed that she usually naps for an hour after the walk. Perhaps I should take a cue from her. HAHA!

    "If you want to keep moving, you gotta' keep moving." -- Uncle Roland
  • j29t
    j29t Posts: 228 Member
    @alteredsteve175 - We are on Hatteras Island in Avon, NC. The grandchildren are having so much fun.kt636aun9s6v.jpg
  • trekkie123
    trekkie123 Posts: 251 Member
    Fantastic! I live right by the ocean too. How nice you got to be with the grandkids! Enjoy your time together
  • lindagalbreath577
    lindagalbreath577 Posts: 75 Member
    Good morning everyone!! We have sunshine here today in Oregon!! So you know where I’ll be. I have to finish digging a flower bed and plant the irises and dalias today . j29t grandkids are so much fun!! I have 5 . They want to come to nanas and not go home! Well everyone have a really good day! 🤓🦋🌹💖🌷
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Jealous of your sunshine! We have had rain for 2-3 days & expecting it for another few. Even had a tornado about 2-3 miles away yesterday & didn't know it until I saw it on the news. Guess I should have paid attention when I thought I heard sirens, lol. My little garden is looking good, but could use some sunshine for a few days. Hope it dries out enough to go out to the farm & plant pumpkins next week. Kinda planning for this to be the last year for pumpkins. It was fun to do when the gkids wanted to help, but they are getting bigger & busier, so last year it was just dh & I. Lots of work. We grow them for the gkids & ourselves, & then give away what is left over, if any. 2 years ago great crop, last year not so much..nothing to give away.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,966 Member
    :) I used to grow pumpkins for eating. I would bake them and freeze the "meat" to have as a vegetable during the winter.

    :) We have nice weather so I worked in the yard for awhile and listened to podcasts

    <3 Barbie