September Weight Loss Challenge (CLOSED)

This is for the people who signed up for the September Weight Loss Challenge. Good luck to everyone! Near the end of the month, look for my post with the link to the November thread if you are interested in doing it in November too!

When you weigh in, please use this format:

Starting weight for September
This week's weigh in
Your goal for September
Total Loss so far in September
How you are doing on your personal goal
Any comments you'd like to make

This will make it easier at the end of the month for me to tally our weight loss totals & update the board with them.


  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    Starting weight for September 197.5
    This week's weigh in 193.5
    Your goal for September 189
    Total Loss so far in September 4
    How you are doing on your personal goal? doing great, have not been bale to get a work out in though. i am on vacation by the lake...
    Any comments you'd like to make.... cant believe i dropped 4 pounds this week !! super excited about that :0)
  • Sw for Sept 156.5
    Wi 156.5
    I'm not in holiday yet so haven't started my personal goal.
    I've been ill this week so went way over calorie goal with orange juice so quite pleased to sts.
  • bump
  • **Starting weight for September -- 261.8 (08/28/11)

    **This week's weigh in -- 267 (09/05/11) retaining water?! There is no way I gained 6 pounds in a week!

    **Your goal for September -- 255

    **Total Loss so far in September -- I am in the negatives :(

    **How you are doing on your personal goal -- not very good at this point... I do believe I am retaining water which would account for that large gain from last week. I am hoping it goes back down soon! damn TOM!
  • Starting weight for September
    This week's weigh in
    Your goal for September: Lose 7 pounds
    Total Loss so far in September: 0 pounds
    How you are doing on your personal goal: Still working on finding time to join the gym. Will walk there Wednesday since I will not have class, sign up, and stay there forever (joke. but i'll be there for a while)
  • kiwilan
    kiwilan Posts: 90 Member
    Hi there!

    Starting weight for September - 168.6 lbs
    This week's weigh in - 169.1
    Your goal for September - Lose at least 5 lbs!
    Total Loss so far in September - 0 (+0.6)
    How you are doing on your personal goal - Not too badly, got a few things I need to do with my fitness but hopefully will lose a bit this month and much better than August!
  • Starting weight for September 194.4 (September 1st)
    This week's weigh in: will be thursday september 8
    Your goal for September: 185
    Total Loss so far in September:
    How you are doing on your personal goal? so far i've been at least walking daily.
    Any comments you'd like to make.... thanks for starting this challenge! good luck everyone. let's lose!!
  • MoDear
    MoDear Posts: 8 Member
    Starting weight for September 170 (September 1st)
    This week's weigh in: Thursday september 8
    Your goal for September: 165
    Total Loss so far in September:
    How you are doing on your personal goal? I've been able to meet my goal daily!
  • Hey everyone!!! So glad to be starting this challenge...I really need something to kick me into gear. Here are my stats:

    Starting weight for September: 215
    This week's weigh in: 215
    Your goal for September: 206
    Total Loss so far in September: 1
    How you are doing on your personal goal: haven't started logging everything, and I've been putting off starting my 30DS...basically, still making excuses, but I guess I have the power to change that...starting now!
    Any comments you'd like to make: Getting back in the swing of things is the biggest challenge, so my goal this week is to get back into my healthier habits...and really stop making excuses! Good luck to you all...happy losing!!!
  • Starting weight for Sept.: 171.6 (Sept 5th)
    This weeks weigh in: Monday, Sept. 5th
    Your goal for Sept: 165
    Total loss so far in Sept: 0
    How are you doing in personal goal? Trying to wrap my head around quitting smoking. I'm feeling scared of the emotional aspect of it.
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Starting weight for September: 200.4
    This week's weigh in: 199.6 lbs
    Your goal for September: 190 lbs
    Total Loss so far in September: .8lbs

    How are you doing on you personal goal?
    Doing good on my personal goal! Done 30DS 2x a day every day so far (take Fridays off), walked til i burn 500 calories every day (take Friday off), & burned 6644/5000 calories last week (did MORE than my goal!)

    Any comments you'd like to make:
    I wish that I could lose more weight lately. I'm on a plateau & it's really starting to bother me, it's been over 3 weeks since I lost anything. If I gain 2lb I lose it, if I lost 2lbs I gain it. I always end up between 199-200. I'm really hoping that all this working out in September will kick my own butt & get the scale moving again.
  • Starting weight for September: 143
    This week's weigh in: Sept 5th 139
    Your goal for September: 134
    Total Loss so far in September: 4
    How you are doing on your personal goal: exercising high intensity 4 times a week for over an hour and 30DS started today...drinking more water but still could be drinking more!
    Very happy with this weeks weight lost but most of it was probably water weight! Will probably get much harder!
    Good Luck everyone! :)
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
  • Keiora
    Keiora Posts: 36 Member
    Your starting weight for September:337.4
    Your personal goal for September: 315
    Your personal self-challenge for September: Eat properly and exercise every day. Keeping it simple. ;)
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    WOOT WOOT! Looking forward to this challenge!!! :)

    Starting weight for September: 155
    This week's weigh in: 152.5
    Your goal for September: Reach: 140-142
    Total Loss so far in September: 3.5
    How you are doing on your personal goal: Doing Turbo Fire every morning and doing 30 Day Shred in the evenings with my husband and best friend at least 5 times a week! Also, eating clean!
    Any comments you'd like to make: Super excited to get through this challenge!

  • prettytoxic
    prettytoxic Posts: 122 Member
    Starting weight for September 180.2
    This week's weigh in 184
    Your goal for September 170
    Total Loss so far in September none v_v
    How you are doing on your personal goal Pretty badly right now.... I'm having binge issues.
  • SW from today: 146
    GW this month : 142
    Self Challenge: work out 4/5 days a week and buy some new clothes :)
  • mandimoore617
    mandimoore617 Posts: 325 Member
    I've added a lot of you all to my friends list from the sign up thread. If I missed you and you want to add me, go ahead. This will help because I will post reminders to my status feed every Friday to remind you all to check in if you haven't that week. It's not "required" for this challenge but thought it'd be easier that way. :-)
  • FoxWilkinson
    FoxWilkinson Posts: 46 Member
    This is going to be fun :)

    SW for September: 161.2

    This week's weigh in: 159.5

    Your goal for September: 150

    Total Loss so far in September: 1.7lbs

    How you are doing on your personal goal: Doing well so far, but I was away for the long weekend and had to skip my sunday workout. Luckily I got in a few hours of hiking.

    Any comments you'd like to make: I can't wait to start school tomorrow! I'm officially starting the Fashion Design program! Going to take the 3 flights of stair in my school ALL day!
  • MaryRarick
    MaryRarick Posts: 12 Member
    Starting weight: 170.2
    Goal weight by October 1: 162
    This week's weigh in: 170.2
    Total lost so far: 0
    How I'm feeling: Happy that school starts Wednesday. I thrive on routine. I planned my menus for this week, but I notice I'm still eating too many sweets and not enough produce. Need to push the water, too. On the bright side, I got my exercise in today. Baby steps.