The Candy Stompers (OPEN GROUP)



  • Alright so i burned a extra 419 calories doing a extra 40 mins of zumba and had no pop....... Saturday 3rd 2011 @ 11pm to 1230am lol it took me awhile lol
  • @ sangelic heck ya thats a nice burn what were u playing on the wii?
  • Good job everyone!!!
    And welcome newbies!!! :D

    Let's do this ladies!!!

    I did good with the no soda today but didn't get a chance to get any extra exercise in tonight due to over due work!
    Tomorrow though I will kick those calories!!
  • i forgot to put that on a average i usualy burn 300 to 400 a day..... :)
  • @ sangelic heck ya thats a nice burn what were u playing on the wii?

    Just Wii Sports for like an hour and a half :) The boxing one is a REALLY good workout plus I love the tennis one too!
  • Name: Jenn
    Age: 21
    Location: CA
    Starting Weight: 138
    Goal Weight: 120
    Fun Fact About Yourself: I'm a pirate! Argh!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    @ sangelic heck ya thats a nice burn what were u playing on the wii?

    Just Wii Sports for like an hour and a half :) The boxing one is a REALLY good workout plus I love the tennis one too!

    I will have to get my Wii sports back out. That's a good burn.
  • Question Of The Day:

    What was your breaking point that made you want to get healthier/lose weight??
  • Question Of The Day:

    What was your breaking point that made you want to get healthier/lose weight??

    In March or April of this year I saw some pictures of me from Christmas time and I couldn't believe it. I'd always been adamant that I would NOT become my mother (who is morbidly obese) and realized I was headed right there. :ohwell: I've never been happier that I'm sticking with this so far. Almost 40 lb. down since April!
  • PrncessBre
    PrncessBre Posts: 444 Member
    I have been looking for a challenge so I am very excited to join!

    Name: Bre
    Age: 23
    Location: Victorville,CA
    Starting Weight: 190
    Goal Weight: 160
    Fun Fact About Yourself: I have had success on MFP before...then I got pregnant lol
  • ottawagirl613
    ottawagirl613 Posts: 112 Member
    I love the name of this group! Count me in!

    Starting Date: September 4th
    Ending Date: December 31st

    Name: Andrea
    Age: 24
    Location: Ottawa
    Starting Weight: 143 (158 pre MFP)
    Goal Weight: 130 by Christmas.. In spite of Christmas cooking!!!
    Fun Fact About Yourself: Getting married next year! [September 29, 2012 :)]

    Waist: 28.5"
    Hips: 39"
    Chest: 37"
    Neck: 13.5
    Arms: 10.75"
    Thighs: 23"

    This is the first time I use measurements to track progress so I'm hoping to see some results there when the scale isn't budging (which feels like more often then not). Good luck everyone!
  • ottawagirl613
    ottawagirl613 Posts: 112 Member
    What made me want to lose weight was seeing some old facebook pictures of myself (haven't been on in years) and thinking, "I looked fantastic!" At the time I probably hated them and wanted to be 10 or 15 pounds smaller, but now I realize those pictures are where I want to be. At 10 or so pounds away from where I am now they are a realistic and healthy goal. Real wakeup call!
  • No exercise for me today folks...still very sore from yesterday! Plus I need to run Week 4 Day 1 of C25K tomorrow :noway:
  • SUnday 9-4-11
    burned 723 calories today at the gym..... and no soda today yay!!!!!

  • Question Of The Day:

    What was your breaking point that made you want to get healthier/lose weight??

    I was sick and tired of looking at myself in the mirror and saying i need to do something and never doing it, also my health was and is at stake, I would lay down and feel like i was suffucating and not being able to breath... I finally one day woke up and said enough is enough and I'm not giving up till i lose every last pound that i want to.....
  • kathryn2bfit
    kathryn2bfit Posts: 28 Member
    Question Of The Day:

    What was your breaking point that made you want to get healthier/lose weight??

    When I realized that I weighed as much as I did when I was 9 months pregnant!
  • SnuggieMeeko
    SnuggieMeeko Posts: 68 Member
    Weight in Monday!

    Starting Weight: 288
    Current Weight: 281
    Goal Weight: 175

    Pounds lost : 7 pounds!

    This week I went to the gym 4 days. Plus working 2 days and I burn a lot of calories at work running up and down halls all night! I also feel like I ate really well. I did have a somewhat cheat night last night (Sunday) but it was no where near as bad as it would have been if I wasn't on MFP. I am really proud of how well I've done. I wanted to go the gym today but the gym at my college is closed for the holiday. :( Oh well, I work and will burn lots of calories then.

    On to week two! :D
  • I just realized I didn't post this for myself!!!
    Starting Weight:220
    Goal Weight: 120
    Goal Weight by December: 180-190
    Fun Fact About Yourself: I collect Old School Nintendo

    Starting Weight: 220
    Weight as of Today: 210
    Weight Lost: 10lbs

    Did the 30DS every morning when I woke up and watched what I ate.
  • 9-5-11 burned 925 calories today..

    weigh in
    current weight 214

    i have actrually gained 3lbs since last weight in, i fluctuate from 214 to 211 it's kindof of fustrating......
  • Question Of The Day:

    What was your breaking point that made you want to get healthier/lose weight??

    Seeing the pictures from my sister in laws wedding. I was the MOH and the dress was very fitted. I just had roll upon roll and was generally disgusted.