Women 200lb+, Let's Shoot for the Moon this June!!!



  • FoolishJoy
    FoolishJoy Posts: 139 Member
    SW: 266 (3/10/20)
    6/1: 241
    6/16: 236
    GW: 175

    Well June has been eventful for me so far! I was the victim of a random act of violence..... punched in the face by a stranger when I walked by. Nothing was said or any warning given. The bruises are still fading. The lump on the back of my head...from hitting the sidewalk...is finally starting to go away. If there is an upside, I guess it would be being unable to chew made the scale go down. I was feeling so strong and confident in the few days before this happened. My body was really feeling like we were making progress. Being knocked flat on my back really made me feel weak and vulnerable. The exact opposite of what I had been feeling!!!

    After a few days and several long talks with the most supportive friends and family a person could ask for, I realized that I am strong and whatever place that woman who hit me came from must be horrible to strike out at a complete stranger like that. So even though she is a thug who can knock me to the ground, I am stronger for being able to get back up, dust myself off, and keep right on going. I determine my course. When I get knocked off, I just gotta adjust and get back to it. Same things goes if I eat cake, or chips, or whatever! Log it and move on!!

    On to brighter notes... I quit drinking soda! The goal was to drink more water. The only way that was going to happen is if I gave up the diet Mt Dew. Oh boy do I feel better. I probably drank Mt Dew for 45 years. Water has been great. I am starting to explore some teas. Never drank tea before. I was surprised I liked it.

    I also completed a 5k hiking trail that always had me winded and wishing to abducted by aliens just so it would be over! This time I managed very well and even ran some of the way. My body felt ready to take big steps over logs and climbing dunes. I did this the day after getting knocked out. Even though I was not feeling 100%, I had to get my power back. Climbing those dunes in the quiet was just what I needed.

    Staying positive and focused!! <3

    I am so sorry you went through such a horrible thing! Hugs!!
  • FoolishJoy
    FoolishJoy Posts: 139 Member

    I decided to not eat back my calories for today and see what happens. Holy mother of pearl!
  • xenapoland
    xenapoland Posts: 15 Member
    What's your favourite healthy meals?
  • orangequilt
    orangequilt Posts: 4,590 Member
    @mmdeveau well remembered, I like knitting but it takes up a lot of room in the case so I brought some patchwork instead. The first week has gone pretty fast actually, having a routine has helped.
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    Pretty sure our scale is dying. I weighed a few times back-to-back this morning & got results across a 12lb spread. Replaced the batteries, but still got wonky results. Guess I’ll be looking for a new one...
  • xenapoland
    xenapoland Posts: 15 Member