

  • Kenny_K
    Kenny_K Posts: 12 Member
    I'm losing some weight, I've dropped about 4pds (I also go to the gym in the morning)... My problem is, I can't do a push up to save my life :( Any suggestions?

    Also, I'm thinking about doing the fit test tonight so i can post my numbers.
  • JCS_EVmom
    JCS_EVmom Posts: 14 Member
    Checking in after a busy weekend. Completed day 4. So far I LOVE the program. My #s from the fit test were so very embarrassing but hey, all I can do is be honest, work hard and improve.

    Switch Kicks 40 (some with a hop)
    Power Jacks 34
    Power knees 63
    Power Jumps 36
    Globe Jumps 7
    Suicide Jumps 0
    Push Up Jacks 0
    Low Plank Obliques 34

    Yup, that's right 2 zeros. I guess my question to you all would be, I cannot do a real push up at all. Will that come with time or is there something else that I should be doing to help strengthen for them?
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    Okay so pushups are killer but they can be done! I started at doing only 1 regular pushup and then collapsing. Lol. I can do 25 in a row now. I started doing modified pushups. What I would do is try and do at least one real pushup and then do the rest modified. Eventually you build up.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    You will definately be able to do push ups as long as you keep trying, your arms will get stronger and you'll slowly increase how many you can do. Try modified ones on your knees to build up strength in your arms but keep trying the proper ones constantly, even if you can't go low down to start with, keep trying.

    I had never been able to do a full proper push up until July this year when I did the 30 Day Shred and was determined I was going to be able to do them!!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Checking in after a busy weekend. Completed day 4. So far I LOVE the program. My #s from the fit test were so very embarrassing but hey, all I can do is be honest, work hard and improve.

    Switch Kicks 40 (some with a hop)
    Power Jacks 34
    Power knees 63
    Power Jumps 36
    Globe Jumps 7
    Suicide Jumps 0
    Push Up Jacks 0
    Low Plank Obliques 34

    Yup, that's right 2 zeros. I guess my question to you all would be, I cannot do a real push up at all. Will that come with time or is there something else that I should be doing to help strengthen for them?

    Not embarrassing at all, well done, keep it up and we'll all get better with time and effort!!
  • mama_monkey333
    Push up's are not my forte either I do alot of modifiying "girly" push ups when I can I was genuinly shocked this weekend i did 3 guy push ups. Woo Hoo! Just finished pushing out day 9 I believe, Pure Cardio. Not gonna lie taking off that 1 recovery day almost killed me if it weren't for my husband I would"ve slept in. My problem is i'm all gun-ho for the first 2 weeks then, yes well, get out of routine n then all together stop. We did partake in a nice big labor day feast and I felt like poop the next day trudgin thru the workout was absolutely horrible. So back on track and eating nice small healthy meals throughout the day. : ) The scales not budging but i'm seeing little changes in my body here and there trimming the fat around the edges. Been going 5 days without any weight loss then BAM! 2-3lbs. . . not complainin one bit but hopefully here b4 2 long i'll start melting away da goo.
  • mama_monkey333
    Checking in after a busy weekend. Completed day 4. So far I LOVE the program. My #s from the fit test were so very embarrassing but hey, all I can do is be honest, work hard and improve.

    Switch Kicks 40 (some with a hop)
    Power Jacks 34
    Power knees 63
    Power Jumps 36
    Globe Jumps 7
    Suicide Jumps 0
    Push Up Jacks 0
    Low Plank Obliques 34

    Yup, that's right 2 zeros. I guess my question to you all would be, I cannot do a real push up at all. Will that come with time or is there something else that I should be doing to help strengthen for them?

    Go on with your bad self. . . That's awesome numbers from my point of view. Just do what you can. I had horribe fit test results, granted this is our 1st fit test, but now you have a starting point and you can only improve from here.Can't wait to see how your fit test 1 and 2 compare. As for the push-ups, I mostly do girly ones ( knees on the ground) sometimes it's hard to modify girly pushups in some of the workout routines but as long as you keep moving and trying eventually u'll be able to not have to modify as least i hope so the push-ups are killing me. :noway:
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    Push up's are all about your shoulders and back. But just keep working at them and you will start to improve! If you have to, do some "girl push ups' first. And once you can do a regular push up, do as many as you can! When you feel you are getting tired and want to stop.. go back to girl push ups and do more!

    When I first started I was doing 10-15 push ups max! I now I can do about 80 in 2 mins. It takes time but you will improve in all area's if you give it your all and stick with the programs!
  • Melky06
    someone asked "What is Insanity?"

    A 60 day home fitness program. It's very intense cardio that pushes you really hard. It's completely mad, goto youtube and check out some routines.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I just did my first fit test and I'm pleased to report it wasn't as bad as I'd feared!!

    Drumroll please, here are my results.........

    Switch Kicks 58
    Power Jacks 62
    Power knees 84
    Power Jumps 34 - don't think the impact of these are good for my back
    Globe Jumps 10
    Suicide Jumps 13
    Push Up Jacks 26
    Low Plank Obliques 54

    I'm looking forward to my first proper workout tomorrow!:bigsmile:

    How's everyone getting on?

    Yes be careful with the power jumps! I have some back problems myself. And the one night I was doing power jumps, felt a pain. Well I decided to tough it out and keep going instead of just stopping my workoiut.Well I had some seriously back pain for like 2 weeks.

    My back hasn't been 100% today, am worried about doing power jumps now as don't want to aggravate my back as it's been so good in recent months.
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    just finished my first week of insanity. :-) loved it! now, on to week 2! if i really do conquer this, i am going to do one more round and then get insanity the asylum!
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I just did my first fit test and I'm pleased to report it wasn't as bad as I'd feared!!

    Drumroll please, here are my results.........

    Switch Kicks 58
    Power Jacks 62
    Power knees 84
    Power Jumps 34 - don't think the impact of these are good for my back
    Globe Jumps 10
    Suicide Jumps 13
    Push Up Jacks 26
    Low Plank Obliques 54

    I'm looking forward to my first proper workout tomorrow!:bigsmile:

    How's everyone getting on?

    Yes be careful with the power jumps! I have some back problems myself. And the one night I was doing power jumps, felt a pain. Well I decided to tough it out and keep going instead of just stopping my workoiut.Well I had some seriously back pain for like 2 weeks.

    My back hasn't been 100% today, am worried about doing power jumps now as don't want to aggravate my back as it's been so good in recent months.

    Yeah if you fill your back is hurting and there is any chance of injury, then skip those all together. Instead you could try just jogging in place or something. You want to keep moving as much as you can. But never risk hurting yourself.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    just finished my first week of insanity. :-) loved it! now, on to week 2! if i really do conquer this, i am going to do one more round and then get insanity the asylum!

    The Asylum is amazing! IMO it's a lot more fun then Insanity.
  • mama_monkey333
    just finished my first week of insanity. :-) loved it! now, on to week 2! if i really do conquer this, i am going to do one more round and then get insanity the asylum!

    The Asylum is amazing! IMO it's a lot more fun then Insanity.

    Oh wow! How cool is that?!? My husband's been talking about getting that one after we do Insanity. . . Do you recommend doing a couple rounds of Insanity first before switching to asylum? Just looked up some of the routines didn't think you could get more insane that Insanity. . . boy was i wrong, Duoh!
  • smarthaler
    Cool sounds good! I finished insanity back in July so Im down for round two! This isn’t a coffee break people!
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    just finished my first week of insanity. :-) loved it! now, on to week 2! if i really do conquer this, i am going to do one more round and then get insanity the asylum!

    The Asylum is amazing! IMO it's a lot more fun then Insanity.

    Oh wow! How cool is that?!? My husband's been talking about getting that one after we do Insanity. . . Do you recommend doing a couple rounds of Insanity first before switching to asylum? Just looked up some of the routines didn't think you could get more insane that Insanity. . . boy was i wrong, Duoh!

    It is hard to say really. It depends on what fitness level you are at I guess. Asylum is a step up. But it's not extremely hard or anything. If you can finish Insanity and keep up with the dvd's for the most part, then you are ready for The Asylum imo. I will send you a FR. If you have any questions about the program before buying it (or any other program) feel free to ask =)
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Day 2 done and dusted, I kept going without taking extra breaks, although I was alot slower in some (most) moves than they were...and God knows what my form was doing on those moving push ups, duuh!!

    It's going to be a long 58 days to get through...but i'm going to do my hardest to get through them to the best of my capability!!!:wink:
  • elksy
    elksy Posts: 45
    Hi! I'm doing Insanity right now! I'm posting in another thread too, but hey - the more the merrier, right?

    Today I did Day 5/workout 4 - Pure Cardio. It was good! I feel amazing after these workouts, I don't know how I used to get through the day without them! I just hope I'll be able to keep it up when school starts getting more serious.
  • kvokwana
    kvokwana Posts: 6 Member
    :laugh: @ This aint a coffee break people......when he says that I am usually on the floor on my knees...hoping for an extra 30 second break.

  • mama_monkey333
    Sorry guys having trouble postin message. . . For Spitfirex007 . . . . and any1 else who can lemme in on da secrets of recovery drinks :happy:

    Sweet Thank Friend, need all the help i can get. Speaking o,f can you recommend a recovery drink? We were using BioRhythm - AfterGlow and absolutely loved it only draw back so dang expensive! Just ran out and went to two different GNC's and their out. Duoh! Picked up a recovery drink called Accelerade and can honestly say not caring for it taste like powdered gatorade and can tell a huge difference between accelerade and afterglow. Tah! Might have to bite the bullet and invest in some more afterglow. Peeewww!