

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,382 Member
    pip - so sorry about the lamp. Boy, those people certainly didn't do a thorough job. Well, you won't have that much anymore

    Heather - I agree with you that people need to SEE results quickly. I remember when I was teaching Body Sculpting class, we were told that side bends were a good exercise because people felt it more than most other exercises

    Colby is sleeping and Jess went to work. Maybe I'll go for a walk.

    Michele NC
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Michele- Oh nooo not Chuckie Cheese!! Well goodness it’s JRs fav.

    Woke up cell alerts going off MIL called in a panic. Last night Hospitals filled up we’re in a even higher emergency alert now. It said STAY HOME!! Pretty much that with a hospitals are full.

    Today watching calories gained 4lbs since hubby came home lol 😂. Oh well work on lowering it.

    Amber Tx

    Daughter still same . Cousin kid still same.
    Hubby at work we’re running low on groceries already.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,936 Member
    Missed a bunch because I couldn’t access the community almost all week!

    Got results of bloodwork, mamo, and bone scan. All is pretty good. Only 2 things to work on right now: low protein ( bought protein powder and bars) and the start of osteoporosis (caused my 2 inch shrink!). All good news. DH had good results too except he needs more protein and magnesium. I’m so happy this dr office tests for vitamin deficiency routinely.

    RV Rita
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,012 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: typing, made dip for picnic potluck, picked up H20 for soup kitchen
    Bonus: another load of laundry, mega veg prep.
    Get to do: Gold Beach, invest 10 mins cleaning Office, carry over cleaning mins: 20 Bedrooms, 4 Dining Room, 8 Guest Bath, 8 Master Bath; call PC guy about mic/speaker, check Post Office Box, Ace Hardware for OsPho and stove paint, practice new dances (Evergreen, Larger than Life, Here I Go Again/Mama Mia, Real Deal, Get it Right, Quarter after one, Half Past Tipsy, Senorita, Dance Monkey; next week final? Follow up call for Joe’s Dr. appointment, transplant pineapples, bean, melons, cukes; make garlic almonds for Barb and Dan; prep raised bed for carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes; finish weeding drive, continue weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed; Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine, Sunday call Diane, Monday call Dr’s billing office again about statement (couldn’t ring through Friday).
    Reward: inventory seeds, plan fall cool season garden, order replenishments.

    Annie if Teddie is going under for his dental, the vet could remove the cysts at the same time, and then be sure that’s what they were.
    @Loumarberts I keep a note of which page I've gotten to and what date and time of the last post I read. If you get caught up through all the postings, just post a few characters and mfp will return you to that page the next time you login.
    Beth waves of healing and strength to your niece.
    KJ cheat days/weekends/years :lol: That would be me! Thought of you as I was prepping mega veggies today. Yes it works. Don’t know why stop doing it when it works, like my knee exercises, but there it is. Back on board!
    Lanette thanks for the lady in the hat info. But there’s something missing from the air filter mask, where is the duct tape? That hair looks like mine except for the color… :lol:
    Machka watched the stove repair guy. He turned the burner on, pulled the knob straight off, inserted a tiny slot head screwdriver inside the shaft revealed when the knob came off, jiggled it around a little until he felt it seat into the slot of an adjustment screw at the bottom of the shaft, then slowly turned the driver to the left and watched the flame reduce. The trick is to not turn it down so much that it pops “out” and you have to relight the burner. Good luck!
    Until this adjustment, my only option was to have the pan half on the burner and half off, then rotate the pan to the other half, and back again and again and stir stir stir!
    Debbie in Napa I cannot imagine being without power for a month. :noway:

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    June: better than May.
    daily: steps=3720 vits=26 log=27 CI<CO=23 CI<250<CO=15 Tumble & Shadow 5=7 mfp=27 clean 10 mins=10 outside=12 up hill=10
    wkly: T’ai Chi or BB&B x3=7 rx=3 dance=6
    mnthly: board mtg=1 grant=1 review 20for20=
    bonus: AF=14 play=0 sew=1

    They were not even allowed home for three weeks of it I think it was. The fires burnt all the power lines, many homes very close to theres were lost. They lost all the food, the green house roof and the rest of the crops that were still growing- didn't want to chance eating them after all that smoke-not sure what chemicals were in the air BUT, the house was fine as were the other buildings. They stayed with friends, Animal control came by and took care of the animals at each property. I ended up spending a week at Cazadero(was supposed to be two days), no power, no heat except the wood stove in one of the buildings and no word on what was going on back in town which was the hardest parts but as soon as my friend's brother came out(works for PGE so had clearance to go anywhere he wanted)and let us know what was going on. Still couldn't leave but were ok. Both of the big fires the past few years have come very close to my parents place(the other just behind their creek) but they have been safe.
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,798 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited June 2020
    Michele: You’re right that the weight loss from the colonoscopy prep will be temporary. I imagine I‘ll be right back at my usual weight very quickly. Today is jello only day. The acceptable colors are green and yellow and the green overwhelms the yellow. I will be surprised if my weight actually drops after this is over. :smiley: Some of the foods are listed as “no calories” by MFP because, like raw celery, they take more calories to digest than the amount of calories they contain. Carrots are loaded with sugars and they don’t get the zero-calorie message. Perhaps someone else has a better understanding. :flowerforyou:

    Barbara: Thanks for the good wishes. :star:

    Beth: I don’t like cheat meals, either. Whatever I eat, I log the calories, even when the food choices are high fat and low nutrition. :flowerforyou:

    Dlfk: Thanks for the support! My DH is also diabetic. He was diagnosed in his late teens. It seems to run in his side of the family. I have one diabetic grandchild and my niece on DH’s side also has a diabetic son. :star:

    Barbara: Several years ago there was a science oriented TV series called Myth Busters. One of their episodes was about building a boat using duct tape. They sailed it in San Francisco Bay, and it handled water conditions just fine. I woudn’t go to sea in it due to lack of comfort, but it was sea worthy. I’d rather ride in the duct tape boat than wear a duct tape mask. :wink:

    Heather: Dropping weight helped me feel better, too. The knee I hurt in riding lessons when I was at my heaviest caused permanent damage that can’t be repaired surgically. It will always be damaged. :ohwell:

    Lisa: I love the photo of the deer in your yard. :star:

    RV Rita: I’ve also had the beginnings of osteoporosis. I’m taking a weekly bone density medication & I’m holding my own. I think that there are others here doing the same thing. This is a prescription item and I get it at the pharmacy. It is worth it & the cost is low. :flowerforyou:

    MFP is fine for me on my laptop for the social support. It isn’t as fine on my phone. However, I log food on my phone and it seems to get recorded.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,936 Member
    Katla, they told me no meds yet, luckily! I’m glad to hear it works. I see me having to take it in my future...
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,674 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,526 Member
    edited June 2020
    Fiddled around with my collage app!😁




    Enjoy ladies.👍
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    What a lovely afternoon .im tired but a good tired..
    Going to go to sleep soon..
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited June 2020
    Allie: Happy Birthday!!!!!!! :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Lisa: I saw that message, too. I don’t open any messages from people outside of this group. I delete them. I suppose I could file a complaint with MFP but deleting or blocking suits me better. My mom always said I take too much Vitamin LZ. :embarassed:

    Pip: Moving is a huge amount of work. I hope that you are rewarded with great adventures and a good new home when you are ready to settle. :star:

    Rita: I love your photos. They’re always beautiful. If you don’t need bone density support now, good for you!!! I got the bone density med after two falls, a couple of years apart, on unseen ice. Each of those falls broke bones in one wrist and then the other wrist. Exercise and good nutrition do a great job helping with keeping bones healthy & strong. :heart:

    Today’s food is lime & lemon jello. Tonight I take bottles of medicine to clean out my digestive tract, and tomorrow is my doctor's appointment. The prep is the worst part. This will be my second such procedure. The previous one was many years ago.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,526 Member
    Remember Katla, Bag Balm is a good barrier for yer derriere. (See I rhymed there😁).💖
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Rebecca and Katla Bag Balm for your Bum! What a good idea! We have Calmoseptine, which is essentially zinc oxide and menthol. Cooling and soothing. Colon preps are no fun.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,526 Member
    Rebecca and Katla Bag Balm for your Bum! What a good idea! We have Calmoseptine, which is essentially zinc oxide and menthol. Cooling and soothing. Colon preps are no fun.

    When I had to get 2 biopsies on my (who-ha), dime sized cuts, Bag Balm was the only way I could use the bathroom and not scream. this was back in 2014. The silly doctor gave me numbing cream, but in the middle of the night when you gotta pee, it was hard to wait for that to take effect! My husband uses Bag Balm for dry palm thing, so it was like instant barrier cream!😁
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,351 Member
    Relatively restful day. Went for an hour walk this morning. Church service on line. Even though we met in person today for first time, my comfort level for groups not there yet. Got flower bed weeded. Really need to get a landscaper in to do something with front of house. Need something low maintenance. Has old landscape blocks just a couple of feet out from house and three rose bushes, didn't put anything else in this year. Thinking of just a couple of small shrubs out from the house a bit--maybe something with rocks.

    DIL still waiting on test results. Evidently they don't send results over weekend in Arizona. She seems to be ok except for cough and feeling a bit puny. No fever, which I think is good. She said a friend of hers grandfather got sent home from hospital because he didn't need a vent. If he needs more help he can call 911 and go to a different hospital. Sounds like it is a bit crazy out there.

    Glad I am not currently part of the colonoscopy prep group. I think I have my next one in about 7 years. They aren't horrible, but definitely not my idea of a good time. However, they so seem to be effective at catching problems early.

    Don't get deer in my yard, but they do pop up in different parts of the area. A few years ago some deer cut across a cemetery next to main building at work, ran across the street and evidently tried to run over cars in parking lot (heading to a wooded area). Did damage to a staff members new car--figured the deer went after the cadillac. However, no deer nor people were hurt.

    Heading in to watch some tv and get some sleep. Working out in the sun tired me out. Stupid heat intolerance seems to get worse each year, which is part of why I will get something done with front flower bed.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,878 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,651 Member