ladies. Can we just call it our period?



  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    I still prefer sharkweek.

    BAHAHA!!! yeah, our family calls it "shark bait time"
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    1. "TOM" takes less letters to type.
    2. We're women. We share.
    3. "period" is also a euphemism
    4. Isnt there a thread discussing exercise calories?? *leaving*

    Now you are my kinda girl! mwahhh!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I still prefer sharkweek.

    I was waiting for someone to say this! I heard this on MFP a few weeks ago, and loved it!

    For the people doing the TP debate: We were told as kids that if we didn't have a female product with us, to wrap TP around our underwear or roll some up to use a tampon.. so they do have that usage.. and yes you have to use a lot :)

    To OP:
    Amen! I'm tired of seeing debates about TOM and this and that. I got so sick of him that I went on the pill.. and that was the end of that.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I will not be pm'ing anyone to discuss period paraphernalia.

    That is all.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    The thought of emptying a diva cup makes me want to projectile vomit, for reals.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    The thought of emptying a diva cup makes me want to projectile vomit, for reals.

    From the guy that said "Reminds me of a bong filled with blood." or something .. I'm paraphrasing because I don't want to read it with my eyes again.
  • I promise you that if I ever had to post about my period, I'd call it my period. But please, please, let's all just stop posting about our periods!

    Thank you!
  • I still prefer sharkweek.

    I was waiting for someone to say this! I heard this on MFP a few weeks ago, and loved it!

    For the people doing the TP debate: We were told as kids that if we didn't have a female product with us, to wrap TP around our underwear or roll some up to use a tampon.. so they do have that usage.. and yes you have to use a lot :)

    To OP:
    Amen! I'm tired of seeing debates about TOM and this and that. I got so sick of him that I went on the pill.. and that was the end of that.

    I'm pretty sure that could have been me, ahha.

    It's my favourite way of saying it. Period time of the month aunt flo. NOPE. Shark week. :D
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    This thread is filled with disturbing stuff. That is all.
  • [/quote]

    . > :

    Am I right?

    ^ this... lmao!!!! so funny!
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    You can sell your used tampons to vampires. They use them as tea bags.

    Ok so my Boss is giving me the evil eye because (he doesn't realise why...) I have tears rolling down my cheeks from laughing at this thread. Anyhoo, this one takes the cake :)
  • owls4eva
    owls4eva Posts: 23 Member
    WTF is a divacup???? I am way too scared to google it!

    Oh gosh, don't be scared! It's a great invention! It's a silicone "cup" that is an alternative to pads/tampons. Inserted kind of like a tampon, it "collects" instead of absorbs, and a couple times a day you empty it. Seriously, not scary at all. Check out this community if you want to learn more about cups:

    I've been using mine for years and love it. I also love not wasting money on pads and tampons. PM me if you have questions, I'm happy to answer them!

    I second this. Cups are the 2nd best invention ever, Mirena being the 1st :love:
  • penmosha
    penmosha Posts: 132 Member
    We must keep people aware of it.
    Until there is a cure.

    I thought I'd found the cure - menopause, but then the damn thing comes back to haunt me!
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member

    how not to do it.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    I'm suddenly reminded of George Carlin in "Carlin at Carnegie" (1983): "On the rag, flying the flag, riding the cotton pony!" :laugh:

    I'm one of those "lucky" ones who hit menopause last year at age 40, so I'm all done. Woot!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    My husband prefers, "Shark Week."
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    Good sweet FSM, this is my favourite thread in a good long time. Can we keep it? Can we can we can we???
  • genxrider
    genxrider Posts: 107 Member
    I call it my alien gestation time.
    Followed by the abdomen busting.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Liverpool playing at home?

    Rebooting the Ovarian Operating System? happens to several billion people every month. It's hardly a secret :)

    As for the temper that goes with it...

    "Least provocation

    Whilst menstruating on July 18th 2000, Susan Turpin of Leeds (GB) discovered her husband, James, had placed a spoon the wrong way round in the cutlery drawer after washing the dishes. Accusing him of being 'thoughtless and selfish' she burst into tears, attempted to stab him with a breadknife and moved in with her mother for a week."

    "Shortest fuse

    The record for the quickest a woman has flown into a tammy huff was set on April 24th 1978 by Tina Wren of Arbroath (GB). Returning from an 18 hour nightshift as a security guard, her husband Alan began to ask if she would like a cup of tea. One fiftieth of a second (0.02 sec) after opening his mouth, he was hit full in the face with a frying pan."
  • cathynicolette
    cathynicolette Posts: 78 Member
    you could always just call it "Bloody va-jay-jay time".

    HAHAHAHA :laugh: