

  • anyone_bg
    anyone_bg Posts: 6 Member
    Initial Start Weight: 90 kg
    August Start Weight: 85.6 kg
    August Goal Weight: 83 kg
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 70 kg

    Aug 1: 85.6 kg
    Aug 8: 85.0 kg
    Aug 15:
    Aug 22:
    Aug 29:
    Aug 31
  • kscullion823
    kscullion823 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I am 48 trying Whole food plant based eating. Watched two documentaries ā€œforks over knivesā€ and ā€œeating you aliveā€ and decided to see if I can treat prediabetes and thyroid with eating natural ingredients. One things for sure Iā€™ve never felt so full all the time

    Initial Start Weight: 192 lb July 14
    August Start Weight: 185 lb
    August Goal Weight: 175 lb
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 155 lbs

    Aug 1 : 185 lb
    Aug 8: 183.5 lb
    Aug 15:
    Aug 22:
    Aug 29:
    Aug 31
  • niragorshia
    niragorshia Posts: 49 Member
    So ive missed a week and just started today on the 11th august.... So il iput the weight im at now. Need this! Ive done so well in the past and i really need to do this for myself! We can do this!

    Initial Start Weight: 187 lbs
    August Start Weight: 161 lbs
    August Goal Weight:150 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 126lbs

    Aug 11: 161 lbs
    Aug 15:
    Aug 22:
    Aug 29:
    Aug 31

    Lets do this!!!
  • prerana786
    prerana786 Posts: 3 Member
    Initial Start Weight: 82.4kg
    August Start Weight: 78.70
    August Goal Weight: 75.00
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 54.00

    Aug 1 : 78.70 kg
    Aug 8: 78.60 kg
    Aug 15:
    Aug 22:
    Aug 29:
    Aug 31
  • Babycarrot337
    Babycarrot337 Posts: 18 Member
    Initial Start Weight: 214 (Oct 2019)
    August Start Weight: 231
    August Goal Weight: 228
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 170

    Weigh-in: Fridays

    Aug 14: 231
    Aug 21:
    Aug 28:
    Aug 31:

    Starting over after stress eating and a higher alcohol intake.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,625 Member

    Heaviest weight: 175.4 in early 2013.
    Original MFP starting weight (January 2018) - 168.2
    June 30 starting weight - 148.0 (ten-day rolling average weight 148.8)
    August goal - 145
    Ultimate goal - Range between 142 - 148

    I report scale weight and (ten day average weight), and I post on Saturdays.

    July 31: 146.2 (10-day average 145.3)
    August 8: 145.8 (10-day average 144.8)
    August 15: 144.6 (10-day average 145.3)
    August 22:
    August 29:
    August 31:

    Total loss for August: According to my average, not an ounce. If I paid more attention to single-day weights, my mass today is 1.6 pounds less than the end of July.

    I continue to slowly get back to my ultimate goal weight after the COVID weight gain in March and April. I'm staying in my maintenance range. Today I weigh less than one month ago, less than two months ago, and less than three months ago. My ten-day average weight is about three quarters of a pound more than a year ago when I was maintaining near the bottom of my range.
  • msapplek
    msapplek Posts: 95 Member
    edited August 2020
    August Start Weight: 157
    August Goal Weight: 154
    2020 Goal Weight: 148

    Aug 1: 157
    Aug 8: 153
    Aug 15: 152
    Aug 22:
    Aug 29:
    Aug 31:

    Aug 15: I spent a long weekend taking mini-roadtrips to see friends, which also meant I ate and drank indulgently over 3 days. Still kept active and physical in order to balance it all out. I did come back from the long weekend, though, constantly craving takeout and restaurant food. I bargained with myself that I would be disciplined this week so that I can relax and enjoy myself during my week long vacation next week. Wondering if anyone here still tries to follow some of your diet while on vacation? Or, do you allow yourself to be completely free, ex. no logging meals/calories in MFP while on vacation?

    Aug 8: I think the scale is off by 2lbs, so I believe I'm likely in the 154-155 range. The past week I've been feeling decent energy and less feelings of boredom/anxiety hunger. Still trying to level out how much to eat back calories when I'm exercising more; I think I am undereating on those days. Tbh my new challenge in this weight loss journey is dealing with the loose skin, and how I feel about it changes day to day.

    Aug 1: My final weigh-in yesterday for the July 2020 Weight Loss Challenge was 155 (the day before that was 158.5)... so yeah, my scale is kinda busted. I should probably get a more accurate scale, but maybe I can live with the consistently inconsistent scale.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,283 Member
    My name is Donna and I am 60 years old. I am from the Midwest USA. 5ā€™ 5
    I will also be weighing on the 1st and last day of each month for a full tally.

    August start Weight: 209.4 (Weight on July 31, 2020)
    August Goal Weight: 203.4 (6 lb loss)
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145-155 (Iā€™ll know when I get there).

    Aug 01 : 209.4
    Aug 08: 209.8 Going the wrong direction with the help of Thai food with rice. Sodiumā€¦ā€¦
    Aug 15: 209.6
    Aug 22:
    Aug 29:
    Aug 31:
    Total Weight Loss for August:

    Final Challenge Thoughts:
  • Kaitie9399
    Kaitie9399 Posts: 1,309 Member
    msapplek wrote: Ā»
    Wondering if anyone here still tries to follow some of your diet while on vacation? Or, do you allow yourself to be completely free, ex. no logging meals/calories in MFP while on vacation?

    Just came back from vacation and tracked my calories in MFP everyday. Mentally, I struggled with knowing that I was overeating but MFP kept me conscious of what I was eating even though I ate whatever I wanted. It will have an impact on your scaleā€”which I found I could not handle. (I shouldā€™ve brought the scale with me then I wouldnā€™t have been freaking out!). I guess the question is, can you handle the scale going up a few pounds?