
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,475 Member
    Regarding dishcloths ... we use these. They are perforated like paper towels and give you quite a large rectangle of cloth to work with. One rectangle lasts a week or so, stands up to one wash in the machine & hang dry, lasts another week or so, and is tossed.

    A roll of 50 rectangles costs maybe about $5 ... so a roll can last almost a couple years.


    M in Oz
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,706 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Regarding dishcloths ... we use these. They are perforated like paper towels and give you quite a large rectangle of cloth to work with. One rectangle lasts a week or so, stands up to one wash in the machine & hang dry, lasts another week or so, and is tossed.

    A roll of 50 rectangles costs maybe about $5 ... so a roll can last almost a couple years.


    M in Oz

    Those are fantastic!👍
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,475 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Regarding dishcloths ... we use these. They are perforated like paper towels and give you quite a large rectangle of cloth to work with. One rectangle lasts a week or so, stands up to one wash in the machine & hang dry, lasts another week or so, and is tossed.

    A roll of 50 rectangles costs maybe about $5 ... so a roll can last almost a couple years.


    M in Oz

    Those are fantastic!👍

    They are ... and you don't have to worry about them getting smelly or mouldy or whatever.

    We have a dishwasher so we really only use them for wiping down counters, sink, microwave, etc. If you spill something, you can sop it up with one, rinse, sop, rinse sop ... and then toss it if you want.

    M in Oz
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,166 Member
    I love all of the wording today, shagged, wanker, Heather and her blind man. It brought a lot of smiles and laughs when I really needed some smiles and laughs.

    Pip - Ouch!

    Amber - nice to see you pop in.

    Faye - you have me laughing so hard about the censoring of the Biblical word for donkey. Thanks for he laughs.

    Debbie - I’m so sorry you didn’t get a MIL that treats you well. It can be such a unique relationship.

    Another day at work done. She must have though she did something wrong yesterday because she asked me once if we were ok and then had my direct supervisor ask me at least 6 times if I was ok. I just kept saying I was fine. My coworker that was supposed to be finished next Wednesday is not returning after today. Our boss called her (the coworkers) team in and told them that the new supervisor will be able to mentor them better and they shouldn’t communicate with her once she leaves. She then had her (the coworker) called in to HR and she was berated for having a negative attitude. She is writing tonight to tell them she won’t be returning and is contacting the labor board tomorrow.

    I am just trying to get through it all with my head down and not lose my job.

    Just had a thunderstorm go through, lots of rain.
    Tracey in Edmonton

    Tracey- I was blessed with an amazing mother in law the first time around. Yes she had some mental issues but I never saw it(we didn't see them all the time, they lived in Reno). She has three boys so having a girl around was such a treat for her. We would go shopping, she loved to shop for clothes. When she came out five yrs ago to visit the son that lives out here(my former brother in law), I got to spend time with her, take her shopping at Kohl's which she LOVED- even at 85 she still loves clothes and only shopped in the junior section. I got to tell her in person how much she meant to me. How much I appreciate her,how I appreciate her more now after dealing with current MIL for all these years. (she hasn't been my MIL for 30yrs). Now, she is in a home with Alzheimers/dementia so I will not see her again as she will not be traveling out here. I still send gifts, send cards(have one on my desk to send out tomorrow. I am closer to the whole family again, (no contact for 20 yrs)
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Heather you look beautiful in your top. I just read that you said you don't like to show you arms. When I saw your picture this morning I thought wow if my arms were pretty like that I could wear sleeveless tops. <3

    Janetr OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,920 Member
    I’ve noticed that our days are getting shorter here. Last night I had to turn the light on before it was time for bed. First time since probably April.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,997 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pip: Diet coke is a miracle rust remover! Who knew??? :wink:

    Michele: Look for Sourdough Starter/ King Arthur Flour. They have a tutorial that should be of help. I was given my first sourdough starter in the 1970’s. The elderly neighbor of a friend gave her the starter, and she gave some starter to me. I’ve had it ever since. Once you get started and have your first success, you’ll be eager to try new recipes. When you get your starter set up, be sure to make more every time you use some. :smiley:

    Rebecca: You are a food artist. That salad looks beautiful and healthful. I bet it tastes wonderful. WTG!!! :heart:

    Snowflake: I’ve noticed the change in day length. It is starting to get a little bit darker each day. I’m quite a bit closer to the 45 parallel than you are. We combat the dark part of the year with bright interior lighting. :star:

    Today we got more of the dog’s pain pills and visited Fred Meyer to buy raw almonds in their health food aisle. I bought quite a bit and expect it to be around for months. :star: I also love dried cranberries, and I got them earlier in the month at our local Safeway.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon-- where days are starting to get a little shorter.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,475 Member
    edited August 2020
    The only 2 on that list which have a hope of working for me are:
    Focus on things you can control
    Explore solutions to overcome your worries.

    To manage my anxiety, I need to do something. Work on my assignment, work on an ongoing project, clean the house, do laundry. I need to tick things off my Things To Do list. Then I feel marginally better, marginally more in control.

    I can't relax unless I feel reasonably on top of things ... and I haven't felt reasonably on top of things since 2015, but especially not in the past 2.5 years.


    M in Oz
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,590 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: swept cobwebs from deck roof and back porch, board meeting prep
    Bonus: beach with Joe and the pooches, 2 loads laundry, fruit and veg prep
    Get to do: rx, T’ai Chi, pack, pooches to petsitter, board meeting clean something, practice new dances (Turning Tables, Nothing but You, Shake it like that, Larger than Life, Here I Go Again/Mama Mia, Real Deal, Get it Right); transplant bean, make garlic almonds for Barb and Dan; prep potato area and raised beds for beets, carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes and sow; finish weeding drive, continue weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed; Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine. Reward: inventory seeds, plan fall cool season garden, order replenishments.
    Altruistic August
    10: contact a friend to let them know you’re thinking of them: call Carolyn or Patty
    11: be thankful for food and those who made it possible: remember to say grace

    C-19 complaint:
    Chose not to go to line dance class tonight, as I am the only mask wearer of the 9 who show up. When Joe goes in for glaucoma and cataract surgery Thursday, they’ll ask him if he’s been exposed to anyone with C-19. How would we know? Didn’t want to take the risk since some of the gals come from across the border into California’s Del Norte county, and forget to maintain social distance. Del Norte county has quite a few more cases than Curry County. I will go to T’ai Chi as all of us wear masks AND keep 6 feet apart and none come from California. Guess I’m done dancing ‘til after Joe’s second surgery, but he’s worth it!

    Lanette holding good thoughts for your fur babies’ dentals.
    Lisa et al, thought the same at first reading of Heather’s “blind man” and Fay’s “she shagged” :devil:
    Oh Janetr so glad to see your smiling face! And :love: baby Jaxx!
    Katla I’d love to see your crocheted snowflakes. I had 6 at one time, but over the years the dogs ate them.
    Rita heard Roswell due for days of record breaking temperatures. Keep cool!
    Pip owww!!! Diet coke for rust removal? Will try it on the chrome on Aunt Elsie’s stove. Thanks!
    Annie hate it when that happens! Are there any used computer stores or local pc experts in your town? Our pc guy buys from ebay, reconditions, and sets up as needed. He sets to delay Windows updates as if it’s a business pc, and quarterly or twice a year I drop it off for a tuneup and updates. So far so good. Thanks for the Ravelry site… I think ;)
    Amber so relieved to hear from you, been worried!
    Karen in VA, found your gingham washcloth, now I guess I’ll have to learn to crochet.
    Terri count me in with all who love your hair!
    Vicki ((hugs))
    Rebecca :love: sweetly sleeping Athena Rose and that salad looks yummy (except for the tomatoes… ;) will pretend they’re chunks of watermelon.)
    Machka hoping your post-surgery breathing improvement helps a little with the anxiety.

    Lighter, lovelies!

    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    August: better than July.
    daily: steps>5491=5595 vits=12 log=11 CI<CO=8 CI<250<CO=6 Tumble & Shadow 5=7 mfp=11 outside=6 up hill=5
    wkly: T’ai Chi or BB&B x3=4 rx=1 dance=1 clean 30 mins=4-2/3
    mnthly: board mtg= grant=2 20for20=
    bonus: AF=7 play= sew=
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,475 Member
    Good info about masks ...

    ""Remember that face masks are no replacement for physical distancing and good hand hygiene," he said.

    "You should limit your travel and, where possible, avoid any large gatherings.""

    M in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    Machka - Everyone here uses those disposable dishcloths, but they are considered bad for the environment. I am sinner, I'm afraid. I actually keep a more aesthetically pleasing and expensive variety of the same thing for when we have visitors! :o I am a bit weird in that way.
    During the COVID the world has generated soooo much plastic and unrecyclable waste! Masks and PPE. Delivery from the supermarket is now in plastic bags. Previously they had switched to bag free. I'm sad.

    Barbara - Good choice! Before my brother's operation the whole household of five people, including three young people, had to isolate completely for 14 days. Not going out at all except to the garden. No shopping, no dog walking. And my niece was the same. Coming from California and not wearing masks is asking for trouble, plus line dancing is vigorous and creates aerosol. Our dancing and singing has not resumed. Operation or no, I would stay away.

    The kids are coming over today!!!!! Just for 90 mins, but we will see them! Socially distanced, of course.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,475 Member
    Machka - Everyone here uses those disposable dishcloths, but they are considered bad for the environment. I am sinner, I'm afraid. I actually keep a more aesthetically pleasing and expensive variety of the same thing for when we have visitors! :o I am a bit weird in that way.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Yes, I suppose, but the way they disintegrate after a couple washes, one wonders how much of them would be left after, say, a year.

    M in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    edited August 2020
    I was going to order pizza from the place around the corner for the kids, but my son said they had dinner plans so I'm just doing my homemade orange lollies, drinks and healthy snack bars. Might wash a few strawberries.
    I'm a bit relieved actually. Didn't fancy schlepping to the beach in the heat. Didn't fancy cooking. So it's better. I hope we'll play boules with our new luminescent jacks. Might have to chuck a basin of water over them to keep cool. They are arriving at 4 pm.

    Should get some relief starting tomorrow. Thunderstorms a poss. Might have to cancel our French Circle meet up on Friday as thunderstorms are predicted. I probably won't go as it's a long walk both ways. I'm still not getting on public transport. With very heavy rain a possibility, not such a great day for a stroll.

    I also have our regular Zoom at 3 pm with my friends today. :D

    My coolest room was 82° at 7 am this morning. Our bedroom must be 86° That's why I'm upstairs with the fan and the windows open. The bedroom windows are rusted shut. DH is quite happy baking in there. ;) I do love him, most of the time. >:)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Still no internet hoping to hear from them today using data on the phone at the moment
    Worse thing is no Netflix or Amazon i'm hoping the engineer doesn't have to come out as it will cost £55 with a bit of luck it will mean a new Router
    Enjoying all the laughs

    Kate UK ❤️