

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,309 Member
    Howdy folks. Just chilling after weekly shopping trip. Masks are now mandatory in NI and almost everyone was compliant in the store today.

    JanetR/Amber: Good to see your posts again.
    Heather: Have a lovely visit with your grands. Hope your friends Zoom goes off well. It’s such a useful way to keep in touch.

    Language is fascinating, and can be very entertaining. We have several nations divided by a single language. Young schoolchildren here are very fond of collecting rubbers at the moment.

    I have a roll of those cloths, but only for emergencies. Not considered environmental friendly, as they don’t bio-degrade.

    I wash, disinfect and RINSE kitchen washcloths after use, and they also go in the washing machine regularly. The rinsing is the key to stopping the unpleasant kniffs and whiffs.

    Positive vibes to all.

    ☘️ Terri
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,614 Member
    Good Wednesday!

    I too had to read "blind man" several times! Lol! We use to follow a van from the blind store to work until they moved. It said " blind man driving "on it-lol! My husband asked why he couldn't drive for them😋 (he is legally blind and hasn't driven since 1995)

    Work to do.....

    Kylia in Ohio
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,402 Member
    Good early morning ladies!

    Barbara - crossing fingers Joe's surgery goes without a hitch and the cooties have stayed far away. Wouldn't it be great if a good vaccine is available sooner than later and by next year this time we can reminisce about how strange 2020 was? Here's a giggle:

    Machka - that's right, your days are getting longer! I keep track of day length and we lost 20 minutes of daylight just this past week.

    - sounds like the boss is approaching mental breakdown if she's not there already. You are so good at your job, I sure hope she moves on so you can remain there and keep enjoying it without having to constantly duck under the radar. Glad you've been able to spend time with the grands and Rodger is back to work for a while.

    Terri - love your hair! You have inspired me to go longer and hope mine turns out even a fraction as neat as yours.

    Barbie - I forgot to mention that T-shirt (and you) are looking very good! Your longer locks are becoming as well.

    We are a smart-looking bunch!

    Karen in VA - happy retirement from the salt mine :) So glad you were able to pick up the tele-medicine job to keep you in pin money, :D .

    Rebecca - loved the photo of your dad, your salad, the birthday doin's for oldest son, and the always adorable photos of Athena. <3

    Pip - Happy to hear you and Kirby are settling in. How's he liking the heat? And geeze, sorry to see you hit the pavement again. You are too far away for us PNW gals to kiss your owies. California girls, gear up! Pip's in town!

    Update on dog teeth:
    So the pups went to the groomer yesterday and Tammie took a look at Rosie's teeth and said "I can get most of that plaque off". Holy smokes, I'll say.They are now pearly white and I don't see any evidence of gum retraction/disease. Tammie must have really went to town with brushing - Rosie ate gingerly last night, I gave her a CBD treat and she conked right out. Still doesn't solve the mystery of front teeth falling out. Tammie said she's seen that before.... in schnauzers :( Old Sophie the schnoodle's teeth are much cleaner too, I'd say 80% of her plaque is history. The trick will be keeping them that way on these pups.

    Anyhow, it will be interesting to see what the Vet says when Rosie goes in to see her next week.

    I've found a new TV series on Prime to binge on: The Republic of Doyle set in Newfoundland. Like it a lot!

    RE Dishcloths - I don't use them, they turn sour too quickly. I'm a kitchen sponge girl and work some bleach cleanup through it every day or two. When it gets too shabby it goes into the box for the cleaner.

    Machka - I do like the idea of using those wipes you have for sopping up messes and wiping the counter tho, will see if I can find some around here. Neat that they come on a roll.

    So I don't knit-crochet any dishcloths. But I do like to kill time crocheting potholders. I found skeins of variegated yarn on sale years ago and it's always fun to see how the patterns turn out.

    Going to be doing some cooking in the next couple days so I don't have to heat the kitchen this weekend when we'll see the mid-90's. Lentil soup today, and meatloaf tomorrow. I have some blue/purple? potatoes I want to cook as well - I put potting soil in a half whiskey barrel, stuck in some of those seed potatoes and actually dug a fair amount of potatoes last week. Trying to think of ways to prepare them where they won't lose their color.

    OK peeps, going to close for now.

    Make it a fabulous day!

    Lanette B)
    Chilly (46) SW WA State where temps will likely dip into the low 40's tomorrow morning.

  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    My old kitten is knackered this AM

    Faye in the
    UpOver USA

  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Greetings from rainy Florida.

    It has rained just enough so I may not have to water today. We are in the dog days of summer here in SFL where temperatures when they drop to the 80s fell like a cold front! I do love the weather here, but summers can drag on. All I can say is TG for central air!!

    Heather – My saying to anyone who prefers the heat is, “It is easier for you to put additional clothes on to get warm.” I think I would have to make an investment for a portable air conditioner so I could have one room I could have some respite from the heat and humidity. Love the top and the splashes of color.

    Rebecca – Happy belated BD to your son. The Athena pics are adorable!

    Katla – I am so happy you had a nice ride. Hoping you do get on the trails for your next one.

    Dentists – I have been blessed with fine dentists. No fear and feel very comfortable in the dentist’s chair. I get deep cleanings twice a year as I had the start of gum disease in my 30s. My periodontist and his wife practice together. She had to clean my teeth once due to a scheduling conflict. I let his assistant know I will never have her clean my teeth again because she worked on me like I was a cadaver. I have no problem firing a professional if I am uncomfortable or given unnecessary pain.

    Debbie – I love your butterflies and ornaments. Beautiful.

    Bleach and ammonia – Can find both here, but takes persistence. Bleach is now very expensive here (almost triple the price pre-SARs 19) and hard to find. I usually find it a Dollar Tree and who can beat the price there?!

    Barbara – I liked the onion poster too. I am an onion lover so it does not matter what type it is – I do love Vadalias and can eat them like an apple! The outdoor orchids do very well here. No need to pamper them – they stay outside year-round with very little attention.

    KJ – Sorry about the lack of feeling rested after your time off. I have been restricting my news time to online in the morning and read the updates I am interested in. The speculative nature of the news is just too much. I want “just the facts”. The old adage “ignorance is bliss” seems to be truer every day. But as a researcher and data junkie it’s hard for me to ignore things.

    Lanette – You may want to try starting an additional basil plant or two by simply sticking some sprigs in to soil like me. I think it would thrive in the green house. I am amazed how mine is doing. I really do think if I keep it up (once the plant starts looking leggy) I will not have to buy seeds or another starter plant.

    IX – Congratulations on your weight loss. Keep up the great work.

    JanetR – Awww Jaxx – He is so precious. And, your daughter is a spitting image of you! Beautiful.

    Tracey – Great idea of using the note app in your phone. I find using Word is easier for me and then posting from my laptop. The phone is great for one off comments, but I have lost small posts too using my phone! Sorry about your work drama. Staying under the radar seems to be the best strategy for you.

    Pip – Ouch! Well, you’re getting to know the roads there! And, imagine what that Diet Coke is doing to everyone’s insides! I am really glad I never was a big soft drink drinker.

    Amber – Glad to see you. Hope you get in to the home schooling routine!

    Faye – I find using dashes are best when writing those “banned” words. We all know what A—means. 😊

    Michele – Scared to make bread. If it flops how much of an investment is it? A few hours and dollars?

    Kylia – Congratulations to your newest family member, Leo!

    It’s officially time to start working although I have not had much motivation in that area since the beginning of this week.

    Hugs to all,
    SuziQ – SFL
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited August 2020
    Jaxx is such a cutie!

    Lisa LOL You knitted a provocative visual for me, my dear. Forewarned. Sweaty balls of stress wrapped in yarn sounds like something that could definitely happen. But those gingham crocheted dishcloths…yes!

    Bleach + ammonia in the same washload = chloramine gas. We like you way too much to read about you in the papers: “Arkansas Woman Found On Laundry Room Floor Dead From The Vapors”. ;)

    Barbara Hey, Wonder Woman, thanks for finding that gingham crochet dishcloth recipe! You are my hero. I might actually try it, as I love the look of them so much! They would brighten my day. If I become proficient (LOL) I could give them as small gifts, so pretty. I was reading that there are actually some cotton yarn blends that make excellent dishcloths - apparently they dry faster and are a little sturdier than 100% cotton - up to 20% bamboo or soy or polyester yarn is reportedly acceptable. I don’t know what I’m talking about, of course, so…

    Lanette You totally captured the gist of my job transition. Very astute of you.

    Going through the vetting for being able to do telemedicine in multiple states is so nervewracking. Maybe some other people here have gone through this sort of thing and can empathize. My goodness. Legal documentation for each name change, (for me that is 2 name changes). Fingerprints. All kinds of Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, Identification. Passport photos. Signed and notarized affidavits. I’m a hot mess at this point. Lots of places that would do photos, fingerprints, notarizing have stopped because Pandemic. I did get photos done at Walgreen, will go to one of my bank branches today for notarizing, and to a different county for fingerprints tomorrow. Lordy. The name change documentation is the biggest worry. I legally changed my last name in the 1980’s (after a divorce). I can’t find the paperwork after 33 years and 5 moves, and the county circuit court can’t find it either. I have asked that they look again. They have to look at microfiche that’s stored in a basement in a different building…Sigh...

    Karen in Virginia
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,102 Member
    SuziQ113 wrote: »
    Heather – My saying to anyone who prefers the heat is, “It is easier for you to put additional clothes on to get warm.” I think I would have to make an investment for a portable air conditioner so I could have one room I could have some respite from the heat and humidity.
    SuziQ – SFL

    Yeah, but additional clothes are uncomfortable. My preferred outfit is shorts, underpants, and tank top. That's it.

    It's quite chilly here now and I've got to wear all sorts of layers and things but I've got to be so careful. Ever since I had measles in 2016, the least bit of scratchiness in clothes is really incredibly uncomfortable, as are too many layers ... so hard to get the layers just right.

    Me feeling nice and comfy just before Christmas 2019. :)


    But my mother has a portable air conditioner. She isn't fond of the heat and doesn't have to use it very often but it comes in handy now and then.

    M in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,323 Member
    My son just rang to say he had mistaken the hour of the dinner reservation and they are booked in for 5 pm. So they would have to come mid afternoon when it's too hot. So we've moved it to tomorrow. ;)
    I'd already been out and bought strawberries, juice, health bars etc, but there is nothing I can't keep until tomorrow. DH actually put up the parasol. :o Parasols are for wimps in his opinion. :laugh: Nice to see it making a rare appearance. :D And the extra garden furniture. He's always putting it away! Grrr!
    The only trouble with tomorrow is that there might be a cloudburst. :o We can retreat into the dining room with the doors open and socially distance. My son was very happy with my pizza idea and said he would collect them.

    I'm OK with the new arrangement. DH has to walk into town this afternoon to see if an optician can mend his glasses. A tiny little screw fell out yesterday in the deli. No one could find it. Otherwise he will have to send them off for repair. :/

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,323 Member
    SuziQ - I think you are right about the AC. I would have to pay for it myself, which is a bit of a stretch. But I may do that next year. :D

    No water in many parts of Sussex for 5 days!!!. End of the pipeline with all the extra demand in the heat and some burst pipes. 4,000 houses. We have water. :)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    edited August 2020
    SuzyQ ~ Do the frogs croak. I think with the music of the wind chimes and the croaking frogs, it would be pleasant to listen to.

    Carol in GA
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,614 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,102 Member
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    SuzyQ ~ Do the frogs croak. I think with the music of the wind chimes and the croaking frogs, it would be pleasant to listen to.

    Carol in GA

    It's interesting. They seem to croak only during mating season which has just passed. And, not in the wind chime. Only when they are prowling at night. What I find amazing is when they are resting during a breezy day the chime does not have a flat tone - nor do the frogs leave. I guess they like the chiming too. :wink:
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Lisa - I love turtles too. The circle of life!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Jess wants to leave early (I hear her right now) so just did Kathy Kaehler Basics DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Classic Firm Low Impact Aerobics DVD.

    Kylia – congratulations!

    Rebecca – AWWWW Athena

    – a friend of mine went for a colonoscopy but before they would do the procedure he had to get tested for covid. You’re smart to eliminate certain activities. This is a PITA, isn’t it? Good thoughts being sent for Joe

    I’ve heard of diet Coke for rust removal and for cleaning the toilet bowl. Never used it, but I have heard of it. Interesting to see it actually used. Glad now that I’m not a soda drinker. Can you just imagine what it does to your insides?

    Did I tell you that you can disinfect your towels in the IP. Oh, that’s right, I did because now I remember wondering if you can do the same thing with masks. I would think so. Anyway, I did my kitchen towel yesterday and was pleasantly surprised. Sometimes I put it in the dishwasher. That water gets hot, too

    Heather – one store around here used to give you 5 cents credit every time you used your own bag. Last time I was there they didn’t want you to bring your own bags in. Who knows what’s up now? Target used to take recyclable plastic bags, then one time they no longer did, then the last time I went there they did. I honestly think stores are trying to figure out this whole c-19 stuff.

    Jess left. I’m supposed to go to Food Lion at 11:30. I’m guessing they’ll do things like show me where the clock is that you punch in (I already know), where the break room is (I already know), give me the uniform – that sort of stuff

    – how do you disinfect your towels?

    Just read in Consumer Report that you shouldn’t run vinegar thru your washing machine. I always did it to get rid of any musty smell. What does everyone else use? I’m hesitant to use bleach

    Lanette – I really like purple potatoes. Publix around here is the only place where I can get them on a regular basis. I started off getting them at the farmer’s market.

    SuziQ – I always say “wonder what they did in FL before a/c?” Why not check the pool places for the bleach? Remember that chlorinating stuff is really bleach. I don’t know what it is, but for some reason I am scared to make the starter for the bread. I know what you’re saying. But I also may just have to put it off if I can’t find bread flour. One time the toilet above us in the condo leaked. Well, actually, it leaked twice. The ceiling fell in. The condo assoc put in a new ceiling even tho technically they didn’t have to. That’s when we found out that according to FL law, the people above us weren’t responsible for any damage to our condo. What’s the incentive then to repair the thing that caused the damage. They never fixed the toilet and it happened again. We’re at the condo so little that we never replaced the counter in the bathroom. If we were there like year-round or even ½ the year, we probably would. But it just isn’t worth it unless we can figure out a way to do it cheaply and we haven’t

    – I have eye glass repair kits. Do you have them over there? It contains like 2 screws and the screwdriver that you need.

    Michele NC