

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    So pleased your weekend has finally settled down into being able to enjoy your family rather than avoid them.

    On the subject of families, my daughter is still POed and not communicating with me or her dad because I said "no" to running up to Kansas to stay with her kids the first two weeks of September while her husband's on temporary duty elsewhere. My husband and I talked about it last night, that there are life lessons people have to learn at some point - and one of them is that there won't always be someone to bail you out of the consequences of your decisions. It's possible that learning to say, "No, you need to clean up your own mess," is the last of my baptisms into parenthood. Ah well...

    Hope you both are feeling better soon!

    Not a lot on for today. The washer is nearly done, and I need to get that out on the clothesline, but may give my body a break from exercise today - I've not taken a break for ten days straight, and my knees kept me awake last night aching.

    Onward, ladies,
    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    SuzieQ Part of my phobia about destroyed clothes is I was attacked when I was 6 by a large dog and my pants got all ripped up before my dad shot it. I wasn't hurt physically, but emotionally I still have scars. I was attacked again in my young 20's and the dog tore my jeans bad and I still have scars on my legs and one arm that I put up as it jumped for my throat. Luckily the owner came out at that time and yelled and the dog immediately sat. Something about torn denim that makes me cringe. I did and still do like cutoff jean shorts with a frayed edge, but I always stitch about 1/4 " above the cut so I can control the fray and clip it to make a nice fuzzy edge. I hate big strings hanging down and uneven fray and worse cut so short the pockets are hanging down. One of my friend's grandaughters was wearing shorts like that and I said, "Damn girl that dog did some serious damage." I had to explain my statement to the puzzled girl. She was proud she had paid $60 for those Goodwill rejects.

    I was attacked by a dog too. No emotional scars. My mother's boyfriend's dog. It was a known bitter. Everyone was freaking out while the dog was attacking me. TG I was standing. I was wearing shorts and he got me on the thigh. I grabbed his collar, beat his nose and he finally let go. I took him to the basement and locked him up. Still have scar on my leg. Of course had to get a Tetnus shot and take hug antibiotics for a week just in case.

    Not afraid or have bad feelings about dogs. It was an Australian Shepard and should have been on a farm doing what it was supposed to be doing. Sheeparding sheep. There are only bad owners not bad dogs.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,767 Member
    Heather- hope you and Johnny feel better,nothing worse than feeling off...
    So wish i could stay another day .but duty calls the other caregiver has a drs appt so i will cover tomorrow.. so hence i have to go home today.. ill be back up for labor day weekend and thats ok with me..
    Lisa - totally understand about not bailing out the kids .. your job is done ,they are raised ..they have to learn to not depend on grandma and grandpa all the time.. especially in the military im sure they can find someone to watch them..
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,397 Member
    Good Sunday morning ladies! <3

    It's a wonderful cool 55 degrees out right now.

    My little 4 1/2 yr old 7" Fire tablet is starting to act wonky. Drops WiFi and sometimes the charging cable doesn't engage. Told DH it might be time to get a new one but the best prices would probably be on Black Friday.

    Just for giggles I checked Amazon yesterday.... lo and behold they are having a "school special" so ordered an 8" which should be here today.

    I must say, out of all the $$ we've spent on electronics, these Fire tablets (also have a 10" one purchased last year - Black Friday special! which DH commandeers) have been the best value ever for our purposes.

    Suzi-Q & Faye - when I was a kid I was bitten by a border collie - he just wanted to play, but got me on the neck and a nip on the face. My dad freaked and kept him chained the rest of his life, and I still feel bad about that. :( Many years later I was bitten by one of our beagles who decided to get in a fight over a treat, I was trying to break them up. Within a day, I had a raging infection in my hand and the doc put me on antibiotics right away.

    DH is up to watch the dogs, I need to get out and do some chores in the garden before the oven door opens, lol.

    Keep cool/warm as the case may be!

    Lanette B)
    Sunny SW WA State
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Lanette That is bad being attacked by your own dogs. Enjoy your morning in the garden. We are headed for 100 today. I best get my walk in early. Somehow hurt my back helping my friend "do her farming" yesterday. Her four dogs got in a real fight for no apparent reason. She got bite breaking them up. I stayed up on her patio table until she got the instigator caged. Once behind the heavy wire, I made faces at the little mutt and called him a cat turd eater. My favorite dogs are Komondor.

  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    SuzieQ YES!!! I argue with dog owners all the time that have work dogs for pets. I would love to have a Komondor and let my hair grow long and fix in dreadlocks to match the pups, but they belong with sheep from birth to death. I used to go to working dog contest all the time. Growing up, the neighbor boys raised Border Collies for cattle dogs. I loved watching them work, but when they snuck up from behind and damaged the back of my new boots, I was incensed. I started wearing spurs when around them. I double-dog dared them to rush me from behind then. I had a back kick like a kangaroo.

    My favorite was watching the Komondors on the mountain pastures near Stanley, Idaho. They would spot a coyote a 100 yards out and take off and catch them. When sheared they look like a greyhound. All that hair especially around the face protects them. A coyote or wolf just gets a mouth full of hair. They have been clocked at 70 MPH. They are very gentle with children, but shepherds don't allow them to become pets.

    I am a bit fearful of some dogs and I do agree that many dogs need to be in the correct setting. Bird dogs should not be made into pets IMO. Much too hyper and tend to be crotch sniffers which I don't like.

  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Lisa Way to go, strong mom! Too many senior moms with middle-aged kids making bad decisions and expecting mom to bail them out. My mom told me that if I got myself in a mess, I better figure out how to get out of it and make it right with those affected and God. She wouldn't let me drown, but I would be spitting up water and gasping for breath while she beat my back like a dirty rug, if I was so irresponsible to get in over my head and forgot how to swim.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,649 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Lanette: Gardening is so rewarding. I have a tiny amount of space, but feel happy and have fun with the things I am able to grow. Beans haven’t done so well, but the blueberries are abundant this year. My blueberries need to be pruned this fall when they are dormant. :flowerforyou:

    Debbie: It sounds like you did a good job shopping and will have the things you need to make meals you love. Blackouts are often scary. I hope you stay safe and comfortable. :star:

    Pip: I’m sorry that your apple watch didn’t record correctly. 1066 calories in a workout is impressive from my pov. Do you need to visit an apple genius to get the watch fixed? :huh:

    Michele: I hope your sourdough does just what you want and is a big success. I was impressed by what I saw when I googled Bob's Red Mill. :star:

    I am ready for rest. I’ve taken care of my little garden as well as I can and had a good dinner thanks to DH volunteering to cook. I'm grateful he did the cooking today. :heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Nah, I’m more bummed about the Zwift trainer and the technical issues. I’m pretty sure I would ave had a faster amph and would have finished the ride in a shorter time
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited August 2020
    SuzieQ I agree there are bad dog owners!!! Years ago I saw my neighbor's little decorative dog, don't know what breed it was, jump up and bite the Fed Ex man in the crotch and his teeth got stuck in the guys fly fabric. poor guy was backing up pushing at the dog and the lady owner just kept sitting on her porch watching. I ran over and grabbed the dog's jaw and got them open enough to free the fly fabric and then tossed the little mutt on her porch. It didn't hurt the dog one bit but she never talked to me again. When the police came to investigate as she filed a report that I abused her dog, they asked what kind of dog it was. I said, "Obviously a Weiner dog." That cracked them up as the dog was small with shaggy white hair. The vet verified no damage to the dog and commented that my ID of the dog, based on his actions, was going in her top 10 stories.

    A few years later early one morning I heard a faint "help me help help" and took off in the direction of the voice. It was coming from her back yard. I skinned myself up getting over her fence and saw her lying on the patio. She had fallen around 8 PM and spent the night there and the night air was cool enough that she seemed to be suffering hyperthermia. I rushed into her house and called 911 and saw the wall was full of this little crotch biters' photos. He had died a few months previously. I grabbed every blanket I could find and covered her noticing her leg was swollen badly. Anyway, she never came home and was put in assisted living. Her uncouth daughter that hated me brought me flowers, candy, and a gift certificate and told the reporters that I was a hero and saved her life. I went from an evil dog-hating witch to a Saint of high esteem.

    Crazy Faye
    Or. USA
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,066 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Lanette: Gardening is so rewarding. I have a tiny amount of space, but feel happy and have fun with the things I am able to grow. Beans haven’t done so well, but the blueberries are abundant this year. My blueberries need to be pruned this fall when they are dormant. :flowerforyou:

    Debbie: It sounds like you did a good job shopping and will have the things you need to make meals you love. Blackouts are often scary. I hope you stay safe and comfortable. :star:

    Pip: I’m sorry that your apple watch didn’t record correctly. 1066 calories in a workout is impressive from my pov. Do you need to visit an apple genius to get the watch fixed? :huh:

    Michele: I hope your sourdough does just what you want and is a big success. I was impressed by what I saw when I googled Bob's Red Mill. :star:

    I am ready for rest. I’ve taken care of my little garden as well as I can and had a good dinner thanks to DH volunteering to cook. I'm grateful he did the cooking today. :heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Nah, I’m more bummed about the Zwift trainer and the technical issues. I’m pretty sure I would ave had a faster amph and would have finished the ride in a shorter time

    Sometimes you need to restart Zwift if it seems really slow. I've had it do that 2 or 3 times.

    M in Oz
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,374 Member
    Did some Wii balance games. The plan for tomorrow is to do a body pump video. I’m going to have to do this after work, but that might very well work out since the Salvation Army will be open by then. Looks like working I’m going to have to change my schedule around a bit, but that’s OK. As long as I can get my landscaping done. That was the main motivation to get a job, every time I want something done, there is something that comes up.

    Cleaned the refrigerator this morning. Right now Buzz (our Roomba) is running. I’m really loving him. Anyway, you know how many times there’s this “gunk” that is at the back of the refrigerator, usually it’s an orange color? Well, I decided to try and see if microwave cleaner would work on it. I figured microwave cleaner works in the microwave where you have food, will it work in a refrigerator? IT DID!

    – it seemed that the majority of the uTube videos I saw basically had it a 1:1 ratio of flour to water. That’s what I’m going to go with. Hope it turns out OK

    SuziQ and Faye – I don’t care for distressed clothes, either. Even if I have something with a hole in it, I get rid of it, even jeans.

    – I would probably not like them for the same reason as you if I’d been in your situation. Another thing I don’t care for are shorts with a cuff. I’m always afraid that something (crumbs?) will get caught in the cuff. Weiner dog…lol

    – I do hope you and Johnny get better real fast

    Well, out to the pool

    Buzz has finished and all the chairs back in place

    Michele NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited August 2020
    SuziQ: It is good to see your post! I’ve ben hoping that things are going well enough in FL. We have longtime friends who moved to the Villages many years ago. I heard from Marlene several weeks ago, and it seemed that they’re enjoying life as usual, with golf and mahjong. Here in our county in OR, we wear masks in public places and work to keep ourselves 5 feet apart from others in the stores in addition to wearing masks there. :smiley:

    Faye: I’ve cut a couple of pairs of pants legs off, too. I hem them, fold up a cuff and wear them. I have a pair that are ready to be cut off. :star:

    Heather: Sorry to hear that you and Johnny aren’t feeling the best. If you have the flu, I hope it will be a very light case and that you’ll be back to normal asap. I fervently hope it is ordinary flu and not Covid 19. :flowerforyou:

    Deliafaye & Suzi: I have never had a dog bite, but I had a springer mix that was delightful, until he wasn’t. Sanford tried to bite our son, who was then about four. I put my arm in his mouth and he didn’t bite down on me, but we couldn’t trust him with our young son. We were told by others that springer spaniels sometimes suffer from “springer rage.” He seemed to have had a stroke. Sanford moved to my parents’ house and was a good boy for them until he passed away. We love having dogs and don’t want to be without one. Our current old boy is a Keeshond, and an absolute sweetie-pie. :heart:

    Lanette: I hope you’re able to get a new tablet. DH has an ipad that he loves well. He has never had a problem with his ipad, but he is on his third keypad. Good luck shopping. I hope you find just the right thing. :star:

    Michele: I hope your sourdough experiment is a big success. If not, you can order starter from Bob’s Red Mill. :flowerforyou:

    Regarding exercise equipment—We have two terra-trykes in our garage that are set on trainers. There are wheel blocks for the two front wheels on each tryke, and a roller system in back that the rear wheel activates. The rollers have enough traction to give the rider a good workout. We can take the trykes off of their trainers in the garage and ride anywhere. DH doesn’t have the strength to ride out on the streets anymore. He could use a little motor but isn’t motivated to get one. I usually ride my tryke in the garage during bad weather, whether it is either too hot or too cold to be comfortable outside. :ohwell:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,316 Member
    edited August 2020
    Got through the day. Had a nap which lasted nearly two hours. ;):o Been spending the rest of the time watching the EASY GERMAN videos, which I am addicted to. I have German running through my head as an earworm! :o I also did the French quiz, but didn't get all the answers right. You only have 10 seconds to read five alternatives. Good to know I'm not perfect. :laugh:

    My lovely friend rang me to check I was OK as I have not been active on our WhatsApp group. She was in a queue waiing to get through the third accident on the motorway. Rain after a long dry spell and people driving too fast. She drives from York to the south coast regularly. :o Beyond me these days. We are hoping to meet up on Tuesday, but we will be playing it by ear. My bug, plus uncertain weather, plus I am not happy with indoor restaurants. I am happy to have her here, as she has had covid, but I think she wants to go out. I would love to get takeaway from our heavenly Persian place. They deliver, but it wouldn't be half-price.You have to go there for that.

    Hope this thing is short lived. Have no idea where we picked it up, but I'm guessing the highly accomplished bug spreaders on Thursday are the culprits. I could be maligning them and it could be something on some food we picked up. Scary how easy it is. :s I'm pretty sure it isn't covid, but it could have been.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,516 Member
    Is any of you ladies into smoothies? I bought this book from Amazon, and I just am not interested in it. Great recipes, though, I just have a lousy blender.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,516 Member
    Message me and we can organize me getting it to you.👍
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,649 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,916 Member
    Really whooped today. Badly need a nap. Went to a Ranger’s graduation party last. She is only 22 and moved to New Mexico by herself to become a park ranger. She just finished police training academy. We have adopted her as a daughter and were very involved with planning, cooking, and cleanup. Relaxed at her house alone with them for about an hour after everyone left and got to bed around midnight. Latest for me in years!!

    She is a very strong woman to do what she has. Proud of her as if she was one of my kids.

    RV Rita
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,008 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Did some Wii balance games. The plan for tomorrow is to do a body pump video. I’m going to have to do this after work, but that might very well work out since the Salvation Army will be open by then. Looks like working I’m going to have to change my schedule around a bit, but that’s OK. As long as I can get my landscaping done. That was the main motivation to get a job, every time I want something done, there is something that comes up.

    Cleaned the refrigerator this morning. Right now Buzz (our Roomba) is running. I’m really loving him. Anyway, you know how many times there’s this “gunk” that is at the back of the refrigerator, usually it’s an orange color? Well, I decided to try and see if microwave cleaner would work on it. I figured microwave cleaner works in the microwave where you have food, will it work in a refrigerator? IT DID!

    – it seemed that the majority of the uTube videos I saw basically had it a 1:1 ratio of flour to water. That’s what I’m going to go with. Hope it turns out OK

    SuziQ and Faye – I don’t care for distressed clothes, either. Even if I have something with a hole in it, I get rid of it, even jeans.

    – I would probably not like them for the same reason as you if I’d been in your situation. Another thing I don’t care for are shorts with a cuff. I’m always afraid that something (crumbs?) will get caught in the cuff. Weiner dog…lol

    – I do hope you and Johnny get better real fast

    Well, out to the pool

    Buzz has finished and all the chairs back in place

    Michele NC

    We have a Wii-for son-I bought one of the boards and kept planning on trying it- never did, totally forgot about it- maybe I will have him set it up for me.
