Serial Starters



  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    edited August 2020
    This has been quite the week in regards to water and my house. Pipe burst in wall over the weekend. Wood, insulation, and walls soaked. Drywall crumbled when touched. Had to shut off all water. Got pipe replaced. Will be replacing drywall & insulation. Have had fans running constantly to dry it out.
    Then Tues, discovered water standing under sink! Something with garbage disposal. Waiting to get that fixed. :s
    Last night, water leaking out of washing machine. (At least that was easy fix of cleaning the seals on the detergent drawer)
    This morning, new water heater is making the water smell funny. Plumber said it is probably magnesium rod. It doesn't play nice with well water and creates an odor. Will have to have it cut out. Wish they had done that during the install a couple of weeks ago!
    Non-water related - found out everything being "restructured" at work. That means we will be booted out of this building to who knows where. That means I will no longer have a gym just down the hall. (Depending on where new office will be on post, I may just sneak over here to use treadmill after work.)
    Weight back up too. :(
    I call a Mulligan on this week!!
    Okay, enough venting.....
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lynn-Thank you so very much for your order... I greatly appreciate it! Hope you enjoy

    Sara-that is ok about CC... I don’t expect anyone to ever order... it is really appreciated when I do get orders ....hugs to you...this week does need to end for you...I somehow managed to get a 3 day weekend...I’m not complaining, doesn’t happen often...I will tell you all about the bike...hopefully, it’s easy to use...

    Lana-waves and hugs

    Kell-welcome! What part of Aus are you in? I actually visited NSW, several years ago... I can’t remember where we stayed. I know, we visited Perth and Sydney... I have a friend that lives, somewhere around

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Kathryn- I missed your post, earlier..what a week for you, indeed...hope the water situation is a fairly easy fix...what a mess...hugs to you
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    So, I just heard from DM...DD is not doing well at all...they are having Palliative Care come in and assess him. He may be going on Hospice. I thought he was doing ok.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    @arniedog74 im in Newcastle about 2hrs north of Sydney. Sorry to hear about your DD

    Thanks guys for the warm welcome. It's nice to be here
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,886 Member
    *** August 21st ***

    Good morning All~~

    Dawn - So sorry about DD. Palliative care and hospice folks are great sources of information. DM and DD will learn a lot, which may put their minds at ease. Sending hugs to you.
    It's nice to have a 3-day weekend!

    Kathryn - Wow, I cannot believe what you are going through. The water gods certainly were angry! Sending you a bucket of courage to get through all of the fixes and repairs.

    Waving to Sara and Lynn and Kell and Tracy on the Go and Maureen and Holly and Runa and Missy and everyone who stops by today ☀️

  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Good morning Lana and Everyone.
    Today has been a good food day for me. 3 solid meals and minimal snacking. Happy with progress so far.
    Tomorrow is Saturday and a busy day of doing jobs. It's supposed to be our coldest day of the year so i may need to dig out some warm clothes.
    Hope you all have a great day and have some wins

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Good morning,

    Lana and Kelly I remember when I got up early to medicate the dog....... thank you for starting us.

    Moved car asphalt city today outside my place. Will go pick up car at 6pm. Car is in my company's parking lot as I normally would walk to work. Got 5k again last night first day in a week (heat and smoke....).

    Just glad its Friday - have new auditor and she is a real pill. Just roll my eyes.

    Will find a way to celebrate Friday - Wave to all who follow. We are all in this together so make it your best day.

    Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,886 Member

    Sara-- Benoit wants to know how he can help make your Friday better.....Thank goodness that the air is cool and clear at The Cabana Club. Happy Hour starts very soon.

    Leandro knows to take care of Kathryn - no water sports..... just pillow fluffing and massage....

    The rest of the boys have something soothing for the rest of us. We need it!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Leandro has a box of LARGE sponges to help clean up the mess at Kathryn's.....

    air quality is still bad but not as much wind so while I have to go and pick up car because they will be done with tarring and striping the parking spots tonight, the air wont be as bad as it has been.

    Benoit - hmmm I did apply my roll on of "roll the bi$ch away" that I bought online and has that great spa smell when you first walk in but that was earlier today. I will watch listen to Patricia Routledge nail Hyacinth Bucket pronounced Bouquet to fall asleep after my long week at work.

    Will sit in one of those wonderful lounge chairs and and not worry about ash or smoke. Thank you Lana for setting it up today. Nice after work treat!!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    What a wonderful act of kindness my neighbor June has been wanting to make sure I got the N95 masks with the ashes and smoke that when I parked my car in my spot she came over and gave me one. That makes up for this whole week.
  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member
    @hickchic67 A Jeep Club was parading through Gatlinburg tonight. I thought of you.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    They went ahead and put DD on Hospice. His heart rate was all over the place. He needed oxygen. But, insurance wouldn’t cover, cuz his levels were too, his levels are low and all he does is sleep...Hospice will cover 100% so, now we wait...he did get better with oxygen, last time in hospital...
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Kel- now, it’s gonna drive me crazy trying to remember where I’d think I would remember...will have to ask my friend...ugh...I’m getting old...Thank you
  • wrknonmedaily
    wrknonmedaily Posts: 203 Member
    Hello all, I have decided to start again this Sunday. Trust, nothing new. I go for awhile then drop off. I started last October and have lost 30 pounds. I kind of fell off my plans with the covic-19 breakout in March. Then buying a house and having to start working from home. I have held onto the 30 pound lost but still have around 70 pounds to lose by my 50th birthday next September. So I am at it again. Hopefully, I will reach my goal weight of 165 or 155.

    CW 230
    HW 260
    GW 155
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    arniedog74 wrote: »
    Kel- now, it’s gonna drive me crazy trying to remember where I’d think I would remember...will have to ask my friend...ugh...I’m getting old...Thank you

    Don't you hate it when you know something but can't remember it
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,886 Member
    edited August 2020
    It's August 22nd already!

    Hello All~~

    Sara - Ah, yes! "The Bucket residence, the lady of the house speaking...."
    June is an angel with that N95 mask for you. How sweet 💖

    Welcome to Wrkn.... What a great achievement to have kept your 30 pounds off during this pandemic! wow!

    Dawn - Thank you for telling us your news. It's hard to hear, I imagine, but this must be what DD wants. I hope that they keep him comfortable.

    Waving to Kell and Busy Tracy and Lynn and Kathryn and Maureen and Runa and Holly and Missy and everyone else who stops by today.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Good morning,

    Asphalting done so now and as HOT so now just smoky.

    Hair cut/color this morning half is white so color will be well used. Then a lunch with a couple of coworkers. I will take knitting to hair place to start a small project.

    No other plans for today except maybe reading/napping online watching. So typical weekend. Got 9500 steps in last 2 days (walking to work) smoke will stop some of that but I may take a little walk to keep up the trend.

    Dawn Hospice is an amazing group of people and them taking care of DD may take some energy/stres off your mother.

    Wave to all who follow. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Kel-it’s the worst...I used to remember everything...blah...oh well, it was a beautiful place to visit and would love to go back, one day....

    Lana-thank you...speaking to DM yesterday (her birthday) DD is pretty incoherent...barely waking up...DM is working on becoming DPOA, just in case...

    Sara-I truly hope they are able to take some stress off DM.... I just can’t even imagine what she is going thru...she already lost 1 husband...I think, maybe she is angry, because she is going thru this again...

    I have not talked to her, today. Not sure how to take’s either really bad...or, he’s doing better with oxygen...I’m really not sure she’s going to contact me before he passes (whenever that may be) she’s insisting on being “ok” doing it all alone...

    Sorry, I’ve been quite the downer, lately...

    I did have a somewhat productive day...DH and I had some runnin to, we got up and about, somewhat early. Had a nice lunch and came home, I did have to take a short nap... but, when I got up, I baked some muffins, put together my Scentsy Order and, made some Scentsy samples...I’ve been working, very slowly, on cleaning up a corner in our room, that just became a catch all...there is a desk there that I would like to start using for Scentsy...if I can ever get motivated to do more..
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Hi Everyone
    I'm assuming most of you have gone to bed now. Hope you had a great day. It's a lovely day here in my part of Aus. We have just had a BBQ and now going to do some gardening. Later a walk. Hope you're all sleeping well