
forensicanthropology Posts: 29 Member
edited August 2020 in Health and Weight Loss
Anybody watched it on Netflix? Thoughts? Im a lifelong vegetarian with egg allergy and I don't like cheese or butter so the only thing keeping me from being plant based is the milk and yogurt. I have just changed to coconut milk and planning on changing to entirely plant based in the next week.


  • did you watch the film?
  • find me a platform where there is no agenda. Fortunately, I am intelligent enough to search out the peer reviewed literature myself. I was simply curious if anybody had any other thoughts.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,332 Member
    find me a platform where there is no agenda. Fortunately, I am intelligent enough to search out the peer reviewed literature myself. I was simply curious if anybody had any other thoughts.

    Netflix is over the top with its agenda, though. Way too biased and easily refuted.
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member - All you really need to know....
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    OP, it comes down to beliefs and goals? My goals are around body composition and aesthetics. And while i cut with ketogenic, i tend to focus more of lean proteins, seafood and fibrous foods. It makes me feel and perform better in the gym. Once i am done cutting i will come off keto (likely) and move towards a more flexible diet and increase plant consumption. But overall, i don't see value in going completely plant or meat based. There are tons of benefits from both. So why not maximize your results.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    edited August 2020
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    Our bodies are designed to be omnivorous not herbivorous

    First, designed by whom?

    And omnivore is, biologically, an individual that has the ability to survive on both plant and animal matter. Being an omnivore physiologically means that we have the ability to *choose* to thrive on a plant-based diet. Animal products aren't obligatory to us.

    If a diet requires fortification and/or supplementation, then i wouldn't call that thriving. And more often than not, b12 and iron become big concerns on plant based diets. Given the benefits of lean animal proteins and fish (plus the improved amino acids profiles, which are favorable to athletic performance, there is a reason pro athletes follow less restrictive approaches to nutrition. And yes, i feel this way about thr opposite end of the spectrum with ketogenic diets as well.

    If we take an anthropological standpoint from this conversation, they would consume whatever was in abundance during the season. Maybe you can correct me, but where any ancient societies plant based?

    I'm probably just being pedantic (as is so often the case), but that seems to me to be an odd way to look at "thriving". "Thriving" seems to me to be about the state of the organism, not how it reached that state.

    I think you probably know by now that I don't consider fully plant-based eating (or my own vegetarian eating style) to be optimal from an ease or perhaps even performance standpoint (because it is a little more fiddly in practice to get good nutrition, even though I think it's possible, as perhaps you don't). The reasons to be vegetarian, fully-plant-based, or vegan lie in other realms, IMO.

    Maybe I'm incorrect, but I've had the impression that you do or have used some supplements at times. If that's true, have you considered yourself not to be "thriving" at those times?

    I'm inclined to agree with Jane that one - as a modern-times person in many parts of the world - can "thrive" on a fully plant-based diet, i.e., be about as healthy and high performing as their genetics and personal effort allow them to be. But it would require a bit more attention and intention to do that with a fully plant-based (or vegetarian) diet, vs. "thriving" as an ominvore. Just my opinion, of course.

    First, yes, there are periods where i have had to supplement. The ketogenic, in my opinion, is equally suboptimal in many standards. It impairs performance and if carefully not managed, you can get electrolyte deficiencies. That did happen to me for a small period (like a few days).

    My supplementation is for performance enhancement and the additional 1%. I used to supplement with creatine but that screwed up my stomach. Currently i use protein powder and L-Citrulline; i was running a pre-workout but ran out.

    We could probably argue endlessly, but a complete diet, to me, provides all nutrients. A diet that has higher than normal deficiencies (as a population) doesn't suggest to me that you can thrive on the diet alone. Therefore, a diet requiring supplementation or fortification tells me its not complete and is suboptimal compared to other diets. So the question begs, can you perform better on a different diet. People often think what they are doing is thriving but if they switched to a different diet, they might find out they weren't. Interestingly, i read an article awhile after this movie came out and a lot of the athletes that went plant based switched back from impacted performance. This also happened when keto got popular.

    ETA: i openly acknowledge that I follow a suboptimal diet for satiety. It keeps my binges under control and allows for calorie control. I know i will go back to being a flexible dieter after i lose the fat.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    Our bodies are designed to be omnivorous not herbivorous

    First, designed by whom?

    Designed by God.
  • age_is_just_a_number
    age_is_just_a_number Posts: 630 Member
    I agree with kimny72 who wrote ‘ I always come away with the idea that a calorie appropriate, varied, nutrient rich diet with enough protein, fiber, and fat is key whether you are vegetarian or omnivore.’

    Read the China study by Thomas colins PHD, eat to live by dr Jeremy Sherman or in defence of food by Michael polson

    Michael polson sums it up well .... eat food, not too much, mostly plants.

    Canada’s new food guide is also interesting and was revised a couple of years ago without food industry or marketing boards ‘at the table’.

    At the end of the day you have to do what is right for you.

    I’ve watched gamechangers. Found it to be very biased and one sided. One part that stands out is they took people who were eating nutritionally unbalanced diets and put them on plant based only and they became healthier. Let’s face it, if those people, who were not eating fruits or vegetables or whole grains at all, replaced half of their unhealthy diet with these new healthy choices and kept the other half of unhealthy, then they would likely also have become healthier.

    Even though I’ve read and keep reading different studies and points of view, I continue to eat in an omnivore way. Why? Habit? Convenience? My husband does the shopping and cooking ? — that last reason is likely the most significant in my life. We are all different and have different circumstances and make different conclusions based on the information available.

    Do what is right for you.

    Take care
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    There are plenty of societies that have been strictly vegetarian for years. There are also plenty of societies that almost exclusively eat meat or fish. Humans have, as a species, adapted to a variety of diets and thrived. What we tend to forget is that those individual populations with diets at one or the other end of the spectrum have adapted over time and have different gut flora and/or sensivities than those of us who come from populations that have been have had more catholic* diets through the centuries. Thus, I don't find it surprising that someone moving from one type of diet to another might need supplementation to be healthy on that diet.

    *note the lower case c