

  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Patio Tai Chi and balance exercise- complete
    Strength Workout targeting abs and shoulders - complete
    Walk - waiting for dawn
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Morning, afternoon and evening, all,

    Woke up at 4:24 a.m., my usual time these days - gives me just enough time to make Corey's first cup of coffee before he wakes, then get his lunch packed, and his go-cup of coffee done by the time he's dressed and ready to leave. I don't use an alarm, just my conscience, as I promised him that, if he supported me retiring, I'd make his lunch each day.

    However - it's Sunday, and he's not going anywhere.


    A relaxed day ahead, but do want to get a few things done this morning--want to make the usual sandwich rolls for his lunches for the week, but also want to make a couple of loaves of sun-dried tomato bread. While I won't eat a raw tomato, I do love the smell of the sun-dried ones. I plan to use the oil the tomatoes are packed in to flavor the bread, then cut the tomatoes themselves up small to add flavor to the dough. Might be horrible, don't know yet, but I need to change things up a bit.

    The rest of the day is unscheduled and unplanned, something we both need, I think, just time together. No planned exercise, no planned yardwork, although I think Corey plans to do the watering today. My body needs a break today. :) Which probably means I'll be out there moving plants around instead.

    Still thinking of Kim, Debbie, and now Pip - hope things get better soon, guys.

    Dawn is breaking, time to get the bread going.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    Love Sun Dried Tomato bread......I would probably add some basil and of course garlic!
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I am back to a 3:30 am wake up. I almost went back to sleep as my overnight rest was a night filled with tossing and turning. Each time I awakened I thought it was Monday! But knew it was Sunday.

    It is just a little after 8:00 am and I have top-to-bottom cleaned both of the upstairs bathrooms, put away one load of laundry, completed a full load of laundry, and am now getting ready to put the bathroom rugs in the dryer. I have washed down the staircase railings. I really cannot remember the last time I had completed that chore. Each orchid was carried downstairs, fully soaked and drained, leaves wiped down, and then carried back upstairs (there are 9 of them up there). Also meal planned, picked up the courtyard as there were heavy winds last night, completed the typical morning chores, oh, and cleaned and organized both of the upstairs bathroom's closets/cabinets.

    I am calling the rest of the day all "mine". I will probably end up giving myself a pedicure and get some reading done. Oh, and certainly a nap. Poor little Smokey has been following me around all morning. I am sure he will crash out in the next hour or so. LOL!

    SuziQ - SFL
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,613 Member
    Good Sunday.

    Slept until 730! Checking in with y'all, then getting busy.

    To do list
    Bake zucchini bread
    Bake zucchini oat dark chocolate cookies
    Freeze squash
    Make refrigerator pickles
    Organize freezers
    Do laundry
    Change sheets
    File stihl paperwork
    File echo paperwork

    Let's see what I can cross off. Better get my butterfly in gear.🦋

    Stay safe where you are!
    Feeling blessed to have you all for support ❤

    Kylia feeling not as whiney and planning on productivity in Ohio
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Sunday! It has been a busy weekend getting some paperwork done and getting things ready for the kids this week. It is Holiday Week this week for my childcare! EAch day we will celebrate a holiday (because it is hard to wait a whole year for some of them to come 'round again!) Monday-Valentine, Tuesday-Independence Day, Wednesday-Halloween, Thursday-Thanksgiving, Friday-Christmas. My grocery bill was about $50 higher than normal, due to the holiday shopping. lol But it is going to be a fun week.
    Faye- Thanks for posting the vestibular tests! I found I am not in as bad of shape as I thought I was. I had no problem with walking the straight line, or the up and down out of the chair test (41, but BOY was I out of breath), the balancing on one leg was tricky for me. I last only about 10 seconds with one leg out, like the guy in the video. I can last 30-45 seconds if I balance on one leg (easy tree pose) with arms extended. I do need to work on my core. I think that will help the balance issues I have.
    Kim, Debbie, Pip et al in the fire/smoke regions- Glad to hear you are all safe! Wish I could bottle up some clean air for you to breathe!
    Barbie- I love your book list! I have read a couple of them; but the one that made my heart leap is Stealing Buddha's Dinner! I love that book! I have read it a couple of times, the family lives/lived only about five miles from my childhood home.
    Meg- What good news for you and your DH!
    Barbara- So happy to hear that you and Joe are in a good place in regards to Joe's eye issues/surgery. It is amazing how our brains can lead us to "bad places" and make a situation worse than it actually is. Sending positive prayers and vibes your way!
    Cathy in Arlington- OF COURSE you are wearing a wonderwoman tee! Go YOU with the virtual racing and have fun with the grandkids!
    Kylia- I just attended a webinar on getting past the feeling of "overwhelm". One of the things that the facilitator suggested was to make a time chart and post it in your office or outside your office door. Chart your day in "time blocks" so that everything has it's own "appointment" with you. (Example: 8am-9am prep for opening store, 9am-11am work shop until employee arrives, 11am-12am paperwork/office work, 12pm-1pm lunch, 1pm-2pm cover employee lunch, 2pm-3pm employee connection, 3pm-5pm prep for next day, 5pm-6pm close shop) Be sure to post it where employees can see it; this way employees will know exactly when you are available to them.
    SuzyQ- I laughed at the vacuuming your ceiling sentence. BUT...I have popcorn ceilings and I do take a broom to them on occasion.
    Karen VA- Love the "choir" videos! I want to be friends with them/her!

    Well ladies, I have a few things I need to get done today, so I better scoot. Love and hugs to you all! ttfn xoxox KJ Kelly
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    SuzieQ So glad to see another early riser here. My normal time is 3 AM, but lately, it has been 2:30 and that is just too early. A couple of days ago after a stressful day, I slept in till 3:30 and felt guilty all day. My early rise is from my working years and growing up on a ranch. My dad would wake me at 4 AM with, "We are burning daylight girl, up and at it." I was like Dad it is 2 hours till dawn and the chickens are still roosting. No excuse he would say the tractor has lights and your mom has lights on in the kitchen with buckets of green beans to snap, so you choose, harrow the field or snap beans. You can check on your chickens when the rooster crows. I always chose the field because I could have my earphone in and my transistor on full volume and once I had the field outlined, I could stay in the groove and it was one hand on the wheel and on my feet doing the twist to Chubby Checkers usually with my long sleeve work shirt off.
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    SuziQ & Kylia & Lisa & Faye ~ You all make me feel like a lazy so-and-so...LOL When you get so much done so early, what is left for the rest of the day?

    Carol in GA
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Whoa! You ladies get up early! 5/5:30 is my norm, and I am fine with that.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,063 Member
    edited August 2020
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    SuziQ & Kylia & Lisa & Faye ~ You all make me feel like a lazy so-and-so...LOL When you get so much done so early, what is left for the rest of the day?

    Carol in GA

    I suspect they go to bed at an incredibly early hour of the day!

    Whereas I feel much more comfortable getting up about 8 am and going to bed about 12:30 am during the week ... and sleeping in even later on weekends. :)

    Both last night and the night before, I went to sleep at 2 am and woke at 11:30 am ... blissful!! Absolutely blissful! :)

    M in Oz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    edited August 2020
    :) I normally get up between 4:30 and 5:00. Even if I want to stay in bed later, I have dogs that need to go out. I am busy all day but my day starts winding down around 6:30 and I am under the covers by 8 PM. I get up at 12:30 AM to take the dogs out because Bessie can't wait all night. I just take them out into the yard, then we come in and have a snack (I have string cheese) and go back to bed. I read for a bit on the Kindle app on my phone and go back to sleep. Since I don't go to a job and don't meet with friends except the one who meets me at 6:30 AM for the the after breakfast dog walk, it doesn't matter what hours I keep.

    :) When people were getting out more, my friends knew that it was futile to invite me to something in the evening because 7 PM was too late for me.

    :) I have a 6 PM Sunday phone date with a friend. Before she hangs up, she always tells me what she is fixing for supper and wishes me a good evening. I get off the phone, brush my teeth and go to bed.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hello everyone.

    Kylia – Two friends/relatives that owned businesses hired a newly-able to work teenager. The teenagers started off doing clean up, putting parts away, assisting when a part was needed, etc.. Eventually the teenagers grew up, learned all the facets of the business, and then purchased them. I am sure there is some younger person out there that would love to make a few dollars and can do all of those little pesky things around the business (think….getting someone’s mower out of the truck, taking out the trash, cleaning the bathroom, grabbing tools when someone is repairing something). It would free up a lot of actual work time for others around the office. Oh, and all of those lovely veges…..there are recipes out there for making lasagna using grilled vegetables instead of noodles.

    Lisa – I do not touch public doors if possible, too. I also use my foot to flush public toilets. It sounds like we both have a touch of the same thing! I did scale back because I was getting a little too out there – I drew the line with myself when I started thinking I should carry around a roll of paper towels! I truly do not think I would live full time in any travel vehicle. It has been my plan to have a home base and travel around the country at my own pace. I love road trips and have never minded being the primary/only driver. It’s an adventure to me. It sounds like your marriage is much like what Charlie and I had together. If one was not busy, the other picked up the slack. It worked very well for us. Honestly, we both had the same habits, we both liked a clean, organized home, both of us cooked, work ethic, etc. We also had those much needed discussions well before we moved in together. Even when we bought this place we agreed ahead of time neither one would try and talk the other in to a place one of us may “love”. We would discuss each place and when both of us felt like it was home it would be the one we would buy.

    Faye – Sorry about your challenging day. It’s especially tough when the mentally ill are also drug addicts. I will sign up for your group, but honestly do not know how much I will post there. I made a promise when I found MFP I would decrease my online time. I am still working full time at a computer-based job and putting in anywhere from 50-60 hours a week. Please feel free to copy any of my How Tos, if you feel they should be posted there.

    Coffee – I think I would love your FIL. He sounds like he is an adventurer.

    Key Lime Pie – Hm, I was wondering where in the heck was everyone getting Key Limes to make their own Key Lime Pies……and, then I read a little further in the thread. LOL – Just know if the custard portion is green it isn’t a real Key Lime Pie.

    Katla – Sorry to hear about the heron. They are such majestic birds. I am glad a new one moved in. It was very kind of you to call the trooper. You probably made his day.

    Tracey – Sending positive thoughts another place of employment pops up for you. Keep visiting those boards. There are many hiring it’s just a very long process right now.

    Rita – I want the best of both worlds….road travel and a home base. I keep thinking along the lines of a small cottage with a decent shed/garage. Between the pension Charlie left me and SSI I should be able to swing it, but not living in SFL where everything is getting more expensive by the day.

    Tina – From what I have read excessive hand washing is a sign of a OCD which is why I had to reign myself in when I thought carrying around a roll of paper towels would be a good idea! I know I am a little OCD because I prefer things to be in their place, organized, clean, etc. But over the years have learned to temper myself a little. I started to get bad in my early to mid-twenties and then realized what was going on and toned it down. It will always be part of me, but in my instance very controllable.

    Meg – Good news for you! Glad to see you posting.

    Carol – Your DGD is lovely in her cheer uniform!

    Rebecca – What a nice surprise from your pen pal.

    Barbie – I love a PBJ every now and then. Except I cannot put two inches of PB and one inch of jam like I did when I was much younger! There is a restaurant here called Tucker Dukes and they make PB & J Bon Bons – Fried Peanut Butter and Housemade Berry Jam which is served with shots of milk. One day I will try them!

    Machka – As I was moving along the ceiling I was also vacuuming the baseboards. Most of the hand sanitizers contain aloe which makes them sticky to me. I buy and make a blend of 50% alcohol and 50% sanitizer. It cuts the stickiness factor. I do not like touching raw meat either. I have disposable gloves for that chore. TG I am not a huge meat eater!! I think anyplace containing more than one child is a petri dish. 😊

    KJ – I still want to be one of your kids! You are such a great caretaker.

    Early Rising – Actually, I do not go to bed too early. It’s usually around 10-11pm, unless something really good is going on. Then, I can stay up. Six hours of sleep is about the best amount for me. On the weekends I do take a nap. When I get so much done in the morning I can feel good about taking the rest of the day and doing whatever I want. If I decide I want to spend the rest of my day in bed – it is guilt free!

    Well, it’s now time to enjoy some courtyard time. I have to check on some plants and start planning the fall (ha) garden. It’s time to start tomatoes for fall harvest – so will check out some cherry-sized ones.

    Hugs to all,
    SuziQ – SFL
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Carol I was reminded by SuziQ’s post to tell you how much I enjoyed the photo of your granddaughter in her cheer outfit!

    Karen in Virginia

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,063 Member
    edited August 2020
    August 24 ...
    is my husband and my anniversary. :) Although we were married on August 24 in Canada, which is August 25 in Australia, it will be August 24 in about half an hour here in Australia today, so we're celebrating today. Did you follow all that. :)

    I've mentioned this before, so I'll try to be brief ...

    My husband and I "met" online, on a cycling forum, in early 2003. I'm a Canadian and he is Australian. I had posted a question about the Paris-Brest-Paris, a 1200 km bicycle ride coming up later that year, in August in France, and he replied indicating he was going. That was that. We made no plans to meet or anything.

    In late August 2003, on the Paris-Brest-Paris, I was walking through the last rest stop when someone called, "Machka". I wondered who would know that name, and it was him. We chatted for a little while then went our separate ways. He continued cycling and I found a table to crawl under to nap for about 10 minutes before continuing. But over the next year we got to know each other on cycling forums.

    In October 2004, I went to Australia with a friend and spent 3 months cycling around Australia. My husband and I met again at the Great Southern Randonnee, another 1200 km cycling event, and then my friend and I stayed with my husband in Hobart for a few days. My friend and I went our separate ways after that trip, and my husband and I got to know each other better online, and through emails and phone calls.

    He came to North America in 2005 and 2006, and of course we did cycling events and tours together. We spent a month in Europe in 2007. I went to Australia in early 2008 for a couple weeks. Later in 2008 he was planning to come visit me again, and asked me to marry him when he got there. I said, "Yes".

    There's a campground on Goldeye Lake in Alberta, just in the Rockies that I'll never forget ... we stayed there a few days before we got married! We floated on the lake in a blow-up dingy. I ended up with wicked food poisoning from a Wendy's in Edmonton the day before. A massive storm came up in the night and a bolt of lightning struck really close by ... as in practically next to the tent. I had been lying there debating about making another dash to the outhouse when this bolt from above descended!! Lit up the tent and the immediate "CRACK" had us both sitting up and hugging each other!!!

    A few days later we travelled to Jasper to look around where we would get married. We chose a dock on Lake Annette as the location, and we decided to include cycling. So we cycled a century (100 miles) first, then cleaned up a bit, and were married by my cousin (then mayor of Banff), with his wife and my parents in attendance. And our bicycles.

    My husband returned to Australia 10 days later, and 9 months later, I moved to Australia. During that time, I finished my Bachelor of Education ... and the area where he lived was destroyed by Australia's most devastating bushfire.

    February 2009, his place, and the whole surrounding area were wiped out in the Victorian 2009 bushfires. He had set the place up in preparation for me coming, but it was all gone, and he just barely escaped himself. Drove out through the flames.

    For a while, he was living in a tent trailer on the property where he worked, and I thought that might be where I would be living too ... but his employer offered us a very rustic cabin on the back of the property about 2 km from "the grid". It had, somehow, survived the bushfire. I came to Australia in June that year, and that's where I spent my first year in Australia ... living off the grid in a remote and rustic cabin!

    We heated the place with a large fireplace at one end, and I learned to cook over an open fire with a dutch oven. Water came from the rain. What little electricity we used came from a generator and later solar panels.
    When I was able to get a job, it was in bushfire recovery.

    We lived there a year before places started opening up in a nearby town, and we found a place with luxuries like hot running water and electricity!

    When the area had more or less "recovered", we were a bit burnt out, so to speak, so we popped everything into storage and did a Round-The-World trip for 8 months in 2012. Then in 2013 we moved to Tasmania where we've been since. As most of you know, the last 2.5 years has been very challenging with my husband's severe traumatic brain injury.

    So we've known each other for 17 years, we've been married for 12 years and have lived together for 11 years. <3





    The whole wedding album: https://www.flickr.com/photos/machka-bb/albums/72157607097344648

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,063 Member
    SuziQ113 wrote: »
    Early Rising – Actually, I do not go to bed too early. It’s usually around 10-11pm, unless something really good is going on. Then, I can stay up. Six hours of sleep is about the best amount for me. On the weekends I do take a nap. When I get so much done in the morning I can feel good about taking the rest of the day and doing whatever I want. If I decide I want to spend the rest of my day in bed – it is guilt free!

    Hugs to all,
    SuziQ – SFL

    When I was younger and in previous education, as long as I could get 4.5 hours in a night, I could function all right, and as long as I got a couple 6 hour night in a week of 4.5 hour nights, I could make it through the week. A 7 hour night was a luxury!

    I could even do that as recently as 2016! Not every week, but I could do a week of 4.5-6 hour nights, if I had more sleep the next week, and then back to 4.5-6 hour nights again.

    Since 2018, I have needed a minimum of 7 hours sleep in a night and more on weekends. In fact, if I only get 7 hours of sleep all week, by Friday I'm half a zombie ... like last week, for example.

    And the trouble is, I've got so much to do that if I got up any earlier, I'd just be working longer. Sometimes I look over at the sofa in the afternoons on a weekend when my husband has gone for his nap and think how nice it would be to go lie down ... not necessarily to sleep but just to lie there or read a novel or something. But I've got too much to do so I keep working.

    Maybe I'll be able to lie on the sofa now and then once I'm finished my degree.

    M in Oz

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Read all posts again. Thanks!

    Yesterday's list

    1) went for a walk done
    2) clean/tidy/file for an hour only a load of laundry done and a pair of jeans ironed!
    3) meeting a friend and her significant other at 6pm for coffee or something yes, 2 glasses of hard cider and a shared plate of coldcuts and cheese (portions are small in France)

    1) Walk already done
    2) 15 minutes cleaning/tidying, (making bar lower, since unsuccessful yesterday with this part)
    3) order new kitchen scale and laundry bin online done
    4) Order monthly 2h of housecleaning help done
    4) track food so far yes, had to eyeball it with kitchen scale broken
    keeping bar low
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    SuziQ & Kylia & Lisa & Faye ~ You all make me feel like a lazy so-and-so...LOL When you get so much done so early, what is left for the rest of the day?

    Carol in GA

    Carol I love the mornings because they are quiet. No phones ringing, no beggars at my door, no dogs barking, and I can go out on my semi-private patio with minimal fabric encumber for my workout. I get the dishwasher unloaded, laundry done, workout completed, eat two breakfast, do music practice, and make notes for the day. My days are never without something going on. I used to fill my days with art and crafts, but now that seems like work. There is never enough time in my days.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited August 2020
    @machka that's a sweet story and lovely pictures.i know it's been really challenging of late but you had some great years it sounds like.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,063 Member
    I think it would be a lot harder to find early bedders in the UK, because so much of our lives is dominated by our television. 10 pm would be considered very early. Young people are socialising and old people are watching TV. I usually get to sleep soon after 11 and wake up for good after 6. I take DH a cup of tea at 7. I do sometimes nap for half an hour in the afternoon.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    If we are going to watch TV, it will be in the evenings. The TV doesn't go on until 6 pm most of the time, maybe 5:30 pm if we're going to exercise and watch while exercising.

    Hour-long shows are aired from the half hour, approximately. So Death in Paradise tonight started at 7:30 pm and wrapped up about 8:38. New Tricks started about 8:40 pm and wrapped up about 9:50 pm. Then I turned the TV off.

    If Midsommer Murders is on, it usually finishes around 10:45, and that's the latest we'll watch TV.

    I don't really like having the TV on later than that ... I dim the lights and switch to easy listening, instrumental or classical music for my late night work - usually homework.

    M in Oz