Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-September 2011



  • otm25
    otm25 Posts: 106 Member
    Hi Ladies, So exiting to see you all on here! Things are great here, just 6 days until we find out the baby's sex. Anxious to know, but slightly nervous. I have a boy and girl and if I am really honest, I would prefer another girl, but I would hate to be dissapointed. So I am trying my best to remain neutral about the whole thing, and just calling this our "bonus baby." Boy or girl, I am thrilled!

    I had to quit doing my Just Dance 2 Workout, it was causing way to much round ligament pain. Now I am sticking to walking and kayaking. THese don't hurt me at all. So here I am at only 19 weeks, slowing down! But I am still trying to do 30 minutes 5 days a week. I gained 3 lbs during our Alaskan Cruise, but have lost weight the last two weeks ( I am assuming I am flushing out all of the salt!), so that brings me to 9 lbs gained so far, a number I am totally happy with! My husband and I think I am showing, but I do not think its obvious. Happy to be on the skinnier side with this baby!

    Wishing all of you the best wit your little ones!
  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member
    I just got back from getting a mani/pedi...then on Thursday it is hair day! I'm going back dark. I am a natural blonde but I like to spice things up and change up my hair according to the season most of the time. In the winter I like to go a chocolate brown. I'm excited for the change. So for my party on Saturday I will have my feet/nails and hair done...along with my eyebrows and I have a black maxi dress I'm wearing with some really cute pink accessories I got from Charming Charlie's (how I love that store!). I still feel pretty and not like a beached whale (most days) so I'm just hoping that I can hold off on getting TOO big until after October 4th when I have my maternity pics. I will be 35 weeks then so we shall see! My arms and my face still look normal but my belly has definitely popped even more over the past several days.

    I could definitely use a pamper day like that! Good for you! I do feel like a beached whale, maybe a pamper day would help!
  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member
    I definitely plan to breastfeed. I hope to do so for at the least the first 6 months. I breastfed my oldest for 6 months but could only do about 6 weeks with my twins. They were in the NICU for 8 weeks and I stopped producing. are not an awful mom, but I totally understand how you feel. My husband and I really wanted another girl and we were so stuck on it we had already picked out everything pink before we even found out the sex. Oops. It does not mean you'll love your baby any less. I have 1 girl and 2 boys and both are so much fun.
  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    Hi girls :)

    I haven't posted on here in a while, but I do read all about you all! I'm 8 weeks today... feeling worse. I'm always hungry but nothing sounds good!! I'm crampy and EXHAUSTED .... but still so happy to be pregnant :)

    Things I miss so far:

    1- Sushi :) I had just developed a love for it before I got prego
    2- Enjoying Food: Nothing tastes good anymore... I can't wait to find my craving so that something can taste good!
    3- Energy. Period.

    Good luck to you all this week!
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Thanks for all the thoughts on flu shots. I'll be asking my doctor about this at my next appointment...but have a feeling he'll say get one & I'm good with that. Although, I've heard it hurts forever (where the shot goes) & that some actually get sick/flu from it? I dunno...

    I'm certainly going to try breastfeeding. Hopefully it all works out. My sister did it w/ both of her kids (who were also chunky monkey's as babies :bigsmile: ) & I know she has said she was a big hopefully it's in the genes.

    I'll be doing disposable diapers. I guess I'm not all that familiar w/ the cloth, but the thought of it grosses me out (just my opinion though).

    As for the gender of the baby...I don't think anyone is a bad mom for wanting a certain gender. I'm sure all of us secretly have a preference. Mine tends to change often...

    Who the heck had to mention sneezing earlier!? I swear I've been sneezing all day now :wink:
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Happy wednesday,

    MistiB-nice to hear your KI is clearing up. Kudos!

    H_82- Good topic on the flu shot, I always heard last yr how recommended it was for pregnant women to get it, so I will ask my Dr this friday too.

    Rayna, i've been feeling some sniffles too, I read in babycenter or the bump about something called snuffis something, mind me to remember the name.

    I plan on breastfeeding, I breastfeed my oldest almost until he turned one. I read that in Australia they made a study on boys who were breastfeed being smart and overall healthy. No research was conducted on girls. So it just may be that that's why Jason (my 13 yr old) is a smart healthy boy.

    Also, we're hoping for a lil girl. Jason would love to have a lil brother but we'll see. I guess i have to wait for the U/S appt to find out. The anticipation is driving me nuts, I would love to start getting color coordianted, especially painting the room.

    This week is sure going by fast. Lovely to share with all the beautiful mommas on here! :flowerforyou:
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Hi ladies! Boy am I exhausted! I went for a 5 mile hike and then did some strength training. Afterwards we went and took her 3 year old to storytime and then had lunch with our hubbies. It was nice to spend a little bit of time with Al since I won't be seeing him again for the rest of the day (he leaves for work at 6am and won't get home until around midnight). We then worked on the diaper cake and it turned out pretty cute. I'm home now and more than tired but I feel good.

    I've decided to do disposable diapers. I agree with everyone's reasoning for doing cloth diapers, I just can't see myself rinsing out poop and washing diapers all the time. We don't have a diaper service around here or else I'd be totally all in for them. The cost with a diaper service usually comes out about even with the cost of disposables. Ahhh the joys of living away from civilization!

    You are definitely not a bad mom and don't feel bad about gender disappointment. It is pretty common. I agree that you should do some research and find somewhere that you can get support if this does in fact happen. Just know that once that baby is born the wish for something different will vanish!

    I am going to breastfeed for at least 12 months. I feel very passionately about it and have a lot of education and support, the two keys to success in my opinion.

    As for the flu vaccine, I've never gotten one in the past but I would consider getting one this season. I however believe that there hasn't been enough research on the swine flu vaccine and will refuse getting it (as well as giving it to my baby).

    jrueckert weeks 7-9 were the worst for me and I remember feeling that I was so hungry but absolutely NOTHING sounded good. That will pass. Just make sure to not let yourself get too hungry or else that will make the nausea worse.

    Autumn keep us updated on your ultrasound!

    Oh and as I sit here and look down at my pasty white legs...I'd like to add another thing to the list of the the things I'm looking forward to after baby....being able to tan every once in a while! It is one of my only unhealthy vices!
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    :smile: LOL, it must just be a day for slacking, because I also have no desire to work!

    As far as diapering, I will be using disposable! I can't even imagine washing a million diapers a week, on top of everything else I have to do. And then when you didn't have time to get it done, then what? My mom used cloth diapers once in a while with my siblings and I, but I think disposable is right for me. I've been buying diapers at every appt. since I found out I was pregnant, so maybe I should start buying two pks. per appt. and I'll have quite a few before prices really go up.

    Breastfeeding makes a lot of sense to me, maybe I just need to look into it more before I make any decisions. Like I said I was young the first time, and my son was sick and we didn't know it, so he wasn't eating when I thought he was and unfortunately no milk came in. My poor lil' guy was actually starving for the first 5 weeks, then we found out he had pyloric stenosis. Which was super scarey and made me leary of having any other children because they don't know what causes it and no one on either side of the family had ever heard of it. Still makes me really nervous.

    Badbeed - your not a bad mother at all for wanting a boy. I have my hopes set I think too high for a girl, but all we can do is wait and see. You will LOVE it no matter what the gender is. I already have a boy and don't plan on having any more after this one so a girl would be nice. If this is your first, just think you'll have another chance at a boy if this one is a girl!! Everything happens for a reason!

    Heather - sounds like a busy day. I need a pamper day too...soon! Keep saying I'm gonna make the appt, and I haven't done it yet.

    Lunarokra - The anticipation is killing me too. I was excited when my doctor said she would do the u/s a week early. It's only a week, but she usually waits until 22 weeks. At least this way my husband and son can be there with me too.

    jrueckert - You will soon be feeling better. It seems like week 6-10 was pretty rough for me. I was so nauseous and when I cooked something that sounded good, the smell grossed me out. I was so tired too. Second trimester is so much better!!!

    How soon is too soon for a baby shower?? My sister is planning mine and she would like to do it in Nov......If I'm right, I'm not due til Jan 16th and other due date is Feb. 6th, seems way too early for an u/s. My son cam about 3 weeks early and it was nice to be prepared but I had a shower with him 8 weeks before my due date. What do you all think?
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    heathercrist ~ oh yes, I hear ya on the tanning! I've resorted to the tanning lotion a few times already. Good think it'll be cold enough soon that our legs won't even be showing! :smile: Oh, and way to go on the major workout today! You're an animal! :wink:

    jrueckert ~ I was nauseaus up until 12 weeks exactly. I still have my moments...if I get too hungry, but it's not kicking my butt anymore. (It was off & on throughout the day & then hit hard at about 5pm-ish). I'm just about 14 weeks now & I think my tastebuds are completely off. Nothing really tastes good (except sweets :tongue: ). Meat is completely out of the question (any kind). And I used to eat it all the time before. As for energy....hmm....some days I do a short workout, shower & then am already ready for a nap (and this is by noon) :laugh:

    mistibergman ~ I think that timing is perfect. Thinking I'd want mine at least 2 months, if not 3, prior to the due date. Then you can get everything all set up.

    What do you all think about cord banking??? (It was just on a baby show today)
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Interesting, my doc okayed sushi, at least occasionally, during pregnancy and said that shellfish were the ones to be most cautious of, but even then once in a while is okay. Maybe it helps that he's of Japanese decent.

    Flu shot - my pediatrician said that everyone in the family needs a flu shot this year, with baby coming right at the start of flu season. I told my parents that they need one, since they want to be around baby a lot, and my husband is supposed to tell his parents. I'm even planning on getting a flu shot, which I never do, because I don't really get the flu. But I could carry the virus without symptoms and give it to my baby, so flu shot it is! (Can you get one while your pregnant or do you need to wait till after? And does it depend on how far you are?)

    Breastfeeding - I breastfed my last 2 and plan on doing the same with this one. There are SOOOO many benefits for both mom and baby, from immunities to nutrients still not available in any formula for baby, from decreased risk of cancer and denser bones for mom. It may feel a bit awkward at first, but becomes natural and so relaxing and comfortable really quickly.
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    I'm just hoping that I can breastfeed. I have piercings that may or may not prevent it from happening. Have to wait until the baby is born and then see how it goes. I really want to breast feed though.

    As far as diapers go, we will be using disposable. I agree that it's a waste but I just can't see myself using cloth. I have a really sensitive gag reflex and I know I won't be able to wash out nasty cloth diapers without throwing up.

    I'm a little undecided about the flu shot. I always get the flu on years I get the shot, and never get it when I don't get the shot.

    OMG the sneezing! I swear my sinuses have been stuffed/blocked for the past 2 weeks. I was told that our mucus membranes swell with pregnancy and that's why, but its making my life hell right now. I have two cats (DH is and has been on litter box duty) and I'm slightly allergic to them. Add that in with the swollen membranes and I just can't breath and I get so out of breath so easily right now. But it's all worth it in the end.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Interesting, my doc okayed sushi, at least occasionally, during pregnancy and said that shellfish were the ones to be most cautious of, but even then once in a while is okay. Maybe it helps that he's of Japanese decent.

    Article: "Is it safe to eat sushi while pregnant?
    Larry Pickering
    infectious disease specialist

    I would say no. Although the chances of getting a parasitic infection from eating sushi are slim, the consequences are severe enough that you wouldn't want to take the risk.

    Parasites live in the meat of raw fish. While sushi chefs are very careful, that doesn't mean they detect every single parasite. And because pregnancy suppresses your immune system, you're much more susceptible to serious illness from any food-borne organism.

    A parasitic infection probably couldn't get through the placental barrier, but a parasitic infection could give you liver or gastrointestinal problems that might then affect your baby. Some parasitic infections can lead to anemia or serious malnourishment in the mother or even cause miscarriage.

    There's also the risk of eating fish that has a marine toxin in it. Bluefish, mackerel, mahi-mahi, and tuna can carry a histamine toxin that may cause flushing, dizziness, and burning of the mouth and throat."

  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    I'm just hoping that I can breastfeed. I have piercings that may or may not prevent it from happening. Have to wait until the baby is born and then see how it goes. I really want to breast feed though.

    Read: "Breast Tattoos, Nipple Piercings and Breastfeeding" -
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    Thank you for that link. That was actually more helpful in easing my mind than my doctor has been. She told me that more than likely I wouldn't be able to breast feed due to scar tissue. But I've had the piercings for just over 3 years and never had a problem with them. Although I am tempted to take them out because they're so irritated right now.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    @MidniteDayDream, also look for local breastfeeding support, which you should be able to get info about it while you are in the hospital. I didn't know last time, no support and it was real hard for me, which I failed (only able pump, for 8 months)
  • BelgianLady
    Hello Ladies

    Just a thought....On the sushi issue... over here they have created vegetarian sushi...ok not really in the original spirit of the Japanese but hey at least you can supress the craving if you love them. Yesterday my girlfriends came over and we all had sushis, and I didnt feel left out because I choose those vegetarian sushis, they also have cooked tuna sushis so that is ok too.

    Heathercrist1 you are an inspiration - 5 mile hike at 31 weeks, wow. Thank you, you have motivated me to resume a light exercise schedule - brisk 30 mins walks every day - I'm a few weeks behind you (28 weeks tomorrow) but boy it's so hard to move!!

    Have a good day ladies and blessings to you all
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Short note to let you know Ellie Olivia arrived at 1813 on 7 Sept. She weighed 8 pounds 13 ounces and measured 21.5 inches. I am in love!! We had a rough go during labor and after three de-cells (pretty sure that's not correct spelling) my doctor felt it was in Ellie's best interest to be delivered via c-section, Happy to report she is healthy and doing great, beautiful too! I am feeling a bit battered, but doing well too.

    Also did a final weigh in before heading to the hospital - total gain 28 pounds. Didn't have the energy to read all the posts, but I am definitely breastfeeding.

    More after I get home in another day or two.

  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Congrats Holly! I love the name. Sorry things were kind of rough but glad you're both doing well!

    I achieved (well almost) another goal last night. I made it to the gym and swam 3/4 of a mile. I hadn't swam in a few weeks and I could tell. I could also tell my belly is bigger or ligaments tighter or something because I kept getting a pull in my lower belly. I thought it to be in my best interest to cut the swim short. And I think I was feeling slightly lazy. :ohwell: I am still proud of myself for getting in the pool. Today I have strength and running planned. I may do strength in my new gym at home and walk my furbaby instead and try to get a run in this weekend.

    Midnight Day Dream - A friend of mine had nipple piercings while/before prego and she took them out and had no problem breastfeeding so I know it can be done.

    Also on the sushi topic - many include cooked fish or are completely deep fried. Mmmmm..... I still miss me some super white nigiri though. And tuna tataki.

    The week is coming to an end! Hope you all enjoy the rest of the day. I'm going to try to be more work motivated and not check in 100 times today.

  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Congratulations Holly! How exciting. Bummer about the hard time, but I'm glad you're both doing well!! :smile:

    Today I'm 14 weeks! I don't know what for sure has been going on, but last night & this morning, there's been little pains in the uterus area....thinking maybe round ligament pain??? Anyone else been having these around this time?
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Congratulations Holly! Welcome to the world Ellie Olivia!

    28 pound weight gain is awesome, sure wish I could say the same but I'll be happy with 35 to 40 at this point. My body loves to put on weight if I'm not eating strictly and exercising a lot. Just glade I was at my lowest weight when I got pregnant.

    Heather that's awesome that you have been able to maintain for a couple of weeks. I'm hoping to do the same thing by cleaning up my diet and logging my food again for a while. I've also substituted fruit smoothies for my ice cream habit, haha.

    Tonight is my first hypnobirthing class. I'm really excited.

    Hope everyone has a great day. Tomorrow is Friday!!!
