Guys/Girls: What is your real opinion on..



  • Reckoner69_lmao
    Reckoner69_lmao Posts: 1,000 Member
    iMago wrote: »
    iMago wrote: »
    Someone needs to market a brand of giveaway clothes for men. There would be advantages to having them, I just don't know what they are

    god this would be great bc u would absolutely know what guys were doin right away like check the tag of his hoodie and see the giveaway brand and be like “OHHhHhhHhhhh okay”

    "The Boyfriend Hoodie"

    That name is actually testing well in the focus groups

    really gonna have to put a team together to find out if they want them smelling like cologne, body wash, or deodorant before we launch

    elizabeth wakefield in sweet valley high always said her boyfriend smelled like a combination of faint musk of his soap and aftershave from morning shower so replicate that *kitten*

    also why tf can i remember that but not my own birthday

    your wish has been granted, as one finger of the monkey's paw curls inward

    you now have your own perfectly comfy and soft oversized boyfriend hoodie, given to you by his parents after he died suddenly in a car crash.
    a hint of his last shower and shave still lingers, hidden beneath the cloying scent of Axe body spray (Ice Chill)

    I’m gonna reanimate Boris Karloff to read this story and it’ll be great
  • ermengarde22
    ermengarde22 Posts: 2,116 Member
    iMago wrote: »
    iMago wrote: »
    Someone needs to market a brand of giveaway clothes for men. There would be advantages to having them, I just don't know what they are

    god this would be great bc u would absolutely know what guys were doin right away like check the tag of his hoodie and see the giveaway brand and be like “OHHhHhhHhhhh okay”

    "The Boyfriend Hoodie"

    That name is actually testing well in the focus groups

    really gonna have to put a team together to find out if they want them smelling like cologne, body wash, or deodorant before we launch

    elizabeth wakefield in sweet valley high always said her boyfriend smelled like a combination of faint musk of his soap and aftershave from morning shower so replicate that *kitten*

    also why tf can i remember that but not my own birthday

    your wish has been granted, as one finger of the monkey's paw curls inward

    you now have your own perfectly comfy and soft oversized boyfriend hoodie, given to you by his parents after he died suddenly in a car crash.
    a hint of his last shower and shave still lingers, hidden beneath the cloying scent of Axe body spray (Ice Chill)

    also dont matter if cologne is cheap if shes really really into the guy like he could wear axe or drakkar or wtfever and i’d just imprint on it
  • iMago
    iMago Posts: 8,714 Member
    iMago wrote: »
    iMago wrote: »
    Someone needs to market a brand of giveaway clothes for men. There would be advantages to having them, I just don't know what they are

    god this would be great bc u would absolutely know what guys were doin right away like check the tag of his hoodie and see the giveaway brand and be like “OHHhHhhHhhhh okay”

    "The Boyfriend Hoodie"

    That name is actually testing well in the focus groups

    really gonna have to put a team together to find out if they want them smelling like cologne, body wash, or deodorant before we launch

    elizabeth wakefield in sweet valley high always said her boyfriend smelled like a combination of faint musk of his soap and aftershave from morning shower so replicate that *kitten*

    also why tf can i remember that but not my own birthday

    your wish has been granted, as one finger of the monkey's paw curls inward

    you now have your own perfectly comfy and soft oversized boyfriend hoodie, given to you by his parents after he died suddenly in a car crash.
    a hint of his last shower and shave still lingers, hidden beneath the cloying scent of Axe body spray (Ice Chill)

    I’m gonna reanimate Boris Karloff to read this story and it’ll be great

    i think we did actually have a Monkey's Paw thread here a while back before but if not we need a new one
  • iMago
    iMago Posts: 8,714 Member
    iMago wrote: »
    iMago wrote: »
    Someone needs to market a brand of giveaway clothes for men. There would be advantages to having them, I just don't know what they are

    god this would be great bc u would absolutely know what guys were doin right away like check the tag of his hoodie and see the giveaway brand and be like “OHHhHhhHhhhh okay”

    "The Boyfriend Hoodie"

    That name is actually testing well in the focus groups

    really gonna have to put a team together to find out if they want them smelling like cologne, body wash, or deodorant before we launch

    elizabeth wakefield in sweet valley high always said her boyfriend smelled like a combination of faint musk of his soap and aftershave from morning shower so replicate that *kitten*

    also why tf can i remember that but not my own birthday

    your wish has been granted, as one finger of the monkey's paw curls inward

    you now have your own perfectly comfy and soft oversized boyfriend hoodie, given to you by his parents after he died suddenly in a car crash.
    a hint of his last shower and shave still lingers, hidden beneath the cloying scent of Axe body spray (Ice Chill)

    also dont matter if cologne is cheap if shes really really into the guy like he could wear axe or drakkar or wtfever and i’d just imprint on it

    if the opportunity ever presents itself- i'd HIGHLY recommend finding and taking a sniff of Clubman's brand of aftershave called "Lilac Vegetal".

    it will drastically change your beliefs. stuff smells like what Cthulhu wore to prom.
  • slessofme
    slessofme Posts: 7,739 Member
    I think it's limitations of the language. There is a difference between a good guy and a nice guy.

    A good guy is good because that is consistent with his values. A nice guy is often running a ledger. I.E. I was nice to you so you should be nice to me.

    There are times when being nice is not the good thing to do. I suspect many who say they don't want a nice guy or do want a bad boy really want a GOOD guy. One who is good, but can be "not nice" when the time comes to keep her safe. I.E. if we were being mugged or otherwise attacked, I don't think my wife wants me to be a nice guy, she wants me to be a strong, capable good guy.

    There is a difference between a good guy and a nice guy.

    That's the theory to which I subscribe.

    But I'm not a lady, so what do I know.
    cowsfan12 wrote: »
    And the response about the toxic dudes confirms my theory that most woman dig a holes and nice guys finish last - sup wit dat ladies - elaborate a bit

    This is pretty much perfect and I'm a lady.

    It's like the distinction between men respecting and loving their mom and being a mama's boy. A mama's boy is a no... no self respect and no boundaries, that is.
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    edited September 2020
    I don't mean to be a fault finder and I've missed a chunk or two of this...

    But if I could get a boyfriend/husband hoodie for her that smelt and fit like mine...

    She'd still take one of my actual hoodies... 😂

    Ladies... True or no?
  • CacoEther
    CacoEther Posts: 2,465 Member
    Oh my god whats the matter with me

    Just realized the giveaway sweatshirt comment was a crossthread joke.

    I gotta get my head right, i dont even know how to mfp anymore
  • thedcubed1
    thedcubed1 Posts: 7,209 Member
    hrichts wrote: »
    Oh my god whats the matter with me

    Just realized the giveaway sweatshirt comment was a crossthread joke.

    I gotta get my head right, i dont even know how to mfp anymore

  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    thedcubed1 wrote: »
    hrichts wrote: »
    Oh my god whats the matter with me

    Just realized the giveaway sweatshirt comment was a crossthread joke.

    I gotta get my head right, i dont even know how to mfp anymore


    Proper citations and references, please class. 🤓😂

    These are Kanye's lyrics for those who do not get the profundity of the above silliness. As if Ferrell alone does not give it away.
  • thedcubed1
    thedcubed1 Posts: 7,209 Member
    MaltedTea wrote: »
    thedcubed1 wrote: »
    hrichts wrote: »
    Oh my god whats the matter with me

    Just realized the giveaway sweatshirt comment was a crossthread joke.

    I gotta get my head right, i dont even know how to mfp anymore


    Proper citations and references, please class. 🤓😂

    These are Kanye's lyrics for those who do not get the profundity of the above silliness. As if Ferrell alone does not give it away.

    You all know you'd steal Ferrell's track suit to wear after he was done on that dreadmill :D
  • MelG7777
    MelG7777 Posts: 14,137 Member
    iMago wrote: »
    Someone needs to market a brand of giveaway clothes for men. There would be advantages to having them, I just don't know what they are

    god this would be great bc u would absolutely know what guys were doin right away like check the tag of his hoodie and see the giveaway brand and be like “OHHhHhhHhhhh okay”

    "The Boyfriend Hoodie"

    That name is actually testing well in the focus groups

    really gonna have to put a team together to find out if they want them smelling like cologne, body wash, or deodorant before we launch

    elizabeth wakefield in sweet valley high always said her boyfriend smelled like a combination of faint musk of his soap and aftershave from morning shower so replicate that *kitten*

    also why tf can i remember that but not my own birthday

    Oh hell naw.....Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield are old friends of mine. They used to drive me around in their Fiat. Never liked that B Lila though. Old times.

    I have the same problem of remembering things like this. But forgetting things I shouldn’t.
  • CacoEther
    CacoEther Posts: 2,465 Member
    edited September 2020
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,503 Member
    Earlier today I was asked:

    " So, who is your favorite actor ? "

    I answered:

    " John Wilkes Booth "

  • iMago
    iMago Posts: 8,714 Member
    hrichts wrote: »
    Okay i have a serious question but i dont really know how to ask it

    Maybe i’ll put it this way. How sure are you of your sexuality? The way you label it I mean.

    This is confusing. Okay backstory

    I cried in bed one night when I was 12 because a new girl had joined our school, and while I had had LOTS of crushes on boys, like LOTS of them, this was the first time that I felt that way about a girl. She was so gosh darn pretty and she made me feel a certain kind of way, like nervous and giddy, this sentence is a complete nightmare sorry. So I cried because I was very confused and I wondered if I was gay. I didn’t really know much about it other than what I had heard kids joke about so as far as I knew, being gay was probably terrible.

    My mom heard me sniffling and came in to talk to me. She sat on my bed and I explained my fears to her. She asked what i thought about the girl specifically and i told her that i felt like it was a crush. She smiled and told me that finding other girls attractive was perfectly normal. “Girls have naturally lovely figures. It’s normal to want to see boobs, for example. I still want to see boobs!” We laughed together at her unabashed admission and I immediately felt better. She then went on to ask me if i thought any boys were cute. I reluctantly admitted that i did. She said “see? There you go. Perfectly normal.”

    This was before bisexuality was on either of our radars so I took a lot of comfort in her confirmation of my ‘normalcy’ at that time. And I have no doubt my mom wouldn’t have batted an eye had I told her I only crushed on girls, so it wasn’t that she was steering me toward being hetero. She just wanted me to *feel* normal, whatever that actually is.

    Once I got older and understood the flaw in her logic as she put it to me that night (that liking boys or girls was mutually exclusive) I realized that I really didn’t know for sure what my true label was. And indeed, I had a crush on that new girl all through high school, though not to the same degree that I crushed on guys.

    As an adult I’ve settled on ‘i don’t know for sure because the opportunity never arose for clarity’. It’s not anything i really need further clarity on either at this point but I have wondered from time to time what other people experienced during that time in their lives and if they feel 100% confident of their preferences. I mean.. what even is normal exactly?

    So.. if you’re still reading.. what is the story for how you came to understand your preferences? Is there one? Do you ever wonder if you’re wrong?

    we lived out in the country and this little blonde girl lived next door to us.

    best i can remember is her watching me ride my bike out on the road in front of our houses. it was red and black. she waved at me and i waved back.

    then we started sitting on the bus together to ride to school. i think i was like 7 or 8 maybe.

    one day we were sitting on this little hill beside her house and i was showing her this big plastic race car toy i had like letting her roll it down the hill and stuff and then she kissed me on the cheek. i was so excited i ended up running back home after to tell my dad.

    then we moved and that was that. we met again a few times in life as we grew up through school cause that's small town life. but things change and all.

    then met again as adults. she actually reached out to me on facebook years ago after my ma had died to say she was sorry and she remembered how she was always nice to her.

    anyhow i think i made the right choice for myself.

  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,503 Member
    iMago wrote: »
    hrichts wrote: »
    Okay i have a serious question but i dont really know how to ask it

    Maybe i’ll put it this way. How sure are you of your sexuality? The way you label it I mean.

    This is confusing. Okay backstory

    I cried in bed one night when I was 12 because a new girl had joined our school, and while I had had LOTS of crushes on boys, like LOTS of them, this was the first time that I felt that way about a girl. She was so gosh darn pretty and she made me feel a certain kind of way, like nervous and giddy, this sentence is a complete nightmare sorry. So I cried because I was very confused and I wondered if I was gay. I didn’t really know much about it other than what I had heard kids joke about so as far as I knew, being gay was probably terrible.

    My mom heard me sniffling and came in to talk to me. She sat on my bed and I explained my fears to her. She asked what i thought about the girl specifically and i told her that i felt like it was a crush. She smiled and told me that finding other girls attractive was perfectly normal. “Girls have naturally lovely figures. It’s normal to want to see boobs, for example. I still want to see boobs!” We laughed together at her unabashed admission and I immediately felt better. She then went on to ask me if i thought any boys were cute. I reluctantly admitted that i did. She said “see? There you go. Perfectly normal.”

    This was before bisexuality was on either of our radars so I took a lot of comfort in her confirmation of my ‘normalcy’ at that time. And I have no doubt my mom wouldn’t have batted an eye had I told her I only crushed on girls, so it wasn’t that she was steering me toward being hetero. She just wanted me to *feel* normal, whatever that actually is.

    Once I got older and understood the flaw in her logic as she put it to me that night (that liking boys or girls was mutually exclusive) I realized that I really didn’t know for sure what my true label was. And indeed, I had a crush on that new girl all through high school, though not to the same degree that I crushed on guys.

    As an adult I’ve settled on ‘i don’t know for sure because the opportunity never arose for clarity’. It’s not anything i really need further clarity on either at this point but I have wondered from time to time what other people experienced during that time in their lives and if they feel 100% confident of their preferences. I mean.. what even is normal exactly?

    So.. if you’re still reading.. what is the story for how you came to understand your preferences? Is there one? Do you ever wonder if you’re wrong?

    we lived out in the country and this little blonde girl lived next door to us.

    best i can remember is her watching me ride my bike out on the road in front of our houses. it was red and black. she waved at me and i waved back.

    then we started sitting on the bus together to ride to school. i think i was like 7 or 8 maybe.

    one day we were sitting on this little hill beside her house and i was showing her this big plastic race car toy i had like letting her roll it down the hill and stuff and then she kissed me on the cheek. i was so excited i ended up running back home after to tell my dad.

    then we moved and that was that. we met again a few times in life as we grew up through school cause that's small town life. but things change and all.

    then met again as adults. she actually reached out to me on facebook years ago after my ma had died to say she was sorry and she remembered how she was always nice to her.

    anyhow i think i made the right choice for myself.

    what kind of bike was it ?
  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Earlier today I was asked:

    " So, who is your favorite actor ? "

    I answered:

    " John Wilkes Booth "


    You're never NOT too much, Motorsheen. I love it.
  • CacoEther
    CacoEther Posts: 2,465 Member
    MaltedTea wrote: »
    hrichts wrote: »

    This is a luggage set's worth of unpacking. But first, your mom's pretty cool!

    I'm not a part of the LGBTQA+ community but consider myself an "ally in constant and continuous training." Instead of TV, I'm on YouTube. One of my fav YouTubers (who also happens to be a lesbian) said something to the effect that she and her friends make fun of cis-het women who are open to exploring relationships with other women. They had a name for these people...


    Funny, but it resonated with me.

    Perhaps it's the city I live in. I blame all of my salacious thoughts and apathy regarding people's supposedly wild stories on being a resident of Montreal. There's zero chill here and we all go about our lives like a semi-respectable version of Sodom & Gomorrah...minus the fires. Thus far, anyway.

    I've yet to have a relationship a woman. Is it possible? Perhaps.

    I'd have misogynistic detritus to rid myself of first though since my current imagined expectations to start a relationship with a woman are more ridiculous than what I'd expect of starting one with a man. And for me, that's already pretty ridiculous.

    Starting a relationship with anyone takes communication. When intimacy and companionship are involved, the need to be open with each and to each other rises exponentially.

    No matter your gender or your gender preference.

    Love matters most.

    ETA: I've got T-minus 50 or so minutes to delete if you want me to @hrichts Just say the word.

    It’s fine, i just have a lot of poster’s remorse and I can’t always stop myself deleting 😂

    I’m glad you answered though. And @iMago quoted the original so if people want to answer it i’m happy to see what others have to say. I just panicked and thought i opened a can of worms for a minute