Fit For Future Families - September 2011



  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    My partner and I talk about roles a lot, like Luki in a dreaming sort of way. I think I'll have most of the responsibility and because I've worked with tchildren so much he thinks I'm the expert. I've been trying to explain that it won't be like that at all with our own! He's been trying rerally hard to take a more active role when we look after friends kids and we agree (so far) on things like discipline and sharing that role!

    As for debt, well we're working on it! I think if we waited until we were completely debt free then it would be getting too late. He come sout of the military in two years so we can afford to pay everything off and find a place we really want to live (maybe even a forever home) then. Of course, he then won't have a job any more but if we had a baby now, in theory it wouldn't be so bad for me to go back to working full time (for the child I mean, I think it would be a huge emotional wrench for me) at least until he found something else. Of course I may just be looking for reasons for it to be now :smile:

    Runner, I guess only you can answer your question but if it were me then I would go with the person that I felt listened to me and understood my issues. For me, that would be the most important thing, I gather in preganancy you kind of get over the whole 'down there' issue really quick. My friend swears she got to a point where she was whipping her knickers (panties?) off and had her legs in the stirrups as soon as she walked in the door (shame she'd gone in for a sore throat:tongue: )
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    goals last week:
    increase water consumption - check (but it still needs to get better)
    take all medication without forgetting - miss
    continue the habit of eating breakfast - check
    don't go over calorie goal more than once (family reunion potlucks kill me) - miss
    30 day shred 5 days a week - miss
    start bikram yoga - check

    goals this week:
    increase water consumption
    take all medication without forgetting
    continue the habit of eating breakfast (by 8am)
    balance running (four days), 30 day shred (five days) and bikram yoga (everyday? every other day?)
    start volunteering in the boys' school again
    get rid of extra books
    work on paper clutter in office

    welcome to all the newbies! and a quick wave hello to all the oldbies!
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
    Hi ladies! Hope you're all having a great week! Sorry I haven't been keeping up better, I promise to try harder. Just wanted to stop by and aay hi! oh, and last night my hubby let me order some OPKs and HPTs off amazon. So we'll have to see of that makes a difference!
  • MirandaSwafford
    MirandaSwafford Posts: 26 Member
    whats the best/cheapest OPK's to get? :)
  • melissaforster07
    melissaforster07 Posts: 145 Member
    Hi ladies...Can I join? My name is Melissa.

    Age: 25
    Where you live: South Dakota
    Job: I work for a long term care facility - more specifically I develop Affordable Housing for the elderly.
    Length of time on the board: I have been part of MFP since October/November of 2010, but have been actively using the site since February 2011.
    Marital Status: Happily married :-)
    Length of time you've been with SO: 6 years (been married 4.5 of those years)
    Do you have kids: No
    Length of time TTC: We haven't actually started trying. I'd like to say we started a year ago, my husband is more concerned about being a bit more financially ready. He keeps me balanced for sure!!
    Diagnosis: PCOS
    Do you chart your BBT: No, but I want too.
    Do you use OPKs:
    Are you on any meds for TTC: Not at this time. I want to do things as naturally as possible.
    Height: 5'9
    Weight: 200ish
    Goal Weight: 175 ish
    Strange fact about yourself: I collect Monkeys :-)

    My Story... I have wanted to by a Mom for as long as I can remember. When my husband and I were first married, we decided to take some time just for us. I came off BC in June 2010 because it was causing some strange health concerns. My husband and I were not ready to TTC, but coming off BC started a huge downward spin. I went service months without a period. I took nearly 6 months about of prometrium but it made me incredibly anxious. In February 2011, I was diagnosed with PCOS. It was heart breaking, but since then our lifestyle has completely changed. I feel like a different person. I have lost weight and am healthier then I have been ever. Since then I have had 3 natural periods, and am excited for what is happening. :-)

    My husband and I are now starting to discuss when we will TTC. We have decided that I will start charting ovulation and so I have started researching my options. What do you ladies recommend? Did you prefer the ovulation kits or the temperature method? What worked and what didn't? Any tips?

  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Runner, I guess only you can answer your question but if it were me then I would go with the person that I felt listened to me and understood my issues. For me, that would be the most important thing, I gather in preganancy you kind of get over the whole 'down there' issue really quick. My friend swears she got to a point where she was whipping her knickers (panties?) off and had her legs in the stirrups as soon as she walked in the door (shame she'd gone in for a sore throat:tongue: )

    I'm not sure why I am so worried. I have a few months to decide. I have to say that comment about the sore throat made me laugh...which I totally needed today! Thank you!
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Runner, I guess only you can answer your question but if it were me then I would go with the person that I felt listened to me and understood my issues. For me, that would be the most important thing, I gather in preganancy you kind of get over the whole 'down there' issue really quick. My friend swears she got to a point where she was whipping her knickers (panties?) off and had her legs in the stirrups as soon as she walked in the door (shame she'd gone in for a sore throat:tongue: )

    I'm not sure why I am so worried. I have a few months to decide. I have to say that comment about the sore throat made me laugh...which I totally needed today! Thank you!
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    any time *g*
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,319 Member
    no Melissa you may not join! JK, JK, welcome aboard! I'm so glad to hear that you have been able to get things regulated and your happy with how things are going. I'm new to this as well so I don't really have any recommendations other than what the other ladies have told me (so I'll let them tell you). I am not temping or using OPKS yet, but I may begin soon.

    Cupcake- check out they have all sorts of hella cheap OPKs and pregnancy tests

    Runner- I think I remember you posting something about working with all guys (I hope i'm not tripping) I'm in the same position. Do you find yourself not wanting to let anyone know that you're TTC? I'm getting a little more open about it but in the military pregnant women are considered a liability and right now I'm one of the top performers so I don't want them to think I'm a dirt bag....but based off of comments, they all realize that we'll probably be having kids in the not too distant future.

    AFM- I'm going to start doing less vigerous work outs. I don't know for sure that it's my workouts but something is messing with my cycle and I need to get it in order! Not to mention I've been working out like a MANIAC lately and I think I'm getting a little obcessive, like beyond healthy working out and into workout addict. As far as my cycles, I am SO glad that I have an appt for a pap soon. (never thought I'd say that) My body normally gets a little wacky when I go off birth control (for the last 5 years I have been on and off of it because I HATE it but my ex and I were never reliable with other protection and to have had a kid with him would have been insanity) but this month has been real crazy. I thought that I was having my first "normal" period since going off of it, only to stop bleeding after 2 days of light spotting, then 2 days later, normal flow for a day then stop for a few more days, then crazy heavy flow for about an hour, followed now by more light spotting. WTH? Has anyone had this experience before?
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,319 Member
    goals last week:
    increase water consumption - check (but it still needs to get better)
    take all medication without forgetting - miss
    continue the habit of eating breakfast - check
    don't go over calorie goal more than once (family reunion potlucks kill me) - miss
    30 day shred 5 days a week - miss
    start bikram yoga - check

    goals this week:
    increase water consumption
    take all medication without forgetting
    continue the habit of eating breakfast (by 8am)
    balance running (four days), 30 day shred (five days) and bikram yoga (everyday? every other day?)
    start volunteering in the boys' school again
    get rid of extra books
    work on paper clutter in office

    welcome to all the newbies! and a quick wave hello to all the oldbies!

    I like that you throw in goals other than physical health. I need to start doing that! Also, about the medication, one of my friends sets herself an alarm and that is when she takes all of her stuff, maybe that would help you? I don't know if you need to take it in the morning or at night, but maybe set an alarm for 20 minutes after your wake up alarm goes off or something like that....just a suggestion
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Runner- I think I remember you posting something about working with all guys (I hope i'm not tripping) I'm in the same position. Do you find yourself not wanting to let anyone know that you're TTC? I'm getting a little more open about it but in the military pregnant women are considered a liability and right now I'm one of the top performers so I don't want them to think I'm a dirt bag....but based off of comments, they all realize that we'll probably be having kids in the not too distant future.

    Well, as a firefighter, I work with all men...including my husband. I have to say I am really nervous about them knowing anything about the subject. My husband knows not to say a word. The younger guys on the department...the ones we see outside of the station and hang out with on a regular basis...treat me "normal". I don't get a lot of special treatment because I'm a girl. Yeah, sure, they don't let me lift a lot of the heavy stuff, but it's because they know I can't...not because I'm a girl. And I like it. I like being one of the guys. I have always been better at being one of the guys than one of the gals...especially when I was in college (and mainly because I can't stand the catiness of most women). I fully intend to make runs on the department, with high discretion, when we are TTC and even while I am pregnant until it's no longer something I can hide...which likely won't be long because you can't hide much more than a 3 or 4 month bump in my gear.

    At my main job at the hospital, I work with 90% women...women who have nagged at me..."When are you having kids?" and "What are you waiting for?". My friend from work, KGB (also my age), and I are the only ones WITHOUT kids. And it's almost like we are discriminated against because we don't have kids in the sense that we should be picking up all the open shifts because we aren't going to be missing time with kids if we do. Seriously? It makes me not want to have kids in a certain sense. I really don't want certain people knowing that I am even thinking about TTC...KGB and one other person at work knows (and that's because I'm borrowing some books she has).

    I'm also not telling my parents or my in-laws because I have some anxiety over it. Knowing that it's is likely going to be a rough process and I will likely end up on medication to help us conceive makes me leery about who knows and who doesn't. And I hate disappointing my parents...although if I know they won't see it that way. I'm their only child so I feel very pressured to perform well in everything I do...

    Bit of a mess, huh?
  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member

    SO I am taking physical therapy right now, DH and I were training for the St Jude Half, and it turns out that I have bilateral patellaformal syndrome, today is my "Most likely to ovulate day" According to the fertility friend app I use. Anyways, we BD last night, and this morning my therapist had me do 20 minutes on the eliptical... I kept thinking-- Oh no, I'm going to jar his sperm down! LOL.......
    Surely not right? Funny how TTC makes you have CRAZY thoughts!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Where you live: South Dakota

    i'm originally a south dakota girl too. :) lived in the black hills area; went to college in brookings. :) are you east river or west river? (haha, my husband would say 'are you vikings or broncos?')
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I like that you throw in goals other than physical health. I need to start doing that! Also, about the medication, one of my friends sets herself an alarm and that is when she takes all of her stuff, maybe that would help you? I don't know if you need to take it in the morning or at night, but maybe set an alarm for 20 minutes after your wake up alarm goes off or something like that....just a suggestion

    thanks for the suggestion. i am used to the timing, but remembering to take 7 in the morning and 5 at night makes me feel like i need a pill organizer. :) in the morning, i take metformin, b6, b12, folic acid, imitrex (i've been getting migraines from the hormones, so this is preventative), lexapro (my dad died last year; i am in the process of weaning off of it) and an antibiotic. at night, i take metformin, a prenatal vitamin, three progesterone capules, and the antibiotic. it got complicated when i was on the estrogen because that was 3 pills 3 times a day and i wasn't used to taking anything at lunch.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    SO I am taking physical therapy right now, DH and I were training for the St Jude Half, and it turns out that I have bilateral patellaformal syndrome, today is my "Most likely to ovulate day" According to the fertility friend app I use. Anyways, we BD last night, and this morning my therapist had me do 20 minutes on the eliptical... I kept thinking-- Oh no, I'm going to jar his sperm down! LOL.......
    Surely not right? Funny how TTC makes you have CRAZY thoughts!

    hahaha, i can relate to thinking things like that. :)
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Hey eeryone, I promise I will take some time soon and respond to you all!

    As for now, my school year just started and I'm already swamped. I have 3 chapters to read for tomorrow - I just found out today!

    Thinking of you all! Hugs to those that need it and a high five to those who hit their goals!

    karen - I miss you Hun and I'm thinking about you.

  • meljones
    meljones Posts: 36 Member
    Hi all! I'm looking for some support as my weight loss goals have shifted to getting healthy before TTC.

    Age: 31
    Where you live: Hot Springs, Ar but moving to NWA around Christmas
    Job: Adjunct Psych Professor and Vocational Counselor
    Length of time on the board: I have used MFP on and off for a year... I have lost and gained the same 30 pounds over and over!
    Marital Status: 7 months
    Length of time you've been with SO: 1 1/2 years
    Do you have kids: I have a 5 year old daughter.
    Length of time TTC: will start May 2012
    Diagnosis: PCOS, Endometriosis
    Do you chart your BBT: not yet
    Do you use OPKs: not yet
    Are you on any meds for TTC: starting prenatals, expect to have to use other treatments later, besides having past fertility problems myself, my husband also has to have a vasectomy reversal done... So it may be a long, expensive battle
    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 247
    Goal Weight: 150
    Strange fact about yourself: I jumped out of the first plane I ever rode in!!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I like that you throw in goals other than physical health. I need to start doing that! Also, about the medication, one of my friends sets herself an alarm and that is when she takes all of her stuff, maybe that would help you? I don't know if you need to take it in the morning or at night, but maybe set an alarm for 20 minutes after your wake up alarm goes off or something like that....just a suggestion

    thanks for the suggestion. i am used to the timing, but remembering to take 7 in the morning and 5 at night makes me feel like i need a pill organizer. :) in the morning, i take metformin, b6, b12, folic acid, imitrex (i've been getting migraines from the hormones, so this is preventative), lexapro (my dad died last year; i am in the process of weaning off of it) and an antibiotic. at night, i take metformin, a prenatal vitamin, three progesterone capules, and the antibiotic. it got complicated when i was on the estrogen because that was 3 pills 3 times a day and i wasn't used to taking anything at lunch.

    oh and i forgot the probiotic supplement and calcium chew i take too. duh!

    i've heard magnesium and cinnamon tablets are good for women with pcos and insulin resistance, but i don't want to add one more thing to what i already take. ugh!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    As for now, my school year just started and I'm already swamped. I have 3 chapters to read for tomorrow - I just found out today!

    i hate when i'm not given enough time for absorbing material (i can read 3 chapters in a night but that doesn't mean i'll remember it if i slog through it just to get it done). some professors forget there is life outside of class.
  • meljones
    meljones Posts: 36 Member
    Hey! Not all of us profs are mean! Lol... but maybe that's because the pain of getting through school still gives me nightmares!!