Women 200lb+, Let's Seize the Day This September!!!



  • Riddikulus89
    Riddikulus89 Posts: 17 Member
    Age 30, Height 6'0"
    Highest weight: 266lbs (2/2/20)
    Lowest weight: 143lbs (1st goal is 199)

    CW: 249.2
    9/8: 255.6
    9/15 (halfway mark assessment): 249.2

    Weekly goals (exercise):
    🌻 Every other day walks in the neighborhood or elliptical
    🌻 Incorporate some morning exercise

    Weekly goals (diet):
    🌻 Stay near calorie goal
    🌻 Intermittent fasting (16:8)
    🌻 Log everything, no matter what
    🌻 Drink lots of water, at least 64 oz.

    Weekly goals (mental):
    🌺 Be kind to myself

    I'm getting married next year, and I've just been gaining weight for the last decade. I'm hoping to drop some weight and get fitter before the big day. I want to start this next phase of my life on a better footing.

    Updated my goals:
    - When walking isn't possible I'll jump on the elliptical.
    - I also want to commit to intermittent fasting. It worked well last week.
    - Also I need to drink water, I am the queen of dehydration.

    Lost lots of water weight this week, I'm down 6.4 lbs. I hope there was a little bit of fat lost in there, too. 😊
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Thanks! @KeriA and @iloveeggnog - you ladies are doing awesome too.

    I made myself do my ride last night - man with the A/C out it was rough. It was fixed just as I was finishing up! I woke up and did my next ride this AM too, so I can stay on track for the week. One more 30 minute ride and then the last one of the week is 60 minutes :o:#

    I wanna make sure I get it done during the week as on the weekend I'm reliant on doing my workout during my kid's naptime for the most part. Some days they're shorter than I expect, so I wanna make sure I have a solid hour to get it done with no interruptions.
  • lilann1961
    lilann1961 Posts: 131 Member
    Weighed in today!

    Estimated Weight (earlier this month): 255
    Current Weight: 251
    Goal this month: 248
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 165

    Always good to be lower than expected! As for my personal goals, I have done fairly well!

    Elliptical - 30 minutes 7 out of the last 9 days (including today); I was going to keep going daily, but realized I really did need a day of rest. I had gardened HARD on Saturday and my hamstrings HURT Sunday, but the elliptical stretched them some and I took Monday as a rest day. I added some arm weights after a few days last week as well.

    Alcohol - 1.5 days of drinking alcohol out of the last 9 days; Funny part? It was my rest day yesterday and I regretted it this morning as my sleep was off. I added the .5 for taking a few sips of my husband's homemade margarita on Saturday night. I hardly wanted any...and again ironically it was a day I had completed the elliptical and gardened. Must be something to that...

    I have logged dutifully everyday for the last 9 days and have been under/at my calorie goal each day. I found several days I ate back most of my exercise calories, but I am proud of myself regardless.

    Water - Aside from my lapse in wine yesterday, I have only been refilling my water bottles and having my morning coffee. I swap between my water with lemon and my Soda Stream with some Mio. Keeps it interesting and different, but all still water! Not sure if I am really hitting 100oz, but I am very close.

    I am so busy in the evenings, and the pace is kinda hectic. But I manage. Lots of miles in my van, so really glad I added the elliptical back in to counteract the lack of walking and all the driving.

    Fingers crossed for all of you that the scale keeps going down!!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,273 Member
    Yesterday did not reflect the focus of my last post. I have reevaluated that focus. I started a post in which I was comparing before and after the pandemic health. It was way too long but enlightening. It turns out that I have made a lot of improvements. Some smaller than others (healthier breakfasts, home cooking, more water intake, better sleep). What I am struggling with is overall activity level and exercise. I wasn't perfect before but I had a base amount of both from which to improve from (aquafit, going to and from work and taking the stairs). Now I don't and I struggle to get as much exercise and more when possible. Some weeks I get more in others I just get the minimum. I really haven't even addressed decrease in activity level adequately although I have made some general attempts. I need to set up more specific quantifiable ones. This was where I was last month before I started dealing with job search and some medical issues. I have gotten a handle on those even though they are not done so I was going to focus on at least exercise this week but yesterday I realized maybe this isn't the week for that. I thought just do it all inside but we have been shut in for days and I can tell that although we have decent air quality inside it is just decent. Yesterday I rethought whether this is the best time to up exercise and didn't feel good about it. I didn't meet my calorie goal either but had a good calorie deficit so I am not concerned. I am now leaning toward getting in the minimum exercise but gently this week instead of going all out now. I sometimes feel a slight head ache and wake up coughing to clearing my throat in the last few days. This is with 3 air purifiers going in my house. So yes exercise is where I need to focus now but no this week is not the week. Rain is forecast now for Friday. We had a touch today and I just even saw some sun through the smoke but the AQI is still very unhealthy. The possible rain earlier in the week seems to have been delayed. So I am going to do the same with my exercise initiative - delay for the rain to clear away the smoke.

    I did get meal planning done yesterday and this morning I put in the grocery order. Water and sleep were good. I also got other non-health related things done.

    @Riddikuluus89 I love that - Queen of dehydration. That was me before the pandemic.
    @motivatedsister instead of heat my issue is air quality with exercise.
    @lilann1961 What you are doing is working. Great job.
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    @ChrysalisCove 2.2 pounds in a travel week?? Well done!

    I was pleasantly surprised! Makes sense though, as the week before I hardly budged. My body seems to like to hold steady, then drop 2-3lbs at once. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  • orangequilt
    orangequilt Posts: 4,202 Member
    KeriA I second that, don't stress your heart and lungs exercising if the air isn't good quality. It isn't worth it. Even if you do maintenance for a few weeks.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    So far today I have got up on time and weighed (still dancing between 253 and 251, sigh) and taken all my supplements and got dressed. I"m trying to get my early mornings to where I just get up, do all that, visit here to remind me of what I'm doing and why, and then stand up and grab my purse and just....go to the gym. That way I get the workout done before my partners get up. If I wait, I find other things to do and get doing them. If I do it first thing, I can sort of use the momentum of getting up to just roll on out the door, and then it'll be a habit and I do it anyway.
  • katescurios
    katescurios Posts: 224 Member
    Hello, may I join please.

    Back in 2013 at some point I was 255lb, lost a couple of stone and then lost motivation. I picked up the reins again at the beginning of August and have so far stuck to my plan and made good progress, but this is about the point where I usually start losing motivation so need to make sure I keep it up.

    SW: 233
    CW: 210
    GW: 197 this is my first big goal as would move me into the overweight category rather than obese.
    Height: 5’8
    Age: 37
  • changeforeverlj
    changeforeverlj Posts: 222 Member
    @iloveeggnog Thanks for that, I was completely inspired and downloaded the couch25K podcast and headed out! I managed well, I actually did it! I decided to run on the grass so that my heels/knees wouldn't be pounding the tarmac and it definitely was a softer option, my heels felt fine! The only thing is I'm top heavy and am battling to find a decent sports bra so that has to be a priority now, don't need to be bouncing all over the place! ;)
  • changeforeverlj
    changeforeverlj Posts: 222 Member
    @katescurios Welcome to the group! You have lost quickly from August to now! It has been mentioned in this group before that the thing that keeps you going is discipline more than motivation because we all run out of steam eventually. So it's those days that you keep going when you really don't want to that will get you to your end goal! Good luck!

    @AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Getting an early start definitely works for me!

    @xofarrah Goodluck with the rest of the week. I think figuring why we overeat is essential!

    @KeriA Your area's air quality is a concern! I think you should take it easy until it improves especially since it's affecting your breathing now! Praying the rain will come quickly and enough to douse the fires and smoke!

    @lilann1961 Well done for the gardening and logging!

  • JojoInTheForks
    JojoInTheForks Posts: 134 Member
    @changeforeverlj love it!! And yes, anchor those girls down well! I was surprised at how quickly the running slimmed out things like my stomach and arms...I figured it would be all legs at first. Good for you and I hope you learn to love it!
  • katescurios
    katescurios Posts: 224 Member
    @changeforeverlj thank you!

    I just got a zip up sports bra from Sainsbury’s which seems pretty good so far. Right bugger to do up as a snug fit and if you don’t flip the zip pull down immediately once done up and tuck it under the tab the whole thing pops open (lots of complaints in reviews about this problem) https://tuclothing.sainsburys.co.uk/p/Grey-Seamless-Stretch-Zip-Front-Sports-Bra/136845096-Grey?searchTerm=Zip sports:newArrivals&searchProduct=

    I’m a U.K. size 22 and went for the xxxl
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    edited September 2020
    Hi All!, I'm restarting again. I've lost well in the past and life finds ways to give me easy excuses to get lazy. Life tossed me a Total Gym machine so I figure it's time to finally get to the size I want to be.

    Age 37, Height 5'7"
    Highest weight: Over 400lbs
    Lowest weight: 206lbs

    CW:332.6 lbs
    9/1: Was getting back in the swing
    9/8: 336 lbs on the 5th
    9/15 (halfway mark assessment): Still doing well weighed in at 332.6 on the 12th

    Weekly goals (exercise):
    🌸 Get in Exercise or a purposeful physical activity every day no matter what
    🌸 Increase walking by at least 0.10 miles

    Weekly goals (diet):
    🌸 At least 30g protein a day
    🌺 Cycle calories up and down, don't just eat low all the time
    🌸 Log everything, no matter how bad the day.

    Weekly goals (life):
    🌸 Get some deep cleaning done in the kitchen
    🌺 Get my shelves put up for the sewing space
    🌸 Cook at least 2 full meals

    💜 Life is moving on without you. Get back to living how you want. 💜

    There's a huge Swap meet on October 2nd we're going to. I've been wanting to go every year since we moved here 7 years ago. I now am in the worst shape of my life and pushing to be in shape enough to enjoy this trip.
  • Akamai4321
    Akamai4321 Posts: 3 Member
    Age : 45 Height 5'5”
    Highest weight: 220

    9/8: 220
    9/15: 214.5

    Weekly goals:
    • sleep 6 or more hours most nights
    • log my food
    • stick to Keto
    • stretch daily

    I started Keto/low carb on the 8th. because I'm a teacher, and classes started the 9th. I realized after the work I put in this summer prepping for remote learning that I wasn't taking care of myself enough, and this is a way to do that. I am exhausted and working 7 day weeks 10-14 hour days. . .I know it will get better, but I feel like until it does, it would be way too easy to let taking care of myself go by (that's what happened this summer when I didn't use any of the time for a break).

    So, I thought that if I'm home and able to cook my meals, I could do this one thing for myself and that would work well with the way we are working from home--I also know that my steps are down to about 1/5 of what they usually are during the year because I'm not moving around a classroom, so making a goal to eat better is a start to a longer goal of getting exercise in (once my work load lessens a bit).
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    Hello All,

    SW: 240
    CW: 208
    GW: 135-140
    Lowest Weight: 118

    Right now my biggest goal is to get to 199. Only 9 lbs to go. I have been stuck at 208 for weeks and am trying to get motivated and recharged. I am going to continue to eat out less and cook as much as I can to save money and eat healthier. I was walking a lot for a while but we have been dealing with some smoke in my area so I haven't been outside much. I really want to get started or back into some type of workout routine. Even if it is just some weights and toning exercies. I feel that would help a lot but I know just the motivation to get started is the hardest part.

    I lost my current 32 lbs mostly by small changes and eating better. But now I am going to keep trying to log my food and stay more aware of how many calories I am eating.

    Hope you all are doing well!

    What ever you do, hon, DON'T GIVE UP! I got down to 206.6 which is the lowest I've ever weighed in my adult (and even early teen) life. I have few regrets in my life, but getting frustrated and giving up when the scale stopped going down for a couple months is one of, if not my biggest, regret. Keep working hard, mix it up. You will get there!
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    @KeriA Sounds like a wise choice to wait until your air quality gets better before kicking up the exercise again.

    @aliciap0116 Glad your husband is getting to go home!

    @catgirl2289 You've got this!

    As for me I'm still plugging along. I have had my peloton bike for about a month now, and I'm still enjoying it and getting stronger. My weight loss has slowed down this month. I haven't been the best in terms of food choices, but have still been under calorie goal every day. So I'm trying to determine if I'm just at the point where things naturally start to slow down, if it's my diet, or if it's due to the new workout.

    Before this month I was just solely walking, and currently I'm doing the bike + doing strength workouts through the peloton app. I don't want to get too hung up on the scale BUT as I'm still very far away from my end goal it would be nice to see at least a 1 lb weekly loss versus 0.5lbs or nothing! I'm doing a program that has about a 1.5 weeks left, but after that I might reconfigure my workout plan to include a mix of biking/walking/strength. We'll see how it goes!

    I also need to take some measurements; I'm sure that would help to see progress when the scale isn't moving as much as I'd like.