are you 5'4"? do you want to lose 5 pounds in september? yes



  • ajadorsey
    ajadorsey Posts: 78 Member
    Yes and yes! Am I too late?
  • I'm in.

    Height: 5'4"
    Heaviest Weight: 230lbs
    Current Weight: 169 lbs
    Would love to be: 164 lbs by September 30.

    Let's do this!
  • blueeyedangelar
    blueeyedangelar Posts: 119 Member
    Im in!!!
    Height 5' 4"
    Current weight 142
    Goal weight 125
    but I would be happy to be down to 135 by end of the month!
    Lets do this dang thing!
    Now tell me what I am supposed to do now....LOL
  • taurie
    taurie Posts: 225 Member
    I'm down 1 lb so far.
  • cem789
    cem789 Posts: 231 Member
    everyone did great! i stood on the scales this morning and had lost a pound so im hoping for 116 next wednesday now!
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    Weighing in a day late!! As of yesterday I had gained 2 pds (157lbs) (was it all the beer I drank over the 3 day weekend?) but as of this morning I am down another pound (156).

    My usual weigh in day is Friday, so I'm not too bummed about this! Will change my ticker tomorrow morning.
  • lpaeplow
    lpaeplow Posts: 11 Member
    Count me in, too. 5'4", currently 124. Would like to be 120 by 9/30. Been consistently under 1000 cal/day (usually around 800 cal/day) for 10 days, and have only lost 1 pound. Any suggestions?
  • I kicked 30 Day Shred up to level three this morning, so I would hope I would NOT mess up that workout by eating junki!!
  • Colemanlo1
    Colemanlo1 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm 5'2'' and weigh 147. Would love to weigh 140 (or less) by the end of Sept.
  • alyssamehus
    alyssamehus Posts: 49 Member
    Although a week late, I am totally in! Got back into diet/exercise on Tuesday and can't wait to hit it hard this month!

    height: 5'3" (yah yah yah, it's only 1 inch)
    cw: 147
    gw: 142

    Woot! Can't wait to see everyone's progress :)
  • alyssamehus
    alyssamehus Posts: 49 Member
    Ipaeplow: If you are exercising, you should definitely be getting more calories than <1000. You do not want your body to go into starvation mode. It is terrible for your body and any type of healthy weight loss.
  • dld63
    dld63 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5'4" and I have 20 lbs to lose. 5 lbs would be great for September!
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Hey...who said 5'4" was short....I thought all this time that I was average!!!!!

    I would love to join also. Current weight 175.5...would love to get closer to 170 by end of this month.

    I always considered myself average height also but it seems that on this board 5'4 is considered shorties:)

    Roller coaster week for me this week, it was TOM and i had water retention went up to 157 lbs. Today i am back down to 151.6 lbs. Yay!
  • I am in! I am 5'2 and 187lbs and I think losing 5lbs by the end of this month is a good goal. I would like to lose 10lbs by my birthday in November.
  • Tigermad
    Tigermad Posts: 305 Member
    Hello, count me in

    I am currently 215lb and have lost 1lb so far in the last 5 days.


    CW: 215lb
    GW for end of September: 209lb (here's hoping!)
    1st GW: 182lbs

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I had my first weigh day of this challenge on saturday and damn it i gained 1lb.... I am totally putting this down to TOM, so i now have 6lbs to lose in sept......
    weigh day again tomorrow, i hope to say goodbye to that damn gained 1lb from last week and hopefully 2 more.... fingers crossed...
  • lpaeplow
    lpaeplow Posts: 11 Member
    alyssamehus: Thanks for the tip--I will try to stay closer to 1200 cal/day. Due to medical limitations, I don't do much exercise--just moderate walking.
  • blueeyedangelar
    blueeyedangelar Posts: 119 Member
    Starting weight 144
    Todays weigh 139.2
    DOWN 4.8
    Woot! Woot!
    Now If I can keep it off....LOL
    I joined September 10 pound challenge too!!

  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    ^^ well done! That is great going!
  • I had my first weigh day of this challenge on saturday and damn it i gained 1lb.... I am totally putting this down to TOM, so i now have 6lbs to lose in sept......
    weigh day again tomorrow, i hope to say goodbye to that damn gained 1lb from last week and hopefully 2 more.... fingers crossed...
    i did it, i did it.... lost 3 lbs...... so thats 3 more to go right........