Women 200lb+, Let's Seize the Day This September!!!



  • micwrites
    micwrites Posts: 120 Member
    I FINALLY FOUND Y'ALL!! :drinker:

    I've been missing since mid April. I was too stressed out, depressed, anxious... I just flat out quit MFP, I quit thinking about being mindful about what I was eating, I quit exercising. I just flat out stopped. I've been back on MFP for 5 days now, started on Monday. But, I actually started exercising and just mindful eating since about a 5 or 6 weeks now. All because I was going up the stairs to my second floor apartment and I was dying!! I was out of breath, I felt my heart almost beating out of my chest. So I stepped on the scale and hated what I saw. I knew it, I gained weight.

    So I decided that the first thing I would do was make it a habit to exercise 5 times a week, half hour. Never mind what I was eating, I wanted to focus on just the exercise and I found great workouts on Youtube. Then I decided to try to eat smaller portions of whatever I ate. It was helping, just a tiny bit though. Now, this week I decided to get back to logging my food. So far so good this week!! :smiley: I'm feeling better than how I was feeling in April, so I'm sticking to this again.

    Friday Weigh-In

    SW (8/10): 208.6
    Aug end: 205.6
    9/4: 205.8
    9/11: 206.4
    9/18: 205.0
    1st GW: 200!!
    UGW: 140


    Glad you are back! And great plan. 👊🏻
  • uyister
    uyister Posts: 154 Member
    38 years old
    Height: 5' 7"
    SW (6/9/2020): 330.0 lbs
    September SW (8/29/20): 278.4 lbs
    Goal weight: 180 lbs
    9/6: 276.2 lbs
    9/12: 276.0 lbs (dropped inches though)
    9/19: 269.8 lbs

    * Keep logging in MFP
    * Start the T-25 Gamma cycle
    * Do 25 mins of an additional cardio routine daily
    * Make time for me to relax even though classes have started again
    * Continue with my Duolingo streak for at least 3 of the 4 languages I am trying to learn

    I was really good with my working out Mon - Thursday. Even had an extra burst of energy on Thursday and did a 3rd workout. Friday, when it came to the 2 regularly scheduled T-25 workouts, my body pretty much laughed at me. I then decided that I would just do the workouts today which is supposed to be my rest/STATs day. At about midnight, when I realized that I was still studying since I couldn't sleep, it dawned on me... Why stress my body out? I usually listen to my body and when I had extra energy, I did more workouts, now when I don't feel like it, I should give it a rest. So, at about 1 am, I decided, No workouts today either (Sorry last workouts of T-25 Beta week 5). On another note, for the past 3 days, I seem to want to eat only protein (really fish), kale/spinach, and drink white grapefruit juice (I do not know why). I finished a 32 oz bottle of white no sugar added ocean spray grapefruit juice in 2 days. I am out and really want to go to the store to buy more!!!

    @Paimede: I didn't lose much weight the other week, but, I lost inches when I measured.

    Everyone is doing really well. Keep it up, ladies!!
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    KeriA wrote: »
    My husband took Friday off and we had a call with some good news which required us to get a few things done. I did do my flight of stairs yesterday. Thursday I tried the resistance band video and realized it was getting the same muscles from my strength training on Tuesday and the video on Wednesday. My muscles said no way. I planned to do it yesterday instead. However, I was pretty sad about the news yesterday mid-day and went into mourning. I just didn’t do much after that. The air was still bad.

    Today the air is good. The rain and more importantly weather system blew the bad air out of the area. I am still sad about those who are still battling the fires and hoping the smoke doesn’t come back this way. I wish rain and cooler winds for all the west coast.

    I hope I can get my calories low and do something active today. I just made dinner to be cooked in the crock pot.

    @MuttiNM I sure can. I just didn’t want to post unless there was interest. Here is that specific video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeplPVLLgtU&list=PLxEW_OukMMsqnD09jU271vfcx6CVisni3&index=6 I like how she intersperses the exercises with marching. It is all cardio but the exercises get the core work in. It does fast.
    Here is her (Pahla B) main page on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeXAh1l-MSjIbDkvHXa1yyA
    @heatherbluebell it sounds you are approaching this in a better way than the other times. What is required is not a super restrictive diet. It is a sustainable healthy diet than can be adjusted as to deficit or maintenance calories. Support is key.
    @iloveeggnog Congratulations on reaching onderland! Yay!
    @AlexandraFindsHerself I hope all sorts itself out for the best soon.
    @ama3387 measurements are good and I need to do this. I think the ones on MFP are from when I was 26 lbs lighter. I have problems with the scale in that I usually vary a lot. Someone suggested an app that you put in daily weights and you can see the overall trend much better. Then there is the problem with exercise that complicates how we lose. I weigh daily and often am disappointed but find I need the information to figure things out so I can adjust. We are all different. We all have to find what works for us the best. Here is to those inches disappearing.
    @Lastsmartchika Nice to see you back. I sort of had a day or 2 this week like you are talking about so it isn’t like we don’t understand. Often we start with food and start to make progress and then add in exercise and it complicates things. Not a bad idea to do it the other way around. Just find a way of losing that you can live with for the longterm. Glad you are feeling better.
    @cppeace This is what the videos I watched this week stressed. We need to get that foundational work done before going on to more athletic exercise (core, balance and strength). Good job.
    @Riddikulus89 thanks for the recipe. I often use cauliflower with potatoes to reduce carbs. It mimics whatever you mix it with.

    Yep, basically, I get back pain while walking in these hills and know it's not a back issue. It disappears as soon as I sit and rarely bothers me when walking flat area, just these hills. That is a core issue because the back muscles have to compensate for the walking angles. Lol balance in general is never going to be my thing. I have absurdly small feet for my stature and I over supinate. Weight loss can only help, though.
    I plan to start recording my workouts soon. I always think it is good to see someone out of shape exercising. It shows people closer to my size that it is doable. That's how I think of it anyway.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    edited September 2020
    @cppeace: You can get inserts to go in your shoes to correct the over supination. I have a leg length difference and I wear a lift in my shoes or have one sole raised a quarter inch, and it makes all the difference in being able to walk comfortably and have much less body pain on a daily basis. Weight loss has helped, but having that fundamental mechanical issue corrected matters more, I found.

    @KeriA: Yeah, that was hard to hear. Crockpots are so useful. On Saturdays I toss a container of frozen beef and broth in and by lunchtime I have the makings for hot Italian beef sandwiches.

    Today has been better. I got the painting done in Girlfriend's bedroom, and moved the furniture back I'd had to move to get to the spots needing the touching up. Also hung her curtains, and will need to get different ones. Those just are too short for the window. She probably will be home Monday. I'll make her a carrot cake on Sunday because that's her favorite.
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    I've tried special inserts, specially shoes and wrapping ankles and feet. Sadly all I can do it mildly effect it. Other than effecting my balance and occasionally making me twist an ankle I've adjusted to it throughout the years. Thanks for the suggestion though.
  • MuttiNM
    MuttiNM Posts: 240 Member
    @KeriA Thanks so much for sharing the video. I will definitely check it out when I get back home from my daughter's.
  • micwrites
    micwrites Posts: 120 Member
    Weight loss is on the move again! Thanks for everyone who inspired me to keep going and wait for the "whoosh". It started happening as soon as I started exercising again.

    Great news! And good to remember.
  • micwrites
    micwrites Posts: 120 Member
    Age 54 Height 5'9"
    Highest weight: 240
    Lowest weight: 127

    9/15 234.7


    That’s the way to do it. Great job! 👊🏻
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    You look like you could be quite petite. I'm 5'7" and my feet are only just under an American woman size 5 .5
    I got some chores and other exercise in today. Rested the strength training for today. Trying to give the muscles a bit of time to heal.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    (laugh) I have large feet. I wear a ten in women's, and prefer to wear men's shoes casually as they cut them with a wider toe box that is more comfortable for my arthritic toes and developing bunion. (Thanks, dad.) And I often wear boys' socks for the same reason; often the socks that say "one size fits all" for women are way too tight for me.
  • changeforeverlj
    changeforeverlj Posts: 222 Member
    Monday Check-in <3
    SW 230.78 lbs (16/03/2020) 104.9 Kgs

    31/08 78.8 kg 173.36 (-0.7kgs) (-1.54lbs)
    07/09 77.3 Kg 170,06 (-1.5kgs) (-3.3lbs)
    14/07 77.2 Kg 169.84 (-0.1Kgs) (-0.22lbs)
    21/07 76.8 Kg 168.96 (-0.4kgs) (-0.88lbs)

    Its coming off in tiny chunks, but I'm ok with that, the trend is going down! I've only done strength on arms, so I need to start with core and legs today, will just find beginner exercises online. I start week 2 of the couch25K tomorrow, feeling excited and nervous, its crazy I have some super fit friends and the one has just announced she is doing a 100miler, here I am training to do 5km, but I'm just as amped as she is!
  • Riddikulus89
    Riddikulus89 Posts: 17 Member
    My turn for Monday check in!
    Starting weight 242 lbs (June 1, 2020)
    September 1st: 205 lbs (-37 pounds)
    September 21st: 199 (-6 pounds)
    Goal weight for September was 199 which was reached ahead of schedule so still working on October goals! We have Hurricane Teddy headed for us so it looks like a wild couple of days ahead. Won't be much outdoor exercise. So I moved my run from this morning to tonight. Then will go Thursday morning and Saturday morning. That will finish up my learn-to-run-10k app. Without a program to tell me what to do and when, I'll need to be pretty strong in the goals to make sure I'm still progressing. Have a wonderful week, folks!