50 pounds to lose - starting again - join me with weekly check-ins and support



  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    PW: 179.6
    CW: 179.4

    Considering what has been happening, I am shocked!!! I guess it is the extra non exercise “work” I’ve been doing.

    I just helped a friend chop and drag 4 fallen trees and multiple wheel barrows of debris. It doesn’t register as much on Fitbit, but I am WHIPPED!!!

    I’m sure your getting lots of exercise. Glad everyone is well.
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    I’m way over calories today but it was worth it. An old friend came to visit and we had a lovey dinner. All healthy except the margarita which pushed me over my calories.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    azkunk wrote: »
    I’m way over calories today but it was worth it. An old friend came to visit and we had a lovey dinner. All healthy except the margarita which pushed me over my calories.

    One day will not ruin all your progress.
    Just like one day did not make you overweight!
  • kcd394
    kcd394 Posts: 397 Member
    My weight this week has been a yoyo... I was up to 187.3 after chinese food. Trust the process and don't sweat the fluctuations.

    Sw july 2020 197
    Last week 186
    Today 184.5
    Mini goal 184 by october was one of them... now i think i need a new one.
    GW 145
  • sportygal1971
    sportygal1971 Posts: 62 Member
    I'm going for dropping 50 by my 50th. Add me to the list. 👍
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    kcd394 wrote: »
    My weight this week has been a yoyo... I was up to 187.3 after chinese food. Trust the process and don't sweat the fluctuations.

    Sw july 2020 197
    Last week 186
    Today 184.5
    Mini goal 184 by october was one of them... now i think i need a new one.
    GW 145

    Chinese food is a killer, but only for a minute. Way to go on your by October goal almost 2 weeks early!!!

  • TiffanyPe17
    TiffanyPe17 Posts: 107 Member
    I hope it’s not too late to join this challenge. One week ago I had my second daughter; two babies in two years has absolutely killed my body. I’m breastfeeding which seems to help some with the weight loss, but I am unable to exercise for 5 more weeks.

    SW: 182.4
    Mini Goal: 160-Hopefully by December 2020
    Goal Weight: 140-hopefully by July 2021
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    I'm going for dropping 50 by my 50th. Add me to the list. 👍

    That is exactly my goal. I stared in May, I’m am 15 down with 35 to go.
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    @TiffanyPe17 - welcome and congratulations 👶🏼

    @kcd394 - I love that ... trust the process. You are so right. That’s why I let my self have that margarita yesterday. It’s just one day and I’m back on track today.
  • TiffanyPe17
    TiffanyPe17 Posts: 107 Member
    Thank you!
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    SW: 212.7

    8/31: 201.4
    9/8: 199.6
    9/14: 199.2
    9/21: 197.0

    mini GW: 180
    GW: 160

    Yay...so glad to see a decent loss this week! I know weight loss isn't linear, but man if I saw another tiny loss this week I was gonna scream lol. I know those slow weeks will happen, but these successful weeks helps keep me chugging along.
  • Leezy55
    Leezy55 Posts: 339 Member
    All time high 2019 prior MFP 192

    High 2020 174

    June loss 4 lbs

    7/1 164.0

    7/8 162.4

    8/1 July loss 3 lbs

    8/1 161
    8/8 160.4
    8/15 159.9 finally made it to the 150's. 3 more lbs to the half way point!:p
    8/24 159.5 Not much of a loss but been snacking here and there. And too much smoke and extreme heat. But have another week! Yep goin' for it!

    Aug loss 3 lbs total 34lbs

    9/1 158
    9/7 157.5
    9/14 156.8 <3 .8lbs away from 50% of weight loss goal!
    9/21 156.6 URG made to 156.1 a few days ago, then up!!! URG!!!
  • Reikcaj
    Reikcaj Posts: 11 Member
    Tuesday weigh in:
    201.6 The same weight as last week. My weight has been going up and down all week so ending on the same number is better than going up I guess.
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    xjmb103x wrote: »
    So nervous to make my first post! I've been reading some of this thread and I hope by joining I will have something positive to add and some support to receive along the way, as I know it won't be smooth sailing. Generally good health as an adult is starting to break down due to lack of self-care and focus on prioritizing my needs and I find myself staring down prediabetes numbers in my mid-forties. Suddenly my "far-off future self" feels terrifyingly present and way less amorphous than before, so hopefully this will be the motivation I need to keep me going this time long after the pounds come off. And I can't pinpoint why exactly I am reluctant to discuss any of this--even the little wins--with anyone in my IRL circle. Maybe it's the fear of failure, or that sometimes people get weird about weight loss ... But hopefully a weekly check-in with someone besides myself will help me feel accountable and inspired to push through when the going gets rough. Thank you in advance for your hospitality. :)

    SW 9/1: 221(highest all time)
    CW 9/16: 215
    1 mini GW: 210 by October 3 (best present I can give myself!)
    2 mini GW: 190 by November 25
    GW: 135

    Welcome to the group :)
  • crystalsan726
    crystalsan726 Posts: 795 Member
    edited September 2020
    Weekly Check In
    SW: 244.6 ( August 6, 2019)

    1st Mini goal - 215 ✔ 🥳💃
    2nd Mini Goal- 210 ✔ 🎈
    3rd Mini Goal- 205

    8/3- 221.4
    8/10- 225.8
    8/17- 220.2
    8/24- 216.4
    8/31- 214.
    August Total Lost- 7.4 pounds

    9/7- 213.4
    9/14- 209.0
    9/21- 207.6
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Weekly Check In
    SW: 244.6 ( August 6, 2019)

    1st Mini goal - 215 ✔ 🥳💃
    2nd Mini Goal- 210 ✔ 🎈
    3rd Mini Goal- 205

    8/3- 221.4
    8/10- 225.8
    8/17- 220.2
    8/24- 216.4
    8/31- 214.
    August Total Lost- 7.4 pounds

    9/7- 213.4
    9/14- 209.0
    9/21- 207.6

    You are KILLING it!
  • TiffanyPe17
    TiffanyPe17 Posts: 107 Member
    I hope it’s not too late to join this challenge. One week ago I had my second daughter; two babies in two years has absolutely killed my body. I’m breastfeeding which seems to help some with the weight loss, but I am unable to exercise for 5 more weeks.

    SW: 182.4
    Mini Goal: 160-Hopefully by December 2020
    Goal Weight: 140-hopefully by July 2021

    - [ ] Delivery day (9/10/2020):204
    - [ ] 1 week post op (9/17/2020) 193.4 (TL:10.6lbs)
    - [ ] 190.2 (9/18/2020)
    - [ ] 186.4 (9/19/20)
    - [ ] 182.4 (9/20/20)
    - [ ] 180.4 (9/21/20)
    - [ ] 178 (9/22/20)
    - [ ] 178.2-(9/23/20)
    - [ ] 177 (9/24/20)

    Feeling excited about my progress! I know most of it’s from the baby, but I’ve officially lost all the baby weight from my second daughter and am starting to lose the weight I gained with my first.
  • FireMusicGirl7
    FireMusicGirl7 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I just joined premium and was wondering if people are still using this chat. I would love some motivational buddies to check in with.

    I have 90+ pounds to lose and am also the heaviest I have ever been. Before Covid I was actually going to the gym, doing yoga daily and making some small progress. I really need some motivating friends to help me get back to my goals. Once Covid is over I want to go back to ballroom dancing, but now I am too out of shape/my joints hurt so I get easily discouraged. Look forward to making progress with all of you!

    210.8 SW (9/25/20)
    200 First Goal
    120 GW
  • rlf27
    rlf27 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello all hope all Is will, I just started back it has been a year and I gained 8 pounds. So I will start again I have a total of about 52 pounds to go. This site always helps me I am 63 years old and will be 64 in October. The support is great here.