Thin for the Holidays Group



  • gettingthin03
    Can I still join this group? I have already set some holiday goals but it would be way more fun with a group!

    Have a great day!

    Yes, you can join. We said the cut off was 20 people but you are in!
  • gettingthin03
    Im in!!!!

  • CSYounce
    CSYounce Posts: 19 Member
    Cool! Thanks! here are my goals.

    Starting Weight- 185.2
    Goal for Labor Day (9/6/11)- 185
    Goal for Halloween (10/31/11)- 175
    Goal for Thanksgiving (11/24/11)- 170
    Goal for Christmas (12/25/11)- 168
    Final Challenge Goal for New Years (1/1/12)- 165

    Have a great evening - chat with you tomorrow!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,073 Member
    Hi y'all! I was surprised to see that I lost another pound this past week. I weighed in today and was expecting to have gained back those 2 pounds that I had lost the week before. So, I am very happy.

    I weigh in on Thursdays and will be unable to weigh in on Labor Day, and unfortunately, this week I won't have the scale to weigh in until next Thursday (otherwise I would just do an extra weigh in on Labor Day). I was trying to decide whether to make today's weigh in the Labor Day weigh in or wait until next Thursday and let that be the definitive Labor Day weight...

    Today's weight = 147.6 lbs. So, I have 1 more pound to lose in order to meet my Labor Day goal.

    Weigh in day- Thursday
    Starting Weight-150.6
    Goal for Labor Day (9/6/11)- 146.6
    Goal for Halloween (10/31/11)-138.6
    Goal for Thanksgiving (11/24/11)-135.6
    Goal for Christmas (12/25/11)-131.6
    Final Challenge Goal for New Years (1/1/12)- 130.6
  • gettingthin03
    Hi y'all! I was surprised to see that I lost another pound this past week. I weighed in today and was expecting to have gained back those 2 pounds that I had lost the week before. So, I am very happy.

    I weigh in on Thursdays and will be unable to weigh in on Labor Day, and unfortunately, this week I won't have the scale to weigh in until next Thursday (otherwise I would just do an extra weigh in on Labor Day). I was trying to decide whether to make today's weigh in the Labor Day weigh in or wait until next Thursday and let that be the definitive Labor Day weight...

    Today's weight = 147.6 lbs. So, I have 1 more pound to lose in order to meet my Labor Day goal.

    Weigh in day- Thursday
    Starting Weight-150.6
    Goal for Labor Day (9/6/11)- 146.6
    Goal for Halloween (10/31/11)-138.6
    Goal for Thanksgiving (11/24/11)-135.6
    Goal for Christmas (12/25/11)-131.6
    Final Challenge Goal for New Years (1/1/12)- 130.6
    Congrats on your loss. We can wait until your next weigh in and use it as your Labor Day weigh in. Good luck!
  • gettingthin03
    Happy Friday everyone. Im looking foward to weigh in on Monday. Enjoy your weekend. Eat healthy and be safe!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,073 Member
    Thanks, GettingThin.
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    Happy Friday everyone. Im looking foward to weigh in on Monday. Enjoy your weekend. Eat healthy and be safe!

    You have a great weekend too!:happy:
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    I weigh in this morning at 145.0! So I was able to hold onto my Labor Day goal!:happy: Now to start concentrating on Halloween goal!! Everyone have a great Labor Day!
  • gettingthin03
    Good Tuesday morning. I weigh in yesterday morning at 185.6........My goal was 185 so I will take it. Feels so good. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and don't forget to post your labor day results. Congrats to all that meet it and for those who did not, lets get on the ball for Halloween!
  • tishaloses
    tishaloses Posts: 234 Member
    really wanted 199 by Labor Day!! I'm at 203!!! Ugh!! Just means I have to work that much harder for my Halloween goal!!!
  • gettingthin03
    really wanted 199 by Labor Day!! I'm at 203!!! Ugh!! Just means I have to work that much harder for my Halloween goal!!!

    You can do it. Im rooting for ya!
  • hopelsslyh0peful
    hopelsslyh0peful Posts: 18 Member
    made my labor day im working for my birthday (oct 22) and halloween

    how did everyone do for their labor day goal?
  • DebsFernandez
    Sorry to post so late. But I didn't meet my new Labor Day goal :,(
    Actually, I gained another lb...
    That stinks. But I guess my focus now is on Halloween.
    I may have pushed myself too hard too fast with eating and exercising.

    Although, my boyfriend talked me into buying a new pair of jeans. Except, he had me get them at a size 16 (which I am not at yet). He told me it could help motivate me. I think it might. Because I tried them on just to see where I was at, I am pretty gosh darn close!! That was exciting. Just a couple more inches and they would fit comfortably (they are way too tight right now lmao)
    Just wanted to share a what I thought was better news than the gaining of a pound :P
  • gettingthin03
    made my labor day im working for my birthday (oct 22) and halloween

    how did everyone do for their labor day goal?

    Great! Way to Go!!
  • ymmap22
    Is the group still open> if so I want to be in
  • ymmap22

    My birthday is October 22 also:wink:
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    I'm so happy for everyone that's been able to reach their goals. I haven't been able to reach my Labor Day goal which is really frustrating but I have to remember it's not about the number on the scale. I've been eating healthy and working out 6 days a week.

    I've been improving on my stamina and endurance and I feel as though I'm more toned...

    Oh well, only time will tell and I still have until Monday to lose a couple more pounds!

    Keep working hard everyone!

    I have a really good feeling that I am going to log on Monday morning and the first post will be from you saying "I REACHED MY LABOR DAY GOAL". You can do it. As long as you are feeling healthly and looking healthy, the scale will have no other choice but to go down. Good luck

    Unfortunately I didn't reach the goal! :( But I won't let the darn evil scale deter me because I went wedding dress shopping for the LAST time and I looked way more fit this time around. :)

    My hope is to lose 8lbs by my fiance's birthday which is October 6th.

    I hope everyone is doing well!
  • drk_diva
    drk_diva Posts: 36 Member
    Well I didn't make my Labor Day goal (super sad face). I missed it by 9lbs, BUT that's okay. I can deal with it as long as the scale continues to go down and not up. I'm going to see where I end up on the next goal date (Halloween) then may have to re-adjust my goals just a bit. Still Motivated!!!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,073 Member
    I didn't make my Labor Day goal, either. Going out of town the last few days added some weight. Very stressful, etc. Oh well, no more excuses!
    Current weight: 149.6 lbs.

    Weigh in day- Thursday
    Starting Weight-150.6
    Goal for Labor Day (9/6/11)- 146.6
    Goal for Halloween (10/31/11)-138.6
    Goal for Thanksgiving (11/24/11)-135.6
    Goal for Christmas (12/25/11)-131.6
    Final Challenge Goal for New Years (1/1/12)- 130.6