Intimacy Schedule


Not sure if this has been discussed before here. Anyway, here goes:
I've been married for 8+ years and living with my Husband for 10. Like a lot of blue collar workers he needs to be at work by 5am. At least 3 out of the 5 work days a week he wakes me up out of a DEAD sleep for intimacy around 3:30 am. I'm a good wife.

With that said, my health (sleep) is affected. I've also noticed that regardless of whether I'm at my fittest or not, the early morning disruptions basically ruin my sleep. I sometimes can go back to bed (for 2.5 more hours) but most of the time just try with no success. I watch T.V.

If it were up to me, I would choose before bed but he is NOT on that schedule at all.

Also, I am not a morning exerciser so don't even suggest it lol I've tried that. I hate it. I work out in the early evenings.

Has anyone experienced this? And if so, do you have any tips on how to manage the disruptions?

This is weird, I know!



  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Have you ever tried talking to him about this or initiate intimacy earlier in the evening?
  • qhob_89
    qhob_89 Posts: 105 Member