60 yrs and up



  • mrsbfe
    mrsbfe Posts: 52 Member
    @AnnPT77 Thanks for the tip! I'm from the time just after punch cards. I used to build and program PCs, and remember getting so excited when I could get a 20 MB hard drive. I hated Windows because I had no control like with MSdos, and now I'm at the point where I have to ask my daughter how to use my damn phone. :| I'll try again tomorrow, I'm done for the night.
  • RuzWuz
    RuzWuz Posts: 3 Member
    Hello ppl, from South East Queensland, Australia.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,919 Member
    :) The best food plan is the one you can stick to. I eat almost exclusively at home. I don't invite guests, I don't accept invitations to eat of someone else's home and I rarely eat restaurant food. Thus I can create a meal plan that works for me. I like repetition so once I have a few good ideas, I am set.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • mrsbfe
    mrsbfe Posts: 52 Member
    As requested - goats and cats (I haven't gotten the hang of resizing)

    Jumper (rescued from the edge of a bridge) He's going to be huge, at 6 months he's already almost 9 lbs.
    Bob is a case of who rescued whom. <3
    Squeakers is so named due to the fact of her communication style.
    We also have a variety of chickens, turkeys, and guinea fowl who wander over from next door. We live on 13 acres, mostly woods, in southern OH (or BFE). If you watched Green Acres, then you'll understand why it took me a very long time to get used to living here. As a domestic violence survivor, this wonderful man to whom I'm now married was worth every adjustment.

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,166 Member
    mrsbfe wrote: »
    As requested - goats and cats (I haven't gotten the hang of resizing)

    Jumper (rescued from the edge of a bridge) He's going to be huge, at 6 months he's already almost 9 lbs.
    Bob is a case of who rescued whom. <3
    Squeakers is so named due to the fact of her communication style.
    We also have a variety of chickens, turkeys, and guinea fowl who wander over from next door. We live on 13 acres, mostly woods, in southern OH (or BFE). If you watched Green Acres, then you'll understand why it took me a very long time to get used to living here. As a domestic violence survivor, this wonderful man to whom I'm now married was worth every adjustment.

    Oh, yay, photos worked! And oh, yay, wonderful cat and goat photos! Your cats all look so plush and healthy. Probably the goats look healthy, too, but I don't know much about goats 😆 (is the front one pregnant?).
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,286 Member
    RuzWuz wrote: »
    Hello ppl, from South East Queensland, Australia.

  • mrsbfe
    mrsbfe Posts: 52 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »

    Oh, yay, photos worked! And oh, yay, wonderful cat and goat photos! Your cats all look so plush and healthy. Probably the goats look healthy, too, but I don't know much about goats 😆 (is the front one pregnant?).

    No, that's just the way they look. When they're pregnant their sides get round. I'm glad you liked them.

  • mrsbfe
    mrsbfe Posts: 52 Member
    This is a kitten, yes a KITTEN, that my husband rescued off of a bridge several months ago (he was tiny). I'm certain he's actually a wildcat that found it's way to civilization. He is only 6 months old, nearly 9 lbs, huge paws, fat/solid tail, and purrs loudly when he bites one's hand. He's afraid of one of the current cats, but is constantly fighting (maybe playing?) with the other one. I can't imagine how much larger he's going to get. Also, I am procrastinating this morning - hence the collage and fascination with this strange breed.

  • mrsbfe
    mrsbfe Posts: 52 Member
    Update: Here's a picture of a bobcat hybrid. Yikes!
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,286 Member
    mrsbfe wrote: »
    This is a kitten, yes a KITTEN, that my husband rescued off of a bridge several months ago (he was tiny). I'm certain he's actually a wildcat that found it's way to civilization. He is only 6 months old, nearly 9 lbs, huge paws, fat/solid tail, and purrs loudly when he bites one's hand. He's afraid of one of the current cats, but is constantly fighting (maybe playing?) with the other one. I can't imagine how much larger he's going to get. Also, I am procrastinating this morning - hence the collage and fascination with this strange breed.


  • mrsbfe
    mrsbfe Posts: 52 Member
    I hit my first goal - 10 lbs gone! :)
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,286 Member
    mrsbfe wrote: »
    I hit my first goal - 10 lbs gone! :)

  • trekkie123
    trekkie123 Posts: 251 Member
    Congrats!!! Way to go!
  • 1poundatax
    1poundatax Posts: 230 Member
    Great Job!
  • teresadannar
    teresadannar Posts: 199 Member
    I hope everyone is doing alright, doesn't look like there's been alot of conversation for awhile. Did everyone wake up from their Turkey-induced sleep?
    Yesterday was my last day with the MFP challenge I've been signed up with since last fall. I'm going to try handling maintenance on my own. It is a great group to be associated with, almost as good as this group here!
    Again, hope everyone is doing well and not slid into winter hibernation.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,166 Member
    I hope everyone is doing alright, doesn't look like there's been alot of conversation for awhile. Did everyone wake up from their Turkey-induced sleep?
    Yesterday was my last day with the MFP challenge I've been signed up with since last fall. I'm going to try handling maintenance on my own. It is a great group to be associated with, almost as good as this group here!
    Again, hope everyone is doing well and not slid into winter hibernation.

    I'm still here (seemingly, I'm always still here 🤣) . . . maybe because (being vegetarian) I didn't eat Thanksgiving turkey? 😉

    Instead of driving halfway across the state as I usually do to join relatives for Thanksgiving (not a great plan this year IMO), I did my first solo at-home Thanksgiving. I decided I was going to cook whatever I wanted, and eat however much of it I wanted . . . and did. (It was delicious.) Up a couple pounds next day, now down below where I was pre-Thanksgiving. 😉

    It's looking like on-water rowing season is pretty much over, unless we get an rare unseasonable warm/calm day, but we're lucky it lasted as long as it did. Thanksgiving day started the annual Concept 2 Holiday Challenge, 200k on the rowing machine between then and Christmas Eve, and I've set off to see if I can complete it again. (It requires a level of consistency and persistence that are really alien to my nature, and at 65, I'm not as physically resilient as I once was, so we'll see how it works out.) 35,469 meters done, as of close of business yesterday; about to get on with today's 8k or so.

    My previously-reported ultra-slow vanity pound banishment effort of the past year seems to be reaching closing chapters. I'd noticed around last October that I was pushing toward the need to buy bigger jeans . . . and I do hate to shop! As of now, I'm starting to feel like that same size is pretty loose, so I need to stop losing an maintain soon, or I'll risk the shopping thing: Don't need that *ever*, let alone in a pandemic.

    Been having various interventions (YAG procedure, cataract surgery on one eye) trying to get my vision into a more functional state. One eye (the YAG one) is now really good, and the cataract one isn't going to get much better than 20/100 or thereabouts unless I have another procedure on it besides the cataract surgery. Since the totality is functioning OK now, I'm going to hold off on more interventions for the time being.

    That's pretty much it, in my world. No hibernation for me, yet; but nothing of great interest happening, either.

    Hope everyone else is doing well!
  • trekkie123
    trekkie123 Posts: 251 Member
    Finally back watching what I’m eating. Holiday season is the worst for trying to maintain. I don’t weigh myself because if I have a scale in the house I am on it at least 20 times a day. I can tell right away from my clothes that I’ve gained weight. So, happy to say I’m back!!!!
    Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season! COVID be damned!!!!!
  • 1poundatax
    1poundatax Posts: 230 Member
    @trekkie123 I am right there with you with getting on the scale multiple times a day, though I am managing not to get upset no matter what the number is- I know I am on a downward trend and that is what matters. (It is interesting to see how my weight changes throughout the day.) I can't stop weighing myself completely because that is how I ended up where I am now. I can ignore the clothes not fitting :/ .I am pleased that although I ate whatever I wanted on Thanksgiving I got right back on track and am lower than I was a week ago!
  • teresadannar
    teresadannar Posts: 199 Member
    It's so great to hear from you all!
    Ann, your dedication to rowing is incredible, I'm sure you have had some on-water experiences story-telling worthy.
    On the subject of calorie counting...I must admit, I've been sipping a bit too much of Bailey's, Kahlua, and Butterscotch Schnapps in my coffee and hot cocoa, although still measuring it out, 50 ml of the Irish Cream eats up the day's spare.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,166 Member
    It's so great to hear from you all!
    Ann, your dedication to rowing is incredible, I'm sure you have had some on-water experiences story-telling worthy.
    On the subject of calorie counting...I must admit, I've been sipping a bit too much of Bailey's, Kahlua, and Butterscotch Schnapps in my coffee and hot cocoa, although still measuring it out, 50 ml of the Irish Cream eats up the day's spare.

    That sounds yummy, Teresa: I have to admit, I've been spending probably more than an optimal number of my discretionary calories lately on things like craft beer, too. I just try pretty hard not to stint nutrition goals to do it. Being in maintenance, and adding exercise most days, is a help with that.

    On the subject of scales and bodyweight: I think it helps that I'm a pretty unemotional gal, so the scale doesn't normally freak me out at all, but it has been interesting to me to weigh daily under consistent AM conditions. It's something I've done for literally years, even before trying to lose weight. I feel like it gave me a good handle on what causes my own personal body to retain water or otherwise randomly fluctuate (such as high sodium, lots of high-fiber food in a late supper, unusual exercise/activity, etc.), and actually took some of the stress out of the situation, by making it understandable. Often, I can predict fairly closely how much weight gain - that isn't fat 😉 - will show up the morning after some unusual eating or the like.

    Mostly, I pay attention to the trend over multiple weeks: Whether those random fluctuations bumpily head downhill (losing), uphill (gaining), or stay cycling in more or less the same weight region (maintaining). From experience, maintaining or very slow loss/gain can literally take months to become clear, even from the trend. (I do use a weight-trending app, Libra for Android in my case, but even it mis-predicts the longer term trend sometimes. 😆) I'm glad to have been at this calorie-counting thing for a few years now, so have confidence in the process and in what my calorie target should be for the results I'm pursuing.

    Happy Wednesday, everyone!

    Oh, total digression: My tiny cactus (yes, in a triceratops planter I made from a plastic kids' toy) has a tiny white bloom, and more buds coming on. So fun to see, as Winter creeps toward us, here in Michigan!