Help keep losing muscle and gaining fat slow metabolism



  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,839 Member
    Just as a check: is it physically possible to have a normal bmi (TO doesn't say what her bmi is, right?) but 40% fat? I find it difficult to get some meaningful numbers out of calculators, especially as those don't check for a correlation with weight that makes sense. Some bmi vs bodyfat charts certainly don't really go into that range, and if they do then that's severely obese territory. Something must be off.
  • BlueDesire89
    BlueDesire89 Posts: 10 Member
    I have a calibrated scale paid for from a nutritionist. My calories are 1259 cals on workout days. 1000 on weekends as i do nothing but care for my child. Tues and wed depends on intensity of spin/rpm class at home. I have increased these cals and gained weight (i do not want to gain muscle right now my goal is fat loss i have bern a gym junkie for 4 years can only gain muscle on a surplus)

    I did the whole slow cardio after weights DID NOTHING FOR 6 months gained 4 kgs to be precise. This workout is the first time i have lost in a while.

    My workout is too long to write up but targets legs/glutes, back, shoulders, chest, triceps, biceps (not in that order) approx 2 exercise types for each muscle group 3 sets of 8-10 for most 3 sets of 10-15 for others. Eg lat pulldown 35 kgs last rep hard but in good form. Incline chest press dumbbells 12kgs each. Bicep curl ezy barbell 15kgs, leg press 76kgs etc. i make sure my last 2 reps are fatigued if i can do more i up my weights.

    I do not believe in the rubbish lift high reps. Total garbage.

    I have 1.5 hrs only at the gym mon, wed, fri absolutely no other time and my house is too tiny to even do a starjump. Can not workout weekends. So to get all muscles i do full body mon wed and fri if i split it i lose strength and go down in weights. Since doing this i can lift much heavier.

    It takes an hr for the weights because i do have to wait for some equipment and i have such a tiny bladder i pee 4 times in this time. I am working out before any main meal but after i breath into my lumen i will eat a banana if it says to based on intended workout to fuel my muscles. If i dont eat it i struggle. If i consume protein before i struggle immensely like its too heavy on my stomach even if it was a light protein source.

  • BlueDesire89
    BlueDesire89 Posts: 10 Member
    Oh and my hiit isnt a typical workout its the body boss program look it up. Approx 30 mins including stretch and cool down.
  • BlueDesire89
    BlueDesire89 Posts: 10 Member
    How the hell did you guys miss the fact that i fastidiously measure and weigh my food. I have a calibrated scale from a nutritionist. I eat 110grams of protein, 90 grams of carbs, 52 grams of fat on workout days. My meals are boring as. Chicken tenders with steamed brocolli, tablespoon of peanut butter, greek yoghurt with hempseed and chia seeds perfectly measured. Tinned tuna with baby spinach and onion. Nuts, lean meats like eye fillet all fat removed. 5% fat minced beef. Etc etc i always get my protein and fibre.

    If i up my carbs i get racing heart blurry eyes and unable to focus. Once again all test within normal range. Only thing endocrinologist said was my mitochondria was very poor meaning my carb uptake into the muscle was short i cant store enough carbs because my muscle has no room due to poor mitochondria. Hence the lower than normal carb intake. It was worse before the lumen device (look it up).

    Yes i came here hoping someone may have had same experience and can shed a light. Not argue that im just wrong. I believed it was wrong too but i cant do that anymore. Test dont lie especially multiple ones.
  • BlueDesire89
    BlueDesire89 Posts: 10 Member
    edited December 2020
    Ih by the way im premium on my fitness pal i waste so much time logging and tracking my food. By the way i used to be 84kgs i list it all on my own very slowly and properly. Then i injured myself and all things went to hell. I couldnt eat carbs i gained weight fast even though i compensated for having to stop working out until surgery healed. I got to 53kgs thank you very much so obviously i knew what i was doing. But just one day it was like i smelt food and gained weight. Slowly im gaining and now im 61.3. If you want to be supportive great of not go away.

    I can prove it too so whoever disagreed you know nothing about me. I was obese my cholesterol was 7.4 its now 4.8 on my own.
  • BlueDesire89
    BlueDesire89 Posts: 10 Member
    To clarify im in australia very different product here very different doctors and help here. The rmr test was expensive and calibrated regularly. I had to travel hours to get to one. They do not have these in gyms here. Australia has limited options. This rmr test is state of the art machinery for nsw it was the only clinic to do it.

    As for my rer yes i purely burnt carbs because at the time i was doing 16:8 fast and my body did not like fasting longer than 14 hours and my liver would go into overdrive and secrete glucose to compensate. The lumen device has corrected that and im nomally between a 0.7 to .8 now.

    I used to do so much cardio and weights but my cortisol was so high i was told i was stressing my body. I love cardio and weights i hate slow boring time consuming wasting precious time cardio like walking on a treadmill i get bored and lose no weight. Plus im limited for time.

    I burn a pathetic 130 cals for 30 mins of met 10 for my body. So a met level of say 4-6 i burn about 45 cals for 30 mins. I would have to walk for 2 hours to get anything substantial. I need the cals to help with the deficit i hate eating below 1300 cals i used to eat 1580 on deficit and 1998 on maintenance now i just gain so fast on those figures. I am a firm advocate of not starving yourself. But 1259 is such a low amount.i do it but if i eat more i gain. When i eat less i lose but i struggle with nutrient sacrifice.