Just Give Me 10 Days - Rounds 134



  • HoopsGuy72
    HoopsGuy72 Posts: 381 Member
    edited December 2020
    5'11" male
    Highest weight ever: 245.0 (January 2015)
    OSW: 241.0 (7/18/2020)
    OBF%: 29.5 (9/30/2020)
    UGW: One-derland

    R120 EW: 233.6 (-7.4), AW: 235.3 (-5.7)
    R121 EW: 233.4 (-0.2), AW: 233.1 (-2.2)
    R122 EW: 228.4 (-5.0), AW: 230.5 (-2.6)
    R123 EW: 227.2 (-1.2), AW: 227.3 (-3.3)
    R124 EW: 224.4 (-2.8), AW: 226.2 (-1.1)
    R125 EW: 225.4 (+1.0), AW: 226.3 (+0.1)
    R126 EW: 221.4 (-4.0), AW: 224.7 (-1.6)
    R127 EW/EBF%: 222.8 (+1.4)/29.5 (0.0), AW/ABF%: 222.0 (-2.7)/29.55 (+0.05)
    R128 EW/EBF%: 222.4 (-0.4)/29.4 (-0.1), AW/ABF%: 223.0 (+1.0)/29.54 (-0.01)
    R129 (did not track because scale was broken)
    R130 (did not track because scale was broken)
    R131 EW/EBF%: 220.6 (-1.8)/29.1 (-0.3), AW/ABF%: 220.8 (-2.2)/29.08 (-0.46)
    R132 EW/EBF%: 218.0 (-2.6)/28.5 (-0.6), AW/ABF%: 219.2 (-1.6)/28.74 (-0.34)
    R133 EW/EBF%: 218.4 (+0.4)/28.6 (+0.1), AW/ABF%: 218.4 (-0.8)/28.63 (-0.11)

    Total W lost/Total BF% lost: 22.6/0.9
    Average W/BF% lost per round: 1.61/0.13

    Round 134 goal(s): 216.0 (sticking with it!), and exercise at least 3 times during this challenge



  • threewins
    threewins Posts: 1,455 Member
    Round 133 95.0

    3rd 95.8 (salt)
  • amylein
    amylein Posts: 21 Member
    edited December 2020
    Hey everyone -- I'd like to join the fun! I seem to have started talking to myself in my profile diary and I'd rather have folks to chat with and get to know!

    Me: Female, 37, 5'9", Colorado - I've been battling weight since I can remember. Highest weight was ~250 but I've been able to get (and stay) under 200 for quite a while but I'm trending upwards and I need to get things on track! I was hanging around 170-175 for about 6 months then it started going up up up this May. 193.6 today.

    - Check in daily
    - Stick to my macros - high protein (at least 130g), low carb (10 total max), moderate fat (minimum 30, max 40)
    - Get 8+ hours of sleep per night

    Doing these macros for two weeks (11/30 through 12/13) then will re-evaluate; possibly do a week off of low/moderate fat and bump that up to 30 min/90 max. I use https://mariamindbodyhealth.com/calculator/.

    R134 SW: Will input soon! GW: Start weight -3!! EW: TBD!

    Maintaining goal weight: 160-165


    Please add me so I can high five all of your accomplishments as they show up in my feed!! :smiley:
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,036 Member
    edited December 2020
    Lost track of the days!

    💕Thanks Jackie! @GrandmaJackie

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    link to: Waist to Height Ratio

    link to: Waist to Hip Ratio

    link to: Smart BMI Calculator

    link to: US Navy Body Fat Calculator


    Cucumber Detox Water Recipe

    All the CONS of Detox Water That You MUST Know 😉

    Parsley for Water Retention - Fresh Parsley

    Parsley for Water Retention - Dried Parsley

    The Benefits of BASIL
    Are you growing basil this summer? It grows like a weed. I can't use it fast enough!
    Dry Your Basil in the Microwave

    Add basil leaves to your water for a spicy drink or Make Basil Tea

    Do you drink dandelion tea? I drink it intermittently throughout the fall and winter months. I started drinking it four years ago to aid liver function.

    Dandelion Tea Benefits

    Monk Fruit Sweetener

    How to Fix Mineral Deficiencies on Keto

    Intermittent Fasting Patterns for Different Situations


    ●Infused water for fluid retention

    ▪1/2 gallon purified water
    ▪1 cucumber sliced
    ▪2 lemons, sliced or juiced added to water
    ▪10 sprigs of parsley

    ■ Let it steep overnight or for at least 2 hours and drink it throughout the day.

    link to: *Anti-Inflammatory Breakfast Drink

    Flush, Cleanse and Detox Water Recipe from SkinnyMS

    1/2 gallon water
    6 wedges pink grapefruit
    1 tangerine, mandarin, or small orange,sliced
    ½ cucumber, sliced
    2 peppermint or mint leaves

    ~Rinse grapefruit, tangerine, cucumber and mint leaves.
    ~Slice cucumber, grapefruit, and tangerine (or peel).
    ~Combine all ingredients in a half gallon pitcher. Allow the ingredients to sit for 2 hours for maximum benefits.
    ~Drink throughout the day.
    •Stir & Enjoy!

    Give Your Liver Some 💝 Smoothie

    •1 handful ~ *raw kale, any kale
    •1 handful ~ *raw spinach
    •1 cup ~ cilantro or parsley leaves
    •1/2 ~ large avocado
    •1/3 cup ~ unsweetened organic coconut milk (I use Thai Kitchen brand)
    •1 scoop ~ your favorite raw greens powder
    •Stevia, if you need to make it palatable
    •Water or decaf green tea, enough to make it drinkable.
    *or your choice of bitter greens. You can also add turmeric, lemon juice, berries

    Castor Oil Packs
    How To Make A Castor Oil Pack
    Castor Oil Pack for Uterine Fibroids

    What is Berberine?

    Blood Sugar Busting ~ Berberine

    What I've been reading. Maybe it can shed some light on someone else's health and weight loss mysteries.

    8 Signs Adrenal Fatigue is Causing Other Ailments

    How Adrenal Fatigue Causes Weight Gain, Fluid Retention, Exhaustion

    Adrenal Fatigue Recovery

    Avoid This Type of Exercise if You Have Adrenal Fatigue

    7 Foods To Eat to Heal Adrenal Fatigue

    Suffering with knee pain? link to: knee pain explained


    ●This is my breakfast oatmeal replacement on Keto.

    **Keto Seed Porridge ~ 1 serving
    5.2 net carbs ~ 333 calories

    ~1/4 tsp madagascar bourbon vanilla bean paste
    ~1 TB hemp seeds
    ~1 TB flax seed meal
    ~1 TB flax seeds
    ~1 TB chia seeds
    ~cinnamon ~ to taste
    ~4 ozs purified water
    ~1 TB heavy whipping cream
    ~1 TB almond butter

    **Mix first 7 ingredients in a small mason jar. Store in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, pour into a small bowl. Stir in a little more water if necessary along with the heavy whipping cream and almond butter. Heat in the microwave or stove top. *Be sure to add a little more water if heating on stove top.


    Flavor Profiles That Pair Well In Recipes


    Fall Soups and Stews To Keep You Warm

    Healthy Fall Soups and Stews

    15 Warm Salad Recipes

    Healthy Hot Drinks


    Love & Lemons Salad Recipes

    Bonappetit Summer Salad Recipes

    BBC Good Food~Summer Soup Recipes  

    Spoonful of Comfort~Summer Soup Recipes

    Taste of Home~Easy Summer Soup Recipes

    How The HECK Do I Find My Last Post?!

    When you want to find your previous posts on any of the MFP forums, at the top of the Community web page, there is a search link 🔍, tap it or click on it. Scroll down to Author, type in your username, scroll down to Search, tap or click on it. All Forums that you participate in will come up with links to your posts.

    Also, if there is something that you want to find within a particular thread, scroll to the bottom of the page. Under the last post you will see a box titled, Search discussion. Type in what you are looking for.


  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,954 Member
    @amylein I have to ask! Where in Colorado?