Relapsers getting Real Healthy Accountability group- 2020-2021



  • NikaIris
    NikaIris Posts: 42 Member
    Yesterday was a good day in terms of walking (17k steps) and eating, but sadly the scales didn't budge. I stick mostly to eating no chocolate, which is a big relief, because that has always been my biggest weakness.
  • ClearNotCloudyMind
    ClearNotCloudyMind Posts: 238 Member
    Hah! Not only did I not have a mince pie at work today (I’m saving my first taste of mince pie for Xmas worked!)but my DELIGHTFUL husband brought home Waitrose extra special ones last night too which I am studiously ignoring 😩

    Worst thing is I know he got them because he knows I love them and wants to make me happy. My weight has been up and down over our 20+ year relationship and he is very carefully NOT NOTICING that I am eating less and losing weight deliberately. He’s just hugging me a lot.

    @Nikalris congrats on a great day’s walking. The scale will show it. Maybe plan the day you will next have some chocolate. Build it up and look forwards to it. Will make it all the sweeter and help you resist perhaps? That’s what I’m doing with the mince pies!!!

    @flatcoatedR the only thing I can suggest is having a serious chat with yourself and choose whether you lose weight or relax into comfortable old age. Make the choice and then if you do go for weight loss then commit to a realistic 8ish week goal and some behaviours that will help you towards them for just one day (tomorrow). My first goals were to drink a glass of cold tap water each time before eating anything and NO BISCUITS FOR A DAY. Really helped me get started . Updated my goals daily in my diary from then which is motivating. Best of luck!
  • Dukare
    Dukare Posts: 144 Member
    @flatcoatedR my Mother is with me, just turned 70, and she strives for that 30 min activity a day to get her weight down (she weighs less than me now...)- sometimes she has her old age get her and has to just nap all day, but she does small portions, controls how many treats she can have a day (with my help) and then something she will do is Jazzercise in the morning when she has energy or just a stepper few times a day. Just starting 5 min here and there can add up! She has lost 4 lbs since Sept. So proud of her. I believe in you too! Retirement can be rough...

    @ClearNotCloudyMind I have the same issue! My hubby gets me goodies sometimes too and I'm just like: nooo....but also omnomnom haha. We got the Kickboxin on the switch we do together, and he has gracefully taken over baby duty so I can workout - he knows how much I want this and tries to do all he can to help (he knows I keep fluctuating over the years but as long as we are striving and going down/improving in the grand scheme of it all,, we okay, ya?


    I MANAGED to finally get 15 min zumba in before being pooped and having to run in shower for a work meeting. Sometimes just something is better than nothing. Baby steps. Feeling good!
  • HealthyTrent
    HealthyTrent Posts: 157 Member
    Hi everyone! Nice to see folks checking in. :)
    @ClearNotCloudyMind - congrats!! You did amazing saying no!
    @Nikalris - that's a fantastic step count! I imagine at some point your activity will catch up with you and you'll see a drop on the scale.
    @FlatCoatedR - it's so hard to get started - hopefully you can pick one or two things to focus on at first, and then over time you can expand your efforts.
    @Dukare - great job on the zumba!

    I hit my 20 day streak logging on MFP today, and I'm just so happy with myself. I did 2 miles on the treadmill yesterday. I did NOT do a good job about going to sleep when I was supposed to, so I'm still feeling sleep deprived, but I'm determined to catch-up this weekend. I'm so excited for my new desk to get here - it's supposed to arrive Sunday, so that will be a fun project putting it together this weekend.
  • Dukare
    Dukare Posts: 144 Member
    @HealthyTrent way to go! ..I know all about that sleep deprivation 🤣 sleep is such an important component to success- but at least you are still able to workout despite not getting enough! 🥳🥳🤗

    I finally got sleep myself last night, and am feeling better! ...until I log my calories, then I feel fat haha (is crazy how many calories I can take in...). No wonder I'm not losing 😖😩🤔😋.

    Here's to another day of pushing through workouts, eating better and getting that water and sleep in!
  • melichalupa
    melichalupa Posts: 297 Member
    Happy Weekend everyone!
    I am going to try some new tactics this new week to try and stay under my calorie goals and increase my motivation to stay on track with exercise. Meal prepping being the focus this week.
    I have cleaned out my home of extreme snacking foods and I am trying to stay on track before the coming holiday that I know will be hard for me for a couple of days. So, let’s focus friends.
    @HealthyTrent I feel you with the sleep issues! Catching up will really help, spend some time just relaxing at home in your PJs too!
    @ClearNotCloudyMind my husband also has a serious issue with bringing things into the home. I need sometimes to just look the other way as you have been doing and focus on my goals.... so difficult!
    @Dukare I am with you, let’s start fresh each day to reach our goals. One day at a time.
  • HealthyTrent
    HealthyTrent Posts: 157 Member
    Hi everyone! Just doing my daily check in. I stayed in bed till 11am today, but went on to do 4.75 miles on the treadmill between 2 sessions, so I'm at over 17k steps. Woohoo! I picked up a couple of grocery staples and am ready for another week of healthy eating. I made a delicious small egg & veggie casserole this morning that was super easy - looking forward to having the leftovers tomorrow for breakfast. I made a batch of spaghetti tonight, and since it's just me at home it made enough for me to have 4 leftover portions, so those will be part of my eating this week. It's nice to have some meals ready to just re-heat. While the spaghetti isn't the healthiest, it's fine when paired with some veggies and eaten in a controlled portion (I divvied the dinner up into 5 portions immediately before I ate anything).

    @Dukare - glad you caught up on some sleep!
    @melichalupa - sounds like you've got a great plan for the week. :smile:
  • Gold6767
    Gold6767 Posts: 145 Member
    Ditto. I made a lot of progress last year and then covid and work stress and complacency and I gained most of it back. I've been back on track since September and am always looking for friends and people to support. I also joined the biggest loser challenge which helps me with accountability as well. Hope everyone is taking care if Themselves. Feel free to friend me!
  • ClearNotCloudyMind
    ClearNotCloudyMind Posts: 238 Member
    Argh I’ve written two check ins and lost both due to hitting “done” rather than “reply” 😖

    Today wasn’t the best day. I ate pretty much exactly goal calories but that was as breakfast, lunch AND dinner. Usually I skip at least one of the former which makes dinner an easy meal to enjoy. Today I stupidly ate my second Yorkshire pudding and have been feeling nauseous ever since.

    Maybe I’m rubbish at measuring, or counting, because if eating my target feels this awful, I’m not going to enjoy maintenance. Maybe I’ve shrunk my stomach... I don’t know, but it’s going to ruin my Xmas dinner!!!

    @HealthyTrent and @dukare congratulations on your successes. Good luck in your plans @melichalupa and welcome @Gold6767!

    Am off to hug my hot water bottle and look forwards to a fresh and ascetic start to the new week!
  • HealthyTrent
    HealthyTrent Posts: 157 Member
    Hi everyone! Here to check in - last night I was starting to feel a little sad/tired/grumpy and normally I would have gone for whatever food was handy and tasty, but I managed to resist - big victory! I'm slightly frustrated that the scale was *up* this morning when I've been really good the last few days, but I drank extra water today, and I'm assuming it was a fluke. I had a pretty active day today - I did 30 minutes on the treadmill and then spent the afternoon taking apart my old desk & putting together my new one. I ended up at over 13k steps! It was a lot of work, and bring desk parts up and down the stairs, since my office is in the basement.

    @Gold6767 - welcome!
    @ClearNotCloudyMind - everyone has bad days on occasion, but the key is starting fresh tomorrow! Hope tomorrow's a better day for you.
  • melichalupa
    melichalupa Posts: 297 Member
    Check in!
    I have started prepping some soup and fruit salads for today and the rest of the week and am confident I can stay on track this week.
    I hope everyone is doing well, it seems like it will be a gloomy week in NYC but I am hoping this will motivate me to do more self care activities like yoga during the day.
    @HealthyTrent sometimes the scales are just rude, you are doing great!
    @ClearNotCloudyMind sending you some positive vibes! Today is a new day!
  • ClearNotCloudyMind
    ClearNotCloudyMind Posts: 238 Member
    Hah! Thanks for the good vibes @melichalupa and @HealthyTrent. Today was a much better day.

    First day my week at home on “study” and eating stayed pretty much exactly on plan. Did very little exercise so the plan for tomorrow is to cycle into town and get the food shopping for the rest of the week.

    Hoping for 73.5 at the end of the week, which puts me on course for my mini-goal of 73kg by xmas and a dive into my old clothes cupboard as a reward. Staying focused on that!

    Best of luck in NY @melichalupa. Lived there for 3 years back in the 80s so it still feels a bit like home to me. So sad how hard it’s been hit this year 🙁
  • melichalupa
    melichalupa Posts: 297 Member
    @ClearNotCloudyMind Thank you ! I was sad to see my hometown impacted this way and so many people suffering. But like they say, NY Toughness is a very real thing.

    Happy Monday everyone
  • roxinronni
    roxinronni Posts: 20 Member
    edited December 2020
    Hello All, I hope you are all doing well, keeping safe/healthy and that it's okay if I join this group and connect with you all :smile: I have been having a hard time as well like you Rashmi. I totally get where you are coming from and I am happy for us all that we aren't giving up and trying again as hard as it feels going back to square one.

    I suffered from a pretty horrible illness a few years back and am having long-term side effects including less energy and major insomnia, frequent headache just to name a few. This whole Covid situation does make things hard for me as well... I don't know about you guys, but I was going to the gym before this all hit pretty frequently and looked the best I had in a long time. Plus I was eating fairly well. Fast forward to now, I have moved to a newer town with my partner and am feeling pretty isolated not being able to pick up some of my favorite hobbies which are typically grouped based (for example kickboxing), and not having those connections locally. It doesn't help that my partner isn't happy either and mostly plays video games and barley talks to me lately... As you can imagine I have turned to eating more and not being as active (I have just been feeling SO rundown and tired. It's not an excuse I know and being unactive makes it worse). What do you all do to keep yourselves motivated?

    The part that makes me the most mad at myself is I have the means to be healthy (Equipment, a heavy bag, ability to go for a run, free weights and a rack) and I know how to cook well enough, but I feel like I am turning to junk :(

    For me there isn't really any trigger foods other than chocolate or chips. Now I do buy chocolate but my partner keeping bringing home mass bags of chips. How do you all manage when tasty snacks seem to find themselves magically making themselves into your home? The worst part is he knows what I like so I end up eating it too.

    I hope we can all support each other during this time :blush:

  • roxinronni
    roxinronni Posts: 20 Member
    edited December 2020
    @HealthyTrent Awesome Job on the 13,000, that is a great accomplishment :) All the small goals you are accomplishing will add up to the big goal, keep up the good work!
    @melichalupa I hope you don't mind me asking but how do you store your prepped fruits to keep them from going bad faster? The soups are a great idea and something I need to incorporate, especially with the cold weather :blush:
    @Gold6767 Same same with the losing progress, additional stress, work "fun" etc. Let me know if it would be okay to friend you. Biggest loser challenge sounds great, I may check that out, good luck with everything! We can do this!
  • HealthyTrent
    HealthyTrent Posts: 157 Member
    Hi everyone! Checking in for today. Enjoyed my 1st day with my at home sit/stand desk. I definitely had more steps at the end of the workday that I would have otherwise. I can't always stand & work (like if I really need to concentrate hard), but sometimes it works well, and depending on what I'm doing sometimes I'm able to walk in place while working. I walked 15 min at lunch on the treadmill, and am waiting for my dinner to settle before I go back & do another 45 min or so (the length of a tv show), before bed. I made a yummy side dish tonight for dinner - black beans combined with onion and garlic that had been sauteed in butter, plus some spices and spinach that wilted in with the beans. I made enough to have it with a few meals. I'm typically a follow-a-recipe type person, so I'm proud of myself for making this on the fly. I'm trying to reconnect with my enjoyment of delicious home-made meals.

    @melichalupa - good job prepping!
    @ClearNotCloudyMind - glad you had a better day. Sounds like you're setting yourself up for a good week.
    @roxinronni - welcome! Sounds like you already have some ideas on what you can do to get on track.
  • ClearNotCloudyMind
    ClearNotCloudyMind Posts: 238 Member
    Hi and welcome @roxinronni ! I have the same issues with old favourite foods in the cupboard and it’s been the downfall of EVERY previous weight loss attempt. For me it’s not chocolate or crisps (completely off the menu due to migraines). It’s biscuits, mince pies, snack bars. We’re a very active house so carby snacks are a staple.

    It’s been easier to ignore them this time by acknowledging them but knowing they’re not for me. It’s like if there was a pack of cigarettes in the house. A smoker would find them irresistible but I can ignore them easily because I don’t smoke. Same for the snacks. I tell myself I can ignore them because I don’t snack. They’re not for me. And thankfully my husband and kids polish them off quickly!!! Best of luck!
  • melichalupa
    melichalupa Posts: 297 Member
    Checking in:
    My calories were too low with the fruit and soup... so odd because I ate until satisfied. Ugh... sometimes I think the most difficult part of this journey is finding balance. Let’s start AGAIN and get it right.
    I have also been tasked with making about 1000 sugar cookies for a cookie decorating activity for my sisters children for Christmas. (They have enough kids between them that they can start a small school) It was difficult to say no as the Cool Childless Aunt. We will see how this works out for this weekend.
    @roxinronni Welcome! I store most fruits in the fridge before I want them to ripen completely, to prep I cut some fruit and just squeeze some lemon juice on top. That’s enough to keep most fruits looking fresh for at least 2 days.
    @HealthyTrent Great way to make some black beans-I LOVE BEANS ❤️ They are pretty much the perfect food. I am a big fan roasting chickpeas. Try it... you will love it.
  • HealthyTrent
    HealthyTrent Posts: 157 Member
    edited December 2020
    Hi all! checking in during my lunch today instead of end of the day. I ended up doing a total of 3 miles on the treadmill yesterday, which felt great! I'm still generally just walking, but I do get a little jogging in here and there. I was happy to see the scale go down both yesterday & today - I'm now at 12# lost since 11/23 - woohoo! I'm expecting the loss rate to even out/slow over time, but I'm really happy with my progress so far. I'm really hoping to hit 230 by the end of the month (that would be about 8 more lbs down - aggressive, but doable with my current trajectory).

    The one thing I'm still struggling with is getting enough good, quality sleep and being able to wake up early. I'm going to need to really develop a healthy bedtime routine that supports this goal, but change is hard!!

    I'm off to go do 5-10 min on the treadmill to finish up my lunchtime.

    @melichalupa - I've roasted chickpeas before - so good!