(Closed Group) Confidence for Christmas Challenge!



  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    I totally forgot to post my weight Monday! It was 196.4. Sorry about that :(
  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: NO SCALE CHALLENGE:noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:

    I have decided that stepping on the scale every morning is doing NOTHING for my motivation. In fact it is bringing me down on a regular basis. The weird part is that if I step on the scale and see a loss i'm still frustrated because "it's not enough."

    I have challenged myself to only stepping on the scale on MONDAY MORNINGS from here on out. What does the number on the scale really mean anyway? Truthfully, there are days that I wake up feeling great about how I look and feel in the mirror and then I step on the scale and it's shattered by a gain. I'm sick of letting the scale set the tone for my day everyday.

    Who's with me? :drinker:

    Me!!!!! I am so there!!!
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: NO SCALE CHALLENGE:noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:

    I have decided that stepping on the scale every morning is doing NOTHING for my motivation. In fact it is bringing me down on a regular basis. The weird part is that if I step on the scale and see a loss i'm still frustrated because "it's not enough."

    I have challenged myself to only stepping on the scale on MONDAY MORNINGS from here on out. What does the number on the scale really mean anyway? Truthfully, there are days that I wake up feeling great about how I look and feel in the mirror and then I step on the scale and it's shattered by a gain. I'm sick of letting the scale set the tone for my day everyday.

    Who's with me? :drinker:

    meeeeee! i am soooo there!
  • How did everyone do with not stepping on the scale this morning??

    I must admit, i'm a big fat phoney! I didn't muster up the willpower to not do it. It was calling my name from the closet and I gave in. It wasn't even worth it :grumble:

    I have decided that i'm going to do what I have done in the past and give my husband the batteries to the scale. He hides them and only let's me have them on my designated days :blushing:

    Good luck everyone!!!!
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 454 Member
    I didn't do it!!!!!!!!!! I stared at it. But just said no. LOL :)
  • I didn't do it!!!!!!!!!! I stared at it. But just said no. LOL :)

    GOOD FOR YOU!!!! You go gir, it's so hard! I've been stepping on the damn thing everyday for over 2 years now. At least I did manage to get it down to just once a day, when I was first losing I was stepping on it probably 5 times every single day. It was pathetic!
  • So, I went shopping with my Mom last night to Kohl's Department Store. Of course Ella (my 2 year old daughter) left with $200 worth of clothes (for now) and toys for Christmas. My mom bought a few things for herself and then it was, "You ready? Anything you need for you?" The thoughts started racing through my head, I wanted everything... just in a small size :sad: I told her that I was all set and that now wasn't a good time for new clothes. She then realized that she had forgotten to look for pajama pants for herself. We walk down the isle towards the pajama section and THERE IT IS.... The most beautiful Negligee i've ever laid eyes on. Beautiful, silk, white with bold puple and black print, tasteful, romantic... STUNNING. I couldn't take my hands or my eyes off of it. I hadn't bought anything like this since LONG before our wedding 3 years ago. I had to have it, I can't fathom putting myself inside of it's beauty (yet) but it simply must be mine. My Mom, "Would it be weird for me to give this to you for Christmas?" Me, "No, not at all." So there it sit's inside of an ugly Kohl's bag that does it no justice, my inspiration.

    Ladies, I have never wanted to lose weight so badly. I want to knock my husbands socks off on Christmas Night :smokin:

    Oh! And... She bought the beautiful solid bold purple silky mid theigh length robe to go over top of it :heart: :heart:


    THIS GIRL!!!:happy:
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 454 Member
    So, I went shopping with my Mom last night to Kohl's Department Store. Of course Ella (my 2 year old daughter) left with $200 worth of clothes (for now) and toys for Christmas. My mom bought a few things for herself and then it was, "You ready? Anything you need for you?" The thoughts started racing through my head, I wanted everything... just in a small size :sad: I told her that I was all set and that now wasn't a good time for new clothes. She then realized that she had forgotten to look for pajama pants for herself. We walk down the isle towards the pajama section and THERE IT IS.... The most beautiful Negligee i've ever laid eyes on. Beautiful, silk, white with bold puple and black print, tasteful, romantic... STUNNING. I couldn't take my hands or my eyes off of it. I hadn't bought anything like this since LONG before our wedding 3 years ago. I had to have it, I can't fathom putting myself inside of it's beauty (yet) but it simply must be mine. My Mom, "Would it be weird for me to give this to you for Christmas?" Me, "No, not at all." So there it sit's inside of an ugly Kohl's bag that does it no justice, my inspiration.

    Ladies, I have never wanted to lose weight so badly. I want to knock my husbands socks off on Christmas Night :smokin:

    Oh! And... She bought the beautiful solid bold purple silky mid theigh length robe to go over top of it :heart: :heart:


    THIS GIRL!!!:happy:

    This is awesome!

    Great reminder to keep your eyes on the prize!!!!!!!! I want one :)
  • That is a great way to stay motivated! Maybe I should go shopping :happy:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    MrsBrosco - that's AWESOME. That would excite me as well!!! I bought a cute bra & panty set my boyfriend and my first Christmas together at my highest weight and it's been fun to watch how the fit of it changes as I lose weight. I used to fill the bra completely and spill out. Now I fit in it with no cleavage. SAD!!! :sad: lol

    I haven't been checking in like I should but I am doing the work!!! Had a few days of eating WAY over and not working out but I'm back in it. I'm not weighing in until next Friday so I can make sure I get my water weight down and see a LOSS and stay motivated. EXCITED.
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    So, I went shopping with my Mom last night to Kohl's Department Store. Of course Ella (my 2 year old daughter) left with $200 worth of clothes (for now) and toys for Christmas. My mom bought a few things for herself and then it was, "You ready? Anything you need for you?" The thoughts started racing through my head, I wanted everything... just in a small size :sad: I told her that I was all set and that now wasn't a good time for new clothes. She then realized that she had forgotten to look for pajama pants for herself. We walk down the isle towards the pajama section and THERE IT IS.... The most beautiful Negligee i've ever laid eyes on. Beautiful, silk, white with bold puple and black print, tasteful, romantic... STUNNING. I couldn't take my hands or my eyes off of it. I hadn't bought anything like this since LONG before our wedding 3 years ago. I had to have it, I can't fathom putting myself inside of it's beauty (yet) but it simply must be mine. My Mom, "Would it be weird for me to give this to you for Christmas?" Me, "No, not at all." So there it sit's inside of an ugly Kohl's bag that does it no justice, my inspiration.

    Ladies, I have never wanted to lose weight so badly. I want to knock my husbands socks off on Christmas Night :smokin:

    Oh! And... She bought the beautiful solid bold purple silky mid theigh length robe to go over top of it :heart: :heart:


    THIS GIRL!!!:happy:

    When I hit my 50lb weight lose 3 weeks ago I bought a really sexy black negligee! That night hubs took some pictures so I can compare at my goal weight! It was so nice to see myself as sexy! I even did my hair and put on makeup to get the whole effect. It was wonderful and hubs loved it too :blushing: :smooched: :heart:
  • mrspenton2009
    mrspenton2009 Posts: 84 Member
    So, I went shopping with my Mom last night to Kohl's Department Store. Of course Ella (my 2 year old daughter) left with $200 worth of clothes (for now) and toys for Christmas. My mom bought a few things for herself and then it was, "You ready? Anything you need for you?" The thoughts started racing through my head, I wanted everything... just in a small size :sad: I told her that I was all set and that now wasn't a good time for new clothes. She then realized that she had forgotten to look for pajama pants for herself. We walk down the isle towards the pajama section and THERE IT IS.... The most beautiful Negligee i've ever laid eyes on. Beautiful, silk, white with bold puple and black print, tasteful, romantic... STUNNING. I couldn't take my hands or my eyes off of it. I hadn't bought anything like this since LONG before our wedding 3 years ago. I had to have it, I can't fathom putting myself inside of it's beauty (yet) but it simply must be mine. My Mom, "Would it be weird for me to give this to you for Christmas?" Me, "No, not at all." So there it sit's inside of an ugly Kohl's bag that does it no justice, my inspiration.

    Ladies, I have never wanted to lose weight so badly. I want to knock my husbands socks off on Christmas Night :smokin:

    Oh! And... She bought the beautiful solid bold purple silky mid theigh length robe to go over top of it :heart: :heart:


    THIS GIRL!!!:happy:

    Woooo Hooo!!! Talk about inspiration. Your husband is in for the ride of his life...literally. I love lingerie....it's so soft and so sexxy!!! I am very happy for you and I look forward to hearing that you were able to ROCK it on Christmas night.
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    So, I went shopping with my Mom last night to Kohl's Department Store. Of course Ella (my 2 year old daughter) left with $200 worth of clothes (for now) and toys for Christmas. My mom bought a few things for herself and then it was, "You ready? Anything you need for you?" The thoughts started racing through my head, I wanted everything... just in a small size :sad: I told her that I was all set and that now wasn't a good time for new clothes. She then realized that she had forgotten to look for pajama pants for herself. We walk down the isle towards the pajama section and THERE IT IS.... The most beautiful Negligee i've ever laid eyes on. Beautiful, silk, white with bold puple and black print, tasteful, romantic... STUNNING. I couldn't take my hands or my eyes off of it. I hadn't bought anything like this since LONG before our wedding 3 years ago. I had to have it, I can't fathom putting myself inside of it's beauty (yet) but it simply must be mine. My Mom, "Would it be weird for me to give this to you for Christmas?" Me, "No, not at all." So there it sit's inside of an ugly Kohl's bag that does it no justice, my inspiration.

    Ladies, I have never wanted to lose weight so badly. I want to knock my husbands socks off on Christmas Night :smokin:

    Oh! And... She bought the beautiful solid bold purple silky mid theigh length robe to go over top of it :heart: :heart:


    THIS GIRL!!!:happy:

    I hear ya! I have a small drawer of things I could wear 11 years ago, but now they've probably dry-rotted they're so old. My hubby was in the Marine Corps when we married and we were on opposite schedules. I would love to wait up for him in something sexy :devil: (TMI?) Now I cringe thinking of my fat a** in anything resembling sexy.:sad: He said to me today how proud he was of my efforts and he couldn't wait until he could CARRY me off to the bedroom! (again TMI?):blushing: That's my motivation!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    This whole - DON"T STEP ON THE SCALE - business is driving me nuts! Half asleep this morning and I pulled my scale out as usual, stepped on it and when I went to look down I remembered that I wasn't supposed to weigh in. My groggy brain freaked out and I screeched "OH *kitten*!" and tried to scramble off of it before I saw the number resulting in my half falling and making a lot of noise. By oldest boy came running asking if I was ok which proceeded to wake up my 2nd child!:embarassed:
    So now that I've woken up half of my household.... I guess I'll have to remove the scale from the bathroom!:ohwell:

    Hope you guys are having better luck!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    I have to admit that I weighed myself today!
    I feel like getting on the scale everyday is not something I want to fight right now.:ohwell: I am going to only record my weight once a week now though. :happy:

    How is everyone doing?
  • I thought we did out weigh ins on fridays??? maybe I'm off a few days lol
    SW 171
    Last weeks weight 162
    CW 160
    Difference 2 Pounds
    Lows lunch today on such a short break... I ate whatever someone brought me which of course was Mcdonalds I feel kinda ill now so I plan on going swimming after work.
    Highs Seening that drop of 2 ponds this morning! :happy:
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    Hey everyone! Just wanted to write a quick note to let y'all know I'm changing my goals...originally I said I wanted to be under 200 by Christmas (for this challenge), but seeing as it's 9/11 and I'm 213, I think I can make it to 199 by Thanksgiving! So my new Christmas goal is 194 :) It's going to be tough, but I know I can do it, especially with a community like y'all here!

    Anyone else here hoping to get to 199 before 2012?
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    Hey everyone! Just wanted to write a quick note to let y'all know I'm changing my goals...originally I said I wanted to be under 200 by Christmas (for this challenge), but seeing as it's 9/11 and I'm 213, I think I can make it to 199 by Thanksgiving! So my new Christmas goal is 194 :) It's going to be tough, but I know I can do it, especially with a community like y'all here!

    Anyone else here hoping to get to 199 before 2012?

    If anyone can do it, it's you! You've made such amazing progress! Keep it up lady!
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    Hey everyone! Just wanted to write a quick note to let y'all know I'm changing my goals...originally I said I wanted to be under 200 by Christmas (for this challenge), but seeing as it's 9/11 and I'm 213, I think I can make it to 199 by Thanksgiving! So my new Christmas goal is 194 :) It's going to be tough, but I know I can do it, especially with a community like y'all here!

    Anyone else here hoping to get to 199 before 2012?

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    Hey everyone! Just wanted to write a quick note to let y'all know I'm changing my goals...originally I said I wanted to be under 200 by Christmas (for this challenge), but seeing as it's 9/11 and I'm 213, I think I can make it to 199 by Thanksgiving! So my new Christmas goal is 194 :) It's going to be tough, but I know I can do it, especially with a community like y'all here!

    Anyone else here hoping to get to 199 before 2012?

    You can do it girl!!